Top 29 Education Apps Like AAC Evaluation Genie - Best Alternatives

AAC Evaluation Genie Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AAC Evaluation Genie alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to AAC Evaluation Genie. Pick one from this list to be your new AAC Evaluation Genie app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AAC Evaluation Genie on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like AAC Evaluation Genie - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AAC Evaluation Genie alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like AAC Evaluation Genie 2025.

AAC - Speech Abilities

AAC - Speech Abilities

An augmentative and alternative communication tool that can be used by individuals with varying communication challenges. Those with pre-verbal, cannot speak, unclear speech, or needing supplement communication tools, can benefit from the AAC - Speech Abilities app. Its features...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Joel Abney
ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

„Jezična gradilica“ je jedina od ICT-AAC aplikacija koja je namijenjena poticanju morfološkog razvoja djece predškolske dobi. Primjerena je za djecu s urednim jezičnim sposobnostima, te svakako za djecu s teškoćama u jezičnom razvoju. Aplikacija omogućava korisnicima da im se...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Koliko je sati

ICT AAC Koliko je sati

Još od predškolske dobi djeca se susreću s vremenskim pojmovima prije i poslije, jučer, danas i sutra, nabrajaju pojmove kao što su dani u tjednu i godišnja doba te mogu pravilnim kronološkim redoslijedom ispričati niz doživljaja ili prepričati priču...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Pisalica

ICT AAC Pisalica

Aplikacija ICT-AAC Pisalica olakšava učenje pravilnog pisanja velikih tiskanih slova (grafema) koje nije dovoljno zastupljeno u dostupnim aplikacijama. Poznato je da je poznavanje i imenovanje slova, uz fonološku svjesnost, jedan je od najznačajnijih pretkazatelja spremnosti za poduku čitanja. Osim...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
AAC Speak

AAC Speak

Description AAC Speak is an easy to use and very flexible Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app. The app enables someone who is non-verbal to communicate by pressing buttons containing icons, words or letters. The app is free to download...

Price: Free Developer: Liberator Ltd


“aacorn AAC is a revolution in the way we provide assistive speech support to children.. The first to really capitalize on the strengths of the iPad" - Professor Sue Fletcher-Watson (University of Edinburgh). The challenge of finding an assistive...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: aacorn
Avaz AAC - Lifetime Edition

Avaz AAC - Lifetime Edition

Avaz AAC is an augmentative and alternative communication app that empowers children & adults having speech-related difficulties with a voice of their own. A fully-featured speech app that also includes a training module for new AAC users & caregivers. The...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Avaz, Inc.
Avaz Lite - AAC App for Autism

Avaz Lite - AAC App for Autism

Avaz Lite is an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) app that provides a voice for children with Autism and other complex communication needs. Avaz is a full-featured AAC app PLUS a training layer for caregivers. PRAISE FOR AVAZ “Avaz is...

Price: Free Developer: Avaz, Inc.
AAC Parlare

AAC Parlare

AAC Parlare è un’applicazione per la Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa (AAC) facile da usare e molto flessibile. L'applicazione consente alle persone con difficoltà comunicative di comunicare premendo i tasti che contengono icone, parole o lettere. L'applicazione è scaricabile gratuitamente e contiene...

Price: Free Developer: Liberator Ltd
Avatalker AAC

Avatalker AAC

Introducing Avatalker® AAC: You've never seen anything like this! 

Avatalker® AAC is a robust, full-featured augmentative and alternative communication solution designed for the iOS platform (iPad and iPad Mini). It gives nonverbal children and adolescents the ability to build...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Aurora Symbols, LLC
Materials Evaluation with AHP

Materials Evaluation with AHP

This program was developed for the purpose of utilizing the framework of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in various teaching materials evaluation, focusing in particular on its potential for systematically integrating different components of evaluation criteria in a variety...

Price: Free Developer: Shigeo Kato
EvaluWise – Teacher Evaluation

EvaluWise – Teacher Evaluation

EvaluWise® is the single most effective digital tool for streamlining and improving the teacher evaluation process, regardless of the evaluation model you are using. This companion app to the EvaluWise® service makes data entry as simple and easy as...

Price: Free Developer: Vista Learning, NFP
Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE)

Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE)

The Process Safety Incident Evaluation app will lets users evaluate a chemical incident against safety indicators. The PSIE app will have three main components: the Process Safety Incident (PSI) Evaluation Questionnaire, the Severity Weighting Questionnaire, and the Chemical and Mixtures...

Price: Free Developer: AIChE
Skill by Skill Evaluation Lite

Skill by Skill Evaluation Lite

Explore the possibilities of "Skill by Skill Evaluation" app, with this Lite version : Make educational continuity and skill by skill evaluation easy: - share your observation with your fellow trainers - import a trainee list, a trainer list, and a skill...

Price: Free Developer: Herve Kasparian
Northern Bobwhite Habitat Evaluation

Northern Bobwhite Habitat Evaluation

Habitat loss is a major factor in northern bobwhite declines over the last few decades. Although the plant species included are specific to central and west Texas, The Northern Bobwhite Habitat Evaluation app offers valuable habitat evaluation techniques for...

Price: Free Developer: Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Skill by skill Evaluation

Skill by skill Evaluation

Make educational continuity and skill by skill evaluation easy: - share your observations with your fellow trainers - import a trainee list, a trainer list, and a skill reference table - save your observations in real time during exercises, ride along... - follow-up...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Herve Kasparian


Orthopedic Evaluation is an application for Orthopedic Faculty of Chiang Mai University to evaluate students.

Price: Free Developer: Witchayut Ketudom
Classroom Evaluation

Classroom Evaluation

As a school administrator, this application allows you to evaluate your teacher in their classroom across semesters via a rubric derived from the academic trivium. Metrics can be emailed as well as displayed across semesters to illustrate teacher...

Price: Free Developer: Todd Brooks
TES - Total Evaluation System

TES - Total Evaluation System

Simply and Quickly at the end of the game, the Coach generates a 'Game Card'. The Coach enters and sends an ‘Opposition TES rating and game detail’ to their whole Team, which provides the all important 'Context'. Then the Coach...

Price: Free Developer: SIMON IRELAND
Learning Genie for Parents

Learning Genie for Parents

Learning Genie is an innovative tool that connects families with their children’s educators. Families can receive their children’s daily reports including photos, reminders, events and school updates in real time. -View learning media videos shared by your child’s teacher -Watch videobooks...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Genie Inc
Learning Genie for Educators

Learning Genie for Educators

Learning Genie provides innovative mobile and web applications for early childhood educators to create evidence-based learning progress portfolios and engage families in children’s learning. Use data from authentic assessments to plan individualized lesson plans. Key features of Learning Genie Educator...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Genie Inc
DMV Genie Permit Practice Test

DMV Genie Permit Practice Test

73% more effective than the DMV manual, so you'll pass the first time. Don't take any chances at the DMV. With DMV Genie, you'll be prepared. Download it right now and be ready to ace your car, motorcycle or commercial...

Price: Free Developer: Elegant eLearning
Voice Genie Lite

Voice Genie Lite

Victoria and Emma, both professional singers, have created a revolutionary application for professional singing, acting, public speaking and anyone who needs to warm up their voice in a fast, easy and efficient way. The Voice genie app includes a...

Price: Free Developer: Dennis Gouzoulis
Deakin Genie

Deakin Genie

Keep on track, stay motivated, learn smarter and get things done with the help of Deakin Genie. Always with you, always there for you.

Price: Free Developer: Deakin University
My Haircolor Genie

My Haircolor Genie

My Haircolor Genie is an intelligent and powerful Haircolor Formulation Wizard, designed for the Professional Hairdresser. This wizard was designed specifically for cosmetology students and hairdressers. Simply select a few key variables about your client’s hair, including any color corrections...

Price: Free Developer: Stylist Management Studio Inc.
Topic Genie

Topic Genie

Search 80,000+ Research Questions by Keyword, Phrase, or Emoji. Finding a topic is as easy as Swiping Left or Swiping Right.  With eight decks to choose from, Topic Genie’s unique "360 Search" allows you to search the way you want...

Price: Free Developer: Topic Silo
MSE Genie

MSE Genie

With MSE Genie a Multi Sensory Environment can be controlled via iPad or iPhone. MSE Genie uses bluetooth to communicate with MSE Rewards produced by TFH Special Needs Toys. The MSE Genie is simple to set up: In Settings identify new...

Price: Free Developer: TFH Special Needs Toys
MSE Genie TV

MSE Genie TV

MSE Genie TV is the companion app to MSE Genie for iOS, which controls Multi Sensory Environment equipment from TFH Special Needs Toys. MSE Genie allows a TV or Projector to be added to a TFH Multi Sensory Room. When...

Price: Free Developer: TFH Special Needs Toys

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