Do you want to find the best Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Reference apps that are similar to Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera. Pick one from this list to be your new Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Kinyarwanda Bible -Biblia Yera 2025.
This Samoan Bible is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the added...
Western Apache Bible app is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the...
Ứng dụng giúp bạn đọc Kinh Thánh với các tính năng nổi bật như sau: • Có sẵn nhiều bản Kinh Thánh tiếng Anh, Êđê, Koho, Jrai, Việt (sẽ cập nhật thêm). • Có thể đối chiếu, so sánh các bản dịch Kinh...
هذا التطبيق هوعبارة عن الكتاب المقدس بطريقة مبسطة في جيبك. لقد حرصنا أن يكون هذا التطبيق بسيطًا للتركيز على كلمة الله دون تشتيت الانتباه. من السهل الدخول الى صفحة الكتاب المقدس والبحث فيه مع الفائدة الإضافية للقراءة دون الاتصال...
For years, the spiritual lives of countless men and women all over the world have been strengthened with the help of The MacArthur Study Bible. This all-in-one spiritual library contains Dr. MacArthur’s personal study notes below the full-length Bible...
Welcome to the NIV 50th Anniversary app! The New International Version is the world’s most read and most trusted modern-English Bible translation—easy to understand, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. The NIV is the result...
On more than 350 million devices around the world, people are reading, listening to, watching, and sharing the Bible using the #1 rated Bible App—completely free. Over 1,000 Bible versions, in hundreds of languages. Hundreds of Reading Plans, in...
STUDY MATERIALS • 60,000+ "foot notes" ◆ These are more than ordinary footnotes. These are study notes! Some are full articles, others simply give alternative wording so the meaning is made clear. You'll love them! • Strong's Concordance ◆ Every word...
The profound Bible studying is not only the professional linguists' privilege now... Bible-Discovery software were designed for those who are not satisfied with the skimming of the Bible and they need more. Who would like to understand the Bible verses... offers mobile access to Scripture in more languages than any other Bible app, and includes access to hundreds of dramatized Audio Bibles as well as the JESUS film. READ the Bible, LISTEN to the Bible, and SEE the...
Biblia Cristiana en Español a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Biblia Cristiana en Español Bible App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your...
Biblia Dios Habla Hoy a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Biblia Dios Habla Hoy Bible App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your...
Magandang Balita Biblia Libre a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Magandang Balita Biblia Libre App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings,...
Descarga esta nueva app que te ofrece una Biblia audio para escuchar y leer al mismo tiempo la Santa Biblia. Una app útil y fácil de usar para tener el mensaje de Dios siempre a mano en tu teléfono. Con...
The Biblia Cornilescu Română is a FREE and Offline Bible. Read the Bible with Audio, Many Reading Plans, Bible Quizzes, Bible Dictionary, Bible Quotes and much more. Download Now! The Biblia Cornilescu Română the best Application to carry God’s Word....
Este app gratuito de Logos pone a tu disposición los recursos de Logos 8 en tu iPhone e iPad para equiparte con la más avanzada tecnología de estudio bíblico móvil. Tu estudio se sincroniza a través de varias plataformas...
Biblia española con audio Totalmente cargado con todas las funciones que harán que esta aplicación sea más fácil de leer y usar. Destacando Toma de notas Subrayar el texto Búsqueda Web Copiar y pegar Modo Noche y Día Diccionarios Búsqueda de texto Dos bultos de la Biblia Tamaño fantástico de...
Esta aplicación de la Biblia es una Biblia simple en tu bolsillo. Hemos simplificado la aplicación para centrarnos en la lectura de Palabra de Dios sin distracciones. La interfaz para navegar y buscar en la Biblia es fácil de...
Sea iluminado con las Santas Palabras de Dios. Esta es una aplicación de Biblia con la versión Reina-Valera. Conveniente para todos los usuarios, la aplicación Biblia RVR60 permite una lectura sencilla mientras le permite a los usuarios buscar un...
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