Do you want to find the best Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision alternatives for iOS? We have listed 44 Medical apps that are similar to Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision. Pick one from this list to be your new Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision 2025.
The Essential Eye offers an immersive 3D educational experience with stunning patient education animations. ANATOMY The Essential Eye app offers the latest in groundbreaking 3D technology and innovative design. A cutting edge 3D graphics engine, custom built by 3D4Medical from the...
The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology. Based on 4th print ed. 100+ high quality clinical color photos. Includes all common eye disorders, creating an all-in-one resource for quick diagnosis & treatment. Download the FREE app and...
Welcome to Eye Tracker! For some years I have been giving children exercises to develop smooth and accurate eye movements, as well as assisting other systems of the body. I found that once the eyes started to move better,...
We don’t often give our eyes as much thought as we should, that is until something goes wrong and our vision is affected. But when you learn more about eyes, you realize just how amazing they are. Here are...
When Your Patient Asks... Instantly Answer With Eye GIFs. Provide Answers Fast Every patient and every consultation is different. Eye GIFs provides you tools that save you time, alleviate patient fears, and improve decision-making no matter the situation. Introducing Eye GIFs The complete...
My Eye Anatomy app for studying human eye anatomy which allows you to rotate 360° , Zoom and move camera around a highly realistic 3D model. My Eye Anatomy app gives users an in depth look at the human...
In cooperation with ophthalmologists with experience in successful amblyopic treatment, the first iPad App designed to assist in keeping vision acuity and assisting in amblyopic correction has been created! This version provides a Rotating Grating and records the...
Amblyopia, otherwise known as lazy eye, is a disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or lack of vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities. It...
About Amblyopia Amblyopia, otherwise known as lazy eye, is a disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or lack of vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities....
Mobius Clinic adds valuable mobile tools to your existing EMR, including HIPAA-compliant speech-to-text, full mobile chart access, PACS integration, and dozens more efficiency tools to help your medical practice run efficiently. Doctors say it eliminates up to 90% of EMR...
The most accurate, advanced visual acuity screening app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Over 1,000,000 people have downloaded our mobile electronic eye charts for iOS. This version is our best for iPhone, and it's now completely free. Useful for: - Triaging -...
The ARIA oncology information system is an award-winning, Meaningful Use-certified EMR designed to streamline oncology care delivery and support the unique needs of oncology providers and patients. ARIA currently delivers the medical chart to every member of the care...
Help to figure out what your baby needs! Track baby feeds, baby sleeps, baby poops(pees), baby growth and more, help parents/caregivers remember to take care of the baby when busy. FEATURE LIST: .Support multiple babies .Support user defined baby icon .Track baby mood, breast...
・Introduction This app is one that simulates the panel D-15 test that is used to test for color blindness. Panel D-15 test is aligned panel to continuously change color. Protan (confusion between blue green - red) Deutan (confusion between purple -...
The Peekaboo ICU PREEMIE App is an invaluable tool made specifically for parents of preemies. Designed to inform, inspire, and engage parents as they navigate their way through the NICU. Peekaboo ICU PREEMIE offers parents an empowering and educational...
All In One (AIO) Ophthalmology is an innovative tool that combines essential ophthalmic examination instruments onto your mobile device. AIO Ophthalmology includes: *Cobalt Blue Light with brightness adjustment capability to illuminate fluorescein dye *White Light (Flash) to test the pupillary light...
Client charting has never been faster or easier for mental health professionals. With PsychChart, you have your client files at your fingertips, on your iPad, while maintaining HIPAA compliance. Fully supports the new DSM-V (ICD-10) diagnosis coding....
The Medical Toolbox is an innovative mobile health application designed specifically for the medical audience. It focuses on bringing top level functionalities that the medical practitioner commonly refers to on a day to day basis. Features: - Over 70 normal values - Over...
WARNING: AudCal HD IS NOT a medical device. AudCal HD can NOT be used with diagnostic, treatment or preventive purposes if it is not allowed by law. What is AudCal HD? AudCal HD is a complete application for graphical represent of...
Prepare to experience the world's most advanced human anatomy learning platform. With groundbreaking innovations such as high resolution gray's anatomy image and full description of figures , you can free yourself from other static atlases and elevate your learning...
The app "Atlas of Ophthalmology HD" by Onjoph presents clinical images of virtually all eye diseases. The App is linked to the data base of the "Atlas of Ophthalmology" Website. In this database more than 6000 ophthalmic diagnoses and...
Fracture Classification HD (FC+) is the Ad-Free version of the popular free orthopedics pocket reference tool Fracture Classification (FC). This app offers the same amazing content along with bonus material, but without the hassle and intrusion of Ads. Features: - No...
「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、株式会社メディセオが調剤薬局向けに提供している「MEDICEO-epi」のEOS発注機能を補完するiOS用アプリケーションです。 場所、シチュエーションを選ばず、どこでも、簡単に、医療用医薬品の発注をすることが可能になります。 主な機能は以下の通りです。 ●マイ商品マスタの自動ダウンロード 購入履歴のある商品マスタ(マイ商品マスタ)を自動ダウンロードし、いつでも最新のマスタから発注することができます。 ●操作簡単、シンプルなユーザーインターフェース 操作性を追及したインターフェースで、指一本で簡単に発注することができます。 ●過去30日分の発注履歴を保持 発注した商品は、MEDICEO-epiで発注した「発注履歴」と同期し、過去30日分の「発注履歴」が参照可能です。 いつでも、どこでも発注した商品の確認可能になります。 ●医薬品基本情報の表示 「一般名」「薬効分類」「薬価」「各種コード」といった医薬品基本情報の参照が可能です。 ●先発品・後発品の表示 発注する商品の、先発・後発品区分を色で表示します。 ■制限事項 ①ご利用には、事前にMEDICEO-epiの契約と、別途、EOS発注機能追加の手続きが必要です。 ②「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、EOS発注機能に特化したアプリケーションのため、「MEDICEO-epi」のその他機能の操作には対応していません。
**** LIMITED TIME OFFER - FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY! **** Are you having trouble soothing your crying baby? White Noise is scientifically proven to effectively mask external noises and sounds, creating the perfect ambience to help your baby stop crying and...
Now start reading Holy Bible Old Testament, following the journey of God. This app can record every chapter you have read. This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are...
OptiMYze Health enables you to stay updated and connected with Dr. Tim Martin from the comfort of home! Stay informed with notifications, connect with the Dr and staff, and receive loyalty points for programs and purchases - all from...
Out of the Dark is a community volunteer movement that started in the fall of 2008 after several people in Jonesboro, Arkansas, felt the need to stand up and do something about the horrible impact that the illness of...
The popular Medical Eponyms is thoroughly updated with more than 1700 common and obscure medical eponyms with descriptions Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping...
Written by residents who are assisted by faculty co-authors and an outstanding editorial team. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic...
BoneBox™ - Hand Viewer NEW FEATURES to the BoneBox™ series: • The ability to save out and load in custom pins and lines drawn by the user. • A new quiz mode where the bones fall with real gravity into a virtual...
Free offline medical dictionary application can show definition of medical terms in English language and contains about 130,000 terms and it is useful for medical students, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and others. These are some of its features: - Don't...
ABOUT: Stedman's Medical Dictionary with Audio Pronunciations Over 100,000 terms. Drug names, eponyms, and protocols. Audio pronunciations. Charts & tables. Download the FREE app and view selected topics. Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping...
The BoneBox™ - Foot is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring incredibly detailed anatomical models of the bones of the human foot. It is a member of a series of apps developed by a team...
Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen). ABOUT: MA Notes: Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide This handy guide...
Based on the best selling Medical-Surgical book by Ignatavicius (Iggy) and Workman’s. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch...
With the rapid growth of the Spanish-speaking population globally, this comprehensive communicator has become a crucial resource for healthcare students and professionals. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in...
There are many kinds of visual symptoms. Some are quite harmless while others need to be taken seriously. Correct interpretation depends on good descriptions but putting foreign sensations into words is often difficult. The Vision Sx pictorial library aims to...
Vision DMEPOS (Durable Medical Equipment, Supplies, Orthotics, and Prosthetics) Management software automates and maximizes management of in-house orthopedic bracing and supplies programs. Part of Breg's Impact Program, it helps orthopedic practices reduce costs and improve operational efficiencies, while...
The TECNIS Family of IOLs Vision Simulator is designed to assist physicians and their staff in educating patients about the common eye conditions that they may be experiencing, as well as an overview of the different type of IOLs...
Aix Laser Vision 44, Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny Aix en Provence Tel : 04 42 99 21 50 Le centre Aix Laser Vision est un centre de chirurgie réfractive dédié au traitement des troubles de la vision (myopie, hypermétropie, astigmatisme, presbytie) par...
This application will provide information about our vision correction centre for our patients and those seeking treatment. Additional information may be found at Our Specialization : LASIK, Laser Vision Correction, Cataract Surgery, BOTOX, Latisse, Restylane, Perlane,...
Vision training 1 is iPad application for one's visual function. People who could not read, write, or catch balls well may have visual problem. Vision training 1 is training for eye movement, eye-hand coordination, binocular function. How to use Touch a color box...
Dictation and Medical Transcription MDVoice is an innovative iPhone Dictation to Transcription app from Vision Infonet, a leading provider of medical transcription, billing, and world-class healthcare software solutions. Vision Infonet is a 11-year-old, Illinois-based corporation providing services to more than...
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