Top 17 Education Apps Like Shalat Sunnah - Best Alternatives

Shalat Sunnah Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Shalat Sunnah alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Education apps that are similar to Shalat Sunnah. Pick one from this list to be your new Shalat Sunnah app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Shalat Sunnah on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Apps Like Shalat Sunnah - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Shalat Sunnah alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar apps like Shalat Sunnah 2025.

Shalat 3D

Shalat 3D

Integrasi kartu 3 dimensi dengan aplikasi Augmented Reality sebagai panduan shalat yang mudah, interaktif dan menyenangkan. Integration of 3D cards with augmented reality applications as a daily prayer guide that is easy , interactive and fun Download Augmented Reality image trackers...

Price: Free Developer: Eep Supendi Maqdir
Ashalat Fardhu

Ashalat Fardhu

ASHALAT FARDHU is a one-stop learning app that assists you in learning to perform Shalat Fardhu (Fajr, Dzuhur, Ashar, Maghrib, and Isya). As-Shalat promotes a learning-by-doing experience to improve your Shalat. Features : - Complete short Surrah for Shalat...

Price: Free Developer: ARDHIA MULTI PARAMA, PT
SalatGuide Basic for iPad

SalatGuide Basic for iPad

SALE AT 40% OFF !!! An easy guideline for the 5 daily salats (shalat prayers) that is described using audio, pictures, and texts. Azan, Iqamah, Wudhu & Shalat actions and recitations, Duaa and Dhikr After Shalat are all described clearly...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
Tata Cara Sholat

Tata Cara Sholat

Pertama kali, berdirilah dengan posisi tegak sambil mengadap Kiblat. Berniatlah untuk melaksanakan shalat dan tentukan jenis shalat yang ingin Anda kerjakan (shalat Zhuhur, Ashar, Maghrib, Isya` atau Shubuh). Tata Cara Sholat Fardhu 5 Waktu Tata Cara dan Do’a Menjalankan Sholat Dhuha

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Khotbah Jumat

Khotbah Jumat

Khutbah jum'at merupakan rangkaian dari ibadah shalat jum'at, aplikasi ini membantu para khatib untuk memberikan khutbah yang sesuai dengan al-Qura'an dan as-Sunnah.

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Marbel Panduan Puasa

Marbel Panduan Puasa

Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang dinantikan oleh semua umat muslim di dunia. Syukur Alhamdulillah kita tinggal di negara dengan mayoritas muslim sehingga bulan Ramadhan terasa begitu meriah dan menyenangkan. Apakah bulan Ramadhan hanya milik orang dewasa saja. Tentu saja...

Salam Al-Azhar

Salam Al-Azhar

SALAM AL AZHAR Salam Al-Azhar merupakan platform resmi yang dihadirkan oleh Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar untuk memudahkan aktivitas peserta didik. Salam Al-Azhar dirancang untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat proses penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) & pindahan, pembayaran uang sekolah, informasi akademik dan...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al Azhar
Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Bismillah, Aplikasi Kajian Sunnah Indonesia ini dihadirkan untuk memudahkan bagi teman - teman yang ingin menuntut ilmu agama islam dimanapun berada dikarenakan selama ini masih banyak teman - teman yang kesulitan untuk mencari Tempat menuntut ilmu Agama Islam. Aplikasi ini...

Price: Free Developer: Kajian Sunnah Indonesia
Daily Sunnah of Muhammad S.A.W

Daily Sunnah of Muhammad S.A.W

Daily Routine of the Holy Prophet (SAW) The life of Holy Prophet (SAW) is full of virtuous deeds. If any Muslim contemplates, he would find guidance in every aspect of Holy Prophet’s (SAW) life and this is the reason that...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Haqq Quran Kajian Sunnah

Haqq Quran Kajian Sunnah

Kenapa harus Haqq ? 1. Jadwal Sholat Cara mudah untuk tau jadwal sholat hari ini. 2. Dzikir Pagi Petang Mau tahu cara menenangkan hati yang gelisah nan susah? Rutin baca dzikir pagi petang dan kamu akan terlindungi dari berbagai macam gangguan. 3. Dzikir Sesudah Sholat...

Price: Free Developer: Achmad Fachrudin
Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah

Dua and Azkaar |Quran |sunnah

Hisnul Muslim - Collection of Prayers/Duas of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) with English Translation & Transliteration. Use this app to pray and memorise the beautiful duas of the Messenger of Allah Also, give you valuable feedback and suggestion about the...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Daawa Sunnah Foundation

Daawa Sunnah Foundation

Daawa Sunnah Foundation is a Muslim organization which aims at making authentic Islamic knowledge readily available to the world through the Internet in different Languages from prestigious Scholars , also focuses on propagating and imparting the purity of Islamic...

Price: Free Developer: Qausain Tech
Sunnah Legacy

Sunnah Legacy

خالق کائنات نے انسانوں کی ہدایت کے لیے اس عالم میں نبیوں اور رسولوں کا سلسلہ قائم فرمایا، ان برگزیدہ ہستیوں کے واسطے سے بندوں تک ہدایت کا پیغام پہنچایا اور ان کے واسطے سے اپنے فرمانبردار بندوں کو...

Price: Free Developer: Mujadidia Inc
Essential Duas & Surahs

Essential Duas & Surahs

Safar Publications brings you a new and original fully comprehensive dua learning app developed over 15 years of practical experience. It was the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) to remain in the remembrance of Allah (swt) throughout the entire day. From morning until...

Price: Free Developer: Safar Publications Ltd
Al Noor Islamic Center

Al Noor Islamic Center

WHO WE ARE Al-Noor society was established in 1987 in Houston Texas. Few brothers joined their hands together to establish an entity that offers the services to the community like observing Most of the Islamic events which were not being observed...

Price: Free Developer: Lemosys
Islamic Daily Duas & Prayers

Islamic Daily Duas & Prayers

How much concerned are you in teaching Quran to your kids?? Being a Muslim parent, it’s our responsibility to teach our children about Islam. Grooming our kids spiritually is as much important as is to groom them worldly. Recite...

Price: Free Developer: BHADRIK MEHTA

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