Top 30 Education Apps Like Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D - Best Alternatives

Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D. Pick one from this list to be your new Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Sana Cards: Baqsha 4D 2025.



Explore, analice e incida en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de los municipios de Guatemala con SANA GT y apoye el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población. SANA GT incluye información sobre la desnutrición crónica y...

Price: Free Developer: USAID / HEP+
Kursbudur Kurs Veren

Kursbudur Kurs Veren kurs veren mobil uygulamasıyla hesabını yönetmen artık çok daha kolay. Kurs veren uygulamasıyla kurs arayanlara anında teklif verebilir, onlarla mesajlaşabilir ve anlaşmaya varabilirsin. Yüzlerce kategoride kurs taleplerinden sana uyan ve en yakın olanları ulaştırıyoruz. Cep telefonuna gelen bildirimler sayesinde artık...

Price: Free Developer: İmece Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi


Raunt Cep Uygulaması, istediğin an istediğin her yerde çalışabilmen için tamamen yenilendi! RAUNT CEP UYGULAMASI YKS’ye hazırlanan herkese, istediği üniversite ve bölümü kazandırmak için tasarlanan Türkiye’nin ilk ve tek kişiselleştirilmiş üniversiteye hazırlık çözümü Raunt, üniversiteye hazırlığı cebine getiriyor. Raunt, üniversiteye...

ingilizce Kelime Ezber

ingilizce Kelime Ezber

İstediğin kadar kelime kaydedip, dilediğini ezber yapabileceğin bir yabancı kelime ezberleme uygulaması. Adam asmaca, harf bulmaca, eşleştirme, test ve yazı seçenekleri ile eğlenerek kelime ezberleyebilirsin. 'KELİMELER' bölümüne, kendin için ne istersen.. Sınırlama olmadan, dilediğin kadar kelime kaydet.. Dilediğin kelimeleri...

Price: Free Developer: Bunyamin Yasar
Predictable Suomi

Predictable Suomi

Ennustettavissa, multi-palkinnon voittanut app antaa äänen ihmisille! Suunniteltu lukutaito henkilöille, jotka ovat menettäneet mahdollisuuden puhua; mahdollista aivojen vamma, MND, laryngektomian, aivohalvaus, apraxia tai aivojen loukkaantumisen takia. Käyttämällä uusinta sana ennustus tekniikkaa app. puhumista teksti perustuu viestin helppoa. Mukana maailmanluokan ohjelmisto, joka oppii...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Radio Uncion Fe y Poder

Radio Uncion Fe y Poder

Radio Unción Fé y Poder es un ministerio sin fines de lucro fundado para la Gloria y honra de nuestro Dios y Salvador. Éste ministerio ha sido respaldado con milagros y prodigios y nuestro propósito es proclamar a las...

Price: Free Developer: Joel Maldonado


Otel konforunda, ev sıcaklığında… Burası Republika… Üniversite yılların boyunca sana ihtiyaç duyduğun her şeyi sunan çok boyutlu, çok keyifli bir yaşam kompleksi… Yeni hayatına başlarken Republika’yı seçmek için öyle çok nedenin var ki… Republika’nın modern tasarımlı konforlu...

Price: Free Developer: Karip Network
Soru Hafızam | YKS KPSS DGS

Soru Hafızam | YKS KPSS DGS

Düşünsene gerçek sınava girdin, karşına bir soru çıktı ve dedin ki "İnanmıyorum! Ben bu soruyu deneme sınavında görmüştüm." Harika olmaz mı? YKS Türkiye 1.lerini, başarılı olanları görüyoruz, izliyoruz. Youtube'da onlarca video var ve tüm bu başarılı öğrenciler denemelerin ve tekrar...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Burak Yilmaz
Tercih Robotu - YKS TYT AYT

Tercih Robotu - YKS TYT AYT

Karmakarışık tercih robotlarından, tercih motorlarından bıktığını biliyoruz. Senin için çalıştık ve en kolay kullanımlı tercih robotunu yaptık. Tercihlerini akıllı filtre özelliğiyle kolayca yap. Tercih Listene ekle, sıralamaları değiştir. Listeni göndermeden önceden, arkadaşlarınla ve ailenle paylaş. Bölümlere tıklayarak daha detaylı bilgileri alabilirsin,...

Price: Free Developer: Furkan ERKORKMAZ
ADAT Anatomy Cram Cards

ADAT Anatomy Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Biochemistry Cram Cards

ADAT Biochemistry Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Dental Anatomy Cram Cards

ADAT Dental Anatomy Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Endodontic Cram Cards

ADAT Endodontic Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Microbiology Cram Cards

ADAT Microbiology Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Operative Cram Cards

ADAT Operative Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Oral Diagnosis Cram Cards

ADAT Oral Diagnosis Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Oral Surgery Cram Cards

ADAT Oral Surgery Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Orthodontics Cram Cards

ADAT Orthodontics Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Pediatrics Cram Cards

ADAT Pediatrics Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
4D Professions

4D Professions

4D Professions App uses 4D representation of occupations to teach kids everything about occupations and its needful tools and instruments in 4D world. “What do you want to be when you are older?”, 4D Professions App. has 20 AR cards...

Price: Free Developer: PL4D LLC
4D Solar System

4D Solar System

Explore a live Solar System, learn space facts, and have an interesting walk around planets in an interactive way with Augmented Reality. 4D Solar System App. is a smart educational way to know everything about the solar system in...

Price: Free Developer: PL4D LLC
MagicBook 4D

MagicBook 4D

INTRODUCTION MagicBook 4D is an intelligent interactive educational platform. It uses the Augmented Reality technology to deliver the most vivid and visual learning method. MagicBook 4D turns any static content in the book into lively and intuitive 4D images and bring...

4D Toys

4D Toys

"I am not sure that I've ever seen a more compelling 'show-don't-tell' educational tool than 4D Toys." –Ars Technica What if you received a box filled with mysterious toys from a fourth spatial dimension? • Playfully explore and marvel...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: mtb design works. Inc.
Animal 4D+

Animal 4D+

Updates: - Multi languages: English, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Bahasa, Deutsch, Mandarin, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Russian - Holographic Mode - Interactive Quiz - Voice over - Performance Optimization Flashcards are no longer boring with Octagon 4D+. Created by Octagon Studio, Animal 4D+ is a fast and...

Price: Free Developer: Octagon Studio Ltd


觅食互动包括:猴子、蜜蜂、马、奶牛、大象等 同时附带食物卡片:香蕉、花草等 镜头转换(前置/后置摄像头) 动物可90度的旋转 在AR模式下任意缩小/放大动物 具备中英文真人发音,动物真实发声效果 4D动物秀,让早教不再无聊!由ARFFY Studio 与Octagon Studio联合制造的4D动物秀,是一款简单、易用的应用程序,通过识别配套的动物卡片,使得活灵活现的动物可以瞬间跃然纸上,让小朋友们可以近距离的观察可爱的小动物,同时完成早教的功能。 增强现实技术是4D动物秀使用的核心技术。增强现实技术可以通过一种全新的视角和一种身临其境的真实体验,让4D动物秀,不仅为孩子,同时为成人带来无尽的欢声笑语。 我们利用A到Z这26个字母分别展现一种小动物,比如:蚂蚁、长颈鹿、马、大象、鬣蜥。就让这26种小动物为您展现4D动物秀的魅力吧。 通过扫描4D动物秀中配套的字母表,就可以将手绘图片变为真实立体的动物秀,长颈鹿在你的手上走动,凶猛的狮子陪你一起玩耍。或者就让整个动物园在你手中吧! 近距离、仔细的观察这些的3D动物,他们都是由手绘的2D图转化为立体的3D动画,你甚至可以随意转动卡片、放大与缩小所有的动物。

Price: Free Developer: Octagon Studio Ltd


4D书城「科普中国」推荐少儿AR教育阅读平台 - 中国科协推荐品牌,「科普中国」传播矩阵成员。 - 国内首创集成AR & VR的少儿教育娱乐内容平台APP,400万家庭科普学习首选。 - 扫一扫书页,恐龙、飞机、坦克、草履虫、宇宙黑洞、火山爆发跃然纸上!让图书真的“活”起来,让孩子爱上阅读! 1.恐龙世界:侏罗纪时代的秘境奇遇,惊险又刺激的恐龙王国,跨越时空亲手给霸王龙喂食。 2.军事科学:机枪、坦克、直升机、航空母舰,化身为小小战士,亲身体验在枪林弹雨中穿梭的惊魂时刻。 3.动物世界:飞奔的猎豹、翱翔的雄鹰、微小的草履虫...追寻原始森林中的传奇故事,探索动物世界的无穷奥秘。 4.人体揭秘:耳朵如何听到声音?身高是由什么决定的?身体如何抵御疾病?走进人体的知识海洋,一起探索世界上最复杂的构造。 5.宇宙奥秘:火星的特殊地貌,宇宙中的“百慕大三角”,揭开未解之谜的神秘面纱,尽情探索浩瀚的宇宙世界。 -- 热门精选 -- 【AR课堂】 专业编写团队精心打造,符合新课程标准; 适配人教版、北师大版等主流教材,与课堂同步; 【AR课外】 百余家知名出版社正版授权,畅读8000余种4D图书; 睡前故事、少儿期刊、知识问答挑战、4D模型扭蛋机... 【自动续费会员】 -- 订阅周期:连续包月(1个月)、连续包季(3个月)、连续包年(12个月) -- 订阅价格:连续包月产品为18元/月,连续包季产品为50元/季,连续包年产品为178元/年 -- 付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户;苹果iTunes账号会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期 -- 取消续订:如需取消订阅,请打开苹果手机“设置”-->进入“iTunes Store 与App Store” --> 点击“Apple ID",选择”查看Apple ID",进入“账户设置”界面,点击“订阅”,选择4D书城VIP会员取消订阅。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。 -- 服务协议: -- 隐私协议: -- 自动续费会员服务协议: -- 联系我们 -- 微信公众号:4D书城 客服QQ:914424535 客服电话:400-8282-711 客服邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: SuZhou MXR Corporation
Human Anatomy 4D-Mixed Reality

Human Anatomy 4D-Mixed Reality

Irusu Human Anatomy 4D in AR-VR-MR: What is new in this App ? Yet another Anatomy application or something really cool App for learning ? Irusu Human Anatomy 4D is not just another Anatomy app, but something more than that. Experience...

Price: Free Developer: Irusu Technologies Private Limited
Marbel Fauna 4D

Marbel Fauna 4D

Marbel Fauna 4D hadir dengan teknologi terbaru yaitu Augmented Reality. Bersama buah hati, Ayah dan Bunda dapat belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan disertai dengan alat peraga yang interaktif. Download aplikasi ini, kemudian mainkan fitur-fitur berikut ini: 1. Mengenal berbagai macam fauna...

Marbel Hijaiyah 4D

Marbel Hijaiyah 4D

Marbel Hijaiyah 4D hadir dengan teknologi terbaru yaitu Augmented Reality. Bersama buah hati, Ayah dan Bunda dapat belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan disertai dengan alat peraga yang interaktif. Download aplikasi ini, kemudian mainkan fitur-fitur berikut ini: 1. Mengenal huruf hijaiyah dalam...


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