Top 50 Book Apps Like 1875 Books in French (Novels) - Best Alternatives

1875 Books in French (Novels) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 1875 Books in French (Novels) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Book apps that are similar to 1875 Books in French (Novels). Pick one from this list to be your new 1875 Books in French (Novels) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 1875 Books in French (Novels) on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like 1875 Books in French (Novels) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 1875 Books in French (Novels) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like 1875 Books in French (Novels) 2025.

OGEL & TDM Law Journals

OGEL & TDM Law Journals

Published by Maris BV the OGEL and TDM law journals keep you informed about the latest developments in Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL) and Transnational Dispute Management (TDM). About OGEL: Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) is...

Price: Free Developer: MARIS B.V.
Albert Barnes Notes (Bible Commentary)

Albert Barnes Notes (Bible Commentary)

Albert Barnes (1798-1870) was an American theologian, born at Rome, New York, on December 1, 1798. He graduated from Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, in 1820, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1823. Barnes was ordained as a Presbyterian...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Anthologie de la Poésie

Anthologie de la Poésie

Anthologie de la Poésie 899 livres, 293 auteurs Cette application contient une bibliothèque complète de livres de Poésie. Les oeuvres en texte intégral des plus grands poètes sont présentes dans cette gigantesque collection. Apollinaire, Baudelaire, Du Bellay, Théophile Gautier, Goethe, Homère,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Anthologie du Théâtre

Anthologie du Théâtre

Anthologie du Théâtre 691 livres | 139 auteurs Cette application présente une bibliothèque entière consacrée au Théâtre. Les oeuvres en texte intégral des plus grands auteurs dramatiques sont présentes dans cette imposante collection. Découvrez ou redécouvrez les plus belles pièces de...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Baudelaire  Oeuvres complètes

Baudelaire Oeuvres complètes

Baudelaire – Oeuvres Complètes Cette application présente un guide de référence sur Charles Baudelaire: - ses oeuvres œuvres complètes en texte intégral (poésies, essais, critiques, traductions) - une gallerie d'image - articles wikipédia clés Liste des oeuvres présentes: 1845 - Salon de 1845 1846 - Choix...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Franc-Maçonnerie (Anthologie)

Franc-Maçonnerie (Anthologie)

Anthologie de la Franc-Maçonnerie - Textes Cette application présente une collection de textes sur le thème de la Franc-Maçonnerie, en texte intégral: les textes historiques, les rituels, les divulgations, les bulles papales, ainsi que des livres sur la Franc-Maçonnerie. Liste des...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC


Molière – Oeuvres Complètes Cette application présente un guide de référence sur Molière: - ses oeuvres œuvres complètes en texte intégral (toutes ses pièces de théâtre) - une collection de livres sur Molière - classement par année - livres intégrés à l'application: ne nécessite...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Philosophie (Anthologie de la)

Philosophie (Anthologie de la)

Anthologie de la Philosophie 1065 ouvrages, 149 auteurs Cette application contient une bibliothèque complète de livres de Philosophie. Les oeuvres en texte intégral des plus grands philosophes sont présentes dans cette gigantesque collection: Aristote, Bergson, Descartes, Diderot, Durkheim, Epicure, Erasme, Hobbes,...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Polska Biblia Gdańska. Pismo Święte (Polish Bible)

Polska Biblia Gdańska. Pismo Święte (Polish Bible)

Polskie Biblia (Polish Holy Bible) Gdańska Biblia gdańska – przekład Biblii na język polski z roku 1632 dokonany wspólnie przez braci czeskich i kalwinistów. Jedno z najpopularniejszych polskich tłumaczeń protestanckich. Starania zborów protestanckich o nowe po Biblii brzeskiej wydanie trwały ponad...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
CINE-BOOKS: Read-Listen-Watch

CINE-BOOKS: Read-Listen-Watch

READ, LISTEN or even WATCH books like a movie! Check out the revolutionary reading app that offers a completely new kind of storytelling entertainment for the whole family. It combines the advantages of both books and movies! Cine-books are a new...

Price: Free Developer: CINE-BOOKS Entertainment Limited
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Catalog your book collection with ease! Automatic book details and cover images. Just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera! - Free 7-day trial, then US $14.99 per year - Use our "CLZ Core" central online book database for easy adding of books: * Just...

Price: Free Developer:
Apple Books

Apple Books

Apple Books lets you lose yourself in the best books and audiobooks right on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch. You’ll find bestsellers, classics, up-and-coming authors, and more — all ready to instantly download and enjoy. Features • Selection:...

Price: Free Developer: Apple
ThriftBooks: New & Used Books

ThriftBooks: New & Used Books

Shop 13 million new and used books at up to 90% off list price. The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Scan bar...

Price: Free Developer: Thrift Books Global LLC.
Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books is a new twist on the Classic Children’s picture book. Little Magic Books combine the physicality of printed books with the interactivity of smartphone apps. Just strap your smartphone into the the back of physical book while...

Price: Free Developer: Little Magic Books
My Kingdom Books

My Kingdom Books

The My Kingdom Books app is designed to work alongside our personalised children's story book. By simply pointing your device at the story book you'll see the characters come alive in 3D, along with character voice overs and story...

Price: Free Developer: My Kingdom Books Ltd
All You Can Books - Unlimited

All You Can Books - Unlimited

Fill your day with stories. All You Can Books free app gives you UNLIMITED, instant access to over 40,000 wonderful Audiobooks, eBooks, and Foreign Language courses plus thousands of Podcasts. Download directly to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod so...

Price: Free Developer: All You Can Books, LLC
Audiobooks from Librivox - FREE 10,000+ Audio Books mp3

Audiobooks from Librivox - FREE 10,000+ Audio Books mp3

Audiobooks from LibriVox privileges absolutely free access to over 10,000 audio books. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use. All LibriVox audio books can be freely listened to. The LibriVox Audio Books app...

Price: Free Developer: Mind For Books
Juggernaut Books

Juggernaut Books

JUGGERNAUT Read and Grow with Juggernaut Books Learn something new every day Looking to read and grow? Get ahead at work, de-stress with spiritual gurus like Sadhguru & Om Swami, learn valuable lessons in parenting, enjoy 15-minute versions of best-selling books,...

Price: Free Developer: Juggernaut Books Private Limited
Me Books Plus

Me Books Plus

Subscribe to enjoy up to over 400 titles in our growing library that is updated monthly From the creators of an award-winning digital reading app in the UK comes a unique interactive storytelling app made affordable, designed for every child....

Price: Free Developer: Me Books
Alice in Wonderland Book

Alice in Wonderland Book

--> A Marvelous Fantasy + Engaging Animations + Stunning interactions --> HD graphics and sounds | FREE educational PUZZLE activities inside! Follow Alice as she falls down the rabbit’s hole into a fantasy world. Discover a magical world,...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble is a community of writers wherein writer can write their own story or jump into someone else’s with a limit of 100 words only. To make it more interesting, the writers can also have co-writers contribute to its...

Price: Free Developer: INFINX SERVICES PVT LTD
New In Chess Books

New In Chess Books

New In Chess is a prize-winning publisher of chess books, the Yearbook and its flagship periodical: New In Chess magazine. The book publishing program focuses on chess improvement, training manuals, opening theory, chess history and chess entertainment. Bestselling authors...

Price: Free Developer: New In Chess
Catholic Bible in Malayalam

Catholic Bible in Malayalam

† This is a complete reference of Catholic Bible in Malayalam.† Customise your reading experience. Access everything offline. The app lets you explore the word of God and share it with your friends & family. † FEATURES † • Navigate with ease. •...

Price: Free Developer: Reeba Sebastian
Geeta in Audio & Text

Geeta in Audio & Text

Now with offline Audio. Play anywhere without internet connection. Play Audio for following language: 1.Hindi 2.English 3.Spanish 4.French 5.Chienese 6.Germany Also available meaning for every sloka in every languages. The Bhagavad Gita, also more simply known as Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman Chalisa and Hanuman Chants with HD Audio: Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional song based on Lord Hanuman as the model devotee. The word "chālisā" is derived from "chālis" in Hindi, which means 40, as the Hanuman Chalisa has 40...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
In rep en roer

In rep en roer

In rep en roer is een Leren lezen zoekboek voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar. In dit boek kan je kind speuren naar woorden en deze zelf lezen. Is het boek uit? Start dan de app en je kind kan in...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Added the new volume "Nuclear power with imagination". >Nuclear power in Japan For most people in Japan now,the nuclear plant is facilities that exist like seem being natural since time when it born and grew up. And it is managed by...

Price: Free Developer: Blue in the face
Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen

Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen

Oliver heeft weinig geluk in zijn leven. Zijn ouders zijn dood en hij groeit op in een tehuis. Oliver wordt gepest en zelfs mishandeld. Hij vlucht naar de grote stad Londen. Daar leert hij een vreemde jongen kennen die...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

This is a library of Orthodox Christian literature for people speaking Chinese. We offer a large variety of books in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional characters), English, and Russian languages.

Price: Free Developer: Orthodox Church in Hong Kong 香港聖彼得聖保羅東正教堂
French Dictionary Elite

French Dictionary Elite

• Bilingual English to French and French to English dictionary • French to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iThinkdiff
Muslim Book Pack - French Indonesia

Muslim Book Pack - French Indonesia

BIG SALE AT 70% OFF !!! Muslim Book Pack in French and Indonesian. Islamic / Islam / Muslim book collection (The History of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Important Events in the Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 1001 Inspiring Stories, Luqman Al-Hakim's...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
Muslim Book Pack for iPad - French Indonesia

Muslim Book Pack for iPad - French Indonesia

SALE AT 70% OFF !!! Muslim Book Pack in French and Indonesian. Islamic / Islam / Muslim book collection (The History of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Important Events in the Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 1001 Inspiring Stories, Luqman Al-Hakim's Wisdom...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
French Dictionary +

French Dictionary +

• Bilingual English to French and French to English dictionary • French to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...

Price: Free Developer: iThinkdiff
Learn to Speak French Offline

Learn to Speak French Offline

Learn French is one of the best iOS app for those who want to speak French language easily. It is perfect for the beginners who want to learn French language offline. This app acts as a tutor...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
English French Dictionary Offline For Ipad

English French Dictionary Offline For Ipad

English French and French English offline dictionary. With this offline dictionary you won’t need internet to translate from French to English or from English to French. Anywhere and anytime you can get instant French English and English French translation. After...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
English French Dictionary Offline Free

English French Dictionary Offline Free

English French and French English offline dictionary. With this offline dictionary you won’t need internet to translate from French to English or from English to French. Anywhere and anytime you can get instant French English and English French translation. After...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
English to French Translate

English to French Translate

=>English to French translator with french to english and English to French. => search by Online. => English to French Dictionary find Words and Word Suggestion. => English french translator phrases Online by search => French translator lite => English to French Translator...

Price: Free Developer: Siddharth Makadiya
Free Holy Bible Audio mp3 and Text in French - Louis Segond 1910

Free Holy Bible Audio mp3 and Text in French - Louis Segond 1910

Holy Bible in French - Louis Segond 1910 This application gives you the ability to read and listen to ALL the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. = > Content...

Price: Free Developer: Naim Abdel
Quran in French, Arabic and Transliteration + Juz Amma in Arabic and French Audio

Quran in French, Arabic and Transliteration + Juz Amma in Arabic and French Audio

Quran in French, Arabic and Transliteration + Juz Amma in Arabic and French Audio This application gives you the ability to read 114 Suras on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch and listen in Arabic and French the last...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Inkitt: Books, Novels, Stories

Inkitt: Books, Novels, Stories

Discover thousands of new novels by indie authors and read them for free on Inkitt. Join us on our mission to support aspiring authors taking their first steps towards publication! From Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Mystery, Action and Adventure to Drama,...

Price: Free Developer: Free Novels Inc
Switch Book bilingual novels

Switch Book bilingual novels

SWITCH BOOK is an application for all those who want to improve their foreign language skills (English, Spanish, Deutch, Italian, Portuguese...) How ? SWITCH BOOK is a bookstore of bilingual novels. Each book contains the novel in two languages. For example:...

Price: Free Developer: Switch Book
Crave - Read Romance Novels

Crave - Read Romance Novels

• NEW FEATURE: Earn credits by referring friends or purchase them to read tomorrow's chapter, today. • “A new app turns your romance novel fantasy into reality” –Claire Fallon, The Huffington Post • Part book, part movie, part instant messenger, Crave...

Price: Free Developer: Paragraph LLC
SEQUENTIAL: Graphic Novels

SEQUENTIAL: Graphic Novels

SEQUENTIAL features comics and graphic novels from some of the world's leading creators and publishers. ••• Every user can also download Alan Moore: An Extraordinary Gentleman by Garry Spencer Millidge for FREE! Releases include the best new and noteworthy graphic...

Price: Free Developer: Limited
Romantic Novels

Romantic Novels

Romantic novels is a multilingual novel reading APP with the books the traditional reader simultaneously have. This app make the reading way diversification and Liberation by its functions such as automatic reading history preservation, synchronization updates and the offline...

Price: Free Developer: GengZhou Li
BOOK WALKER – Manga & Novels

BOOK WALKER – Manga & Novels

Come experience a better way to collect and read the latest Manga and Light novels digitally on your iPhone and iPad. ■ Recommended Environment OS 8 or after iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ■Publishers on BOOK WALKER J-Novel Club KADOKAWA Kodansha Comics Seven Seas Entertainment VIZ...

Price: Free Developer: BOOKWALKER
Novel Updates, The Best Reader for Light Novels

Novel Updates, The Best Reader for Light Novels

* You want to find ALL your favorite favourite novels in one place? Try Novel Updates!! Find ALL your favorite wuxia, xianxia (& a lot more) novels, and enjoy the best reading experience on iOS! * The best Light Novel...

Price: Free Developer: HLK
Wuxia Fantasy, Light & Web Novels

Wuxia Fantasy, Light & Web Novels

* You want to find ALL your favorite favourite novels in one place? Try Wuxia Fantasy!! Find ALL your favorite wuxia, xianxia (& a lot more) novels, and enjoy the best reading experience on iOS! * The best Light Novel...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HLK
NovelToon-Novels Updated Daily

NovelToon-Novels Updated Daily

NovelToon is an excellent novel reading and writing platform. You can read so many kinds of original fun novel - Romance, Fantasy, Horror Stories, Modern, Comedy, Time Travel, School Life and . Thousands of addictive books waiting for you....

Price: Free Developer: Mangatoon HK Limited
DragonBook - Fantasy Novels

DragonBook - Fantasy Novels

Chinese Fantasy Novel World! You can find most fantasy novels here , just for Chinese & Korean light novels ;

Price: Free Developer: Fei Wang

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