Do you want to find the best Doc Scanner - Documents alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Productivity apps that are similar to Doc Scanner - Documents. Pick one from this list to be your new Doc Scanner - Documents app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Doc Scanner - Documents on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Doc Scanner - Documents alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Doc Scanner - Documents 2025.
The Microsoft Office .doc format is being used less and less. However, it is still commonly used by some applications. If you receive a .doc file and can’t open it, then the solution is to use a DOC to...
Doc Scanner is the most powerful document scanning app on the market today. Flawlessly scan unlimited documents and save them as PDF files, in addition to performing a whole range of actions such as e-sign, extract, translate, share, create...
If you need a Microsoft Office doc file, not docx, which is becoming more prevalent, use this app to convert .docx to .doc. Some text editors or apps work better with the .doc format. Find your DOCX document and...
Best Doc Scanner app you experienced ever !!!! This scanner app turns your device into a portable document scanner and scan everything as high-quality PDF or JPG with just one tap. Send files via email or upload them to iCloud...
Falcon Maintenance Doc for iPad® is a free of charge application, for all Falcon customers with a valid FIELD5 access, which allows you to load the complete set of Falcon Maintenance Documentation directly onto your iPad®. This documentation is...
kBasket, will allow you to keep all types of your content, you can keep in one place, read and move between your content. As basket represent, a holder for goods same represents here we can keep, - pdf - ePub - videos -...
====== 50 % off for very limited Time ====== For free version Please Download Write Document for Microsoft A Simple Scanner, DOCUMENT Maker , Document Writer , Document MANAGEMENT , Voice Recored App FOR iPhone AND iPad. Professional Look &...
DoneDeal Today is used daily whenever you buy or provide custom services. Whether you are an IT freelancer, a manager, designer, carpenter or selling a car, you have the details to agree verbally. Our app is designed to help...
概要 DRA Viewer は誰でも手軽に利用できる、DRA-CAD二次元図面ビューアーアプリです。 お手持ちのiPhoneやiPadを使って、いつでもどこでもDRA-CAD図面を活用することができます。 このアプリを使えば、DRA-CADで作成した素晴らしい図面資産やアイデアを、いろいろな場所に持ち出して多くの方々に伝えることができます。 DRA Viewer の紹介ページ:DRA Viewer の操作方法などの説明 ●説明 DRA Viewer はとてもシンプルなアプリケーションなので、どなたでもDRA-CAD図面をストレスなく閲覧できるように設計されています。 DRA-CADをお持ちの方は、DRA Viewer で閲覧可能な図面ファイル(MPZもしくは、MPXL:DRA-CAD XML図面ファイル)を作成してみてください。 作成した図面ファイルは、電子メールに添付したり、Dropbox や GoogleDrive や OneDrive などのオンラインストーレージに保存して、すぐに持ち出すことができます。 また、ユーザー登録などの必要がない無料アプリなので、クライアントやお施主様にもお薦めして、情報共有など気軽にご利用いただけます。 ●機能 - 電子メールに添付されている図面ファイルや、Dropbox や GoogleDrive や OneDrive などのオンラインストーレージに保管されている図面ファイル、ローカルに保存されている図面ファイルを開いて表示 - 図面のズームや画面移動は、直感的なマルチタッチにより容易に操作 - レイヤ管理:表示状態の確認と変更、レイヤ名称の確認 - 計測機能(距離、面積、角度、クイック計測) -- 新機能 -- ●ご利用にあたっての注意点 - 対応OS:iOS10.0以降 - 対応しているファイル形式はMPZとMPXLです(DRA-CAD17以降の最新バージョンで出力した図面ファイルをご利用ください) - 元図面の要素のみ表示されます(レイアウトは無視されます) - 2次元の要素のみ表示されます(3次元要素は無視されます) - レイヤの表示非表示は、ファイル出力時の状態で表示されます - 退避レイヤは、初期状態は非表示です - ロックレイヤは、グレーで表示されます - Apple Pencilでの検証は行っていません - 塗り図形や画像などは表示されません -...
Cam Scanner - PDF Document turn your iPhone & iPad into powerful, portable scanner in your pocket. Download this PDF Scanner to scan all kind of your document: bill, receipts, notes, contract, id card, driver license, passport, book or...
Cam Scanner - PDF Document Pro turn your iPhone & iPad into powerful, portable scanner in your pocket. Download this PDF Scanner to scan all kind of your document: bill, receipts, notes, contract, id card, driver license, passport,...
The Anyline Document Scanner scans documents and exports them as PDFs. You can use it to perform scans in all environments. It works without an internet connection and even in low light conditions! It features no ads, in-app purchases or...
JotNot is the quickest and easiest way to save a digital version of your paper documents. With JotNot's advanced image processing algorithms, your scans come out crisp, clear, and suitable for printing every time. JotNot is the original document...
this app have nice design . that App take scanner for paper and save it in fast process.
“PDF Scanner” is a best scanner app that turns your iPhone into a powerful mobile scanner. You can choose to your camera or existing photos to scan, and save or share the scanned documents to make your business and daily...
Pocket Scanner is a powerful but simple mobile phone portable document scanner app that helps you convert paper documents and files to digital format scans. This PDF Scanner app can Scan notes, documents, receipts, images and all sorts of...
Grabby - SCAN AND TRANSLATE ENGLISH, ARABIC, RUSSIAN, TURKISH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH Image To Text, Picture Translator, Translator Scan, OCR Scanner, Translate Camera, Camera Translator, Read Text, Scan and Go, Photo Translate, Photo Translater, Text Grabber, Translate Photo, Snap and...
PDF Scanner is a handy tool to digitize and make soft copies for all your paper documents. May it be your expense receipts, drivers licence, certificates or any other Important Document, Just Scan and Save paper documents on your...
Cam Scanner HD Document Scan is an amazing mobile app that allows you to take a photograph of a document, not just photograph either barcode or QR code scanner is also available in this marvelous amazing app. Convert...
• Free Pro Mobile Office and File Manager • • Trusted by Over 7 Million iOS Users • Built on top of the acclaimed documents iPhone suite. Documents PRO is the most comprehensive file manager and mini office suite for the...
••• Take your Documents Anywhere ••• ••• Trusted by over 7 Million iOS Users ••• ••• ON SALE! US4.99 TODAY ••• Documents Pro 7 lets you create, store, manage, print or share all your documents, spreadsheets, photos, videos, and recordings on your...
Collabio is a cutting-edge software suite designed to significantly increase productivity. With the Collabio Documents mobile app, there are no more barriers to efficient work on any device, anywhere. Collabio Documents includes a range of document editors and a...
Microsoft Office Documents Viewer, Open source Document Editor and PDF Maker, all features in a single app. THE BEST DOCUMENT EDITING AND MANAGEMENT SUITE FOR IPHONE AND IPAD. + Create and Edit Rich Text Documents on your iPhone or iPad. +...
Tapscape: "I’ve used a ton of different Word and PDF readers/editors on my iPhone over the years, and this is one of the best. It’s feature-rich, intelligently laid out, and powerful. There’s not much this little app can’t do." App400:...
Notes Pro is a must-have app for anyone who reads or annotates PDF documents or want to create or edit notes and formal documents in open standard format which can be opened and edited in any standard word processor...
Air PDF converts common files to pdf, offers various sharing and saving options and comes with a full fledged file manager. ◆ With Air PDF you can: • Present existing pdf on Apple TV ...
A central hub for all your files. Read, listen, view, annotate almost anything you want on your iPad and iPhone. Files, documents, books, any content is at home in Documents by Readdle. It’s the Finder for iOS you’ve always...
Simple and elegant way to sign a document and get documents signed from your iPhone & iPad. Need to sign a document on the go? Need to get someone’s signature on a document ? Signature app saves you from...
Organize your documents in seconds! myPDV iDocs makes the process of carrying and accessing documents & loyalty cards easy and simple. It is the quickest app for you to scan and organize your loyalty cards and official docs...
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