Top 42 Education Apps Like AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation - Best Alternatives

AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation alternatives for iOS? We have listed 42 Education apps that are similar to AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation. Pick one from this list to be your new AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation on your iOS devices.

Top 42 Apps Like AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like AGU and JOY : Pot-Plant Nation 2025.

AGU Journals

AGU Journals

AGU publishes 20 highly respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals covering research across the Earth and space sciences. The application allows users to follow the journals of their choice, and download full text to their device. Now users can also view...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
AGU student council

AGU student council

This is a special app made exclusively for Medical Student Council. Through this app, students will be able to have better communication with the members of the student council. Students can send their suggestions and complaints and also submit...

Price: Free Developer: BuildFire
Moderna Museet Klee/Aguéli

Moderna Museet Klee/Aguéli

Klee/Aguéli is shown at Moderna Museet in Stockholm between 16 January and 24 April 2016. This app presents information about the artists and the contexts in which they lived and worked.

Price: Free Developer: Avantime AB
Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Information Technology And Resource Development LLC
Peace and Education Coalition

Peace and Education Coalition

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...

Price: Free Developer: Peace and Education Coalition H.S.
Go Forth and Explore

Go Forth and Explore

Iconic, historic and dynamic, Scotland’s Forth Bridges are a wonder of the modern world. Towering side by side over the Firth of Forth, these structures represent the pinnacle of engineering from three centuries. Go Forth and Explore is a location-based...

Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Math and Magic

Math and Magic

Learn math and have fun! Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. No ads. Play for free: ◉ Number Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Addition Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Subtraction Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Multiplication Levels 1, 2, 3,...

Price: Free Developer: SOFTIVAL
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Sts Peter and Paul School

Sts Peter and Paul School

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...

Price: Free Developer: Sts Peter and Paul School
Music and Dance 1

Music and Dance 1

Operation mode: Little hands enjoy touching - "Hands on" is the natural behavioral characteristic of young children. Anywhere the children touch there will be something to find. This encourages the children to look through the pictures and discover as much...

Price: Free Developer: Hongen Education and Technology Co., Ltd.
Take me and drive

Take me and drive

The app includes questions to help you to get prepared for DMV examination in state Illinois, USA. It includes questions on a driver’s license, driver’s license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. How...

Price: Free Developer: Nataliia Koldaeva
Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler mobile application allows for parents of the attending children to be better informed about about everything we do at our centers. Learn more about the faculty and staff as well as allowing you to get...

Price: Free Developer: Allison’s Infant and Toddler Inc
Church of Joy

Church of Joy

Church of Joy app lets you listen to weekend messages from Pastor Luis R. Reyes and the app is also a way to stay connected with us here at Church of Joy. To learn more about Church of Joy,...

Price: Free Developer: CHURCH OF JOY, INC.
Octopus Watch by Joy

Octopus Watch by Joy

Octopus is the first icon-based watch that empowers kids by teaching good habits and the concept of time. It is the only watch that young children can read and understand. It links time to event, thru icons. The...

Price: Free Developer: Joy FamilyTech, Sas
Carol Joy Holling Camp

Carol Joy Holling Camp

Looking for a more convenient way to access camper information? This app brings all things Carol Joy Holling Camp right to your phone or tablet! Before camp, the app will give you easy access to packing lists and directions...

Price: Free Developer: Carol Joy Holling Camp
Baby Joy Joy ABC game for kids

Baby Joy Joy ABC game for kids

Baby Joy Joy ABC game for kids Preschool games 4 curious kids Need a fun, free and easy educational app to help your toddler learn phonics, letters, numbers and the alphabet? Look no further than Joy Joy ABC...

Price: Free Developer: SkyVibe
Joy Language Centre

Joy Language Centre

This application is developed by Joy Chinese Language Centre which purpose for sharing information directly to the students who joined one of the Joy Class and their parents or guardians. This application is designed to find the latest news and...

Price: Free Developer: Myat Linn
Math Joy SE - Games for Kids

Math Joy SE - Games for Kids

All-In-One educational center for your child. Learning math has never been so easy and fun and kids just love it. Math Joy will help your child build solid foundations in math and develop various skills throughout the levels. *NOTE:...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Stoyan Hristov
Joy School English Level 1

Joy School English Level 1

Joy School English is a language-learning and values-infused experience for young children. Designed using the latest research on game-based learning, motivational psychology, and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Joy School English uses videos, songs, and interactive games...

Price: Free Developer: Alegra Learning
Joy School English Level 2

Joy School English Level 2

Joy School English Level 2 continues building on the English and Values curriculum taught in Joy School English Level 1. Level 2 introduces Joy Ride, a customizable vehicle for the student’s avatar which the student operates to navigate through the...

Price: Free Developer: Alegra Learning
Math Joy - Kids Learning Games

Math Joy - Kids Learning Games

All-In-One educational center for your child. Learning math has never been so easy and fun and kids just love it. Math Joy will help your child build solid foundations in math and develop various skills throughout the levels. Reward...

Price: Free Developer: Stoyan Hristov
Galton Board

Galton Board

A physics simulation of a Galton Board, also known as a bean machine or quincunx. The device was invented by Sir Francis Galton to demonstrate the central limit theorem, in particular that the normal distribution is approximate to the binomial...

Price: Free Developer: Plant Pot
Ursul Păcălit de Vulpe - Poveștile Copilăriei

Ursul Păcălit de Vulpe - Poveștile Copilăriei

Magia și frumusețea unor povești frumoase spuse din nou, astăzi. Poveștile sunt nemuritoare și au puterea de a ne transmite din generație în generație comportamente și informații perene. Contribuția la actualizarea lor este un demers necesar pentru oricare dintre generații. Aplicația...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
Ursul Păcălit de Vulpe - Poveștile Copilăriei - RO

Ursul Păcălit de Vulpe - Poveștile Copilăriei - RO

Magia și frumusețea unor povești frumoase spuse din nou, astăzi. Poveștile sunt nemuritoare și au puterea de a ne transmite din generație în generație comportamente și informații perene. Contribuția la actualizarea lor este un demers necesar pentru oricare dintre generații. Aplicația...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Bucura-te de timpul liber in timp ce copilul tau se joaca si invata noi cuvinte, imagini si sunete. Acest joc educativ este conceput special pentru copii fara reclame si butoane inutile. Jocul include si o sectiune de Quiz. * Peste 350...

Price: Free Developer: Avadot Network S.R.L.
Fonduri ONG

Fonduri ONG

Aplicația Fonduri ONG este noul tău ghid de finanțări și consultanță destinat exclusiv finanțărilor domeniului ONG din România, pentru a susține proiecte frumoase și de impact ale societății civile. Îți oferim oportunitatea de a fi informat în timp real și...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
Orange Povesti

Orange Povesti

Anul acesta Orange Moldova vine cu un cadou pentru fiecare. Inteligenta, vocabularul si imaginatia copilului pot fi dezvoltate cu ajutorul aplicatiei gratuite “Orange Povesti". In cadrul aplicatiei se pot asculta povesti, se pot urmari si se poate interactiona...

Price: Free Developer: Active Soft SRL
Maths Treasure Hunt

Maths Treasure Hunt

This is an engaging, interactive app for people of all ages. It is a great way to improve mathematical skills and have fun. The objective of the game is to reach a pot of gold at the bottom of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Asad Altimeemy
Treasure Hunt Lite

Treasure Hunt Lite

This is an engaging, interactive app for people of all ages. It is a great way to improve mathematical skills and have fun. The objective of the game is to reach a pot of gold at the bottom of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Asad Altimeemy
24edu Profesor

24edu Profesor

Aplicatia 24edu Profesor le permite profesorilor sa introduca note, absente si teze, sa incheie medii sau sa motiveze absentele introduse. Se sincronizeaza automat cu contul web care poate fi accesat la adresa Cum creez cont de profesor...

Price: Free Developer: i-Tom Solutions
Plant for the Planet

Plant for the Planet

Plant-for-the-Planet is an easy and effective way to plant trees. Individuals, companies and schools can join the platform to create a beautiful personal tree-counter. Accumulate trees by either registering trees you planted yourself or by donating to tree-planting organisations...

Price: Free Developer: Plant for the planet
Plant Identification

Plant Identification

- "I’m always wondering about the name of different flowers that I see so this app has been great!" - "Unlike the other apps I have tried, this one got it right the first time. I am impressed." - "This is...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Bui


PlantID is a comprehensive plant identification app, with the ability to keep track of its plants.

Price: Free Developer: Rasmus Hansen
Organic Plant Nutrients

Organic Plant Nutrients

“Organic Plant Nutrients” is an interactive app for students to learn about plant nutrients, plant photosynthesis, leaf structure, leaf anatomy, organic chlorophyll, plant growth in an easy and engrossing way by visualizing the colorful images. It is one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Plant Identification & Info

Plant Identification & Info

Plant Seed Snap - Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees & More. Identify plants of all kinds, trees, flowers, informacje jakie, plant identification, plant seed anywhere in the world! Flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms and more can be quickly recognized with Plant...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Finaviya
PlantSpot Plant Identification

PlantSpot Plant Identification

► Plant Identification Made Easy PlantSpot is your guide in complicated, yet fascinating flora of our planet. Upload a plant snap, get your match and find out about the plant that interested you in an instant. Have you ever wondered “What...

Price: Free Developer: Adwool Ltd.
Power Plant Engineering

Power Plant Engineering

The app is a complete free handbook of Power plant Engineering with diagrams and graphs. *Power plant engineering a part of energy engineering and electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Focus on Plant

Focus on Plant

Newly updated: new content added, new quiz function added, and more... A free lite version is available now ( You can try it, then buy full version here. Focus on Plant is an educational app that can help users to learn...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:
Plant Scan - Identification

Plant Scan - Identification

Introducing Plant Scan: The easiest to use and most advanced Plant Identification app. Plant Scan offers Photo-less Scanning of plants, Augmented Reality animations, best in class A.I. technology, and far more detailed information than any other app....

Price: Free Developer: Mach Software Design
Plant Scan Pro- Identification

Plant Scan Pro- Identification

Introducing Plant Scan Pro: The easiest to use and most advanced Plant Identification app. Plant Scan Pro offers Photo-less Scanning of plants, Augmented Reality animations, best in class A.I. technology, and far more detailed information than any...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mach Software Design

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