Top 39 Utilities Apps Like Encounter Generator (D&D 4) - Best Alternatives

Encounter Generator (D&D 4) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Encounter Generator (D&D 4) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Utilities apps that are similar to Encounter Generator (D&D 4). Pick one from this list to be your new Encounter Generator (D&D 4) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Encounter Generator (D&D 4) on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Encounter Generator (D&D 4) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Encounter Generator (D&D 4) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Encounter Generator (D&D 4) 2025.

Encounter Generator 4th edition - No Ads

Encounter Generator 4th edition - No Ads

An ecounter generator for your games of Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition. You can automatically create your encounters depending on the difficulty you want, the level of your group and its size. The encounters are created using the guidelines...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Philippe Charlot


We present G L Technovations, an aggregate arrangements organization in the field of Information Technology since Year 2006. It is professionally overseen, Vibrant and Dynamic Company occupied with Marketing and servicing exercises with Sales and Service Networks at real...

Price: Free Developer: Chetan Saini
FIXPAPA Customer

FIXPAPA Customer

We present G L Technovations, an aggregate arrangements organization in the field of Information Technology since Year 2006. It is professionally overseen, Vibrant and Dynamic Company occupied with Marketing and servicing exercises with Sales and Service Networks at real...

Price: Free Developer: Chetan Saini


Unlock the power of the Intelligent Mail® barcode with mailScan. Just like QR codes, IMb barcodes can now be scanned using the camera on an iPhone. After launching mailScan, simply align a red guideline over the IMb to...

Price: Free Developer: AddressVision Inc.
Field Contact Scanner

Field Contact Scanner

Field Contact Scanner will scan the barcode from all US-based state ID's and log all information encoded as well as the location of the encounter. It will geocode the location as well. You can also store a photo...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Shane Burrell
Map Locations

Map Locations

Create your own maps and manage your favorite locations, add an icon, color, rating or your own created tags. Add photos with notes and create visits sorted by date. Save your Map Locations files in iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive...

Price: Free Developer: Piet Hein van Cleef
Calco 2

Calco 2

Calco is a simple scientific calculator built for the sole purpose of amazing productivity. Great efforts have been taken to rework and improve frequently-used features of a scientific calculator and perfected its interactions. It eliminated many frustrations you may encounter...

Price: Free Developer: BB Share Networking Inc.
Geiger Bot

Geiger Bot

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Geiger counter 注意:このアプリはガイガーカウンタが必要です ACHTUNG: Diese App erfordert einen Geigerzähler ВНИМАНИЕ: это приложение требует счетчик Гейгера ATTENTION: Cette application nécessite un compteur Geiger Geiger Bot is a companion app for Geiger counters, providing you with a toolkit for recording,...

Price: Free Developer: ND Apps
My Story Box

My Story Box

Help your child prepare for social interactions, adaptive routines, new events, and more with Story Box, developed by PixelAtion Labs! Stories that model appropriate behaviors during social interactions can help children with autism when they encounter these scenarios in...

Price: Free Developer: PixelAtion Labs
Topic Generator

Topic Generator

Topic Generator is a funny essay/writing prompt generator. It combines a random question word, noun, verb, and place to give you a funny topic! Whether you're using it for entertainment purposes or writing purposes, it's sure to make you...

Price: Free Developer: Hayden Watson
Product Key Generator

Product Key Generator

Product Key Generator is the perfect tool for generating random product keys, serial numbers, or promo codes for products that you own. It generate up to 5,000 product keys at a time. And it's the only product key generator...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BIG SAUCE LLC
HENNGE OTP Generator

HENNGE OTP Generator

HENNGE OTP Generator is a virtual device application for multi-factor authentication (MFA), so-called two-step verification, which generates time-based one-time passwords (OTP) complying with RFC 6238 (TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm). HENNGE OTP Generator supports multiple authentication source. You may use...

Price: Free Developer: HENNGE K.K.
Quick QR Scan & Generator

Quick QR Scan & Generator

To scan a QR code or barcode simply open the app, point the camera at the code or choose the appropriate image from the photos, that’s it. QR Code Reader will automatically recognize and take you to the new...

Price: Free Developer: Nandha Kumar Ravi
WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

No. 1 Wep Key Generator for WiFi Password on Appstore! Support iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Ranked No. 1 Utility Application in China. Generated over 1 million WiFi passwords since launch. Thank you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bhushan Vaghode
Frequency Sound Generator

Frequency Sound Generator

Frequency Sound Generator is a simple wave form sound generator and oscillator. It is easy to use tool so you can create high variety of sounds and signals in just few seconds. All controls are in real time so you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Aleksandar Mlazev
Abimotto Generator

Abimotto Generator

Mit der kostenlosen Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du ein Archiv aus hunderten Motto-Vorschlägen und tausenden Motiven durchstöbern, um die perfekte Inspiration für euer Abitur zu finden. Kein gutes Motiv dabei? In der Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du uns deine Skizzen...

Price: Free Developer: Abihome


FREE - WIFI PASSWORD GENERATOR is a new wifi password keygen that will help you to increase your wireless security against hacking attacks. NOTICE this is NOT a tool to steal third person wifi password is just a random password...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat
Random Number Generator App

Random Number Generator App

Random Number Generator App - a useful tool in your pocket that will help you to generate random numbers and random number sequences. It is the only app you need to Generate Random Numbers fast. Random number generator app...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Bichurin
Domain Generator

Domain Generator

You are searching a tool for domain name generator/lean domain search? Do you usually use NameMesh or namestation on the Web to generate your awesome domain name, from some words in your mind? Now you move on mobile and want to...

Price: Free Developer: Minh Nguyen


--- FEATURED ON Mac Geek Gab's 'Cool Stuff Found' --- Great app 5* I've only had this app for about 5 min. And I love it already. Does everything I need and is perfect for wake on LAN. -------------...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Dappological Ltd.


--- FEATURED ON Mac Geek Gab's 'Cool Stuff Found' --- Great app 5* I've only had this app for about 5 min. And I love it already. Does everything I need and is perfect for wake on LAN. -------------...

Price: Free Developer: Dappological Ltd.
DD Hydraulics

DD Hydraulics

The Directional Drilling Hydraulics provides to directional drillers, drillers, tool pushers, engineers, chemists, students and other professionals in the petroleum industry a productivity tool helpful in drilling of oil wells for hydraulic calculations on vertical, directional and horizontal wells,...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Carlos Moura


Oceanodesy projects and inverses between geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and grid coordinates (easting and northing). Latitude and longitude coordinates are accepted and displayed in Decimal Degrees (DD.dd), Decimal Minutes (DD, and Decimal Seconds (DD MM

Price: Free Developer: Oceaneering International, Inc.
MultiTimer: Multiple timers

MultiTimer: Multiple timers

- Chosen by App Store editors as the "Best. Timer. Ever. You need…" on the App Store Today. Pro Tip. - "Best Among the Lot" - iGB. - Downloaded over 500000 times! MultiTimer is a versatile and easy-to-use countdown and stopwatch timer-app...

Price: Free Developer: Sergey Astakhov


WeMove บริการส่งสินค้าผ่านแอพ ในกรุงเทพและปริมณฑล เรียกใช้บริการได้ตลอด 24 ชม. ให้บริการ รถกระบะ, รถหกล้อ, รถสิบล้อ และอื่น ๆ เรียกใช้งานได้ง่าย แค่ปลายนิ้ว หมดกังวลเรื่องการขนส่ง ขนย้าย ทำให้การส่งสินค้ารวดเร็ว ทันใจ และมีประสิทธิภาพ - รวดเร็ว - ปลอดภัย - ติดตามสถานะการขนส่ง - รับถึงที่ส่งทันที

Price: Free Developer: Application DD
WeMove SP

WeMove SP

แอปพลิเคชั่นที่ตอบสนองความต้องการของ ผู้ให้บริการการขนส่ง ตามเงื่อนไขที่มีการเรียกใช้งานจากผู้ใช้บริการการจองผ่าน WeMove และต้องยอมรับว่าเป็นหน้าที่ของคุณในการปฏิบัติตามกฎหมายกฎเกณฑ์และข้อบังคับ ของกรมการขนส่งทางบกทั้งหมด

Price: Free Developer: Application DD
Cogo Surveying

Cogo Surveying

Cogo Surveying is a surveying application that includes: Points Database---> Import a .cogo points file or add points manually. Points form the database can be used in all the other modules by calling the point number with a comma...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Thomas Blaxland
Times Converter

Times Converter

Times Converter is a simple though usful application that allows you to convert 4 units of time in all combinations: seconds (sec), minutes (min), hours (h) and day (dd). Convert in all combinations: seconds, minutes, hours and days. Send your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Elton Nallbati
4Corner Routes

4Corner Routes

4 Corner Routes app allows you to connect to the 4 Corner Delivery and Routing System with your mobile device of choice. Delivery personnel have real-time synchronization with their delivery list and updates. Local data stores enable...

Price: Free Developer: 4 Corner Software
All 4 Kids

All 4 Kids

A digital communication tool for parents with children in care. Enables educators to share information securely with parents about news, current events and progress on their child's achievements. As it should be, educators spend less time documenting and more time...

Price: Free Developer: Kindyhub
4 Percent

4 Percent

4 Percent allows you to calculate percentages - simple percentage calculator - percentage increase/decrease - tip calculator - Price vs. quantity calculator - discount calculator Business calculators - markup & margin calculator - compound interest - cumulative growth - VAT - Sales tax Percentage Calculator is useful in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: andrzej kar
ip camera 4 free

ip camera 4 free

ip camera 4 free. new ip camera app. the browser use jquery cycle plug,slideshow the iphone camera image. ip camera is another app,support front,back camera,torch,push mjpg to your browser.

Price: Free Developer: 1257
L.E.D. Flashlight for iPhone 4

L.E.D. Flashlight for iPhone 4

Use the LED flash on your iPhone 4 as a flashlight! Far brighter than using the device screen as a light. This app is free and supported by the new iAd system. Note that the LED flashlight will remain on...

Price: Free Developer:
Pocket Flash for iPhone 4

Pocket Flash for iPhone 4

Pocket Flash is the perfect Flashlight Utility for your iPhone 4. Make use of your new iPhone LED flash by having full control over it. Pocket Flash is perfect for: - Safety when walking in the dark - During emergencies—searching in dark areas...

Price: Free Developer: ShabzCo, LLC
Store Room 4.0

Store Room 4.0

With the storeroom 4.0 it will be neat in your home. Manage all household items conveniently with an app and let you know when they are running low or expire soon. • Create any number of storage locations • Save as...

Price: Free Developer: Marius Backes
Flashlight 4 - Uses LED

Flashlight 4 - Uses LED

There are dozens of iPhone Apps that act as a Flashlight by simply showing you a white screen. This iPhone App really uses a flash light and lets you turn it on and off, really brightening up the room. You...

Price: Free Developer: RustyBrick, Inc.
Specs for Ford Focus 4 2018

Specs for Ford Focus 4 2018

Specs for Ford Focus 4 2018 is an amazing and useful application for you if you are an owner of Ford Focus 4 2018 edition or a big fan of this model. In this application you can see the history...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Marius Stancalie
Cheats for Sims 4 (Cheat codes & Guides)

Cheats for Sims 4 (Cheat codes & Guides)

This app Cheats for Sims 4 (Cheat codes & Guides) included guides,Walkthrough,Tricks and Tips and Sims 4 cheats for PC. For all Sims fans this app help you to master the sims game and provide you all necessary information...

Price: Free Developer: Zakaria Ajaboud

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