Top 34 Utilities Apps Like Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy - Best Alternatives

Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Utilities apps that are similar to Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy. Pick one from this list to be your new Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Last Name Origin & Meaning Ancestry Genealogy 2025.

Last Alert Lite - Find My Lost Phone

Last Alert Lite - Find My Lost Phone

Last Alert will notify you when your (or your child's) iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad runs low on battery.* Optional features allow you to view the location on a map, or track it down with the new radar view! Get...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: App-Different
Track My Mileage

Track My Mileage

Do you need to keep track of mileage for business, charitable, medical/moving or personal reasons but find paper logs are difficult to maintain? Well, Track My Mileage will make that process extremely easy. Do you want an app that...

Price: Free Developer: APG Solutions, LLC
Contact Magic - Sort Address Book By Date Added, Name, Phone Number, Company and More

Contact Magic - Sort Address Book By Date Added, Name, Phone Number, Company and More

Contact Magic is a powerful, must-have app for everybody’s iOS device which enables you to view your contacts the way that you want. You can now easily change the sorting criteria and direction that the contacts in your address...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Scott Martin


WebアドレスQRコードリーダー アプリ起動時にカメラが起動しQRコードを読み、Webページを開きます。 読み取ったWebアドレスのURLに付加する文字列の設定ができます。 また、待ち受け画面をタップするとカメラが起動しQRコードを読み、Webページを開きます。 設定:Share Off のとき(初期設定) QRコードを読み、Webページを開きます。 設定:Share On のとき QRコードを読み取った後、共有シート(アクティビティ)を開くことができます。読み取ったWebアドレスを、メッセージなどの本文に追加します。 Webページは開きません。 iTunesファイル共有 QRLauncher書類に下記ファイルを設置することにより、 背景、Button of URLを初期設定できます。 ファイル名; Background.png 又は Background.jpg 背景に設定される画像ファイルです。 最優先に読み込まれるます。 ファイル名; ButtonUrl.txt Button of URL を設定するファイルです。 UTF-8形式で作成します。 このファイルが存在する場合、URLのセットアップを行うことはできません。 最優先に読み込まれるます。 ----- Example ButtonUrl.txt ----- 1_Title:Apple 1_URL: 1_Last: 2_Title:AppleJapan 2_URL: 2_Last: 3_Title:URL3 3_URL: 3_Last: 4_Title:URL4 4_URL: 4_Last: 5_Title:URL5 5_URL: 5_Last: ---------------------------------

Price: Free Developer: Clair Systems, Inc.
Sidereal Time

Sidereal Time

The Sidereal Time App gives the user a simple and quick way to determine: - Local Apparent Sidereal Time (LAST) based on longitude - Rough estimate of LAST based on Time Zone - Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time (GAST) - Select one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: CosmoWerx


Auto+ is designed to be used with the particular model Infotainment System, there are four modes to enhance the connectivity between the infotainment and your smartphone. You can control the infotainment anywhere from your car once the Bluetooth is connected,...

Price: Free Developer: Garmin Corporation
Go Smart

Go Smart

This app reads virtual CSCS smartcards and other compatible skills cards, including data held in Virtual smartcards are cards that are stored on a smartphone or tablet using an app called Vircarda. Go Smart is a handy...

Price: Free Developer: Reference Point Limited
Private web browser Free - passcode & multi tabs & full screen

Private web browser Free - passcode & multi tabs & full screen

►►►A perfect private browser with passcode! private web browser is the fastest and most advanced feature-packed Fullscreen browser to date. It is safe and private, only you can control it. Highlights: ► Safe & Private You will set a login passcode, only the...

Price: Free Developer: Edward
RandomName - The Random Name Generator with Diversity

RandomName - The Random Name Generator with Diversity

Have you ever struggled to come up with original, imaginative names for your story or book? Have ever you been unsatisfied with traditional name generators for their lack of cultural diversity? If so, then RandomName is for YOU. RandomName...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Wulff
My Name In - Translate Your Name into Multiple Languages

My Name In - Translate Your Name into Multiple Languages

Translate your name instantly into 50 different languages and share it with your friends and family! Ranked #1 Utility Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Switzerland, Kuwait, Egypt... * Enter any name (or word) and it can be instantly translated * Share...

Price: Free Developer: Mobeezio, Inc.
NameYourPet: Find the perfect name

NameYourPet: Find the perfect name

NameYourPet is a fun and easy way to find a name for your new pet! How it works? Swipe names you like right and names you don't left. With tons of great pet names, you'll be able to find the perfect...

Price: Free Developer: Casey Ross
Future baby's face : make a baby, get baby pics and pick a name while pregnant (baby booth) !!

Future baby's face : make a baby, get baby pics and pick a name while pregnant (baby booth) !!

2016 : New feature using Face Detection algorithm and skin/hair/eye ! BabyMaker app - What Will Your Baby Look Like ? This app is using advanced face detection technology to predict what your baby will look like. Upload your photo,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Damien Bernal
Pirate Ship Name Generator

Pirate Ship Name Generator

For anyone with a nameless pirate ship. It generates names for your new boat, or even your new goat. Simple enough for your parrot yet deeper & more twisted deeper than Davy Jones. With 950,000+ name combinations at your fingertips. And its...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Burnett


外国人の名前を日本語にするとどうなるのかな? このアプリは、そんなことを可能にします。 例えば、「Johnson」という人がいれば、「城音尊」と変換してくれます。 どの文字をどう対応させるかは、人の手で1つ1つ考えました。 かわいい名前に変換されるようになっています。 さらにこのアプリでは、1つ1つの漢字の書き順も教えてくれる優れものです! ◆概要 外国人名を漢字変換できるアプリです。 ◆機能一覧 ・外国人名変換機能 ・変換された漢字の書き順を教えてくれる機能 ・変換された漢字それぞれの意味を教えてくれる機能 ◆使い方 最初の画面で、外国人名をアルファベットで入れて、「Change」を押します。 すると、独自の対応データベースによって、あなたやあなたのお友達の外国人名を漢字に変換できます。

Price: Free Developer: HYUGA HARA
Image Pixel Adjuster - screenshots adjustment

Image Pixel Adjuster - screenshots adjustment

Image Pixel Adjuster is a tool that can help apple iOS developers generate four screenshots regarding one original screenshot. The generated images are fitting the size standard of 3.5 inch, 4.0 inch, 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch images for...

Price: Free Developer: Xiaodan Wang
Air Discover

Air Discover

It is time to analyze your local Wi-Fi network! Air Discover is a very fast and professional network scanner utility to detect network devices and services. It helps you to resolve network issues, find unnecessary and possible dangerous network...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Csaba Iranyi
Food Origin

Food Origin

This app lets you know exactly where they come from the products you use every day. In less than 1 second you'll be able to know the origin of EVERY type of product by simply scanning the barcode printed...

Price: Free Developer: Inera Srl


- 概要 iPhoneアプリ「ファイル」からGenbank fileを読み込みパースします。Feature, Qualifierをパースした結果をタブ区切りテキスト形式でエクスポートすることが出来ます。また、translation、originの配列をfasta fileにエクスポートすることが出来ます。 - 使い方 (1)iPhoneアプリ「ファイル」からgenbank fileを選択します。 (2)変換アイコンをタップするとパースを実行します。 (3)パース結果ファイル名をタップすると入力ファイルと同じフォルダにエクスポートされます。 - パース結果の出力書式 Feature, Qualifierのパース結果(タブ区切りテキスト) 列番号、項目 1 #locus 2 feature key 3 location 4 direction complementのとき'R' それ以外は'F' 5 min_Position location内の最小値 ...

Price: Free Developer: Tomoo Inden
Country Code Reader

Country Code Reader

Scan any barcode you want to know the origin country of the product. Use it at you're market to know the real origin of your favorite product before buying it! Works with any barcode of the world, excluding ISBN from...

Price: Free Developer: Giuseppe Travasoni
Ashtak Mantras

Ashtak Mantras

"Ashtak Mantras" Mantras are Vedic in origin. The teachings of the Vedas consist of various Mantric chants or hymns cognized by different seers or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. Here is the app that gives you 9 god's Ashtak Mantra. -...

Price: Free Developer: Vaibhav Kavathekar
e-z Cert

e-z Cert

Checks the authenticity of your e-z Cert certificates of origin using the e-z Cert mobile phone QR scanner.

Price: Free Developer: i2i Infinity Ltd


【origin of APP】 In the development process, there are often interface problems (DNS resolution error, etc.) so it is necessary to check whether the network from the mobile terminal to the server is connected. It is necessary to interrupt Ping...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: jiang wan
Veracity Art

Veracity Art

Protect and verify items with just a smartphone. Veracity Art scans delicate surface detail of the item to create a digital passport. Once protected, the item can be verified anytime anywhere just by snapping a picture of the detail with...

Price: Free Developer: Veracity Protocol s.r.o.


ZoneTime offers a quick and easy way to view overlapping timezone hours, and setup meetings. ZoneTime can help you: * stop waking up your friends and family when you call them overseas. * catch your international colleagues while they're still...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Tregoning
Dictionary Bengali - English

Dictionary Bengali - English

Dictionary Bengali - English In this app English To Bengali and Bengali to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Bengali & Bengali to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Valentin Belan
Dictionary Gujarati - English

Dictionary Gujarati - English

Dictionary Gujarati - English In this app English To Gujarati and Gujarati to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Gujarati & Gujarati to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Odnookov
Dictionary Hindi - English

Dictionary Hindi - English

Dictionary Hindi - English In this app English To Hindi and Hindi to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Hindi & Hindi to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Xianhua Li
English : Zulu Dictionary

English : Zulu Dictionary

English to Zulu Dictionary (100% Offline and Free). It has word meaning from various sources. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting...

Price: Free Developer: Saiful Islam


The neapolitan "Smorfia": the meaning of the 90 numbers of Italian Bingo. Click on a number to know its meaning in the neapolitan culture. A speaker will also pronounce the number and its meaning in neapolitan language. If it doesn't work, please...

Price: Free Developer: e-voluzione di F.M.Sacerdoti srl
Bhagavad Gita Malayalam

Bhagavad Gita Malayalam

BhagavadGita, an iOS application of 'The Bhagavad Gita'. It is the sacred text of the Hindus. The application is a malayalam version of the same. 'The Bhagavad Gita', literally meaning The Song of the Bhagavan, often referred to as simply...

Price: Free Developer: Nubeslogic Software Solutions Private Limited
Every Language Translator

Every Language Translator

If you are in need of converting any English sentence into any other language or if you want the translated meaning of any English sentence in any particular language then this is the best application for you. This application...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra
Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam dictionary is a helpful malayalam dictionary that contains english words with corresponding malayalam explanations.
Fast and easy to use dictionary for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Features: - 200000 + words with meaning - English and Malayalam meaning -...

Price: Free Developer: Joshy Joseph
Portuguese Word of the Day

Portuguese Word of the Day

Become the smartest among your friends now… Learn one new word every day. As simple as that… There’re thousands of words we don’t know the meaning. Professional Portuguese language tutors and lecturers gathered to hand-pick the most interesting words...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Hoa

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