Do you want to find the best FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition alternatives for iOS? We have listed 44 Education apps that are similar to FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition. Pick one from this list to be your new FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition 2025.
FLTRP iEnglish E-textbooks (For Teaching) are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English. Directed by leading experts, it integrates and reorganizes teaching materials from students’ book and activity book in line with scientific teaching concepts. It also provides a variety...
FLTRP’s English e-textbooks are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English, the first complete set of English textbooks based on the new curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education. The e-textbooks include quite a number of multimedia resources, provide learning...
The English-Chinese bilingual edition of Nature: the Living Record of Science is co-published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. and Nature Publishing Group. The series includes more than 840 classical articles published in Nature over...
New Concept English, one of the most popular English textbook, has had great impact on generations of English learners in China. It boasts interesting stories, authentic language and useful vocabulary. FLTRP, the authorized publisher of New Concept English, has...
Aha Chinese is a multi-terminal spoken Chinese teaching and management system that integrates the latest spoken Chinese teaching methodology and speech evaluation technology. This system is developed by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and Beijing FIF...
Chinese Galaxy - RainbowDragon offers exciting and fun activities for English-speaking learners to learn Chinese. 【 KEY FEATURES 】 Effective Approach - Provide supporting materials, such as physical books and assessment tools - Create personalized learning path: track learning progress, analysis and...
在全世界英语学习者的心目中, 《新概念英语》可谓是一部“宝典”级的教材, 而《新概念英语青少版》是《新概念英语》的编写者——世界著名英语教学专家路易•亚历山大、朱莉娅•亚历山大和罗伊•金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英语初 学者编写。作为新概念英语教学体系的新成员, 《新概念英语青少版》凭借“新概念英语”教学体系科学系统的语言内容和技能大纲, 一经推出便受到热烈追捧, 席卷全国英语教育市场。经过几年的教学检验, 《新概念英语青少版》的教学效果受到众多家长、老师、培训学校的一致好评。 国内英语界的泰斗——担任《国家英语课程标准》专家组组长的北京外国语大学孙琳教授对于《新概念青少版》给出了高度的评价:“少年儿童的内心世界是多姿多彩的, 他们需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说, 《新概念英语青少版》正为他们提供了这样的环境。我相信, 借助《新概念英语青少版》, 少年儿童朋友定能体验英语学习的快乐, 收获丰硕的学习成果。” 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上, 针对青少年的身心特点, 采用了和生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。精心设计的听力、口语、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力, 使他们能够逐步充满自信地运用英语进行交流! 整套教材的应用共分为3个级别,每个级别分为A、B两个应用。每级有30单元内容,其中A册包含1-15单元,B册包含16-30单元。 教材特色: ◆专为8-14岁青少年编写 ◆秉承《新概念英语》的教学精华,语法大纲更加强调渐进性,遵循的是“先听后说,先说后读,先读后写”的渐进性原则 ◆内容全面涵盖《新课标》(《英语课程标准》)1-5级的要求 ◆充分考虑了中国孩子学英语需要,加入了系统的语音学习内容 ◆多媒体教辅材料,让英语学习轻松有趣 ◆彩色插图幽默活泼,版面设计时尚清新 ◆专业英音录音,语音纯正、生动传情 每个级别对应的词汇量、适用年级、英语水平参照: 级别 词汇量 适用年级 英语水平参照 第1级(1A、1B) * 约600个生词和50个短语 * 小学3、4年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求 第2级(2A、2B) * 新增700个生词和60个短语 * 小学5、6年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准2级求 第3级(3A、3B) * 新增750个生词和60个短语 * 初中1、2年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要求 《新概念青少版1B》软件特色: ▲界面活泼、美观、清晰,更符合青少年的审美和使用习惯 ▲课文内容权威,均经外研社严格审校 ▲所有的单词都配有标准音标及真人发音及释义 ▲每课的跟读练习(语音、数字)版块可实现点读功能,更方便跟读 ▲双数课(即每单元的练习课)独创性的版块功能设计克服了Iphone小屏幕的缺陷,让对话练习更加人性化 ▲课文录音可通过拖拽播放进度条定位音频播放位置,并可自动循环播放 ▲应用中包含12首随课歌谣的原版视频,有助于提高小读者的学习兴趣 ▲完全正版授权,无需担心后续升级和服务 欢迎加入外研社苹果屯,和我们交流您对外研社产品的建议和期待。 我们的官方微薄:外研社移动学习 我们的邮箱:[email protected]
Unischool是在外研社基础教育事业群面向全体用户的一款推送最新资讯、权威微课、精彩活动及贴心服务的app应用,通过使用本产品,用户可以全面了解英语教育行业资讯、有效获取外研社权威基础教育阶段课程及资源。 新闻资讯:海量资讯,智能分类,收藏分享,由你做主 精彩微课:丰富主题,自主分类,精彩课程,等你到来 丰富活动:活动会议,丰富多样,报名签到,一键搞定 定制服务:个性空间,按需定制,意见建议,直达外研
Music gives a soul to the universe, Wings to the mind, Flight to the imagination... And life to everything. —Plato The successful acquisition of reading and writing...
Get Alice in Wonderland Trivia and the Book in one single app! *** Trivia *** Alice in Wonderland Trivia contains a collection of questions covering the entire Alice in Wonderland novel. With three difficulties, see how big of a fan...
‘I am not a monster!’ thought Alice. ‘But who am I? What am I? Have fun and help your child learn English with the new Alice in Wonderland teaching app. Adapted for children aged 8+ The classic story of a...
Alice Draws offers you dozens of coloring drawings to entertain children with artistic and educational activities. Children love to color, draw and mess! Because coloring is fun. Alice Draws also helps to improve concentration as well as being a...
‘Croeso!’ - ‘Welcome!’ Calling all old and new Wonderland adventurers, The Mad Hatter proudly presents to you the ‘Learn Welsh with Alice‘ App: A unique guide to learning useful Welsh words and phrases with Lewis Carroll’s iconic ‘Alice in Wonderland’...
The best reading experience - Children's classic story "Alice in wonderland " now available. This is totally new reading experience: illustrated audio books with interactive animation on each page. Classic story in new multimedia form:It tells Alice's adventures. Tell us...
The Alice Drive Middle School app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Alice Drive Middle School app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and...
This app combines the novel "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, with professional human narration enabling advanced functions like sync narration, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable...
ENGLISH ESL 1 READ & LISTEN AT ONCE!: “ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Written by Lewis Carroll and Retold In Words Of One Syllable By Mrs. J.C. Gorham” is one of the best applications created for you by Textonica Media...
Alice is bored and sleepy. Then she sees a white rabbit in a waistcoat, carrying a pocket watch. She follows him down a rabbit hole, into a magical world where very strange things happen. Wonderland is never boring -...
Welcome to the Education in Nutrition Listen App. The Education in Nutrition Listen app connects you to your Education in Nutrition library of on-demand recordings. Create your own playlist and download to listen offline on mobile, tablet or in your car. Practical,...
This is the University of East London MA Leadership in Education module ET7734 ‘Reflecting upon leadership in Education’. In order to access the content you will need to enrol on the MA Leadership in Education at UEL. ...
The Best Complete Drivers Education App for Driver License Permit Test with videos and official tutorial handbooks. This is your one-stop prep app for your driver license needs in Indiana BMV. Whether you need a regular Driver License,...
Key information areas include: 1. Get the facts about Ice a. What is ice? b. How many people use ice? c. Why do people use ice? d. What are the laws about ice? 2. What are the...
Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...
Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios und Videos von Sicher in Alltag und Beruf! zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die Sicher in Alltag und...
☆Anyone who knows English can learn mandarin Chinese easily with this app! No need to learn Pinyin, you simply read the English words below the Chinese words, and soon you'll be speaking mandarin Chinese.(For example, 'Knee how' is the...
Let you donors do the work of tracking their volunteer activity. Create templates and set prices and track in-kind donations in real time
Welcome to the official Alive In Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia MO app! Check out all kinds of interesting content, including audio sermons, calendar of events, Bible reading plans, and live streaming of services. You can also find ways to...
The official Artists in Rhythm app allows you to easily sign up for lessons, fill out forms and sign contracts as well as talk to to other students right within the app. You'll be able to listen to some...
Ed-Wonderland is the No.1 Mandarin Chinese learning game for beginners! Featured on the App Store in New Apps We Love! ED-WONDERLAND'S KEY FEATURES • learn Chinese with fun, bite-sized essential daily usage lessons, • provides both Easy Mode and Challenge Mode for learning, •...
Welcome to wonderland! Come to meet the little mermaid’s family and friends at the underwater village. Visit the mermaids house, check out the nursery for activities and fun, take a dive through the sunken pirate ship to find hidden...
Take your friends to Bamba Wonderland – the kid’s amusement park with lot’s to do! Dress them up with dozens of amazing costumes and feed them loads of wacky food from the stores and games! Find out how the characters...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. This application displays text and plays audio at the same time. Key Features...
Wonderland – Learning App for Pre-K Wonderland is a learning app for pre-kindergarten kids. Kids will learn to identify basic shapes and colors using this interactive learning app. This app can be used by kids to learn the concepts as...
Award-winning app turning screen time into an active learning experience by creating engaging social stories. A perfect tool for visual storytelling designed to break learning down into small steps. Transforming lives in 100+ countries, Special Stories supports children’s communication and...
Achieve educational milestones with our award-winning app designed for speech and language development. An invaluable app for visual learners that is adaptable to children’s individual needs and abilities. Children, parents, teachers and professionals in 100+ countries and 27+ languages are...
Used in educational settings around the world to develop vital early number skills. Help children reach their educational milestones with an app adaptable to their individual needs and abilities. All activities are configurable to a child’s current developmental stage...
Help children to become confident at spelling with a range of activities to teach spelling patterns, letter sounds, understanding vowels and much more. Turn screen time into a fun learning experience with Special Spelling, an app that is adaptable...
Used in educational settings in 100+ countries to teach and assess speech, language and communication development. Proven to dramatically improve attainment levels, the activities in Special Words Pro ensure children are always actively learning and making progress with their...
This is a mobile application for Special Olympics staff and volunteers to access online training. Full access to Special Olympics online learning can be found at The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports...
This is the 919th Special Operation Wing's App. The 919th Special Operations Wing provides America's Citizen Air Commandos...Any Time...Any Place. The 919 SOW is comprised of America's premier Citizen Airmen executing integrated special operations worldwide. Staying up to date with...
The official app for the Mid Valley Special Ed Coop allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications...
The official Franklin Special Schools app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and...
The NASET Special Education Dictionary gives you thousands of terms used in special education with their respective definitions and easy-to-understand explanations. This practical app is the most comprehensive dictionary available in special education. You can look up any definition...
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