Top 50 Education Apps Like FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science - Best Alternatives

FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science. Pick one from this list to be your new FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like FLTRP --- Nature: the Living Record of Science 2025.

FLTRP-iEnglish E-textbook (For Teaching)

FLTRP-iEnglish E-textbook (For Teaching)

FLTRP iEnglish E-textbooks (For Teaching) are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English. Directed by leading experts, it integrates and reorganizes teaching materials from students’ book and activity book in line with scientific teaching concepts. It also provides a variety...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP’s English e-textbooks are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English, the first complete set of English textbooks based on the new curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education. The e-textbooks include quite a number of multimedia resources, provide learning...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition

FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition

Merry Christmas! Alice in Wonderland Christmas Special is available now. This application’s features: 1. Pronunciation assessment Your pronunciation for word or sentences will be evaluated, and the mark will show immediately for your reference. 2. Multiple modes (1) Reading mode...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
New Concept English 4 in 1

New Concept English 4 in 1

New Concept English, one of the most popular English textbook, has had great impact on generations of English learners in China. It boasts interesting stories, authentic language and useful vocabulary. FLTRP, the authorized publisher of New Concept English, has...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: FLTRP
Aha Chinese

Aha Chinese

Aha Chinese is a multi-terminal spoken Chinese teaching and management system that integrates the latest spoken Chinese teaching methodology and speech evaluation technology. This system is developed by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and Beijing FIF...

Price: Free Developer: xing lan
Chinese Galaxy - RainbowDragon

Chinese Galaxy - RainbowDragon

Chinese Galaxy - RainbowDragon offers exciting and fun activities for English-speaking learners to learn Chinese. 【 KEY FEATURES 】 Effective Approach - Provide supporting materials, such as physical books and assessment tools - Create personalized learning path: track learning progress, analysis and...

Price: Free Developer: Tangor Education
Junior New Concept English 1B

Junior New Concept English 1B

在全世界英语学习者的心目中, 《新概念英语》可谓是一部“宝典”级的教材, 而《新概念英语青少版》是《新概念英语》的编写者——世界著名英语教学专家路易•亚历山大、朱莉娅•亚历山大和罗伊•金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英语初 学者编写。作为新概念英语教学体系的新成员, 《新概念英语青少版》凭借“新概念英语”教学体系科学系统的语言内容和技能大纲, 一经推出便受到热烈追捧, 席卷全国英语教育市场。经过几年的教学检验, 《新概念英语青少版》的教学效果受到众多家长、老师、培训学校的一致好评。 国内英语界的泰斗——担任《国家英语课程标准》专家组组长的北京外国语大学孙琳教授对于《新概念青少版》给出了高度的评价:“少年儿童的内心世界是多姿多彩的, 他们需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说, 《新概念英语青少版》正为他们提供了这样的环境。我相信, 借助《新概念英语青少版》, 少年儿童朋友定能体验英语学习的快乐, 收获丰硕的学习成果。” 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上, 针对青少年的身心特点, 采用了和生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。精心设计的听力、口语、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力, 使他们能够逐步充满自信地运用英语进行交流! 整套教材的应用共分为3个级别,每个级别分为A、B两个应用。每级有30单元内容,其中A册包含1-15单元,B册包含16-30单元。 教材特色: ◆专为8-14岁青少年编写 ◆秉承《新概念英语》的教学精华,语法大纲更加强调渐进性,遵循的是“先听后说,先说后读,先读后写”的渐进性原则 ◆内容全面涵盖《新课标》(《英语课程标准》)1-5级的要求 ◆充分考虑了中国孩子学英语需要,加入了系统的语音学习内容 ◆多媒体教辅材料,让英语学习轻松有趣 ◆彩色插图幽默活泼,版面设计时尚清新 ◆专业英音录音,语音纯正、生动传情 每个级别对应的词汇量、适用年级、英语水平参照: 级别 词汇量 适用年级 英语水平参照 第1级(1A、1B) * 约600个生词和50个短语 * 小学3、4年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求 第2级(2A、2B) * 新增700个生词和60个短语 * 小学5、6年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准2级求 第3级(3A、3B) * 新增750个生词和60个短语 * 初中1、2年级学生 * 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要求 《新概念青少版1B》软件特色: ▲界面活泼、美观、清晰,更符合青少年的审美和使用习惯 ▲课文内容权威,均经外研社严格审校 ▲所有的单词都配有标准音标及真人发音及释义 ▲每课的跟读练习(语音、数字)版块可实现点读功能,更方便跟读 ▲双数课(即每单元的练习课)独创性的版块功能设计克服了Iphone小屏幕的缺陷,让对话练习更加人性化 ▲课文录音可通过拖拽播放进度条定位音频播放位置,并可自动循环播放 ▲应用中包含12首随课歌谣的原版视频,有助于提高小读者的学习兴趣 ▲完全正版授权,无需担心后续升级和服务 欢迎加入外研社苹果屯,和我们交流您对外研社产品的建议和期待。 我们的官方微薄:外研社移动学习 我们的邮箱:[email protected]

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FLTRP


Unischool是在外研社基础教育事业群面向全体用户的一款推送最新资讯、权威微课、精彩活动及贴心服务的app应用,通过使用本产品,用户可以全面了解英语教育行业资讯、有效获取外研社权威基础教育阶段课程及资源。 新闻资讯:海量资讯,智能分类,收藏分享,由你做主 精彩微课:丰富主题,自主分类,精彩课程,等你到来 丰富活动:活动会议,丰富多样,报名签到,一键搞定 定制服务:个性空间,按需定制,意见建议,直达外研

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
English Songs & Chants

English Songs & Chants

Music gives a soul to the universe, Wings to the mind, Flight to the imagination... And life to everything. —Plato The successful acquisition of reading and writing...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
Nature Human Genome Special Edition

Nature Human Genome Special Edition

The draft human genome sequence, announced in 2000 promised great insights into human biology, medicine and evolution. To celebrate the 10th anniversary, Nature has repackaged the Human Genome at Ten news special into a free iPad App. In this special,...

Price: Free Developer: Nature Publishing Group
Connect With Nature

Connect With Nature

- Get out and rewild! Check out our interactive map to explore amazing natural locations around the UAE and plan your next nature escape! - Sign-up to super fun nature adventures and activities and make new friends in the great...

Price: Free Developer: Emirates Nature
Nature Cat's Great Outdoors

Nature Cat's Great Outdoors

Based on the hit PBS KIDS show, Nature Cat’s Great Outdoors is the on-the-go toolset that will inspire your child to explore nature – in the backyard, at a local park or even looking out the window. Every day,...

Price: Free Developer: PBS KIDS
Nature Benefits

Nature Benefits

Every day, we benefit from nature without noticing. Food, water, the air we breathe - we wouldn't exist without nature. Nature Benefits helps you understand everything nature gives us for free - it's called ecosystem services - by simply showing...

Nature Passport

Nature Passport

Nature Passport helps kids, families and classes play, explore, and learn outdoors. Research shows that time spent outdoors improves mental and physical health , learning and memory, and reduces stress. The app can be used by families and by...

Price: Free Developer: IslandWood
Externsteine Nature Trails

Externsteine Nature Trails

The Externsteine rock formations are a unique natural and cultural heritage of European significance. For thousands of years this rock formation is attractive to people. Numerous traces bear witness to the turbulent history of the monument, such as the...

Price: Free Developer: World Habitat Society GmbH
Tiny Nature Artist

Tiny Nature Artist

Could that leaf be a dinosaur, a bug or perhaps a duck? Is that rock a little dog or a monkey scratching his belly? Make art with objects from nature in this simple and often hilarious art activity game....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: CB Media Pty Ltd
Nature and Seasons Words - Learn your Kids to Speak English

Nature and Seasons Words - Learn your Kids to Speak English

Mingoville will help your child to get to the top of the English class! The main focus of the Mingoville Nature and Seasons is to teach the children about the four seasons, different kinds of weather and words about nature....

Price: Free Developer: QuizPedia
Science Games Learn Nature

Science Games Learn Nature

Welcome to the world of nature science and download Science Games Learn Nature is best educational science game. Learn Nature is about the game of elements combinations. Make combinations of simplest items on earth and reach up to dinosaurs,...

Price: Free Developer: Scrambled Eggs Interactive
Food and Nature Jigsaw for kids : Solve puzzle and learn

Food and Nature Jigsaw for kids : Solve puzzle and learn

Are you looking for something entertaining and educational learning game for your kid? Food & Nature Jigsaw is perfect choice for your kids that's got both education and challenge with fun. This Fun game teaches them vegetable & Fruit names...

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard is the second app in The Speech Wizard series. Sounds with The Speech Wizard app was created to increase your child’s sound recognition and listening skills. This is accomplished by having your child listen...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Speech Wizard
Freddie the Frog®

Freddie the Frog®

Do you have multiple student iPads at your school? Does your school participate in the Education Volume Purchase Program? You can download multiple copies of the same App from one school account with a 50% Discount! Freddie...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Freddie The Frog®
The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page English Linguistics Program is a neurolinguistic based program that instructs English learners using sounds of English phonemes, morphemes, and the writing and spelling of English words in isolation. Neurolinguistics is the study of how the...

Price: Free Developer: The Talking Page (H.K.) Limited
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

With this App you will be able to enjoy the teaching Ministry of Matt Smith from Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God. Matt Smith has been the senior pastor of Jonesboro First Assembly since 2007. Under Matt’s leadership,...

Price: Free Developer: Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God
iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

The First 100 Words includes functional vocabulary which occurs throughout a young child's daily routine, such as food, clothing, body parts, animals, colors, numbers and actions. This app will allow parents, teachers and therapists to introduce and practice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The Moog Center for Deaf Education The Judaism iPhone App The Judaism iPhone App

Get easy access to Jewish wisdom for living from one of the web’s largest and must trusted Jewish sources. •Daily updates of articles and videos on spirituality, dating, marriage, Israel, Jewish holidays and more. •24-hour live webcam from the Western Wall •Inspiring,...

Price: Free Developer: The Jerusalem Fund, Inc
Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Fast paced interactive asteroid first person shooter game for use during presentations by approved performers of the Story Ship's live theater show, "Aliens Alive!"

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Story Ship
Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Raise your very own sea jelly from egg to medusa in the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Jelly Lab. Learn and do what it takes to keep a healthy and growing jelly…from maintaining water circulation to feeding and cleaning....

Price: Free Developer: Aquarium of the Pacific
Kingdom Living Church

Kingdom Living Church

Kingdom Living Church App Description: Welcome to the official Kingdom Living Church (KLC) app! Get ready to experience life-changing content that ministers people for all walks of life regardless of age, ethnicity, religious background, or gender. There's something for everyone at...

Price: Free Developer: Kingdom Living Church
Living Light Christian Church

Living Light Christian Church

Living Light Christian Church is made up of people with varied backgrounds and experiences who are joined together by the saving work of Jesus Christ. We are passionate worshipers of our great God, who care for one another in...

Price: Free Developer: Living Light Christian Church
Living Hope Isle of Man

Living Hope Isle of Man

Welcome to the official Living Hope Isle of Man App! Living Hope is a life giving community church with congregations across the Isle of Man. In this app you’ll not only find out all the latest information, but also details of...

Price: Free Developer: Living Hope Community Church Ltd
Living Water Church

Living Water Church

The official Living Water Church App provides easy access to message series, event dates, study guides, and information for Living Water Church in Mt. Sterling, Ky. Living Water Church is a church centered on the good news of Jesus....

Price: Free Developer: Living Water Community Church INC
Living Faith BF

Living Faith BF

The Living Faith Church App is filled with resources to help you grow in your relationship with God. Listen to our recent sermons from Living Faith Bible Fellowship in Tampa, FL. Features: - Listen to our sermons - Connect and join a...

Price: Free Developer: Living Faith Baptist Church
Living Waters Lutheran College

Living Waters Lutheran College

Living Waters Lutheran College is a K-12 school located in Warnbro, WA. Over 20 years serving the Rockingham and Mandurah communities. We are a Christian College that seeks to nurture and develop students holistically, and believe education is...

Price: Free Developer: Living Waters Lutheran College Inc.
Living Proof with Beth Moore

Living Proof with Beth Moore

Living Proof Ministries, founded by Beth Moore (1994) is dedicated to encourage people to come to know and love Jesus Christ through the study of scripture. “For the Word of God is living and active…” Hebrews 4:12 For more information about LPM,...

Price: Free Developer: Living Proof Ministries
Living Water Cameron

Living Water Cameron

Welcome to the official Living Water App! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about Living Water please visit: The Living Water Church App was created...

Price: Free Developer: Living Water Lutheran Church
Living Springs Airdrie

Living Springs Airdrie

Welcome to the Living Springs Airdrie App! Get connected to our vision of being Active Aware and Involved! Also keep connected with what's happening in our church community! For more information about us check out our website The...

Price: Free Developer: Living Springs Christian Fellowship


Welcome to the official Living Water Ministries (LWM) app! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or email. For more information about LWM please visit: or The LIVING WATER MINISTRIES -...

Price: Free Developer: Living Water Ministries of Perry
CE Center by Arch Record

CE Center by Arch Record

Architectural Record, the leading Continuing Education provider, offers a fast, easy, affordable and convenient way for architects, LEED APs, and other design and construction professionals to earn Continuing Education credits for licensure and association membership. Courses earn American Institute...

Price: Free Developer: BNP Media
F&P BAS Reading Record Apps

F&P BAS Reading Record Apps

BEFORE PURCHASING 1. The Benchmark Assessment Reading Record Applications (BAS1, BAS1 3rd Ed, BAS2, BAS2 3rd Ed, and SEL) are configured to sync their reading record data to the Fountas and Pinnell Online Data Management System (ODMS). Users of...

Price: Free Developer: Heinemann
F&P FPC Reading Record Apps

F&P FPC Reading Record Apps

BEFORE PURCHASING 1. The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom Reading Record Applications (GRK, GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, GR5, GR6) are configured to sync their reading record data to the Fountas and Pinnell Online Data Management System (ODMS). Users of the Fountas...

Price: Free Developer: Heinemann
F&P LLI Reading Record Apps

F&P LLI Reading Record Apps

BEFORE PURCHASING 1. Users of the Leveled Literacy Intervention Reading Record Apps MUST also use the Fountas and Pinnell Online Data Management System (ODMS). More information about the ODMS is available at the Heinemann website using keyword search term ‘LLI...

Price: Free Developer: Heinemann
Running Record Toolbox

Running Record Toolbox

Children do so many things as they are learning how to read. It's our job to record those many things and use that information wisely to help guide our reading instruction. Let the Running Record Toolbox help you! ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Doodle Smith Ink
Record of Reading

Record of Reading

Running records, developed by Marie M. Clay, are a method for observing and assessing a child’s oral reading. The Record of Reading app is designed to provide an electronic form for taking a running record. The app provides embedded...

Price: Free Developer: Clemson University
Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant is the number one choice for calculating Running Record scores. The app combines all the standard running record calculator and stopwatch functions with the convenience of audio recording playback. Flagging lets you score as you go...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Von Bruno
Story Time: Record Audio Books

Story Time: Record Audio Books

Welcome to Story time - record audio books. Does your toddler ask you to read them the same book every night at bedtime? If that's driving you crazy this app is for you. Kids want repetition, this help them to understand...

Price: Free Developer: ming-chen tsai
Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes is the fastest, easiest way to record class lectures, and tag the important points. You can instantly jump to the important parts of the lesson and study in less time. Audio Class Notes lets you study anywhere...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BlackMuse Software
CAHL Food Record

CAHL Food Record

The "CAHL Food Record" phone application is designed for participants involved in a study of organic food during pregnancy, and this study is being conducted by Dr. Cynthia Curl and her research team at Boise State University. As part...

Price: Free Developer: Boise State University

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