Do you want to find the best Sleep Wake Diary alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Sleep Wake Diary. Pick one from this list to be your new Sleep Wake Diary app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sleep Wake Diary on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Sleep Wake Diary alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Sleep Wake Diary 2025.
Is it hard to get your child to sleep? Does he wake up during the night or wake up too late or too early in the morning? SymTrend Sleep lets you easily record about your child’s sleep. You...
SleepMatters is an engaging and animated educational experience that was composed by an interdisciplinary team of sleep experts at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.The key concepts related to basic sleep physiology and common sleep disorders are presented...
Help your kids learn when it's time to get out of bed with Sun to Moon Sleep Clock. 26 stars are removed at regular intervals throughout the night, helping visualize how long it is until morning. Customize the Sun...
World Sleep 2019 is a full scientific congress on sleep medicine and research taking place from September 20-25, 2019 in Vancouver, Canada. Download the event app to swipe schedules, science and speakers.
The Journal of Sleep Research is now available on your iPad and iPhone, offering you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of original research papers and invited reviews in all areas of sleep research. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading...
Teach your baby to sleep through the night in just 7 days! Baby Sleep app is an amazing Sleep Training program that will help your baby learn to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Say goodbye...
Up-to date research-based information on infant sleep, safety, and development from the Infant Sleep Info Source website ( This informational app explains how and why babies sleep as they do, and explains the reasons for safe sleep guidance. Includes...
Are you a new parent and having baby sleep issues? Test your know-how with Baby Sleep Quiz to distinguish the scientifically proven facts with, myths that have been proven wrong. You will find some common myths and facts about...
My sleep 101 - Lite is an interactive and animated educational experience that was composed by an interdisciplinary team of sleep experts at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.The key concepts related to basic sleep physiology and...
Get your Wake Forest fix anytime. Search the WakeNetwork alumni directory, become part of WakeCommunities to connect with local Wake Foresters, join the Loyal DEAC program, get homecoming info, follow the Streakin’ Deacon Tour & access social media feeds....
The official app for East Wake Academy, NC allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...
The official app of Wake Technical Community College. Quick and easy access to academic tools such as Blackboard and Self-Service, registration, class schedules, grades, bill pay, campus maps, and more. Enable notifications, location services, and your Bluetooth to stay connected...
We exist to wake people up to new life in Christ. We believe in Jesus and his life-changing love. Now you can listen to sermons, browse content, view upcoming events and relevant information about Wake Church all from your...
Introducing Wake Up To Christ for iOS. Wake up each morning to an inspirational Bible verse and a classic Christian hymn. Seamlessly share God's word within the app across your social media accounts. Start each day motivated to fulfill...
★ Help Tiny Chicken Wake the Rooster Up on Time in Latest Math Adventure! ★ ★ This game is now free for a limited period of time! ★ The Rooster on the farm has become old and needs help from Tiny...
Use the Wake Technical Community College Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events • Find events tagged with your favorite...
Help the CARE BEARS start and end their day in heart filled Care-A-Lot! Kids practice growing up through play and there’s no better way to learn when it’s time to wake up or time to go to bed than having...
AQUAPO ZZZ is for children who have problems going to sleep at night and have a hard time waking up in the morning. When it’s time for your children to sleep, turn the app on. Our alien friend Pobo...
School Diary is innovative application available for iPhone and other smartphones developed by Dolphin Logic Systems Private Limited. Its aim is to provide the most sophisticated communication between school and parents from anywhere anytime about his/her child, about school...
Mirai Diaryは、児童発達支援事業所や放課後等デイサービス施設と保護者、お子様が結びつくアプリです。 Mirai Diaryをご利用いただくことで、施設と家庭とのコミュニケーションが向上し、お子様のみらいを作ることにつながります。 施設の指導員の方々、保護者の方々の双方にとって使いやすく、導入のメリットを感じていただけるサービスです。 ■Mirai Diaryをご利用いただいた保護者の方々の声 ・いつでも、どこでも、情報の確認ができるので、重宝しています。 ・写真があるので、日々の活動が分かりやすくなりました! ・学校に行ってからでも、その日の情報を送れるので便利 ・子どもが、「アプリやった?」と非常に興味を持っています(笑) ・チャットイメージで使えるので便利です。 ・問い合わせにリアルタイムで回答できるのがいい。 ・写真が添付されているので、その日の子どもの様子や活動状況、おやつを見ることが出来て非常に良いと思います。 ・朝、子どもを学校に出したあとでも出来るところが、以前の連絡帳とは違ってとても使いやすいです! ・連絡帳に書き忘れてしまった時など、きっずノートであれば気付いた時に書けるのですごく助かります。 ・手で文字を書くよりずいぶんラクになりました。 ・これで朝、学校へ登校する前に慌てて記入して連絡帳を持たせなくて済みます。 ・漢字など字を間違えても、すぐに削除出来て書き直しが出来る所がやっぱり便利です。 ・子どもの帰宅後に中・長期の記憶の確認として活用しています!写真があるので、以前より具体的に答えることが、とても増えています。 ・以前の紙の連絡帳から変わったときは、手書きより冷たい印象を受けたりしましたが、夫婦で情報をリアルタイムに共有出来たり、写真や動画を送れるのが気に入っています。 いつもどのお友達と一緒にいるのか等もよくわかるようになりました。 ・とても分かり易く気に入ってます!写真があると身近に感じることが出来ていいですね! ・活動内容や施設での様子が写真付きでよくわかりますし、帰宅後に子供と一緒に見ながら話ができるため、親子の会話も増えました! ・細かい情報も伝えることができて、指導員さんとの連絡も前よりも円滑にできるようになりました。 ・コメントだけでなく写真も見ることが出来るのが素晴らしいと思います!仕事を休むことが出来ない親や、祖父母にとってもありがたいサービスだと思います。 ■Mirai Diaryを使っている場面をイメージしてみてください。 ・手書きしていた連絡帳が、スマートフォンのアプリで手軽に入力できます。 ・連絡帳を通して、施設との個別のやり取りも可能です。 ・連絡帳を相手がちゃんと読んでくれたかどうかも分かります。 ・連絡帳の渡し間違いも、送ったメッセージを削除するだけで ・スマホで撮った写真や動画を、簡単に共有できます。 ・同じ連絡を複数の保護者の方々へ一斉送信できます。 ・保護者は家や職場にいながら子供の様子が確認できます。 ・指導員や先生はより子供と接する時間が増えます。 ※保護者向けには保護者用アプリ、施設向けには施設用アプリ ■Mirai Diaryはどうすれば始められますか? 1.パソコンから施設で指導員の会員登録を行ってください。 2.施設で保護者からの申請を承認してください。 以上の操作によって、施設と保護者・子供が繋がり、使用できるようになります。 ■Mirai Diaryの魅力 ・連絡帳を作成する時間が大幅に短縮できます。 ・連絡帳の未読・既読を確認できます。 ・お知らせの未読・既読を確認できます。 ・保護者、指導員と個別にやり取りができます。 ・連絡帳を直接手渡しする必要がないため、いつでも、どこでも連絡帳を確認できます。 ・写真や動画で子供の様子を伝えたり知ることができます。夫婦で共有することも簡単にできます。 ・施設のスケジュールを一斉に保護者に通知することができます。(近日リリース予定) ・連絡を取り合うのに、連絡先を公開する必要はありません。 ■Mirai Diaryは、常に保護者・指導員の皆様と一緒に成長して行きます。ご質問やご要望などありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 ・サポートセンター(株式会社ひいらぎ) 048-927-2723 ・メールアドレス [email protected]
Smart Diary Edu is dedicated to educational institutes, all the Premium features are included in the app. For personal use we suggest you to download the normal version of "Smart Diary - Student Planner" for a better experience. Smart Diary is...
The app School Diary is the simplest, most practical and safest way to follow your kids’ day by day in school. Forget the outdated paper diaries, you can use your mobile phone and access your kids’ diary in real...
The app Daycare Diary is the simplest, most practical and safest way to follow your kids’ day by day in kindergarten or daycare. Forget the outdated paper diaries, you can use your mobile phone and access your kids’ diary...
Smart Diary is a complete student planner / school diary, with this application you can: • add homework, tests and free notes on the Diary • manage your absences • use the Organizer, a tool that help you managing the time dedicated...
Create your own princess pages with princesses, castles, unicorns, dragons and more! Color and decorate with stunning stickers, on fabulous backgrounds. Retina Display Ready... MAKE A PRINCESS DIARY: - 40 background scenes - 40 Different princesses - 100s of different objects, including unicorns,...
SAT Vocab Diary is the ultimate app for learning hard vocab. Whenever you take a practice test or go through some flashcards and you come across a word you don't know, SAT Vocab Diary allows you to search up...
“School Diary”, makes parent-school communication easy, engaging and effective. SchoolDiary - is a mobile first platform that enables parents to receive timely updates (school or class alerts, daycare updates, event reminders), to track child’s progress (activity pictures, homework, attendance...
Learning has never been so exciting for toddlers and preschoolers! Introducing the most fun video ebook apps which feature two lovely characters—Candy and Dave! Each video runs for about 1 to 2 minutes—perfect for keeping the short attention span...
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