Top 41 Education Apps Like Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah - Best Alternatives

Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah alternatives for iOS? We have listed 41 Education apps that are similar to Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah. Pick one from this list to be your new Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah on your iOS devices.

Top 41 Apps Like Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah 2025.

Dua e Qunoot Offline MP3 &Text

Dua e Qunoot Offline MP3 &Text

Dua Al Qunoot Offline (AlQunoot MP3 & tEXT). دعاء القنوت بدون نت . دعاء القنوت مكتوب دعاء القنوت مكتوب بدون نت دعاء القنوت في صلاة الصبح دعاء القنوت بدون نت دعاء القنوت بصوت سعد الغامدي دعاء القنوت‎ al qunoot al qunoot offline dua al qunoot qunoot al witr ahmad sulaiman al...

Price: Free Developer: Abdulkarim Nasir
Learn Dua e Qunoot

Learn Dua e Qunoot

Learn Dua-e-Qunoot is an Islamic Learning Application for Muslim kids with word by word recitation, translation and transliteration. Dua-e-Qunoot is a supplication recited in Salat to seek refuge from calamities and ask for Allah’s blessings, and thus it’s important...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation application is designed for Muslims who wants to learn this Importan Dua. It is easier for kids to learn dua qunoot Arabic with this...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Asad Khan
Islamic Dua and Azkar

Islamic Dua and Azkar

Dua (supplication) is one of the most excellent forms of worship in Islam, one of the deeds most beloved to Allah (SWT), one of the best gifts that a Muslim can give to another and one of the most...

Price: Free Developer:
Dua O Azkar

Dua O Azkar

The essence of the religion lies in the embrace and remembrance of the Allah. Importantly, the Dhikir of Allah helps us pave our way towards guidance and true happiness. Allah’s guidance covers followers and preach of Islam as the...

Price: Free Developer: Mujadidia Inc
Kids Dua Now - Daily Islamic Duas for Kids of Age 3-12

Kids Dua Now - Daily Islamic Duas for Kids of Age 3-12

Kids Dua Now is an Islamic Learning app for kids to learn daily Duas. This interactive App is designed for Muslim kids and toddlers to facilitate them with the basics of Duas that are core part of Al Quran....

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 and Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 and Translation

Now You can easily learn Dua e Qunoot with beautiful mp3 audio voice. This app helps you read the text of the supplication as well as facilitates you in listening to the Dua e Qunoot. It also contains English,Urdu Translation...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Naeem
Muslim Dua

Muslim Dua

Muslim Dua - 40 Rabanas, Eat/Drink, Prayer, Forgiveness, Hajj,Funeral/Grave,Fasting/Ramadan, Rain, Dressing With MP3 Audio and Translation Muslim Dua is a smart application. It is comprised of beneficial Islamic Duas, which have been categorized into 18 major duas and azkar. This...

Price: Free Developer: Rehan Ahmad
Dua-e-Qunoot & Islamic Surah

Dua-e-Qunoot & Islamic Surah

Dua e Qunoot with 15 Surahs is an all in one app in which Muslims can Read: Dua e Qunoot, Ayat ul Kursi, Last 15 Surahs of Quran, and 99 Names of Allah ( Asma ul Husna ), 6...

Price: Free Developer: usman hamid
Learn Dua e Qunoot MP3 & More

Learn Dua e Qunoot MP3 & More

The Only App with Word by Word Tutoring Feature to Learn Dua e Qunoot, 99 Names of Allah, Short Surahs of Quran, 6 Kalmas, Ayat ul Kursi, & Daily Islamic Duas. Dua-e-Qunoot is an Islamic App, which is designed to...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Information Technology And Resource Development LLC
Peace and Education Coalition

Peace and Education Coalition

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...

Price: Free Developer: Peace and Education Coalition H.S.
Go Forth and Explore

Go Forth and Explore

Iconic, historic and dynamic, Scotland’s Forth Bridges are a wonder of the modern world. Towering side by side over the Firth of Forth, these structures represent the pinnacle of engineering from three centuries. Go Forth and Explore is a location-based...

Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Math and Magic

Math and Magic

Learn math and have fun! Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. No ads. Play for free: ◉ Number Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Addition Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Subtraction Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Multiplication Levels 1, 2, 3,...

Price: Free Developer: SOFTIVAL
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Sts Peter and Paul School

Sts Peter and Paul School

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...

Price: Free Developer: Sts Peter and Paul School
Music and Dance 1

Music and Dance 1

Operation mode: Little hands enjoy touching - "Hands on" is the natural behavioral characteristic of young children. Anywhere the children touch there will be something to find. This encourages the children to look through the pictures and discover as much...

Price: Free Developer: Hongen Education and Technology Co., Ltd.
Take me and drive

Take me and drive

The app includes questions to help you to get prepared for DMV examination in state Illinois, USA. It includes questions on a driver’s license, driver’s license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. How...

Price: Free Developer: Nataliia Koldaeva
Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler mobile application allows for parents of the attending children to be better informed about about everything we do at our centers. Learn more about the faculty and staff as well as allowing you to get...

Price: Free Developer: Allison’s Infant and Toddler Inc
Masnoon Duaen aur Azkaar

Masnoon Duaen aur Azkaar

In daily life you need to pray dua's before and after every action. This is difficult to memorise all these dua's. This app will be your asset in routine life. Keep this Nuskha with you always. Memorise Dua, Recite...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Learn Quran Tajwid

Learn Quran Tajwid

Learn to recite Arabic Quran + Improve tajweed and makharij online All in one app to study how to recite the Quran. With technology, learning how to recite the Quran is better, easier and faster than ever! Learn Quran Tajwid provides...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Learn Quran
Quran Best Indonesia

Quran Best Indonesia

Pertama di Indonesia, Aplikasi Al Quran Digital terbaik dengan desain senyaman Quran Cetak sesuai dengan versi mushaf yang beredar di pasaran. Lengkap dengan terjemahan Indonesia per kata, Audio Murottal dan Tajwid Warna untuk mempermudah mempelajari dan memahami Al Quran. Inovasi Terbaru,...

Price: Free Developer: Quran Best
Quran Club

Quran Club

The Quran Club is a community of Muslims coming together to read and complete the Quran together. Our app is completely FREE and full of UNIQUE FEATURES you wont find on any other app. NEW FEATURES: - FREE! : Everything on...

Price: Free Developer: Quran Club
Quran in Colors Arabic English Bangla

Quran in Colors Arabic English Bangla

* Complete Trilingual Quran in Arabic, English and Bangla. * High Quality modern Uthmani Script. * Authentic and verified for accuracy Arabic text, harakats and aarabs. * English translation in contemporary American English. The following authentic...

Price: Free Developer: Evergreen Islamic Center
Ayat: Al Quran - آيات: القرآن الكريم

Ayat: Al Quran - آيات: القرآن الكريم

Al Quran - القرآن الكريم آيات : القرآن الكريم : مشروع المصحف الإلكتروني بجامعة الملك سعود. .Ayat : Al Quran : KSU-Electronic Mosshaf project المميزات | Features : عرض نسخة مصورة من المصحف الشريف. Viewing scanned(soft) copy of real printed Mosshaf. الإختيار بين مصحف المدينة...

Price: Free Developer: King Saud University - ETC
Quran Telawat

Quran Telawat

Dear Users, If you faced a problem with the last update. Please remove the application and install it again to fix it. ------------------------------------------------- Quran Audio Lib is simple application that can help you to listen to 143 deferent recitations and deferent Rewayat like...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammad Aljaber
Question Quran

Question Quran

A categorical classifications of answers of questions that rise in our daily life, in the light of Quran by using up most commonly used translations. The most commonly available translations are used and efforts are under way to provide...

Price: Free Developer: Question Quran
Bahasa Quran Translation and Reading

Bahasa Quran Translation and Reading

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Holy Quran Bahasa...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Red Stonz Technologies Private Limited
Quran IQ: Learn Quran & Arabic

Quran IQ: Learn Quran & Arabic

Learn to read, pronounce and understand Qur’anic Arabic with Quran IQ, the ultimate learning app that helps you learn the words of the Holy Quran and the Arabic Language. Learn Arabic with lessons taught through visual and audio...

Price: Free Developer: Blu Yeti Inc
Quran Quiz - MCQ's of Quran

Quran Quiz - MCQ's of Quran

1300+ (Thirteen Hundred Plus) Questions and Answers to Learn Quran in Quiz Format. After memorising you can test yourself by our LMS. This is very easy to use app to prepare yourself for any quiz competition of Quran. Quran Quiz...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Bismillah, Aplikasi Kajian Sunnah Indonesia ini dihadirkan untuk memudahkan bagi teman - teman yang ingin menuntut ilmu agama islam dimanapun berada dikarenakan selama ini masih banyak teman - teman yang kesulitan untuk mencari Tempat menuntut ilmu Agama Islam. Aplikasi ini...

Price: Free Developer: Kajian Sunnah Indonesia
Daily Sunnah of Muhammad S.A.W

Daily Sunnah of Muhammad S.A.W

Daily Routine of the Holy Prophet (SAW) The life of Holy Prophet (SAW) is full of virtuous deeds. If any Muslim contemplates, he would find guidance in every aspect of Holy Prophet’s (SAW) life and this is the reason that...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Haqq Quran Kajian Sunnah

Haqq Quran Kajian Sunnah

Kenapa harus Haqq ? 1. Jadwal Sholat Cara mudah untuk tau jadwal sholat hari ini. 2. Dzikir Pagi Petang Mau tahu cara menenangkan hati yang gelisah nan susah? Rutin baca dzikir pagi petang dan kamu akan terlindungi dari berbagai macam gangguan. 3. Dzikir Sesudah Sholat...

Price: Free Developer: Achmad Fachrudin
Shalat Sunnah

Shalat Sunnah

As-Shalat Sunnah is a one-stop learning app that assists you in learning to perform Shalat Sunnah. As-Shalat promotes a learning-by-doing experience to improve your Shalat. Features : - Complete short Surrah for Shalat taken from JUZ 30 Al-Qur'an - Complete list of...

Price: Free Developer: ARDHIA MULTI PARAMA, PT
Daawa Sunnah Foundation

Daawa Sunnah Foundation

Daawa Sunnah Foundation is a Muslim organization which aims at making authentic Islamic knowledge readily available to the world through the Internet in different Languages from prestigious Scholars , also focuses on propagating and imparting the purity of Islamic...

Price: Free Developer: Qausain Tech
Sunnah Legacy

Sunnah Legacy

خالق کائنات نے انسانوں کی ہدایت کے لیے اس عالم میں نبیوں اور رسولوں کا سلسلہ قائم فرمایا، ان برگزیدہ ہستیوں کے واسطے سے بندوں تک ہدایت کا پیغام پہنچایا اور ان کے واسطے سے اپنے فرمانبردار بندوں کو...

Price: Free Developer: Mujadidia Inc
Essential Duas & Surahs

Essential Duas & Surahs

Safar Publications brings you a new and original fully comprehensive dua learning app developed over 15 years of practical experience. It was the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) to remain in the remembrance of Allah (swt) throughout the entire day. From morning until...

Price: Free Developer: Safar Publications Ltd
Al Noor Islamic Center

Al Noor Islamic Center

WHO WE ARE Al-Noor society was established in 1987 in Houston Texas. Few brothers joined their hands together to establish an entity that offers the services to the community like observing Most of the Islamic events which were not being observed...

Price: Free Developer: Lemosys
Islamic Daily Duas & Prayers

Islamic Daily Duas & Prayers

How much concerned are you in teaching Quran to your kids?? Being a Muslim parent, it’s our responsibility to teach our children about Islam. Grooming our kids spiritually is as much important as is to groom them worldly. Recite...

Price: Free Developer: BHADRIK MEHTA

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