Top 26 Medical Apps Like Fracture Classification HD - Best Alternatives

Fracture Classification HD Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Fracture Classification HD alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Medical apps that are similar to Fracture Classification HD. Pick one from this list to be your new Fracture Classification HD app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Fracture Classification HD on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Fracture Classification HD - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Fracture Classification HD alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Fracture Classification HD 2025.

Fracture 3D

Fracture 3D

This fracture classification app is the first of its kind: - with innovative 3D fracture models, freely zoomable and rotatable in any direction without an additional viewer; - always usable thanks to an off-line database; - with drawings and 3D-models for each...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Insuma GmbH
Fracture Classification (FC)

Fracture Classification (FC)

Fracture Classification (FC) App is the number one orthopedics pocket reference tool for quick and easy access of various classification systems present in traumatology today. It offers complete offline access of content which is a handy feature when you...

Price: Free Developer: Anirudh Sharma
Oracle of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Oracle of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Fast reference to numerous illustrations, charts, tables and scores related to Neurology and Neurosurgery. Interactive view of the cranial reference points for craniotomies. This app is very useful for doctors, neurosurgeons, neurologists and neuroscientists. Items available: ABCD2 SCORE ASHWORTH SPASTICITY ASIA - SPINAL CORD INJURY AVM...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Paulo Mallard Scaldaferri


*** NEW *** The most comprehensive quick reference guide in fracture treatment! * NO ADS * UNBIASED INFORMATION * Completely evidence based * Information on classification, imaging, treatment and after care * Citations included for reviewing literature (in app browser) This application is designed...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Inter-Med
Complete Anatomy Platform 2020

Complete Anatomy Platform 2020

*** TRY IT FOR FREE !!! *** WORKS WITH iPAD (2017, 2018), iPAD PRO, iPAD AIR 2 + 3, iPAD AIR & iPAD MINI 4. The world’s most accurate, most advanced and best-selling 3D anatomy platform with groundbreaking new technology, models...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
Spine Pro III

Spine Pro III

"The level of detail and anatomical accuracy of all muscles, tendons, vessels, nerves, ligaments and bones is impressive." - Top Ortho...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:, LLC


ICUC for iPad offers a real time surgical experience at your fingertips. This app includes detailed high quality images allowing you to travel on your iPad to different surgical centers. You will see surgeries, which are recorded in a...

Price: Free Developer: ICUC Orthopaedics
AOTrauma Orthogeriatrics

AOTrauma Orthogeriatrics

The AOTrauma Orthogeriatrics App (Orthogers) is an educational tool for healthcare professionals managing older adults with a fragility fracture. Its second release covers four areas of medical management: osteoporosis, delirium, anticoagulation, and perioperative pain. The primary audience is surgeons...

Price: Free Developer: AO Foundation
5 Minute Orthopaedic Consult

5 Minute Orthopaedic Consult

The 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult is designed to provide easy-to-use, subject-specific information during rapid consultations. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 8th Ed

TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 8th Ed

This sample of TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 8th Edition provides examples of the material to give an inside view of the full content available. The full version is available for PURCHASE within the app. This Wiley app-book is developed...

Price: Free Developer: Indextra AB
Endoscopy Classification

Endoscopy Classification

CLASSIFICATION IN DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY – APPLICATION FOR PHYSICIANS A useful and practical application, containing more than 80 classifications and endoscopic scores, developed to support physicians in their daily practice. As a result of ongoing technological innovation in the field of diagnostic...

Price: Free Developer: Aretre' srl
DRU - Distal Radius & Ulna Classification

DRU - Distal Radius & Ulna Classification

The distal radius and ulna (DRU) classification is an accurate parameter of a child’s maturity status. It is useful for management of spine and limb deformities as it can predict the peak growth spurt and growth cessation with good...

Price: Free Developer: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong
Child-Pugh (CP) Classification

Child-Pugh (CP) Classification

Child-Pugh (CP) classification was originally designed to determine the risk of portocaval shunt surgery in cirrhotic patients. CP classification provides mortality risk with abdominal surgery, survival rates and a likelihood of developing complications secondary to underlying cirrhosis. The input...

Price: Free Developer: Murthy Chamarthy
Nursing Diagnoses: NANDA codes

Nursing Diagnoses: NANDA codes

Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification is the definitive guide to nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by NANDA-I. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, Third Edition. This Oxford University Press source of information is...

Price: Free Developer: Indextra AB
Classify Rx for pharmacology

Classify Rx for pharmacology

A must have app for all medical and paramedical students. "Hands down the best app for simple, quick and concise review of real Pharmacology" Dr. Aeloj Shrestha "Brilliant and must have app for medical students" Sadat Mudassir "Perfect Revision App" Dhruvish Kapadia “Drugs are the cornerstone...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Nishith Sekhar Revappala
AudCal HD

AudCal HD

WARNING: AudCal HD IS NOT a medical device. AudCal HD can NOT be used with diagnostic, treatment or preventive purposes if it is not allowed by law. What is AudCal HD? AudCal HD is a complete application for graphical represent of...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Alberto Rey Martinez
Human Anatomy Atlas (HD image)

Human Anatomy Atlas (HD image)

Prepare to experience the world's most advanced human anatomy learning platform. With groundbreaking innovations such as high resolution gray's anatomy image and full description of figures , you can free yourself from other static atlases and elevate your learning...

Price: Free Developer: Le Duy
Atlas of Ophthalmology HD by Onjoph

Atlas of Ophthalmology HD by Onjoph

The app "Atlas of Ophthalmology HD" by Onjoph presents clinical images of virtually all eye diseases. The App is linked to the data base of the "Atlas of Ophthalmology" Website. In this database more than 6000 ophthalmic diagnoses and...

Price: Free Developer: Voigtmann GmbH
Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision

Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision

The most accurate, advanced visual acuity screening app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Over 1,000,000 people have downloaded our mobile electronic eye charts for iOS. This version is our best for iPhone, and it's now completely free. Useful for: - Triaging -...

Price: Free Developer: Dok LLC


「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、株式会社メディセオが調剤薬局向けに提供している「MEDICEO-epi」のEOS発注機能を補完するiOS用アプリケーションです。 場所、シチュエーションを選ばず、どこでも、簡単に、医療用医薬品の発注をすることが可能になります。 主な機能は以下の通りです。 ●マイ商品マスタの自動ダウンロード 購入履歴のある商品マスタ(マイ商品マスタ)を自動ダウンロードし、いつでも最新のマスタから発注することができます。 ●操作簡単、シンプルなユーザーインターフェース 操作性を追及したインターフェースで、指一本で簡単に発注することができます。 ●過去30日分の発注履歴を保持 発注した商品は、MEDICEO-epiで発注した「発注履歴」と同期し、過去30日分の「発注履歴」が参照可能です。 いつでも、どこでも発注した商品の確認可能になります。 ●医薬品基本情報の表示 「一般名」「薬効分類」「薬価」「各種コード」といった医薬品基本情報の参照が可能です。 ●先発品・後発品の表示 発注する商品の、先発・後発品区分を色で表示します。 ■制限事項 ①ご利用には、事前にMEDICEO-epiの契約と、別途、EOS発注機能追加の手続きが必要です。 ②「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、EOS発注機能に特化したアプリケーションのため、「MEDICEO-epi」のその他機能の操作には対応していません。

Price: Free Developer: MEDICEO CORPORATION
Baby Don't Cry! (HD)

Baby Don't Cry! (HD)

**** LIMITED TIME OFFER - FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY! **** Are you having trouble soothing your crying baby? White Noise is scientifically proven to effectively mask external noises and sounds, creating the perfect ambience to help your baby stop crying and...

Price: Free Developer: Share Media Ltd.
Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Now start reading Holy Bible Old Testament, following the journey of God. This app can record every chapter you have read. This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are...

Price: Free Developer: Yanfeng Wang
OptiMYze Health HD

OptiMYze Health HD

OptiMYze Health enables you to stay updated and connected with Dr. Tim Martin from the comfort of home! Stay informed with notifications, connect with the Dr and staff, and receive loyalty points for programs and purchases - all from...

Price: Free Developer: Holly Blackwell
Out Of The Dark HD

Out Of The Dark HD

Out of the Dark is a community volunteer movement that started in the fall of 2008 after several people in Jonesboro, Arkansas, felt the need to stand up and do something about the horrible impact that the illness of...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Schneider

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