Top 29 Utilities Apps Like Tone Generator EX - Best Alternatives

Tone Generator EX Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tone Generator EX alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Utilities apps that are similar to Tone Generator EX. Pick one from this list to be your new Tone Generator EX app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tone Generator EX on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Tone Generator EX - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tone Generator EX alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Tone Generator EX 2025.

myCalc - the calculator that sound cute tone.

myCalc - the calculator that sound cute tone.

myCalc - the calculator that sound cute tone. myCalc is a simulation of pocket calculator . The myCalc has been designed to simulate the pocket calculator on iOS. myCalc will calculated at the time you press the operator key by time to...

Price: Free Developer: Masahiro Yamashita
Stealth Tone

Stealth Tone

Stealth Tone is a special tool that most 20+ year olds cannot hear! Due to a special frequency, you can play this annoying sound in stealth mode. It also includes an audible sound similar to a grenade...

Price: Free Developer: StuckPixel, Inc.
Dog Whistle Trainer

Dog Whistle Trainer

3 Different User Interface modes Use Mode button to switch between User Interface modes Mode 1: Dog Paw 6 Basic Training Signal Sequences - Manual duration "Tone" button - 1 Long Tone - 3 Short Tones - 6 Short Tones - 2 Rising Sweep Tones - "Clicker" Sound 1...

Price: Free Developer: zzzziphone


1. Overview There is a Vietnamese keyboard on iOS. But it is not easy to choose a suitable vowel letter with tone mark. Because there are a lot of candidates. On Microsoft Windows there is a Vietnamese IME(Keyboard), but...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Takayuki Imai


"DTMF Pad" is a very simple DTMF-tone dialer application. "DTMF Pad" allows you to dial telephone using DTMF tones. Put your iPhone's speaker close to the mouthpiece of the phone, DTMF-tone sound will dial(*). This is useful for...

Price: Free Developer: IEIRISOFTWARE LAB.
Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite

Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite

Useful for students and teachers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and academic or industrial researchers, this app uses device sensor inputs to collect, record, and export data in comma separated value (csv) format through a shareable...

Price: Free Developer: Chrystian Vieyra


This app is sound FFT and frequency measure, that is Morse-code decoder "Valiance Backbone for CW (VBC)"'s subset. So, if you had the VBC, you did not need this VBCTone. VBCTone is useful to detect call-back DX stations frequency. VBCTone is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Nob
Acoustic Pie

Acoustic Pie

Acoustic calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited


Morse-It is an easy to use application that allows to translate, interpret, type, learn, convert Morse code, and much more. It is retina display enhanced, universal binary (run on iPhone/iPod and iPad), and is compatible with VoiceOver. Type some text...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Francis Bonnin
Topic Generator

Topic Generator

Topic Generator is a funny essay/writing prompt generator. It combines a random question word, noun, verb, and place to give you a funny topic! Whether you're using it for entertainment purposes or writing purposes, it's sure to make you...

Price: Free Developer: Hayden Watson
Product Key Generator

Product Key Generator

Product Key Generator is the perfect tool for generating random product keys, serial numbers, or promo codes for products that you own. It generate up to 5,000 product keys at a time. And it's the only product key generator...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BIG SAUCE LLC
HENNGE OTP Generator

HENNGE OTP Generator

HENNGE OTP Generator is a virtual device application for multi-factor authentication (MFA), so-called two-step verification, which generates time-based one-time passwords (OTP) complying with RFC 6238 (TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm). HENNGE OTP Generator supports multiple authentication source. You may use...

Price: Free Developer: HENNGE K.K.
Quick QR Scan & Generator

Quick QR Scan & Generator

To scan a QR code or barcode simply open the app, point the camera at the code or choose the appropriate image from the photos, that’s it. QR Code Reader will automatically recognize and take you to the new...

Price: Free Developer: Nandha Kumar Ravi
WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

No. 1 Wep Key Generator for WiFi Password on Appstore! Support iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Ranked No. 1 Utility Application in China. Generated over 1 million WiFi passwords since launch. Thank you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bhushan Vaghode
Frequency Sound Generator

Frequency Sound Generator

Frequency Sound Generator is a simple wave form sound generator and oscillator. It is easy to use tool so you can create high variety of sounds and signals in just few seconds. All controls are in real time so you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Aleksandar Mlazev
Abimotto Generator

Abimotto Generator

Mit der kostenlosen Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du ein Archiv aus hunderten Motto-Vorschlägen und tausenden Motiven durchstöbern, um die perfekte Inspiration für euer Abitur zu finden. Kein gutes Motiv dabei? In der Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du uns deine Skizzen...

Price: Free Developer: Abihome


FREE - WIFI PASSWORD GENERATOR is a new wifi password keygen that will help you to increase your wireless security against hacking attacks. NOTICE this is NOT a tool to steal third person wifi password is just a random password...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat
Random Number Generator App

Random Number Generator App

Random Number Generator App - a useful tool in your pocket that will help you to generate random numbers and random number sequences. It is the only app you need to Generate Random Numbers fast. Random number generator app...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Bichurin
Domain Generator

Domain Generator

You are searching a tool for domain name generator/lean domain search? Do you usually use NameMesh or namestation on the Web to generate your awesome domain name, from some words in your mind? Now you move on mobile and want to...

Price: Free Developer: Minh Nguyen


「GANKER EX 赛事端」 APP 可供线下活动举办者与赛事运营方,在局域网内实现多台 GANKER EX 同时对战,并实现设计赛制,实时同步血量,判定输赢等功能。

Price: Free Developer: Shenzhen GJS Technology Co., Ltd.
Dice Ex Machina

Dice Ex Machina

This set of role-playing dice is fast, not fancy. There are no beautifully rendered translucent 3D dice tumbling to carefully calculated physics here. The user interface is geared towards rapid rolling. So, if you just surprised the brave party...

Price: Free Developer: Toby Coulstock
Handla Inköpslistor

Handla Inköpslistor

Ännu en vanlig app för inköpslistor? Nej! Med Handla dikterar du det du skall handla - både roligare och snabbare! Med diktering kan du säga t.ex. 'Ett kilo äpple' eller 'Ett kilo äpple två paket mjölk smör 1 kilo potatis...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lars Mellberg
School Chimes

School Chimes

This app is a simple alarm with a scheduling function. If you want to play a school chime which derives from the Westminster, the app realizes your request. In Japan, the school chime is widely used at the beginning...

Price: Free Developer: Takafumi AMANO
GMGPS Tracking

GMGPS Tracking

EX 508 1. Small size and easy for installation 2. Real-time track by web system 3. Two-way voice and SMS communication 4. Listening monitoring, History playback 5. Re-upload the location data function 6. Disable or enable engine remotely 7. Detect the ignition, door, Air-condition etc 8. Fuel monitoring and temperature monitoring 9. Record mileage information 10. Dispatching for taxi,...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Leong
GPS Tracking Monitor

GPS Tracking Monitor

Model GPS - GT02 Functions: - Small size, internal GPS and GSM antenna, and easy to install - Double location modes: GPS and LBS (Location Based Services) - GPS data uploading at interval and rollcall function - Tracking by SMS, and reply English address ...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Leong

Model GPS - GT02 Functions: - Small size, internal GPS and GSM antenna, and easy to install - Double location modes: GPS and LBS (Location Based Services) - GPS data uploading at interval and rollcall function - Tracking by SMS, and reply English address ...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Leong
Lucky Draw - Random Picker

Lucky Draw - Random Picker

This simple and beautiful gadget is able to quickly generate random numbers or words, suitable for variety of occasions and activities like prize drawing. 1. Randomly generate a number in a chosen range (ex. Between 1 and 100,000). 2. Customizable contents...

Price: Free Developer: Chia-Chun Hsieh
CVMS Mobile

CVMS Mobile

CVMS Mobile (Clinton Video Management Software) allows you to connect to your Clinton Electronics Hybrid, FXR, or EX Series DVR from anywhere in the world. MANAGE YOUR DVRS Easily add and save multiple DVRs for quick recollection later. Once saved, a...

Price: Free Developer: CLINTON Electronics

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