Top 49 Reference Apps Like Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary - Best Alternatives

Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Reference apps that are similar to Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary. Pick one from this list to be your new Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Dict EN-RU Free. English-Russian Dictionary 2025. Dictionary Dictionary

Dictionary for 51 language combinations, usable with or without an internet connection (offline dictionary). Vocabularies can be downloaded and updated within the app for free. German-English dictionary: more than 1 million translations All dictionaries are bidirectional, so German-English doubles as English-German....

Price: Free Developer: GmbH
Dict.SE Swedish - English - Swedish dictionary (lexikon)

Dict.SE Swedish - English - Swedish dictionary (lexikon)

Swedish-English-Swedish dictionary contains total 78444 words. Of which, 52669 words are Swedish - English and 25775 words are English - Swedish. Apps key features: - Offline dictionary, no internet connection required. - Search as you type. - Simple interface. - Details translation: with...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tung Vu
Bamboo Dict Free English-Vietnamese

Bamboo Dict Free English-Vietnamese

BambooDict (BBD) Free is a dictionary viewer, using StarDict format and English-Vietnamese dictionary is installed already. Users can download directly and use dictionaries from StarDict and XDXF projects - there are more than 700 dictionaries from those sites. ...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Pham
Longdo Dict

Longdo Dict

Longdo Dict เป็น iOS แอป อย่างเป็นทางการของบริการพจนานุกรมลองดู (ลองดูดิกชันนารี) **** พจนานุกรมออนไลน์ยอดนิยม อันดับหนึ่งของคนไทย *** ******** *********** ผู้ใช้สามารถสืบค้นความหมายของคำในภาษาต่างๆ เช่น อังกฤษ จีน ญี่ปุ่น เยอรมัน ฝรั่งเศส โดยมีคุณสมบัติเด่นดังนี้ - ระบบแนะนำคำความเร็วสูง สามารถป้อนเพียงบางส่วนของคำ ไม่ว่าส่วนนั้นจะอยู่ต้นคำ กลางคำ หรือท้ายคำ - อ่านออกเสียงคำ - เนื้อหาหลักของดิก มีมาพร้อมแอปแล้ว สามารถใช้งานแบบ Offline ได้ - บันทึกคำที่ใช้บ่อยๆ -...

Price: Free Developer: Metamedia Technology Co., Ltd.
Arabic Dictionary - Dict Box

Arabic Dictionary - Dict Box

Dict Box - قاموس ومترجم إنجليزي عربي وعربي إنجليزي لا يتطلب الاتصال بالإنترنت. سريع ومريح وسهل الاستخدام. آلية ذكية للغاية لاقتراح الكلمات كل القواميس في مكان واحد. فقط اضغط على كلمة لمعرفة معانيها. ترجمة النص مباشرة في متصفح الويب، والتطبيقات الأخرى. نطق النص. قاموس مصور. كلمة تذكيرية. يتوفر العديد...

Price: Free Developer: EVOLLY.APP
Dict-o-saurus Rex

Dict-o-saurus Rex

Raaaggggghhh!!! is not a word, but you can use Dict-o-saurus Rex to discover the meanings of hundreds of thousands of real words. Dict-o-saurus uses WordNet® under the hood. WordNet® includes more that 150,000 English word definitions. Features: - Search for definitions & synonyms of...

Price: Free Developer: KFX Tech LTD
Longdo Dict HD

Longdo Dict HD

Longdo Dict HD provides access to Longdo online dictionary service at on iPad. Users can search for word definition from multiple bilingual dictionaries between Thai and non-Thai (English/Japanese/French/Chinese/etc) languages. This app features a fast full-text head word suggestion, with...

Price: Free Developer: Metamedia Technology Co., Ltd.
Rebin Dict (English-Kurdish-Arabic-Farsi-Turkish)

Rebin Dict (English-Kurdish-Arabic-Farsi-Turkish)

This dictionary includes more than 54,000 words with (( English-Kurdish-Arabic-Persian-Turkish )) meanings.WORKS OFFLINE - no Internet connection needed when searching words. Features: •Use your camera to extract text on papers. • Every day the dict notify you on a new word. • Fast,...

Price: Free Developer: Rebin Ali
iKhmer Dict 3 in 1

iKhmer Dict 3 in 1

iKhmer Dict 3 in 1 provides user with 3 types of dictionary: 1. English - Khmer 2. Khmer - Khmer 3. Khmer - English. Feature: - Fast searching - Pronounce english word Always Free of Charge

Price: Free Developer: Kosal Prak
EV Dict - Vietnamese English Dictionary

EV Dict - Vietnamese English Dictionary

EV Dict is a free Vietnamese - English and English - Vietnamese dictionary app with over 150000 word entries. The dictionary data is stored offline. No internet connection is required to lookup words. The dictionary also supports audio pronunciations in...

Price: Free Developer: VM Mobile Team
Diccionario Bíblico en Español

Diccionario Bíblico en Español

Diccionario Bíblico - gran herramienta de estudio bíblico en su smartphone Aquí encontrará definiciones miles acerca de los nombres bíblicos, eventos, lugares y demás información útil sobre Santa Biblia. Interfaz sencilla e intuitiva del diccionario le ayudará a encontrar rápida y...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Dico Machtotz EN

Dico Machtotz EN

“Dico Machtotz EN” is an English - western Armenian (and vice versa) dictionary. Once installed, the dictionary can be accessed without an Internet connection. It is the only dictionary of its kind at the AppStore. The keyboard allows...

Price: Free Developer: WebMaster Ltd.


Esta aplicación está diseñada para ayudarle a conversar con la gente acerca de Jesús . La aplicación de la "GUÍA PARA CONVERSAR SOBRE LA VIDA" ayuda a responder las siguientes preguntas de una manera simple y memorable para...

Price: Free Developer: North American Mission Board
Coran en français

Coran en français

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Coran en...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Coran en français - écoute et lit

Coran en français - écoute et lit

Audio mp3 Coran en français. Dans cette application, vous écouterez le Coran avec l'audio en français. Inclus sont les 114 sourates. - Premièrement, le temps de prière de l'aquase pour des millions de musulmans à travers le monde. L'heure du lever et du...

Price: Free Developer: Visar Haliti
Corán en español

Corán en español

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Corán en...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Not'Annuaire Aix-En-Provence

Not'Annuaire Aix-En-Provence

Avec cette application, vous pouvez désormais retrouver l’ensemble des Notaires de la Cour d’Appel d'Aix-En-Provence. En toute simplicité, accédez aux informations où que vous soyez, juste avec votre iPhone. > Annuaire officiel des Notaires de la Cour d’Appel d'Aix-En-Provence...

Hisnul Muslim Audio mp3 - La Citadelle du Musulman en Français, Arabe et Transcription Phonétique

Hisnul Muslim Audio mp3 - La Citadelle du Musulman en Français, Arabe et Transcription Phonétique

Cette application vous donne la possibilité de lire et d'écouter toutes les 132 chapitres et les 267 invocations du célèbre livre "La Citadelle du Musulman" dans votre appareil. => Contenu : - 132 chapitres - 267 invocations et bonnes pratiques =>...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Nederlanders en wijn

Nederlanders en wijn

Deze app vertelt in 15 rijk geïllustreerde verhalen voor het eerst de eeuwenlange geschiedenis die Nederlanders met wijn hebben, van de Romeinen tot de twintigste eeuw. Historicus en vinoloog Mariëlla Beukers ging op zoek naar het ware verhaal achter...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Arjan den Boer

Первый тувинско-русский словарь на iOS, составленный из оригинальной базы данных. Этот словарь поможет в ежедневном общении на тувинском языке, а также поможет тувиноговорящим изучить русский язык. База данных словаря была тщательно проверена специалистами в области лингвистики и информатики. Специальное цветное...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Kuzhuget
Dict Big EN-RU

Dict Big EN-RU

Big English-Russian (200 000 words and phrases) and Russian-English (55 000 words and phrases) dictionaries. Большой англо-русский (200 000 слов и выражений) и Большой русско-английский словари (55 000 слов и выражений). Общая, бизнес, экономическая и компьютерная лексики. Транскрипция слов....

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Alexey Solovyov
Currency price comparator

Currency price comparator

When you do shopping in another country, you often ask yourself «How much is it in rubles? In dollars and in yuan?» or «Will it be more expensive with 12% tax? 8% tax?». Everyone who buys something abroad or...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dmitry Likhtarov
jBible (Библия)

jBible (Библия)

Версия программы jBible для телефонов iPhone и плееров iPod Touch. Обеспечивает: отображение текста Библии, быстрый и простой переход к выбранной книге, главе, стиху, работу с закладками (сделать закладку, перейти к закладке, удалить закладку), поиск, история, карты. Запоминает место, на котором...

Price: Free Developer: Ростовская христианская церковь
Arabic-English Dictionary

Arabic-English Dictionary

English Arabic Dictionary database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection. English Arabic Dictionary is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Main features of English Arabic Dictionary: 1. History...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Dutch Chinese Simplified dictionary

Dutch Chinese Simplified dictionary

This is Dutch - Chinese Simplified and Chinese Simplified - Dutch dictionary; Nederlands - Chinees en Chinees - Nederlands Woordenboek / 荷兰语 - 中文 以及 中文 - 荷兰语 字典. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Danish English dictionary

Danish English dictionary

This is Danish - English and English - Danish dictionary; Dansk - Engelsk og Engelsk - Dansk ordbog. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time....

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Danish Italian dictionary

Danish Italian dictionary

This is Danish - Italian and Italian - Danish dictionary; Dansk - Italiensk og Italiensk - Dansk ordbog / Dizionario Danese - Italiano e Italiano - Danese. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Danish Japanese dictionary

Danish Japanese dictionary

This is Danish - Japanese and Japanese - Danish dictionary; Dansk - Japansk og Japansk - Dansk ordbog / デンマーク語 - 日本語、日本語 - デンマーク語辞書. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will be downloaded when...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Show Me on an Apple Free

Show Me on an Apple Free

Learn about your Apple devices the way you want to learn for free! No in App Purchases, all Videos and Step-By-Step instructions are Free to view! ** Multiple options on how to View and Learn ** - Page-by-Page view with...

Price: Free Developer: LIVING PAPER FREE, LLC.
Free Video Guide for Clash Of Clans - Tips, Tactics, Strategies and Gems Guide

Free Video Guide for Clash Of Clans - Tips, Tactics, Strategies and Gems Guide

1. The most complete Guide for Clash Of Clans! Complete Tactics & Strategy Guide for Clash of Clans (Troops, Heroes, Resources, Defense, Army, & Other Buildings, Spells) 2. ALL Achievements Guide 3. Tips & Tricks Videos. Also include many CoC youtube videos...

Price: Free Developer: Do Tri
Biology - Plant handbook Free

Biology - Plant handbook Free

The handbook "Biology - Morphology of Plants" will be useful to high school students, prospective students and everyone who is interested in biology, botany and plants. The free version of plant reference "Biology - Morphology of Plants" includes one example...

Price: Free Developer: Online Science Classroom, LLC
Chinese English Dictionary - Free

Chinese English Dictionary - Free

The first combined Traditional/Simplified Chinese English Dictionary for the iphone, with almost 90,000 words and phrases, is now FREE! Search pinyin, english, traditional chinese, or simplified chinese at the same time without having to set your search type. Searches...

Price: Free Developer: Red 8 Ventures
Perfect Dog HD Free - Ultimate Breed Guide To Dogs

Perfect Dog HD Free - Ultimate Breed Guide To Dogs

5-Star app Perfect Dog now in HD for iPad! The highest-rated, best-reviewed, most-popular dog app in the App Store! APPLICATION SUMMARY Perfect Dog - Ultimate Breed Guide To Dogs is unquestionably the most comprehensive reference guide on Dog Breeds available. ...

Price: Free Developer: Preposterous Media LLC
Superhero Skins for Minecraft PE Free

Superhero Skins for Minecraft PE Free

Superhero Skins for Minecraft PE Free SuperHero Skins for Minecraft PE Free is the best Skin app for MCPE & MCPC ! Have you ever wanted to stand out from the crowd on a multiplayer server with the best skin?...

Price: Free Developer: Banty Patel
Como Dizer Tudo em Espanhol nos Negócios Free

Como Dizer Tudo em Espanhol nos Negócios Free

Free O app Free "Como dizer tudo em Espanhol nos negócios" é um guia de conversação espanhol/português indispensável na comunicação em espanhol, para quem vai fazer negócios. Nesta versão free do aplicativo de conversação para negócios, você encontrará algumas...

Price: Free Developer: Hojepravoce
Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês Free

Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês Free

Instale a versão Free do aplicativo de conversação inglês/português "Como dizer tudo em Inglês free". Nesta versão free, você encontrará frases prontas, palavras e expressões mais populares e utilizadas durante uma viagem. Se você vai viajar e precisa se...

Price: Free Developer: Hojepravoce
Skins for Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) & PC Free - for Pokemon

Skins for Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) & PC Free - for Pokemon

1000+ Pokemon Go Skins for Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) & PC FREE Choose the Pokemon skins and set them as your own skin in Minecraft PE or Minecraft PC. We will updates more high quality skins in future. Enjoy ! Features...

Price: Free Developer: FU XIAO LONG
Bible Study for Kids FREE! Inspirational Verse of the Day App With Daily Devotionals & Inspirations!

Bible Study for Kids FREE! Inspirational Verse of the Day App With Daily Devotionals & Inspirations!

Best Bible App for Kids FREE! Get inspired by God’s words! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31 “My son, listen to your father when he corrects you. And don’t ignore what your...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Quach
Collins Chinese-English

Collins Chinese-English

Over 75,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Mandarin Chinese and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Mandarin Chinese and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Mandarin Chinese-English Translation Dictionary....

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins German-English

Collins German-English

Over 110,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of German and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable German and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro German-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins Russian-English

Collins Russian-English

Over 90,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Russian and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Russian and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Russian-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins Italian-English

Collins Italian-English

Over 95,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Italian and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Italian and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Italian-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins Portuguese-English

Collins Portuguese-English

Over 75,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Portuguese and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Portuguese and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Portuguese-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins Spanish-English

Collins Spanish-English

Over 100,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Spanish and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Spanish and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Spanish-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Collins English

Collins English

Over 140,000 definitions • Conjugates thousands of English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Ultralingua makes apps for people who love languages. You can count on our English dictionary and thesaurus to provide all the content...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
English Dictionary and Thesaurus with Verbs

English Dictionary and Thesaurus with Verbs

Redesigned and updated for iOS 8 Top-selling dictionary app since 2008 • Every translation you need PLUS verb conjugations in all tenses • No internet connection required! Reviews: "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English is widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study and reference of English language globally, with more than 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Shorter Oxford English

Shorter Oxford English

The dictionary has an incredible one-third of the coverage of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary. It also includes all words in current English since 1700 to the present day, plus the vocabulary of Shakespeare, the Bible and other major...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.

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