Do you want to find the best Check-It! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Check-It!. Pick one from this list to be your new Check-It! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Check-It! on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Check-It! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Check-It! 2025.
Lunch-Check is the most delicious currency in Switzerland with over 8,000 acceptance points in the catering sector. Use the app to check out where you can redeem your Lunch-Check credit, how much is still available on your card or...
Are you new to the Hay Diet and are you looking for a tool that supports you at choosing groceries? Then TK Check might be right for you and your iPhone or iPod touch. Even if you already...
With the Plan Check mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and then sit...
ONE TAP TALKING KITCHEN TIMER (with multiple timers running at the same time) This app is a perfect tea timer or pasta cooking timer. The best way to use this app: start up the timers you need, and stop the app....
Alcohol Check is the entertaining Alcohol Calculator. After you enter gender, weight and consumed beverages the Alc Check calculates alcohol content. The alcoholic beverages can by chosen from the growing database or you can simply create and enter your own...
Mit CHECK HACCP brauchen die dokumentationspflichtigen Daten nicht mehr mit Zettel und Stift manuell dokumentiert werden. Über die CHECK HACCP App und einem bluetooth fähigen Kerntemperaturfühler werden sämtlich erfassten Daten digital in der CHECK CLOUD bei der Deutschen Telekom...
Focusing on faster, easier Untappd check-ins, BeerSwift is optimized for experiences! At breweries, enjoy relaxed tastings with friends. At beer festivals, track large amounts of beer amidst big crowds and slow or no Internet. At parties, avoid...
**As featured in Fortune magazine, NPR, Fast Company, Wired, Parade, Cool Material, Paste, Stupid Dope, Hi Consumption, The Drink Nation, and hundreds of beer blogs!** Genuine craft beer is hard to find. You might not know it, but most of...
CHECK MY MENU est une application adaptée à tout type de profil. Elle permet aux clients potentiellement intolérants aux allergènes de trouver des restaurants à proximité proposant des recettes adaptées. C’est aussi l’application qui vous permet de trouver un...
I Do it ti permette di ordinare in autonomia al ristorante/bar, rimanendo seduto al tuo tavolo e senza dover aspettare il cameriere. Ordinare self-made è facile: - scansione il QR Code che trovi sul tuo tavolo - sfoglia il menù ed aggiungi...
I Do It Orders ti permette di gestire facilmente il tuo locale/ristorante e di ricevere le ordinazioni self-made fatte dai tuoi clienti tramite l'app I Do It. I Do It Orders offre un servizio completo, che ti permette di monitorare... Spesa Online Scopri com’è comodo, facile e veloce fare la spesa con Iperal Spesa Online! Trovi la stessa qualità e la stessa convenienza dei nostri negozi Iperal. Scegli il servizio (ritiro in negozio o consegna a domicilio), giorno e ora...
** Aggiunti nuovi punti vendita ** Disponibile consegna a domicilio! Consulta la lista delle zone di consegna disponibili e dei punti vendita aderenti al seguente indirizzo: Non sopporti le code al supermercato, soprattutto non sopporti attendere il tuo turno al banco...
Find, save, organize, and share your favorite recipes from around the web with the Pinch It!™ Recipe Box app! It’s never been easier to save your favorite recipes in one place - plus the Recipe Box is cloud-based, so you... è l'app che ti permette di fare la spesa online in pochi click. Scegli tra oltre 3000 prodotti eno-gastronomici di qualità e fai spazio nella tua dispensa! Con oltre 10000 clienti attivi in tutta europa è il... è il food delivery innovativo senza limiti di DISTANZA. Nasce dall’idea di accorciare le distanze tra i clienti e i migliori ristoranti con un sistema “order and delivery”, attraverso l’uso della tecnologia e il mondo dei social.
It's - Sushi e Robata è un ristorante giapponese situato a Napoli in zona San Pasquale, quartiere Chiaia. Da oggi con l'App "It's" potrai ordinare tutto ciò che vuoi direttamente dal tuo cellulare sfogliando il Menù e decidere se...
Just Split It is an app that allows you to split the bill and pay at a restaurant. Claim what you had and Split what you shared, it’s that simple. Let us do the math, so you can pay...
Place your order now with the SouvLike It iPhone app. SouvLike It in Barnet serves the best of Souvlakis, Gyros & Greek Takeaway.
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