Top 20 Education Apps Like ver.di b+b Seminarfinder - Best Alternatives

ver.di b+b Seminarfinder Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ver.di b+b Seminarfinder alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to ver.di b+b Seminarfinder. Pick one from this list to be your new ver.di b+b Seminarfinder app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ver.di b+b Seminarfinder on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like ver.di b+b Seminarfinder - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ver.di b+b Seminarfinder alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like ver.di b+b Seminarfinder 2025.

Fetva Sor

Fetva Sor

Yep yeni bir uygulama ! Fetva Sor ile gündelik karşılaştığınız ya da aklınıza takılan bütün sorunlar karşısında güzel dinimiz İslam'ın hükmü nedir öğrenebilirsiniz. Sorular Nureddin Yıldız Hocaefendi tarafından cevaplanmaktadır. ********** Muhterem Nureddin YILDIZ Kimdir? 1960 yılında Trabzon’un Of ilçesinde...

Price: Free Developer: Mustafa Renkci
Matemagisk MÅLING

Matemagisk MÅLING

Velkommen til Matemagisk Måling Hva er egentlig måling? Her møter vi måling i ulike situasjoner. Pi og Luringen veier piratenes diamanter og fyller drivstoff på romskipet sitt, mens Flagre sjekker kart og målestokk i tillegg til å regne om mellom...

Price: Free Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Vildan Koleji

Vildan Koleji

Okulumuz 1995 yılında Özel Vildan Anaokulu olarak açıldı. 1996 yılında Asfa Eğitim kurumlarına bağlı olarak Özel Vildan İlkokulu olarak açılışı yapılıp eğitim ve öğretim çalışmalarına devam etti. 1996-1998 yılları arasında ilkokul olarak hizmet verdi. 1998 yılında zorunlu eğitimin 8...

ver.di TK IT NRW

ver.di TK IT NRW

Mehr Geld, mehr Sicherheit, mehr Lebensqualität: ver.di in der TK/IT-Branche ver.di ist die Gewerkschaft in der Telekommunikations- und IT-Branche. Gemeinsam vertreten wir die Interessen der Arbeitnehmer*innen und setzen uns für die besonderen Belange der Beamten ein. Bessere und sichere Arbeitsplätze...

Price: Free Developer: Yekta IT UG
Calm Kingdom

Calm Kingdom

Calm Kingdom, teaches mindfulness & mental wellness for children, ages 1-7 years old. Calm Kingdom has various mental and physical exercises that children can engage with to promote calm and relaxed lifestyles. --- Also available from Calm Kingdom : Parent Portal -...

Price: Free Developer: CLENET Verdi Rose
Le mie prime parole : imparare a leggere

Le mie prime parole : imparare a leggere

Le Mie Prime parole è un gioco divertente ed istruttivo per i bambini che iniziano a leggere. Il gioco gli aiuta realmente a migliorare il vocabolario e la loro capacità di lettura. “Componi Nico ed aiutalo a trovare...

Price: Free Developer:
Marsciano - Umbria Musei

Marsciano - Umbria Musei

L’atmosfera medievale del castello si sposa con le storie autentiche di vita quotidiana, raccontate dalle terrecotte. Tracce di una civiltà rurale ancora viva. Marsciano, le vie della terracotta Al centro di una vasta pianura fra verdi colline umbre e caratteristici castelli medievali, Marsciano è...

Price: Free Developer: Sesinet Snc
Matemagisk MER OM BRØK

Matemagisk MER OM BRØK

Velkommen til Matemagisk Mer om brøk I den første app-en om brøk lærte du hva brøk er. Denne gangen lærer du om sammenhengen mellom brøk, prosent og desimaltall. Du hjelper Flagre og barna med matematiske problemer som kan oppstå på...

Price: Free Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Museo della Navigazione di Capodimonte

Museo della Navigazione di Capodimonte

Una guida Blue Lion con i seguenti elementi: - Guida del museo e di Capodimonte e dintorni - Piantina della zona - Immagini dei luoghi e degli oggetti esposti nel museo - Escursioni all'Isola Bisentina e al Monte Bisentino Descrizione: Il piccolo e suggestivo borgo...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Lion Guides


B-notified® helps parents and students to always stay connected to their school and district in a crisis situation. It’s an easy way to be notified about emergency alerts or school closures. B-notified® parents or students can instantly view district...

Price: Free Developer: Message Logix, Inc. d/b/a Anonymous Alerts
Examentraining – Module GMDSS-B

Examentraining – Module GMDSS-B

Houders van een marifooncertificaat of een Basiscertificaat Marifonie kunnen na het examen voor de module GMDSS-B (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) in het bezit komen van het Marcom-B certificaat. Met dit certificaat mag u ondermeer combi- en zeevaartmarifoons...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Promanent b.v.
freiwerk B eLearning

freiwerk B eLearning

Die freiwerk B eLearning App ermöglicht Ihnen, hochwertige und anspruchsvoll produzierte Lernprogramme offline zu betrachten. Die App verfügt über eine WBT-Library, einen Player mit zeitgemäßer und intuitiver Benutzerführung und zahlreiche weitere Zusatzfunktionalitäten. Durch die integrierte Schnittstelle zum LMS Studio...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Becker
Gesellschaft B

Gesellschaft B

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft B" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe B" von Karl Uhr, Bettina Meier, Peter Schneider, Christoph Aerni, Bernhard Roten, Bernhard Scheidegger. Sie...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
A-B Tech Navigation

A-B Tech Navigation

The A-B Tech Navigation app allows user to easily navigate the A-B Tech campus in Asheville, N.C. It contains building information for the Asheville campus. The app also includes locations for common points of interest around campus.

Price: Free Developer: A-B Tech Community College
A.B. Paterson College

A.B. Paterson College

This app is designed to allow A.B. Paterson's parents access to all of the latest information about events and daily life at the College. It will be updated daily, so you can be assured that the information contained...

Price: Free Developer: A.B. Paterson College
Auto École Permis B

Auto École Permis B

L'auto école Permis B vous accueille dans ses locaux. Nous vous proposons des cours de code commenté par un enseignant de la conduite, des forfaits illimités 6 mois en salle et 3 mois en ligne / boîtiers électroniques dans...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Française d'applications mobiles
Ask Dr. B Good

Ask Dr. B Good

The mission of the Ask Dr. B. Good app is to become the advice columnist of the education world so that educators and parents have someone who can help them navigate the education arena when an issue arises. Schools are...

Price: Free Developer: Rebecca Good
Guj. Group-B Admission 2019

Guj. Group-B Admission 2019

Gujarat Medical / Paramedical Admission 2019 based on NEET examination. This App is very much useful to Students of 12th Science Group-B & AB of Gujarat State of various boards like GSHSEB, CBSE, ISCE, NIOS etc. This App gives complete information...

Price: Free Developer: G Sanghani
B&B Dental

B&B Dental

From the creators of B&B Dental NBDE Test Prep online course. Welcome to a proven method for dental board prep. No other NBDE Part I prep course has all of these materials in one place. B&B Dental offers a...

Price: Free Developer: Sweet Onion, LLC

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