Top 29 Education Apps Like NIE Well Said - Best Alternatives

NIE Well Said Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NIE Well Said alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to NIE Well Said. Pick one from this list to be your new NIE Well Said app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NIE Well Said on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like NIE Well Said - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NIE Well Said alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like NIE Well Said 2025.

NIE Library

NIE Library

LibGO! is created for NIE Library members to access library services and information anytime, anywhere at their convenience. NIE Library members can search the catalogue, access E-Resources, access their library accounts, renew loans, reserve materials, check out events and announcements...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE mGeo

NIE mGeo

NIE mGeo allows you to save your geographical location information, photos and video onto the map. Login credentials are provided to NIE students from their lecturers if they are using the app for their lessons. This will allow the...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE Mobile

NIE Mobile

NIE Mobile is created for visitors, staff and students of NIE to keep abreast about the activities relating to the institute. The intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to navigate and obtain the information that they...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore


NIE CLUES (Collaborating & Learning through Understanding Environments by Sharing) is a location-based learning app that caters for oritentation trail games (e.g Scavenger or Treasure hunts) or for context-aware mLearning. With the GPS feature, learners are able to collaboratively...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE Harmonia-on-the-Go

NIE Harmonia-on-the-Go

Harmonia-on-the-Go allows users to create chord progressions in a progressively more advanced manner and receive immediate text-based feedback on whether the progression created is grammatically sound. Once downloaded on the mobile, it can be used offline 24/7. However, as a...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
Denver Post NIE

Denver Post NIE

Denver Post's "Newspaper in Education" (NIE) has been an award-winning program for more than 30 years. The purpose of the program is to nurture future newspaper readers and to promote literacy and civic awareness. NIE teachers and their students can have free...

Price: Free Developer: The Denver Post


Analyze, visualize, and store water quality data for your study sites. Compare results with friends from around the world! Perfect for class projects. Features: • Georeference and map your sample sites using unique water drop pins. • Input, store, and retrieve data...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
Czytający Pociąg - Darmowy

Czytający Pociąg - Darmowy

Przetestowany przez dzieci i zaakceptowany przez nauczycieli kompletny program do nauki czytania, w którym dziecko nabywa podstaw umiejętności czytania, a stopniowo również dochodzi do samodzielności w czytaniu, samodzielnie składa sylaby, poszerza zasób słownictwa, nabiera pewności siebie i … uwielbia...

Price: Free Developer: The Learning Station, LLC
Plan Lekcji - dla UCZNIA Pro

Plan Lekcji - dla UCZNIA Pro

Dla uczniów TYPOWEJ POLSKIEJ SZKOŁY! Simple app to manage lessons for POLISH STUDENTS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wersja PRO w stosunku do wersji FREE jest rozszerzona o możliwość dołożenia do planu dnia zajęć pozalekcyjnych takich jak: tenis, pianino, basen, harcerstwo, język angielski itp. Również w...

Price: Free Developer: Krzysztof Lech
Well Control Killsheet

Well Control Killsheet

Now designed for deviated wells and compatible for land, offshore surface, and subsea, with a flexible, easy-to-use interface. - Built for deviated wells - Estimates kill parameters and provides step-down chart based on input data - Employs interchangeable unit selection, customized...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Wild Well Control
Well Grounded

Well Grounded

Well Grounded is designed for Parents with kids of all ages, providing them with an effective tool for disciplining their kids. As parents, you would have had some experience with challenging situations, like defiance , lack of cooperation, tantrums...

Price: Free Developer: ENAAYAH Software Development and Services Private Limited
Well Control Simulator: IADC

Well Control Simulator: IADC

Welcome to the well control simulator of the future! IADC approved for use in WellSharp Well Control courses as a replacement to traditional well control simulators. Accessible for Practice on iPhone, iPad, and Web. Accessible for IADC WellSharp Assessment...

Price: Free Developer: LEARN TO DRILL, LLC
Get Well Soon Hospital with Dr Ranj

Get Well Soon Hospital with Dr Ranj

Let your kids visit the Get Well Soon Hospital for a day! Take the lift to a floor and learn about the heart, lungs, brain, bones, and tummy. Examine five different patients in a fun scanning activity, watch videos,...

Price: Free Developer: Plug-in Media
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

A leading psychology journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone: “Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of theoretical papers, model intervention programs, case studies, debates, and reviews. Enjoy an entirely new browsing...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Know Your Well

Know Your Well

“Know Your Well” is a Nebraska Environmental Trust-funded project training high school students how to sample and test well water quality. This project runs between 2017 and 2020 and expects to connect with 16 schools across Nebraska. Students will compare their...

Price: Free Developer: Ashok Samal
Well Space

Well Space

Well Space - A wellness app created by educators for educators. Well Space is an online wellness community where educators come to get ongoing support and learn daily habits and routines that lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle. Teachers...

Price: Free Developer: Good Karma Enterprises, LLC
Guard Well

Guard Well

Guard Well is the leader in Identity Theft Resolution. The Guard Well App empowers Guard Well customers to take action when needed with a click of the button. In addition Guar Well provides updated content monthly. Identity theft cannot be...

Price: Free Developer: DATA DESIGN SYSTEMS LLC
Spell Well Lite

Spell Well Lite

FREE educational game for children that teaches spelling and handwriting. Help Wordy the frog build a beautiful magic garden by spelling words correctly. Spelling Frog Wordy is sad, his garden is very empty. Please help him. You can do...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkling Apps
Quiz Well Control

Quiz Well Control

Well control is essential for every drilling company and it is imperative that training be delivered in the most efficient way possible, to enable employees to pass the necessary exams and work in a safe manner. With this in...

Price: Free Developer: Zulkernain Javed Raja
I Said This, You Heard That

I Said This, You Heard That

Watch all six video sessions of the "I Said This, You Heard That" study to learn a simple framework that will instantly improve your communication. FEATURES: • 6 video sessions to watch on your own or with a study group • 5...

Price: Free Developer: North Point
What's Being Said? Fun Deck

What's Being Said? Fun Deck

This colorful educational app for the iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch® has all 52 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card text) from the What’s Being Said? Fun Deck® by Super Duper® Publications. Select the cards you...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
LeespuntNL - De vlucht van Saïd

LeespuntNL - De vlucht van Saïd

De vlucht van Saïd - Saïd's Flight: This is a story about Saïd, an Iraqi refugee, who moves into the student house. Saïd has a hard time feeling at home in The Netherlands. This App is part of the reader series...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Intertaal


Berechnung der Verankerungs- und Übergreifungslängen für Rippenstähle (Normalbeton, ø ≥ 32mm, BSt 500 S) nach Eurocode 2 DIN EN 1992-1-1 mit Nationalem Anhang für Deutschland

Price: Free Developer: Ihab Said
Budget Challenge

Budget Challenge

This App is free and works with the Paid version of Budget Challenge ($20/student). Overview: Budget Challenge® is an award-winning and patented program that actually SHOWS young people how to manage money in a real life setting. We use...

Price: Free Developer: ProperLiving, LLC


This app is based on the book Kanz-ul-Atfaal (The Children's Treasure) authored by Dr. Faisal Az-Zanami Al-Wadiee who is a student of noble scholar of Yemen Al-Allamah Muqbil Ibn Hadiee Al-Wadiee rahimahullah. The App contains more than 1500 questions with...

Price: Free Developer: SALIM NoorMohamed
Nativox: Improve your english

Nativox: Improve your english

Frustrated of not understanding native speakers? Tired of not being understood well in english? Do you think a tutor would help you? If so, keep reading, this is for you. We all know that the best way to speak well...

Price: Free Developer: Diana Orero Cossin
Three Little Pigs (FREE)  - Jajajajan Kids Songs & Coloring picture books series

Three Little Pigs (FREE) - Jajajajan Kids Songs & Coloring picture books series

Moving! Jajajajan Series are educational apps that let's children and grownups watch, read, listen, dance and sing along to animated stories and songs from around the world. - Folktale Title Three Little Pigs - Story Once upon a time were three little...

Price: Free Developer: FORii, lnc.
Sky Pods in Phnom Penh

Sky Pods in Phnom Penh

Educational fun, ‘Sky Pods in Phnom Penh’, the story a young girl engineer. This game is based on the book ‘Sky Pods in Phnom Penh’ which tells the story of how a young girl with great idea became a real...

Price: Free Developer: Rotati LTD

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