Top 42 Reference Apps Like French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams - Best Alternatives

French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams Alternatives

Do you want to find the best French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams alternatives for iOS? We have listed 42 Reference apps that are similar to French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams. Pick one from this list to be your new French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams on your iOS devices.

Top 42 Apps Like French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like French : A1, A2, B1, B2 exams 2025.

Ultralingua French Medical

Ultralingua French Medical

Over 330,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of French and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple as...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Oxford French Dictionary

Oxford French Dictionary

The Oxford Hachette French Dictionary is acclaimed by language professionals over the world as the most complete and up-to-date dictionary of its kind. This latest version has even better coverage of the language, with improved treatment of acronyms and...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Collins French Dictionary

Collins French Dictionary

Whether you're just starting out studying French or want to extend your knowledge of the language, the Collins French Dictionary is the ideal tool to help you understand and communicate. You'll find comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of words and...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
VOX French<>Spanish

VOX French<>Spanish

Suitable for French language students and for Francophones who are learning Spanish. • Clear, readable definitions that provide instant understanding • Thousands of examples of current word usage • More than 160,000 entries and over 800 illustrations, biographical photographs, and maps • Page...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
French Etymology and Origins

French Etymology and Origins

This app provides a dictionary of French etymology With more than 34300 entries this is the most authoritative and comprehensive dictionary of French etymology. It is an important etymological resource for linguistic experts, it is also a useful reference for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ngoc Anh
Ultralingua French

Ultralingua French

Over 185,000 definitions and 17,000 synonyms • Conjugates thousands of French verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins French-English

Collins French-English

Top-selling dictionary apps since 2008 • Every translation you need plus verb conjugations in all tenses • No internet connection required. "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Ultralingua Dutch-French

Ultralingua Dutch-French

Over 205,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Dutch and French verbs • No internet connection required "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple as "What's Hot" Ultralingua makes apps for people...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Ultralingua French-English

Ultralingua French-English

Top-selling dictionary app since 2008 • Every translation you need plus verb conjugations in all tenses • No internet connection required. "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple as "What's...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Ultralingua French-German

Ultralingua French-German

Over 190,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of French and German verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple as...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Law Library : ห้องสมุดกฎหมาย

Law Library : ห้องสมุดกฎหมาย

ย่อห้องสมุดกฎหมายไว้ในมือถือของคุณ แอปพลิเคชั่นรวบรวมข้อกฎหมาย พระราชบัญญัติ ระเบียบ ข้อบังคับ ต่างๆ ให้คุณสามารถอ่านข้อกฎหมายได้ที่เวลา เพิ่มความสะดวกในการพกพา และมีการปรับปรุงให้ทันสมัยอยู่ตลอดเวลา รวมถึงการเชื่อมโยงมาตราต่างๆ ให้ใช้งานได้สะดวกและเข้าใจง่าย - สามารถค้นหาคำ ข้อความ หรือประโยคที่ต้องการได้ทั้งแอปฯ - สามารถปรับ ขยายตัวอักษรให้เหมาะสมกับการอ่านของท่าน - สามารถปรับสีพื้นให้เข้ากับสายตาของท่านได้ - บันทึกข้อกฎหมายที่สนใจ เพื่อง่ายต่อการใช้งานครั้งต่อไป - มีระบบสารบัญเพื่อเปิดข้อกฎหมายตามมาตราได้ง่ายยิ่งขึ้น ใช้งานได้ฟรี ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆ

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Justice, Th
JLPT Vocabulary-日本語能力試験出題基準語彙表

JLPT Vocabulary-日本語能力試験出題基準語彙表

Vocabulary for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験, Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken). • Vocabulary for N1 to N5 (N1 to N4 are available with In App Purchase) • Kanji and kana • English definitions • Listen to the word pronunciation • Bookmark and take note for word

Price: Free Developer: 素素应用


---内容全面的PMP项目管理计划讲义大全; ---内容全面涵盖了项目经理比备知识大全; 内容大纲包括: 第1章 项目与项目管理 第2章 项目组织与项目团队 第3章 项目管理过程 。。。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
2016全国会计从业资格证考试考点辅导历年真题练习题库大全 - 会计考试必备宝典

2016全国会计从业资格证考试考点辅导历年真题练习题库大全 - 会计考试必备宝典

根据《中华人民共和国会计法》和财政部关于《会计从业资格管理办法》(财政部令第73号)的规定,“从事会计工作的人员,必须取得会计从业资格证书”、“会计从业资格考试科目实行无纸化考试”。 考试实行全国统一大纲,共设三个科目,即《会计基础》、《财经法规与会计职业道德》和《会计电算化》。 为更好地满足广大考生的需求,帮助考生熟悉考试题型,掌握命题规律,把握解题技巧,顺利通过会计从业资格考试,我们结合最新考试大纲及最新考试动态、认真研究历年考试真题、综合分析最新考试信息、把握近几年考试的发展趋势,针对会计从业资格考试的不同题型、考点,配详尽的答案及解题思路,使考生在复习中达到举一反三的效果,从而轻松高效地备考!

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
2016年国家公务员考试备考宝典 - 时政热点常识申论行测面试辅导真题解析国考全攻略

2016年国家公务员考试备考宝典 - 时政热点常识申论行测面试辅导真题解析国考全攻略

中国公务员正规统一都叫国家公务员,不管是中央还是地方都是国家公务员,具体才分为中央、国家机关公务员和地方国家公务员。 公务员考试是公务员主管部门组织的担任主任科员以下及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员的录用考。 我们为参加考试的考生提供最全面的公务员考试资讯,包括考试技巧、申论热点、面试热点、面试备考、时事政治、申论范文、常识资料等内容,亮点很多,等你发掘,相信你会收获不少。 如果你正在准备或即将准备报考公务员,那么,这里有对考点的大量总结,对容易犯的错误进行提示,对众多考点解题思路进行归纳总结,力求在最短时间拿下最多的题目。

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片

e-Sal Monkey AR明信片卡片

將手機高拿於圖卡上方將整張辨識照進去 等可愛的猴子出現後即可跟奇互動

Price: Free Developer: 胖胖熊國際事業有限公司
Intone – The Bahá'í Writings

Intone – The Bahá'í Writings

“Brilliant for my daily Bahá'í readings.” — Rob “Beautifully designed, minimalist, and keeps the attention where it ought to be: on the Writings.” — Hami “Discovering hidden gems has never been so easy.” — Layla THE BAHÁ'Í WRITINGS IN YOUR...

Price: Free Developer: Abdullah Norozi
Selichos - סליחות

Selichos - סליחות

Selichos App - Minhag Lita Get ready for the Yamim Noraim with Selichos for your iPhone or Ipod touch. Includes all Selichos from before Rosh Hashanah through Aseres Yamei Teshuva. The app automatically selects the proper Selichos for that day....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: RustyBrick, Inc.
Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך

Tashlich Prayer ceremony recited during the days of awe (the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur) recited alongside a body of running water. It symbolizes one's casting away their previous years sins. This app will tell you when the...

Price: Free Developer: RustyBrick, Inc.


java开发工程师的好应用给力推荐,内容涵盖了Java开发的方方面面。 包括了: 1.java基本知识; 2.java常见编程题; 3.java设计模式; 4.java常见面试题大全; 十分适合java程序员参考使用。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma


web程序员面试宝典,给力推荐。 内容涵盖了:程序员面试题大全、Html参考教程、JavaScript参考教程、CSS参考教程。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
2016年幼儿园教师资格证考试真题模拟题备考宝典 - 幼儿园/幼师考点预测专家详解

2016年幼儿园教师资格证考试真题模拟题备考宝典 - 幼儿园/幼师考点预测专家详解

根据国家教师资格考试保教知识与能力的考试大纲和考试情况的要求,我们从最基本、最重要的考点出发,深入浅出地向考生讲解各个知识点,既有深度的备考资料考试技巧分析,又有精彩的模拟试卷、历年真题、答案分析讲解。 希望能够帮助大家从整体上认识国家教师资格考试的特点,在最大程度上掌握考点,提升学习效率,最终在考试中取得高分。

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
FFTA2 Game Guide

FFTA2 Game Guide

A comprehensive guide to Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift game. This complete game guide includes: - Walkthrough – 22 missions, step by step detailing what you need to do to finish the game. - a complete list of all...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Internet Designs
Malayalam Quran - قرآن مجيد - القرآن الكريم

Malayalam Quran - قرآن مجيد - القرآن الكريم

Malayalam Quran Majeed is the only app that offers the most beautiful Arabic Quran text (proofread by a Muslim scholar 'alim), in the elegant font used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh region that you will find on a mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Pakistan Data Management Services
HEBREW-ITALIAN Dictionary | מילון איטלקי-עברי / עברי-איטלקי | פרולוג

HEBREW-ITALIAN Dictionary | מילון איטלקי-עברי / עברי-איטלקי | פרולוג

מילון דו-לשוני מקיף עם אוצר המילים העדכני מסוגו, לצד סלנג וביטויים שימושיים. המילון בתעתיק מלא מובלט בצבע אדום בשתי השפות (כתיבת המילה האיטלקית באותיות עבריות, ולהפך); ציון מקום הטעם (אינטונציה) במילה להגייה ברורה ונכונה; הסברים מנחים לבחירת התרגום הרצוי...

Price: Free Developer: Prolog LTD


python开发者参考学习的给力教程《Python大全》。 内容涵盖了python的教程、开发、面试题、测试题目,包括了: 1.Python教程 2.Python快速入门 3.Python概述 4.Python环境安装 5.Python基本语法 6.Python变量类型 7.Python基本运算符 8.Python决策 9.Python循环 10.Python数字类型 11.Python字符串 12.Python列表 13.Python元组 14.Python字典 15.Python日期时间Date/Time 16.Python函数 17.Python模块 18.Python文件I/O 19.Python异常处理 *****高级开发 20.Python 3开发网络爬虫(一) 21.Python 3开发网络爬虫(二) 22.Python3网络爬虫(三): 伪装浏览器 23.Python3网络爬虫(四): 登录 24.Python面向对象 25.Python正则表达式 26.Python CGI编程

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
Lions Club 325 B1 Nepal

Lions Club 325 B1 Nepal

Lions Club International District 325 B1 Nepal Event App Installation Ceremony 2017-18 Cluster No. 4.

Price: Free Developer: Anish Shrestha
Quictionary 快词 - 在线英汉词典/汉英词典

Quictionary 快词 - 在线英汉词典/汉英词典

快词英汉词典是一个简单好用的在线英汉词典、汉英词典,是英语学习和阅读的好帮手。 * 词组、短语查找。 * 单词发音。 * 相关词、同义词、反义词,以及例句中大多数的词已经链接,轻按一下就能查找该词。 * 浏览器模式的查找历史,可以轻松前进,后退。 * 按时间和字母顺序排列的详细查找历史,便于复习。 用法: * 在其它应用中“剪切”或“拷贝”单词,然后打开快词,快词将自动查找该单词。 * 在快词中直接输入单词查找。 * 一触式连续查找相关词、同义词、反义词,以及例句中链接的词;或者, * 选择未链接的词,然后在弹出的菜单上按“查找”。 Fast, no-frills English-Chinese and Chinese-English online dictionary. * Supports lookup of English phrases. * Voice pronunciations. * Related words, synonyms, antonyms,...

Price: Free Developer: 38 Softworks Inc.
ESL英语精华合集 - 英汉全文字典词典

ESL英语精华合集 - 英汉全文字典词典

English as a second language (ESL) is the use or study of English by speakers with different native languages. English is a language which has great reach and influence; it is taught all over the world under many different circumstances.

Price: Free Developer: Li Yang
دیکشنری + : ترجمه فارسی

دیکشنری + : ترجمه فارسی

دیکشنری و مترجم انگلیسی به فارسی و فارسی به انگلیسی بیش از پانصد هزار کلمه و اصطلاح بدون نیاز به اینترنت تلفظ صوتی حتی بدون نیاز به اینترنت ویدجت برای ترجمه سریع تر توانایی ترجمه در برنامه های دیگر مثل سفاری و ای بوک شامل...

Price: Free Developer: Vivinte


最新! 下载:WOAO必考词汇大全 超便宜! 背单词的秘诀在于短时间大量重复,本APP极大地满足了这一刚需。因为大家知道,背单词时间拖久了,就等于零。 本APP仅有一个单元的单词,数量根据课本每单元课本选定。128元一个单元单词,按照课后单词表的顺序,包括词组,是背单词软件的宝马。 本APP有一个单元单词,一小时内轻松过十遍,达到牢记的效果,快速提高分数。目录单词点击后变色可以用于自检。

Price: Free Developer: LEZHONG DR LIU
(TV & Radio Guide) برفک - راهنمای رادیو و تلویزیون

(TV & Radio Guide) برفک - راهنمای رادیو و تلویزیون

Barfak is a free Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for more than 30 Persian TV and radio channels. you can check the list of your favorite programs on your phone every day. All dates and times are in your local...

Price: Free Developer: Abbas Mousavi
Russian Bible - Библия

Russian Bible - Библия

Русская Библия or Синодальный перевод for everyone. Russian Bible now available for download. It is an honor to serve the body of Christ with God's potent word. Bible in Russian for all. Down your Audio Russian Bible or Russian...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Emniyet Teşkilatı Mevzuatı

Emniyet Teşkilatı Mevzuatı

Emniyet Teşkilatı Mevzuatı uygulaması. Uygulama içerisinde Emniyet Teşkilatı ile ilgili mevzuat, kanun maddeleri ile ilgili içtihatlar da yer almaktadır. Uygulamayı ücretsiz indirip deneyebilirsiniz. Tam sürüm kullanmak için yıllık üye olabilirsiniz. Madde Ekranında üst kısımdaki : 1-Yıldız işaretine basarak Kanun maddesini işaretleyip İşaretlediklerim menüsünden...

Price: Free Developer: Murat Dogan
Bell 206B2

Bell 206B2

Gyronimo Performance Pad Pro Bell 206 B2 The ultimate flight computer for the Bell 206 B2 - WEIGHT & BALANCE - LOAD MANIFEST with ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - LOAD MANIFEST converted to .pdf document. - PERFORMANCE PLANNING - OGE, IGE, Rate...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Gyronimo, LLC
English Study for Thai - การเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ

English Study for Thai - การเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ

***Offline Contents: - You could learn first page with no Internet Connection required. ***WARNING for users located in limited Internet Connection places: - The online lessons of other pages requires connecting Youtube to watch the contents. If the country you resided...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Le
DinoBook - Все о динозаврах

DinoBook - Все о динозаврах

ON SALE! В приложении собрана информация более чем о 100 доисторических животных, их подробное описание, фотографии, видео и другая интересная информация. В этом приложении вы найдете всё о динозаврах. Мезозойская эра предстанет в мельчайших подробностях. Мы собираем самую детальную информацию, используя...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Siarhei Atroshchanka
COC新手玩家快速成长防御布局秘籍 For Clash of Clans - 部落冲突部落战争最强攻略

COC新手玩家快速成长防御布局秘籍 For Clash of Clans - 部落冲突部落战争最强攻略

部落冲突兼具攻、守城及养成元素,组建自己的军队,带领部落获胜! 让玩家了解此游戏的建造、升级、提速及解锁的方式,让玩家了解此游戏的建造、升级、提速及解锁的方式,为你提供最实用的冲突神阵、部落冲突布局图、最强布阵、防御布局、部落战争兵种介绍、兵种搭配、副本攻略... ...图文视频技巧教程。 现在开始对战全球数百万玩家!

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
Oxford Quick Reference Grammar

Oxford Quick Reference Grammar

IMPORTANT: This free download will give you 8 sample entries from the 181 entries in the Oxford Learner’s Quick Reference Grammar. An in-app purchase is required to activate the full grammar. Quick, clear and easy-to-understand explanations of the grammar you...

Price: Free Developer: Oxford University Press
Hindi Bible - हिंदी बाइबिल

Hindi Bible - हिंदी बाइबिल

हिंदी बाइबिल एक मुफ़्त और ऑफलाइन बाइबल है। ऑडियो के साथ बाइबिल पढ़ें, कई पढ़ना योजनाएं, बाइबिल क्विज़, बाइबिल शब्दकोश, बाइबिल उद्धरण और भी बहुत कुछ। अभी डाउनलोड करो! भगवान के वचन को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए हिंदी बाइबिल सबसे...

Price: Free Developer: Axeraan Technologies
Muluki Ain (मुलुकी ऐन)

Muluki Ain (मुलुकी ऐन)

The National Code (Nepali: मुलुकी ऐन; Muluki Ain) is a comprehensive code that includes criminal , civil code and the code of procedures of Nepal. The National Code is scheduled to be replaced by the Muluki Criminal Code and...

Price: Free Developer: Digendra Rajak

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