Top 30 Education Apps Like Mongolian Type Writer - Best Alternatives

Mongolian Type Writer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mongolian Type Writer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Mongolian Type Writer. Pick one from this list to be your new Mongolian Type Writer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mongolian Type Writer on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Mongolian Type Writer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mongolian Type Writer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Mongolian Type Writer 2025.

Simply Learn Mongolian - Mongolia Travel Phrases

Simply Learn Mongolian - Mongolia Travel Phrases

*** Learn Mongolian language when visiting Mongolia *** Travel to Thailand? Simply Learn Thai Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak Mongolian quickly and effectively. All Mongolian phrases and words are presented to...

Price: Free Developer: Simya Solutions Ltd.
Learn Mongolian - Free WordPower

Learn Mongolian - Free WordPower

Are you interested in learning Mongolian, but just don't have the time? Let's face it, not everyone can commit full-time to learning a language. We know there are many things going on in your life: school, work, the kids, that...

Price: Free Developer: Innovative Language Learning USA LLC
Learn Mongolian - WordPower

Learn Mongolian - WordPower

WordPower Mongolian - The Ultimate Vocabulary Builder Learn Mongolian with 2,000 of the Most Frequently Used Words and Phrases in the Mongolian language right on your iOS device with the new and improved WordPower Mongolian Vocabulary! Since the launch of...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Innovative Language Learning USA LLC
Mongolian Korean Translator

Mongolian Korean Translator

Free translator from Mongolian to Korean, and from Korean to Mongolian This free application is able to translate words and text from Mongolian to Korean, and from Korean to Mongolian. Best application for easy and fast translation, which can be...

Price: Free Developer: Luong Thi Hoai Thu
Learn Mongolian Handwriting !

Learn Mongolian Handwriting !


Price: USD 2.99 Developer: JUN JIANG
Offline Mongolian to English Language Dictionary

Offline Mongolian to English Language Dictionary

This Mongolian to English Language Dictionary with a glossary of well over six hundred thousand English translations to Mongolian words and phrases and vice versa is the best in Free Offline Dictionary samples. Start using this application and you...

Price: Free Developer: Naira Khalapyan
Mongolian Note with keyboard

Mongolian Note with keyboard

Mongolian Note with keyboard. 1. Mongolian vertical text editor with new, open, remove files and share image to other app capability. 2. Unicode standard Mongolian keyboard with Mongolian word dictionary (about 160,000 words). Touch top left corner of edit area to...

Price: Free Developer: Almas Inc.
Mongolian Alphabets

Mongolian Alphabets

1、蒙古文字母学习软件是基于国际标准编码(Unicode)进行研制开发的幼儿学习软件。 2、蒙古文字母学习软件图文并茂的展示了蒙古文128个基本字母及标准读法。每个字母举出一个实例词与相应的示例图,为每个字母及实例词都提供了男生版和女生版的标准读法。 3、蒙古文字母学习软件可以边看边写,孩子们可以看着屏幕上的字母模仿书写。 4、蒙古文字母学习软件支持iOS4.3及以上版本,支持iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch等苹果移动设备。 1.モンゴル語のアルファベットを学習するアプリは、国際標準UNICODEモンゴル語のエンコードに基づいて研究開発した幼児のためのモンゴル語を学習するアプリです。 2.このアプリではモンゴル語の128の基本文字とのその文字を使った単語とその意味をあらわす画像を画面に表示して、文字の標準読み及び単語を男性音と女性音で読み上げます。 3.このアプリではモンゴル語の基本文字の形を、見ながらまねて画面に書くことができす。 4.このアプリでは、iOS4.3以上バージョンをサポートし、iPhone、iPad、iPod Touchなどアップル社のモバイルデバイスをサポートします。 1. This is an application software that has been designed and developed for the purpose of teaching kids to learn Mongolian language alphabets and by using the Mongolian Unicode Standard. 2. Basic 128 alphabets of Mongolian language have...

Price: Free Developer: Inner Mongolia Delehi Information Technology Co. Ltd.
Mongolian Calendar

Mongolian Calendar

Traditional Mongolian Calendar 1. Display one day calendar with Traditional Mongolian. 2. Calculate and display the 24 Solar Terms with Traditional Mongolian(1901~2050).

Price: Free Developer: Almas Inc.
Touch-type Read and Spell

Touch-type Read and Spell

Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excellent touch-typing program on its own, with the added benefit of boosting reading and spelling skills. We offer a step-by-step touch-typing course that allows everyone to learn keyboarding...

Price: Free Developer: TOUCH-TYPE READ & SPELL LTD
Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills

Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills

Learning to master the keyboard of an iPad is made easier, with Ghost Type from demografix. An iPad typing tutor created with education in mind. • The only typing tutor that allows you to create your own lessons with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: demografix pty ltd
Type For Fun

Type For Fun

Type Fun is an educational and fun game to improve your typing skills and language knowledge. The game has settings for both the starting typist as for the seasoned typist that needs a challenge. The system has the knowledge...

Price: Free Developer: Rudie Ekkelenkamp
Your child can type

Your child can type

YOUR CHILD CAN TYPE ® is a neuroscience based training program that teaches phonetic typing skills.  Neuroscience and applied behavior analysis advancements show activating the areas of the brain scientifically proven to increase attention, working memory, knowledge retrieval, information processing, and engagement are...

Price: Free Developer: Jamie Juarez
HC And - Diabetes type 1

HC And - Diabetes type 1

Denne app ”HC And - Diabetes type 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
Quick Type AAC

Quick Type AAC

At Digital Scribbler, we believe in using technology to overcome human limits. Quick Type AAC is our newest product developed to equip those who are non-verbal to speak. Simply type what you want to say, and your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Digital Scribbler, Inc
i Can Type - Sight Words

i Can Type - Sight Words

Students practice all important "sight words" while becoming familiar with using a keyboard. A great companion app to "i Can Spell with Phonics" – teaching the same 150 "sight words" (commonly used words) with regular spelling. First choose a...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Harvey
i Can Type - Sight Words LITE

i Can Type - Sight Words LITE

This free "LITE" version includes 30 words. (Our FULL version teaches 150 sight words) Students practice all important "sight words" while becoming familiar with using a keyboard. Easy to use – Top quality recorded speech – Educationally sound – It...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Harvey
B737NG Type Rating & Exam Prep

B737NG Type Rating & Exam Prep

AvExam™ is an essential training aid for the preparation of upcoming Boeing 737(300-900/NG) Theoretical & Type Rating examinations. As the first app which has been produced by professional ATPL & Boeing 737 type rated airline Pilots, we provide the...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Aviation Examination Preparation Limited
Diabetes Type II Educatie

Diabetes Type II Educatie

Prototype applicatie voor patiënten met type II diabetes Target Audience: KU Leuven-patiënten met diabetes type II Goals Objectives: Verstrek aangepaste informatie aan patiënten met diabetes type II

Price: Free Developer: Meplis NV
Creative Writer - words ∞ flow

Creative Writer - words ∞ flow

Let the writers help you write. Recycle texts from books, lyrics, movies — combine words into something new, original and beautiful. Creative Writer delivers language expressions for your writing sessions taken from actual books: best-selling novels, literary geniuses, traditional...

Price: Free Developer: RESONANCA IT D.O.O.
Co:Writer Universal

Co:Writer Universal

Co:Writer® Universal app and third-party keyboard gives students easy access to word prediction on iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Students simply sign in to their Co:Writer Universal accounts to write with their personal settings and vocabulary. ABOUT...

Price: Free Developer: Don Johnston Incorporated
Book Writer

Book Writer

Take Note, Organize Thoughts, Make a Book. Share with the World. Make your own book with Book Writer. Anyone can easily make a book. Make an interactive book and enjoy making and reading the books you made! You can use it in...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Good Effect
Oribi Writer Edu

Oribi Writer Edu

The app that helps you get your spelling right! This version of Oribi Writer is intended for schools and other educational institutions. Do you need spelling and language support while writing or after you have finished, or both? Then the Oribi...

Price: Free Developer: Oribi AB
Oribi Writer

Oribi Writer

The app that helps you get your spelling right! Do you need spelling and language support while writing or after you have finished, or both? Then the Oribi Writer app is the ultimate writing tool for you. It works as...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Oribi AB
Hebrew Writer

Hebrew Writer

Write in Hebrew and English on your iPhone or iPad with Hebrew Writer. Use different fonts, formatting, and styles. You can type Hebrew with nikud - Hebrew vowels - using the convenient nikud bar. The app lists the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: AA Rosenbaum Services Ltd.
Pearson Writer

Pearson Writer

Hundreds of people have told us that they need help at every step in the writing process—and that they search for it from multiple sources. In one convenient resource, Pearson Writer gives you the support you’re seeking. Pearson Writer guides...

Price: Free Developer: Pearson Education, Inc.
Chinese Writer for Educators

Chinese Writer for Educators

Learn how to write thousands of Chinese characters - it's educational, entertaining and addictive! *** NOTE: This version is discounted for educational institutions and contains the full set of 5,330 Chinese characters. You can also download a free version of...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: trainchinese B.V.
Flip Writer AAC - Unique Supports for Speech, Hearing, and Complex Needs

Flip Writer AAC - Unique Supports for Speech, Hearing, and Complex Needs

Trusted by thousands of schools and hospitals, Flip Writer AAC delivers effective and empowering tools for adults and children with speech or hearing impairments and other complex needs. All packaged in a beautifully crafted easy-to-use interface. ▶ TOOLS FOR...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Navanit Arakeri
Kanji Writer for Beginners

Kanji Writer for Beginners

Learning a language is about four skills. Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening. To become fluent you need to balance all four. Kanji Writer helps beginners practice the WRITING of the first 440 Japanese kanji. Kanji Writer usually only requires you to get the...

Price: Free Developer: Dependency

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