Top 18 Medical Apps Like FA Logbook - Best Alternatives

FA Logbook Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FA Logbook alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Medical apps that are similar to FA Logbook. Pick one from this list to be your new FA Logbook app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FA Logbook on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like FA Logbook - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FA Logbook alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like FA Logbook 2025.



Esta aplicación es una herramienta educativa para los cardiólogos sobre el dispositivo WATCHMAN™ de cierre de la orejuela auricular izquierda para evaluar, proporcionando información constante sobre fibrilación auricular (FA) no valvular Asimismo, sirve como herramienta por medio de...

Price: Free Developer: EML
Vet - Blood Tests Guide

Vet - Blood Tests Guide

Vet - Blood Tests Guide Reference values and diferencial diagnosis for bloos tests used in the small animal veterinary. Hematology: Hematocrit Red Blood Cells Hemoglobin MCV - Mean Corpuscular Volume MCH - Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCHC - Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Reticulocytes Leukocytes Neutrophils Eosinophil Basophils Lymphocytes Platelets NUTRIENTS AND METABOLITES: BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) Creatinine Protein Albumin Bilirubin Bile Acids Cholesterol Glucose Ammonia ENZYMES: ALT...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Guilherme Caldas


Bu uygulama ile siz diş hekimlerinin istediği ürünlere daha hızlı ve kolay ulaşmasını hedeflemekteyiz. Uygulamayı indirdiginizde sizi 3 ana bölüm karşılıyor; İlk bölüm ürünleri inceleyip satın alma işlemi yapabileceginiz ana giriş ekranı, İkinci bölüm sizlerle daha iyi iletişim halinde olup...

Price: Free Developer: Dentreal
Find dyrlæge

Find dyrlæge

Find dyrlæge viser vej til nærmeste dyrlæge. Her kan du se adresse, telefon, e-mail og du kan få en rutebeskrivelse til dyrlægen. Du kan søge specifikt på dyregrupper som fx produktionsdyr, familiedyr og heste. Find dyrlæge giver dig også: • Link...

Price: Free Developer: Den Danske Dyrlægeforening
Novax iPort

Novax iPort

What is iPort? The Novax iPort is an application that gives you detailed information about optical spectacle lenses. The videos and animation clips inside of the Novax iPort will help you to understand the discrepancies in different segment products...



Panoramic radiographs provide a quick overview of the patient’s teeth, jaws, and bone. This is useful for diagnoses and treatment planning. The app provides dental students and dental hygiene an easy and fun way to master different anatomical landmarks....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Marcilan Inc.
ASD Tests

ASD Tests

This app is solely for research purposes and not for commercial use. The app contains Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tests to enable parents, care givers, and academic researchers access them. These tests are not diagnostic tools rather they are...

Price: Free Developer: Fadi Fayez Thabtah


Da jeg selv læste histologi manglede jeg et nemt og godt quizværktøj, til at få trænet og repeteret det teksttunge pensum. Senere blev jeg studenterunderviser i histologi ved Aarhus Universitet og fik ideen, til at lave dén app jeg...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: QuizLab IVS
Hitta Läkemedel - Information för förskrivare

Hitta Läkemedel - Information för förskrivare

Nu kan du som förskrivare få tillgång till rätt läkemedelsinformation direkt från mobilen, snabbare än någonsin tidigare! När appen är installerad och startad så behöver du inte ens öppna den för att hitta informationen - Istället låter Hitta Läkemedel-appen dig...

Price: Free Developer: Operationskollen AB
Medical training logbook

Medical training logbook

Easilog is a logbook for medical doctors and surgeons to keep training records. It is secure, flexible and adapts to fit every specialty. Whether you’re recording procedural experience or tracking your academic achievements, Easilog stores the details, and creates clear...

Price: Free Developer: Easilog Limited


EUCARDIA® Logbook App - Individualized skill documentation for cardiologists: your curriculum vitae with all your documented experience in your pocket. The EUCARDIA® Logbook App is designed for trainees as well as specialists in cardiology to document skills acquired and procedures...

Price: Free Developer: EBAC GmbH, Cologne
EchoLog - Ultrasound Logbook

EchoLog - Ultrasound Logbook

Log your ultrasound and POCUS scans easily with EchoLog, designed specifically for ultrasound logging. EchoLog is made by two Emergency Medicine physicians from Montreal, Canada, wanting to improve on the current logbook system for Ultrasound certification. After months of design,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wayne Wing-Yiu Choi
UKETS Logbook

UKETS Logbook

UKETS Logbook is the ultimate solution for keeping track of and managing all of your endovascular simulator data. The app lets you log your simulator training sessions, complete with information about training objectives, complications, procedure time, x-ray and contrast...

Price: Free Developer: VIR THINKTANK LTD
Logbook of Restorative Dentistry

Logbook of Restorative Dentistry

LORD keeps a log of your units of activities. The app has a comprehensive database of items in restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, conservation, minor oral surgery and implant dentistry with charts suitable for both adult dentition and deciduous...

Price: Free Developer: Amir Vahid Roudsari
Osler ePortfolio

Osler ePortfolio

Osler’s Clinical Portfolio App helps you aggregate a range of your personal performance metrics to better understand where to invest your professional development efforts, to showcase your skills and experience. Offering a logbook and learning e-Portfolio, Osler helps you capture...

Price: Free Developer: Osler Technology
Fracture Classification (FC)

Fracture Classification (FC)

Fracture Classification (FC) App is the number one orthopedics pocket reference tool for quick and easy access of various classification systems present in traumatology today. It offers complete offline access of content which is a handy feature when you...

Price: Free Developer: Anirudh Sharma
Fracture Classification HD

Fracture Classification HD

Fracture Classification HD (FC+) is the Ad-Free version of the popular free orthopedics pocket reference tool Fracture Classification (FC). This app offers the same amazing content along with bonus material, but without the hassle and intrusion of Ads. Features: - No...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Anirudh Sharma

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