Top 15 Education Apps Like Huella ecológica individual - Best Alternatives

Huella ecológica individual Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Huella ecológica individual alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to Huella ecológica individual. Pick one from this list to be your new Huella ecológica individual app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Huella ecológica individual on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Huella ecológica individual - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Huella ecológica individual alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Huella ecológica individual 2025.

Huellas Cuenca

Huellas Cuenca

Esta aplicación permite medir tu Huella de Carbono, es decir, el impacto al cambio climático de tus actividades diarias, como el uso de energía eléctrica, el uso de transporte terrestre, los viajes aéreos que realizas, etc.. También te permite medir...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolas Mavrich
Huellas El Alto

Huellas El Alto

Esta aplicación permite medir tu Huella de Carbono, es decir, el impacto al cambio climático de tus actividades diarias, como el uso de energía eléctrica, el uso de transporte terrestre, los viajes aéreos que realizas, etc.. También te permite medir...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolas Mavrich
Llajta Sostenible

Llajta Sostenible

Esta aplicación permite medir tu Huella de Carbono, es decir, el impacto al cambio climático de tus actividades diarias, como el uso de energía eléctrica, el uso de transporte terrestre, los viajes aéreos que realizas, etc.. También te permite medir...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolas Mavrich
Aguas con el AGUA!

Aguas con el AGUA!

La superficie del planeta tierra está constituida por un 70% de agua, de esta el 97% es salada y se encuentra en los océanos, del restante 3%, el 2% se encuentra en glaciares y solamente 1% está destinada al...

Price: Free Developer: JAIME DARWICH AGAMI
Haz frente al cambio climático

Haz frente al cambio climático

Vienes de un futuro en el mundo sea casi inhabitable por el cambio climático y la contaminación. Tienes la posibilidad de corregir los errores que se cometieron en el pasado y reducir la huella de carbono. Pero ¡Cuidado! No...

Price: Free Developer: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Learn English EAL Individual Edition

Learn English EAL Individual Edition

This is an app for children at UK schools whose first language is not English. This version can be used on one account. For multiple-use and access to our tracking platform, see our School’s Edition. Children with limited literacy...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: bigcleverlearning
Heart Zones PE

Heart Zones PE

THIS APP REQUIRES A SEPARATE HARDWARE PURCHASE FOR THE APP TO FUNCTION. The Heart Zones Smart Hearts System app is designed for facilities and schools as a low cost, high data management system that seamlessly works with both...

Price: Free Developer: Upbeat Workouts
Note Reading - Stars

Note Reading - Stars

Stars are falling from the night sky! Can you help them land on the right notes? Stars is a versatile game that tests your ability to read notes and play them on the keyboard. Challenge yourself to identify individual...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
Table it! – Students with special needs learn to organize their world of knowledge

Table it! – Students with special needs learn to organize their world of knowledge

Table it! is a comprehensive application developed especially for individuals with autism and other special needs. This unique application enables them to easily organize their worlds of knowledge, improve their cognitive skills, and support their ability to express themselves. ***THIS...

Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual

Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual

A visual support to the time management of individual or group activities. Ideal for professionnals and for the whole family, also for kids who still can't tell the time. Hic Et Nunc Timer gives a rapid and clear overview...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Laurent Salzarulo
Me & My Choices – Play and learn to express your preferences, for kids with Autism and other Special Needs

Me & My Choices – Play and learn to express your preferences, for kids with Autism and other Special Needs

The Me & My Choices application focuses on identifying the user’s personal choices in two modes, recording the choices based on selected areas of interest, and the possibility of sorting areas of interest based on whether they are liked...

eJudging Pro

eJudging Pro

Save, manage, score, and export contest data across multiple participants, teams, classes, reasons, and scores. Designed for the iPad, and also usable on the iPhone, eJudging Pro will help you run contests with a simple, efficient interface, letting...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Games Lab, NM State University


The Office of Autism Support App was designed to help students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD); it allows families, friends and staff to access valuable information and resources. In Miami-Dade County Public Schools, there are currently 64 schools...

Price: Free Developer: Gerardo Viera
Turn Taker - Social Story & Sharing Tool

Turn Taker - Social Story & Sharing Tool

Turn Taker uses visual and audio cues to facilitate turn taking and sharing for any child. The app also includes an illustrated social story about game play and sharing. This app has been used successfully with a variety of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Touch Autism

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