Top 48 Education Apps Like Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills - Best Alternatives

Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Education apps that are similar to Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills. Pick one from this list to be your new Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Ghost Type - a typing tutor to master your iPad typing skills 2025.

Canterville Ghost

Canterville Ghost

The Canterville ghost has been haunting Canterville Chase for 300 years, scaring everyone who dares to live or work there. This all changes, though, when a family of bold and brash Americans comes to live in his ancestral home....

Price: Free Developer: Express Publishing
iClassics: Canterville Ghost

iClassics: Canterville Ghost

Reader, in your eager and clasping hands, you hold one of Oscar Wilde's most cherished works: The Canterville Ghost. This comic chiller has delighted many down the years, and you now have the possibility of reading it as nobody...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
Ghost Call ~鬼から電話DX ~

Ghost Call ~鬼から電話DX ~

イヤイヤ期のお助けアプリ「鬼から電話」シリーズから、海外のキャラクターや2.5Dアニメーションに注力した「Ghost call」が登場! 人気キャラクターの音声は3パターンがローテーションするから、飽きずに使えて便利! ≪3パターン対応キャラクター≫ 赤鬼・・・あの「赤鬼」が2.5Dの迫力モーション!言うことを聞かないと辛い鍋に入れられちゃう ゾンビ・・・お腹が空きすぎたゾンビ、ご飯を食べないと代わりに食べてくれるみたい オオカミおとこ・・・お風呂が嫌いで体中がかゆい!オオカミおとこみたいにならないようにお風呂にはいろう まじょ・・・ボロボロになった歯が怖い!歯磨きの大切さがわかるかも ドラキュラ・・・寝ないこのおうちを順番に回っているみたい ≪ほかにもこんな電話が人気です≫ ユニコーン・・・不思議な魅力のユニコーンと約束して、今日も早く寝よう ねこ・・・お片付けできたらほめてくれるよ! サンタクロース・・・いい子で待っているようにお話してくれるよ 不具合に関するお知らせや、操作方法に関してご不明な場合は([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い致します。

Price: Free Developer: MediaActive Inc.
Main Street Pets Ghost Village

Main Street Pets Ghost Village

Have you ever wanted to visit the Haunted Village of Main Street Pets & Friends? Pay an exclusive visit to some of the friendliest ghosts in town! Create your very own story with Ghosts & Main Street Pets Characters for...

Price: Free Developer: Beansprites LLC
Halloween & Witch Coloring Book - Drawing Ghost for kids

Halloween & Witch Coloring Book - Drawing Ghost for kids

Halloween Coloring Book - is an addictive educational entertainment for kids of all ages! Major Features: - Simple an easy freehand drawing mode which never comes over the border. - Color fill mode just to to select and fill any part...

Price: Free Developer: Jiraporn Lhianthong
Kids Coloring Halloween

Kids Coloring Halloween

Halloween Coloring Book Game for Kids. This game is designed for your 3-5 years old daughter and your son. Color the coloring pages of all cartoons on your phone or tablet in this virtual coloring and painting book. It...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Something Eerie

Something Eerie

Join Ruby and her friends as they embark on six adventures in the strange town of Eerie Creek. After finding a mysterious journal, the gang set out to solve the mysteries of creatures that haunt Eerie’s waterways. Navigate through...

Price: Free Developer: Mode Games Pty Ltd
iClassics: Charles Dickens

iClassics: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is perhaps the most canonical of all writers from the Western literary tradition. iClassics Productions has become famous for its artistic and technological enhancements of great literature, and our collection of Immersive Entertainment apps would be woefully...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
Pastor John 26 Radio

Pastor John 26 Radio

Christ Ambassadors Apostolic Church​ ​ ​Statement of Faith ​ (1) We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God written by Holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.​ ​ (2) We believe in one God who...

Price: Free Developer: ABDUL MAJEED SAJID
Touch-type Read and Spell

Touch-type Read and Spell

Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excellent touch-typing program on its own, with the added benefit of boosting reading and spelling skills. We offer a step-by-step touch-typing course that allows everyone to learn keyboarding...

Price: Free Developer: TOUCH-TYPE READ & SPELL LTD
Type For Fun

Type For Fun

Type Fun is an educational and fun game to improve your typing skills and language knowledge. The game has settings for both the starting typist as for the seasoned typist that needs a challenge. The system has the knowledge...

Price: Free Developer: Rudie Ekkelenkamp
Your child can type

Your child can type

YOUR CHILD CAN TYPE ® is a neuroscience based training program that teaches phonetic typing skills.  Neuroscience and applied behavior analysis advancements show activating the areas of the brain scientifically proven to increase attention, working memory, knowledge retrieval, information processing, and engagement are...

Price: Free Developer: Jamie Juarez
HC And - Diabetes type 1

HC And - Diabetes type 1

Denne app ”HC And - Diabetes type 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
Quick Type AAC

Quick Type AAC

At Digital Scribbler, we believe in using technology to overcome human limits. Quick Type AAC is our newest product developed to equip those who are non-verbal to speak. Simply type what you want to say, and your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Digital Scribbler, Inc
i Can Type - Sight Words

i Can Type - Sight Words

Students practice all important "sight words" while becoming familiar with using a keyboard. A great companion app to "i Can Spell with Phonics" – teaching the same 150 "sight words" (commonly used words) with regular spelling. First choose a...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Harvey
i Can Type - Sight Words LITE

i Can Type - Sight Words LITE

This free "LITE" version includes 30 words. (Our FULL version teaches 150 sight words) Students practice all important "sight words" while becoming familiar with using a keyboard. Easy to use – Top quality recorded speech – Educationally sound – It...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Harvey
B737NG Type Rating & Exam Prep

B737NG Type Rating & Exam Prep

AvExam™ is an essential training aid for the preparation of upcoming Boeing 737(300-900/NG) Theoretical & Type Rating examinations. As the first app which has been produced by professional ATPL & Boeing 737 type rated airline Pilots, we provide the...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Aviation Examination Preparation Limited
Diabetes Type II Educatie

Diabetes Type II Educatie

Prototype applicatie voor patiënten met type II diabetes Target Audience: KU Leuven-patiënten met diabetes type II Goals Objectives: Verstrek aangepaste informatie aan patiënten met diabetes type II

Price: Free Developer: Meplis NV
Gesellschaft A

Gesellschaft A

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft A" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe A" von Karl Uhr, Christoph Aerni, Bernhard Roten und Bernhard Scheidegger. Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle is an app for students wanting to master this area of Mathematics. The app covers the following topics: * Angles at the Center and at the Circumference * Angles in a Semi-Circle * Angles in the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: D.P STACE & G.J STACE & S.A WILLIAMS
Revista Conexão a Bordo

Revista Conexão a Bordo

Transporte e turismo por ônibus. Mobilidade, viagens rodoviárias, dicas de viagem, qualidade de vida, cases de sucesso em mobilidade. Entrevistas com especialistas e novidades no mercado de transporte coletivo de pessoas. Tudo isso está na sua revista Conexão a...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.


A&WMA App will be the new digital home of EM Magazine, the Air & Waste Management Association’s (A&WMA) monthly magazine for environmental managers, as well as other Association publications. EM is an invaluable resource for environmental professionals, providing accurate,...

Price: Free Developer: A&WMA
A-B Tech Navigation

A-B Tech Navigation

The A-B Tech Navigation app allows user to easily navigate the A-B Tech campus in Asheville, N.C. It contains building information for the Asheville campus. The app also includes locations for common points of interest around campus.

Price: Free Developer: A-B Tech Community College


A-Smart Learning System is a state-of-the-art programme that incorporates Statistical Machine Learning Technology, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis and Neuroscience Technology to dynamically diagnose students' academic ability and readiness, and to plan an Individualized Learning Programme to help students...

Price: Free Developer: ILCE PRIVATE LIMITED
A.B. Paterson College

A.B. Paterson College

This app is designed to allow A.B. Paterson's parents access to all of the latest information about events and daily life at the College. It will be updated daily, so you can be assured that the information contained...

Price: Free Developer: A.B. Paterson College
Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

* "It is clear this app was created by those that understand learning and for those of an appropriate age it is a must-have."- AppAdvice * "This is great for first grade spelling practice. I like the fact that...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: @Reks
Changing A Generation-BR

Changing A Generation-BR

This app has been created as a resource to aid in our mission to reach the lost at any cost and to stay connected to our CAG family. Here you will be able to access all facets of our...

Price: Free Developer: Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church-Baton Rouge
Eleva A+

Eleva A+

Com as soluções do Eleva A+, cada instituição de ensino pode criar um processo único para formação continuada de seus professores. Identifique evidências a partir da observação de sala de aula, ofereça feedbacks e coaching aos professores e crie...

Typing Fingers

Typing Fingers

*** USING EXTERNAL KEYBOARD RECOMMENDED *** *** CHECK ALSO MAC VERSION OF TYPING FINGERS *** - Ready for US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout - Great for homeschooling. Contains typing games. Typing Fingers uses a completely new approach to teach the efficient touch-typing (ten-fingers) system....

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Marek Ledvina
Typing Fingers LT

Typing Fingers LT

*** USING EXTERNAL KEYBOARD RECOMMENDED *** *** CHECK ALSO MAC VERSION OF TYPING FINGERS *** - Ready for US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout - Great for homeschooling. Contains typing games. Typing Fingers uses a completely new approach to teach the efficient touch-typing (ten-fingers) system....

Price: Free Developer: Marek Ledvina
Typing Mode

Typing Mode

Features • Support multiple typing modes: Basic Keys, English, and Chinese Pinyin. More modes will be added later. • Intuitive typing guide for every key on the keyboard, helping using the right finger for each...

Price: Free Developer: Jian Hu
Typing Fingers School Edition

Typing Fingers School Edition

Typing Fingers School Edition brings an innovative learning method in touch typing education. It is designed so that students can learn and teachers can teach in the same app. This introduces the teacher-student relationship that is necessary for school...

Price: Free Developer: Marek Ledvina
Learn Touch Typing

Learn Touch Typing

Learn how to touch type with this collection of OVER 350 tutorial video lessons. You will soon discover the secrets that will enable you to increase your speed and efficiency. Think how much time you can save each...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Typing Faster Made Easy

Typing Faster Made Easy

Speed Typing help all ages to learn how to touch type faster. Touch typing or touch keyboarding is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Specifically, a touch typist will know their location on the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: DigiGalaxy
Best Typing Lessons and Test

Best Typing Lessons and Test

Best Typing Lessons and Test will teach you how to touch type quickly without looking at the keyboard. The program is designed to work for all students and skill levels, whether you are beginning as a kid or...

Price: Free Developer: Tamber Schorey
Typing Mania! Lite

Typing Mania! Lite

Got mad touch-typing skills? Do you type out sentences with unmatched speed and faultless accuracy just like professional typists do? Then test your touch-typing skills with Typing Mania! Typing Mania is a typing game that will surely test your...

Price: Free Developer: Animoca
Animal Typing

Animal Typing

• Animal Typing is a simple and funny way to learn touch typing for all ages. In Animal Typing, the animal you get depends on your typing skills. The faster you type, the faster is your animal (snail, rabbit, horse,...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Corentin Faucher To Go To Go To Go™ is the mobile companion for, and the first education app that connects you to an expert tutor for real-time help. Here's what a few students had to say about their experience with To Go: "I...

Price: Free Developer:
Tutor Platform

Tutor Platform

Tutor App is an interactive vocabulary learning tool which generates dynamic learning material. - Tutor App uses individualised teaching methods. It adjusts the training in accordance with your topic preferences, learning pace and complexity. - Tutor App generates its...

Price: Free Developer: Tutor Platform LLC
My Tutor Lab

My Tutor Lab

Tutoring Made Simple! Connect with qualified and verified tutors for in-person tutoring sessions. Book a tutor anytime with the My Tutor Lab app. Currently tutoring in the states of Florida and California. Visit for more information. Take advantage...

Price: Free Developer: My Tutor Lab
Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor connects university students with one another to facilitate the performance of offline tutoring sessions. Through the app, users can sign-up as both a student and a tutor. The platform is exclusively available in pre-selected universities and each...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Tutor OU
NetSupport Tutor Assistant

NetSupport Tutor Assistant

For use in your existing NetSupport-managed classroom environment, (NetSupport School v11 and above desktop Tutor application required) the NetSupport Tutor Assistant delivers greater mobility for teachers around the IT suite and is also the ideal tool to allow teaching...

Price: Free Developer: NetSupport Ltd
Braille Tutor+

Braille Tutor+

Learn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor! This is the paid version of the original Braille Tutor app, as requested by many educators whose organisations did not allow In-App purchases. All lessons and functionalities are same...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: iEnable Technology Solutions and Consultancy
Braille Tutor

Braille Tutor

Learn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor! Braille Tutor provides an interactive learning experience for a sighted or blind braille learner. It works on iPad using onscreen keys or home keys on a Bluetooth keyboard. It...

Price: Free Developer: iEnable Technology Solutions and Consultancy
House Tutor Singapore

House Tutor Singapore

House Tutor is a Singapore Tuition Agency and we are providing this app as a platform to help all students have their homework questions to be answered by our tutors for free. Visit to learn more about House...

Price: Free Developer: House Tutor
House Tutor Sri Lanka

House Tutor Sri Lanka

House Tutor Sri Lanka app enables all our tutors and students to have lessons online from the comfort of your own mobile device.

Price: Free Developer: House Tutor
Live Music Tutor

Live Music Tutor

Interactive Music Lessons Learn any instrument live, including voice 24/7.All ages welcome. Live Music Tutor is a web application that provides music lessons through online interactionbetween music instructors and music students. enables music students tofind music instructors teaching the instruments...

Price: Free Developer: Live Music Tutor

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