Top 19 Utilities Apps Like Source University - Best Alternatives

Source University Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Source University alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Utilities apps that are similar to Source University. Pick one from this list to be your new Source University app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Source University on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Source University - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Source University alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Source University 2025.

Open Source

Open Source

A launch pad for developers to test and promote new features. ******************************************************* This open source app was created to allow developers to self-promote homebrew technologies. View the source and contribute your own demos at: ******************************************************** Disclaimer: We are in no way associated with...

Price: Free Developer: Emma Technologies, L.L.C.
Torque Source

Torque Source

Snap-on “Torque Source” is a convenient resource tool for torque wrench users. This app includes two torque calculators, one for torque unit of measure conversion and another for adjusting the torque wrench setting when using an adapter – and...

Price: Free Developer: Snap-on
Ag Water

Ag Water

*OVERVIEW* The Produce Safety Rule (PSR) requires growers to initially establish a Microbial Water Quality Profile (MWQP) for each untreated surface agricultural water source used during growing activities of covered produce (other than sprouts). The PSR must be applied...

Price: Free Developer: University of Arizona
AVK Toolbox

AVK Toolbox

The AVK app is a tool, both for internal and external use. The variety of functions will be described here in this guide. The calculating functions are: - Flow calculator - Water loss calculator - Pressure loss calculator - Power consumption calculator - Emission calculator...

Price: Free Developer: AVK Holding A/S
Integra VoIP

Integra VoIP

** Attention: In order to function properly, Integra VoIP needs Integra SIP Server. For further information about Integra VoIP and Integra SIP server please follow support link. Integra VoIP is a FREE softphone application for VoIP calls over WiFi and...

Price: Free Developer: FREUND
Dension DAB control

Dension DAB control

Dension DAB control Use your smartphone to listen and manage your favourite DAB radio stations! The ‘Dension DAB control’ is an easy-to-use DAB application for DAB+A and DAB+M devices. After installing your DAB device properly, let the application connect to...

Price: Free Developer: DENSION Audio Systems
Flashlight! Lite

Flashlight! Lite

Amazing Flashlight is a beautifully customizable flashlight simulator with features and content unmatched by any other flashlight application in the AppStore. ✔ Customizable color scroll bar: choose the perfect color from thousands of available colors ✔ Customizable luminance scroll bar: brighten...

Price: Free Developer: Sticky Ice Games
GameServer Remote Control

GameServer Remote Control

GSRC is a RCON and Query tool to help administrating gameservers or just watch server-infos. Click more for supported game infos! Key Features: Manage Servers Kick Players Ban Players Change Maps Check and Change Rules Rcon-Console with logging function for many games Chat-Console for source-engine games Automatically...

Price: Free Developer:
iSource Browser

iSource Browser

iSource Browser is a source-aware web browser for the iPhone & iPad. It is a fully functional web browser with the following additional features: - HTML source view - WHOIS lookup - DIG lookup - HOST lookup - HTTP Headers - all...

Price: Free Developer: Gamu apps
Maastricht University Open Day

Maastricht University Open Day

Several times a year Maastricht University organises open days for prospective bachelor's and master's students. These events take place in the Spring and Fall. During these events we try to provide you with a clear idea about our university,...

Price: Free Developer: Maastricht University
HUB(Hoseo University Bus)

HUB(Hoseo University Bus)

호서대학교 학생들이 버스 이용을 개선하고자 만든 'HUB' Hoseo University Bus System --공통-- 1) 포털 ID, PW 사용 (회원가입 X) 2) 통학버스와 셔틀버스 실시간 공지 기능 --통학버스-- 1) 좌석 예약 시스템 2) QR 티켓 시스템 2) 통학버스 시간표 및 탑승지역 확인 --셔틀버스-- 1) 탑승 QR 2) 셔틀버스 시간표 사용하시면서 불편한점들은 카카오플러스친구에 문의해주시면...

Price: Free Developer: Hoseo University
Hokkaido University WebDAV Storage

Hokkaido University WebDAV Storage

このアプリは北海道大学情報基盤センター大型計算機システムの「WebDAVストレージ」サービスをiOSで利用するためのものです。利用登録されたユーザ様は追加負担金なく100GBまで利用することができます。 また、追加負担金を支払うことにより1TB単位で容量を増やすこともできます。 機能 北海道大学情報基盤センター WebDAVストレージ(IIC Storage)に保存されたファイルへのアクセス及びにURL Link等でシェアする事が可能です。

Price: Free Developer: National University Corporation Hokkaido University
NU Phonebook

NU Phonebook

National University Phonebook App is for the teacher, student, employee of National University. It's contain all information about employee and teachers. It will help people to find all contact information about national university.

Price: Free Developer: National University
NU College

NU College

National University College App is for the College registers with National University. It's contain College information, college list, exam schedules, form fill-up, enrolled student, inquiry form, course curriculum, mark entry affiliated subjects, notification, FAQs etc.

Price: Free Developer: National University
NU Teacher App

NU Teacher App

National University Teacher App is for the teacher who work in National University. It's contain teacher information, examiner request, registration list, profile update, notification for teacher, FAQs, Scrutinize statement etc.

Price: Free Developer: National University
Rock Art Care

Rock Art Care

The Rock Art CARE app has been designed to record the condition and management status of open-air rock art, also known as cups and rings, in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, although it can be used and...

Price: Free Developer: University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Bean Cam

Bean Cam

This app will calculate plant stand (plant population) by averaging five plant count samples randomly taken within a soybean field at the VC, V1 or V2 growth stage. The app will then use your field average stand value to...

Price: Free Developer: University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program
Crop Calculators

Crop Calculators

Crop Calculators is an app that helps corn growers calculate corn grain yields, maturity dates, and silage price adjustments. The formulas used are based on University of Wisconsin agronomy specialists' research.

Price: Free Developer: University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program

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