Top 29 News Apps Like Revista Feed & Food - Best Alternatives

Revista Feed & Food Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Revista Feed & Food alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 News apps that are similar to Revista Feed & Food. Pick one from this list to be your new Revista Feed & Food app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Revista Feed & Food on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Revista Feed & Food - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Revista Feed & Food alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Revista Feed & Food 2025.



O melhor do agronegócio dos Campos Gerais, está na Revista Mais Rural do Sindicato Rural de Ponta Grossa. Mercado, tecnologia, novidade, tudo que acontece no campo, vira notícia nas páginas da Revista Mais Rural. Uma revista que contribui na difusão de...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.
Revista MAGTAB

Revista MAGTAB

A MAGTAB é a maior publicadora de Aplicativos exclusivos de revistas para tablet do Brasil. Com mais de 580 títulos já publicados. Desenvolvemos um sistema PRÓPRIO de autosserviço, onde é fácil, rápido e barato para publicar o seu...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.
Revista Regional

Revista Regional

O aplicativo da REVISTA REGIONAL traz o melhor do conteúdo mensal da maior e mais completa publicação de lifestyle, moda e comportamento da região de Itu, Salto, Indaiatuba e Sorocaba, no Interior paulista, além de atualizações diárias de lançamentos,...

Price: Free Developer: Agência B2A
Revista APCD

Revista APCD

A Revista da APCD é uma publicação da Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões-Dentistas (APCD) que circula, ininterruptamente, há mais de 70 anos. Com uma linha editorial voltada à publicação de artigos científicos direcionados ao Clínico Geral e aos Especialistas, dentro...

Price: Free Developer: APCD - Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas
Revista PLOT Arquitectura

Revista PLOT Arquitectura

PLOT es una revista argentina de arquitectura de periodicidad bimensual. Cada número exhibe: - Una amplia selección de proyectos contemporáneos publicados con documentación técnica y constructiva detallada. - Reportajes fotográficos de alta calidad y entrevistas con los arquitectos más relevantes de...

Price: Free Developer: Piedra, Papel y Tijera S.A.
Revista El Observador

Revista El Observador

EL OBSERVADOR revista, impresa en Málaga desde 1987, envía boletines de noticias de cinco días a la semana. Sus contenidos son cucharadas nunca antes vistos en otros medios locales, y su servicio ahora llega a tu teléfono. Puede descargar...

Price: Free Developer: The Appmakers
Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro

Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro

Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro Fundado em fevereiro de 2002, no bairro da Lapa, o Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro é distribuído as sextas-feiras, gratuitamente, nos bairros da Lapa, Alto da Lapa, Vila Leopoldina, Vila Romana,Vila Hamburguesa, City Boaçava, Vila...

Price: Free Developer: Bel Batista
Revista Estrategia & Negocios para iPad / iPhone

Revista Estrategia & Negocios para iPad / iPhone

Descarga la aplicación de E&N para tus dispositivos móviles con iOS: iPad / iPhone. Revista Estrategia & Negocios (E&N) es líder en el área de negocios en Centroamérica y el Caribe de habla hispana. La revista llega en forma...

Price: Free Developer: Organizacion Publicitaria S.A.
Revista Pecuária

Revista Pecuária

A Revista Pecuária Brasil acompanha de perto o setor que alavanca o crescimento do país. Através de reportagens e coberturas dos principais fatos e eventos da pecuária brasileira, em especial a de seleção das raças zebuínas, o veículo supre...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Revista Presei by Mediafax Group

Revista Presei by Mediafax Group

APLICATIA DE STIRI NUMARUL 1 IN ROMANIA, sursa ta completa de stiri este aici! Fii conectat cu cele mai importante stiri ale zilei! Ia pulsul afacerilor citind o selectie a celor mai bune stiri de business din Ziarul Financiar...

Price: Free Developer: Mediafax Group
Goody Feed (Singapore)

Goody Feed (Singapore)

The Goody Feed app is the perfect companion for your daily commute. Why? Well, here are 10 reasons why you should download the Goody Feed App. 1. This app includes app-exclusive contents that you can't find in our website or our...

Price: Free Developer: Goody Feed Pte. Ltd.
Your News Feed

Your News Feed

Your News Feed * Are you stressed out by the headlines? * Do you cringe as your senses are assaulted by incessant media negativity? * Do screaming headlines lambaste you like a tribe of warriors trying to get your attention...

Price: Free Developer: Execuware
RSS News Feed-Free

RSS News Feed-Free

RSS News Feed is a very app available to create a personal news feed and read your favorite websites and blogs in a clean and intuitive format. You can Subscribe to as many feeds as you want and keep...

Price: Free Developer: Ramalingam Sivaramakrishnan
Newsflow: Real News Feed

Newsflow: Real News Feed

A clean & simple news feed for real and high quality news. Features ○ 20+ Quality news sources - keep updating ○ Simple time-ordered feed Credits ○ News sources powered by ○ App Icon made by Daniel Bruce from Flaticon ○ Lightning Icon made by...

Price: Free Developer: Long Sang Chan
News App - RSS Feed Reader

News App - RSS Feed Reader

Read all your favourite news, magazines LIVE and FREE on one app! CNN, Bloomberg, Yahoo, Google News, Fox, NBC, Reuters, Top Gear, CNET; They are all here. This is a news reader for the astute, the free thinkers. For those...

Price: Free Developer: SavySoda
Wired Feed

Wired Feed

Every day for you Wired with its news, rankings and reviews, videos, and infographics, gallery, to be always updated with the best in innovation. With Wired Feed you can read Wired on the move, and customize your news about...

Price: Free Developer: Condé Nast Italia
Feed Wrangler

Feed Wrangler

Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader for the modern age. Designed from the ground up to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible. - Clean, uncluttered interface lets you focus on the news -...

Price: Free Developer: Developing Perspective, LLC
RSS Watch: Your RSS Feed Reader for News & Blogs

RSS Watch: Your RSS Feed Reader for News & Blogs

Create a personal news feed and read your favorite websites and blogs in a clean and intuitive format. Subscribe to as many feeds as you want and keep up on all topics and sources you care about. Works on...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: praveen mohandas
Rapid Alert System Food & Feed

Rapid Alert System Food & Feed

Rapid Alert System Food and Feed The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was put in place to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to exchange information about measures taken responding to serious risks...

Price: Free Developer: Q-ray
Dev Feed - News for iOS Developers

Dev Feed - News for iOS Developers

Best Newsletters and RSS feed for iOS developers. More than 15 most popular news channels concerning iOS and Swift development.

Price: Free Developer: Anton Novoselov
Lexicon of Food

Lexicon of Food

Today’s media is filled with news about our evolving relationships with food and agriculture. As news stories unfold, the words we use to talk about food and farming also evolve. Sometimes the words follow the developments happening in our...

Price: Free Developer: Rumplefarm, LLC
Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage

Food & beverage Industry News is Australia’s leading food and beverage industry publication. It is the magazine that decision makers need to keep abreast of the latest advances and trends in food and beverage processing, production and packaging. Food &...

Price: Free Developer: Media Blender
Food Animal Report

Food Animal Report

Food Animal Report is a free news application that provides on the spot 24/7 updates on news and information related to animal agriculture. Food Animal Report is produced by the editors of nation’s leading information providers in the industry...

Price: Free Developer: iNet Solutions Group
Radio Question of the Day: Sports, Food, Culture…

Radio Question of the Day: Sports, Food, Culture…

Tune-in to the vital and current news and issues that affect your day-to-day life. Answer the Questions-of-the-Day and be counted – then see how your answer compares with the popular vote! QUESTION-OF-THE-DAY FEATURES KO Sports: KO writes and broadcasts her...

Price: Free Developer: Marlene Olson


FOOD SERVICE digital ist der Online-Kiosk für den Außer-Haus-Markt mit den Fachzeitschriften gv-praxis, foodservice und foodservice EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST. Im Mittelpunkt der Berichterstattung stehen aktuelle Branchennachrichten, exklusive Marktanalysen und natürlich jede Menge Hintergrundwissen aus der professionellen Gastronomie und...

Price: Free Developer: Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
foodie nows.

foodie nows.

Curated from the web’s best sources, foodie nows aggregates the latest news about food, recipes and wine. The category banner with user-definable keywords enables you to easily create your own article lists. Save articles to read later.

Price: Free Developer: Nows News Inc.
FoodTruck Thailand

FoodTruck Thailand

ลูกค้าใช้ Food Truck Thailand เป็นเครื่องมือค้นหารถบรรทุกอาหาร คูณจะสามารถดูได้ว่ารถบรรทุกอาหารอยู่ที่ใดบนแผนที่และรู้ถึงสถานะการเปิดปิดของรถบรรทุกอาหาร เพียงดาวน์โหลด Food Truck Thailand ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ในสำนักงาน ร้านกาแฟ รถของคุณ หรือแม้แต่สระว่ายน้ำ แอปจะใช้ที่อยู่ของคุณเพื่อค้นหา Food Truck ใกล้ ๆ คุณได้

Price: Free Developer: Harit Suriyachote
Twin Cities Live

Twin Cities Live

Twin Cities Live is a show focusing on food, fashion and fun in and around the Minneapolis St. Paul metro area. The show airs weekdays at 3 pm on 5 Eyewitness News. TCL Mobile helps you find recipes and...

Price: Free Developer: Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.

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