Top 36 Education Apps Like T-45 OPs & EPs - Best Alternatives

T-45 OPs & EPs Alternatives

Do you want to find the best T-45 OPs & EPs alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Education apps that are similar to T-45 OPs & EPs. Pick one from this list to be your new T-45 OPs & EPs app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to T-45 OPs & EPs on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like T-45 OPs & EPs - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid T-45 OPs & EPs alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like T-45 OPs & EPs 2025.

ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.


t-MBA Digital is an online, gamified, personalized version of the t-MBA model. It is personalized so that each user* takes an enneagram personality test at the beginning of the process. With the results of the test, t-MBA then allocates...

Price: Free Developer: Doga Koleji


T-SAT(SoFTNET) is an initiative from the Department of Information Technology, Electronics and Communications of the Govt of Telangana State to provide quality education harnessing the potential of satellite communications and Information Technology. T-SAT uses GSAT 8 Satellite and telecasts four...

Price: Free Developer: Society for Telangana State Network
Teachers Research Exch (T-REX)

Teachers Research Exch (T-REX)

A social network for Irish teachers and other educational researchers. The Teachers' Research Exchange (T-REX) is a place where teachers, students, and other educational professionals in Ireland can come together to talk, collaborate, and learn from one another. To use...

Price: Free Developer: Research Expertise Exchange
T&T Homed in

T&T Homed in

T&T Homed in is the online homework app for students of Tweens & Teens courses at Kids&Us school of English. If you are a parent or student of Tweens & Teens courses at a Kids&Us language school, download the...

Price: Free Developer: Kids&Us
T&T Tuned in: T1

T&T Tuned in: T1

T&T Tuned in is a new app for students of Tweens & Teens courses at Kids&Us school of English. If you are a parent or student of Tweens & Teens courses at a Kids&Us language school, download the app to...

Price: Free Developer: Kids&Us
T&T Tuned in: TW4

T&T Tuned in: TW4

T&T Tuned in is a new app for students of Tweens & Teens courses at Kids&Us school of English. If you are a parent or student of Tweens & Teens courses at a Kids&Us language school, download the app to...

Price: Free Developer: Kids&Us
T-Box App

T-Box App

Por medio de T-Box App las instituciones educativas pueden compartir de forma sencilla e inmediata información de interés para los miembros de su comunidad, principalmente con los padres y madres de familia. ¿Hay una noticia que compartir con toda...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNOLOGY BOX, INC.
T.I.P. ARIS Mobile

T.I.P. ARIS Mobile

The Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.), one of the country's leading schools in Engineering and Computing education, proudly introduces the mobile version of its Academic and Registration Information System (ARIS). ARIS Mobile is a user-friendly mobile app that allows...

Price: Free Developer: Technological Institute of the Philippines
T.O.Y ( Teach Our YoungOnes ) - Free PreSchool Educational Learning Games For Toddlers And Kindergarten Kids With Birds and Animals sounds

T.O.Y ( Teach Our YoungOnes ) - Free PreSchool Educational Learning Games For Toddlers And Kindergarten Kids With Birds and Animals sounds

If you think your child or young sibling learns faster when presented with visual and audible learning techniques, then this app is for you. “T.O.Y” uses mnemonics to a whole new level specifically designed to enhance children’s understanding of...

Price: Free Developer: rana hamad khan
45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT

45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT

App này được tổng hợp từ cuốn sách nổi tiếng gồm 2 tập ở link - Cuốn sách nay gồm 2 tập được chia thành 45 ngày học với 45 bài học. gồm đầy đủ các chữ kanji và âm...

Price: Free Developer: My Nguyen


日常生活中,你是否苦恼过小朋友问的这些问题: · 这是什么东西呀? · 星空都有什么呢? · 宇航员可以在太空飞行吗? 45度,是一款帮助小朋友自主认识世界的学习工具,利用多种互动方式帮助小朋友认识世界、探索世界。 【产品特色】 · 看世界 - 万物皆为师,处处皆可学。拍下照片,我们就能告诉你“是什么”、“为什么”,更为你准备了精彩的小知识、小故事哦。 · 去哪儿 - 你是否对外面世界充满好奇呢?精心设计的多种场景:星空、海底、极地、雨林,快来探索吧! · 写日记 - 以孩子为主体,家长为辅导,帮助小朋友养成记录生活、记录心情的习惯。 · 家长中心 - 根据小孩的使用习惯,分析其综合能力以及学习情况。 【联系我们】 微信公众号:45度亲子圈

Price: Free Developer: group cbk


«ABAI 45» — это уникальная аудио-версия знаменитого произведения Абая Кунанбаева «Книга слов», созданная при участии молодых кинематографистов и актеров Казахстана. Офицальный сайт:

Price: Free Developer: Baglan Dosmagambetov
KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida

KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida

KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida is introducing school management ERP with sole purpose to connect the parents with various information of their child like various events, notices, activities, important numbers, attendance, transport, hostel, timetable, class note, homework, documents, library, photo...

Price: Free Developer: Dipyaman Baral
NRS Learning Zone

NRS Learning Zone

Negocios de Restauración del Sur (NRSur) nació en el año1993 en Andalucía operando siempre en el sector de la restauración rápida. La Compañía cuenta en la actualidad con 45 establecimientos BURGER KING repartidos por toda la geografía andaluza, lo que...

Price: Free Developer: NRSUR
Onlineverdan Exam

Onlineverdan Exam

About Online Test Series: Online Test Series is designed considering the current trend of actual examination. The test papers are developed by R&D wing of Onlineverdan which include experienced faculties, professors from reputed colleges/universities and GATE, ESE, SSC-JE & Public...

Price: Free Developer: R K Infotech
School Administrative Unit 45

School Administrative Unit 45

With the School Administrative Unit 45 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Moultonborough School District
Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

This Game offers a quick and easy way to practice and memorize the trigonometric ratios of the special angles: 30°, 45°, 60°. It is helpful to have the exact values of sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Faruk Ekiz
Memento Kanji Découverte

Memento Kanji Découverte

Les Kanji ont mauvaise réputation. Ne vivant pas dans un "Univers de signes", les Occidentaux n'ont pas, en général, développé leur mémoire visuelle. Ce qui rend ces très nombreux signes difficiles à mémoriser. Pour vous aider dans votre apprentissage, nous...

Price: Free Developer: FransOrienT
GS MCAT General Chemistry

GS MCAT General Chemistry

Gold Standard MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) General Chemistry flashcards application contains the most tested MCAT General Chemistry topics and concepts summarized using 107 high quality probing questions that are divided into 3 categories: Basic, Most Tested and MCAT...

Price: Free Developer: Ruveneco Incorporated
Madagascar Math Ops

Madagascar Math Ops

*** #1 Education app in 28 countries *** * “a great, fun, entertaining math game app that will appeal to all kids …. even those that do not like math!” – Fun Educational Apps * "…a fantastic app that will...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Knowledge Adventure
Madagascar Math Ops Lite

Madagascar Math Ops Lite

*** The FIRST mobile game starring the Madagascar Penguins *** The Zoosters, Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria, are in trouble, and it’s up to your child and the Penguins to save the day! Your child will help Skipper,...

Price: Free Developer: Knowledge Adventure


Have a few minutes to get in a quick study session but don’t have your flashcards with you? Not any more! With this mobile education application, you’ll be able to study or refresh your knowledge anytime you...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: David Spicer
T-44 OPs & EPs

T-44 OPs & EPs

Have a few minutes to get in a quick study session but don’t have your flashcards with you? Not any more! With this mobile education application, you’ll be able to study or refresh your knowledge anytime you...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: David Spicer
T6A (USAF) OPs & EPs

T6A (USAF) OPs & EPs

Have a few minutes to get in a quick study session but don’t have your flashcards with you? Not any more! With this mobile education application, you’ll be able to study or refresh your knowledge anytime you...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: David Spicer
T6A (USN) OPs & EPs

T6A (USN) OPs & EPs

Have a few minutes to get in a quick study session but don’t have your flashcards with you? Not any more! With this mobile education application, you’ll be able to study or refresh your knowledge anytime you...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: David Spicer
Indonesian Spy: Jakarta Ops Pro

Indonesian Spy: Jakarta Ops Pro

The world is in danger, and we need you to learn Indonesian. Indonesian Spy is a language learning game that introduces a unique approach to learning the Indonesian language. Learning new words and phrases has never been this much fun....

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Overpass Limited
OPS - eLearning

OPS - eLearning

OPS eLearning allows you to manage and view your courses and e-learning presentations on your iPad. The downloaded content is available offline, so you can access it wether the internet connection is poor or unavailable. During the internet disconnection, the application...

Price: Free Developer: UNIVAIR SERVICES
OPS eLearning

OPS eLearning

OPS eLearning allows you to manage and view your courses and e-learning presentations on your iPad. The downloaded content is available offline, so you can access it wether the internet connection is poor or unavailable. During the internet cuts, the application...

Price: Free Developer: UNIVAIR SERVICES
EPS Mysuru

EPS Mysuru

"EPS Mysuru", an Augmented Reality app that works in conjunction with Excel Public Schools' year book. The pages in the book come to life. Users can download the app to watch videos and photo slideshow of various events and...

Price: Free Developer: Excelsoft
EPS Topik Learn and Test

EPS Topik Learn and Test

EPS Topik Learn and Test We was designed for people who want to work in Korea. Start preparing EPS-TOPIK anytime anywhere. EPS-TOPIK includes: • 2000 Questions reading. • Optimized Question with photo • 1000 Words Topik • 50 Video teaching korean basic. • 80 Video teaching...

Price: Free Developer: Le Duy
EPS – Tournois & Poule

EPS – Tournois & Poule

L’application « EPS – Tournois & Poule » est destinée aux enseignants d’Education Physique et Sportive, aux professeurs des écoles et aux animateurs d’associations sportives. Cette application permet avec UNE SEULE TABLETTE de gérer vos tournois fonctionnant sous forme de poules (groupe...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Génération 5


EPS APPEL est une application qui regroupe toutes les fonctions d'un carnet de bord et bien plus encore! Cette application est destinée à tous les professeurs et est optimisée pour les enseignants d'EPS. Faites l'appel de votre classe en quelques secondes,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yannick Boisseau


Cette application a été développée par un professeur d'EPS. Elle regroupe les fonctions des trois applications suivantes: EPS DIS pour iphone EPS VMC pour iphone Temps de passage pour Iphone Que ce soit dans un cycle de course en durée (CP5 lycée) ou...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yannick Boisseau


Cette application a été conçue par un enseignant d'EPS pour des enseignants d'EPS. Elle permet, après avoir construit une fiche à l'aide d'objets fournis (notes, moyenne, barrettes de niveau, barrettes de maîtrise, case à cocher, photo de l'élève,...) d'enregistrer toutes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yannick Boisseau

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