Top 20 Education Apps Like Angličtina PREMIUM SK - Best Alternatives

Angličtina PREMIUM SK Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Angličtina PREMIUM SK alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Angličtina PREMIUM SK. Pick one from this list to be your new Angličtina PREMIUM SK app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Angličtina PREMIUM SK on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Angličtina PREMIUM SK - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Angličtina PREMIUM SK alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Angličtina PREMIUM SK 2025.

123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

CELEBRATING 123 COLOR HD PREMIUM EDITION ROCKETING TO #1 IN EDUCATION! • Woman's Day names 123 Color the #1 app for kids during road trips. • The New York Times says 123 Color HD is, "nice for introducing the sound of...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Steve Glinberg
Equity Maps - Premium

Equity Maps - Premium

Chart & record the interaction of students or colleagues to measure and graphically illustrate levels and types of participation. The instant analytics & animated playback at multiple speeds will help spur discussion and engage everyone in deeper reflection! Effortlessly trace...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: David Nelson
Claro ScanPen Premium

Claro ScanPen Premium

Need to listen to printed text spoken aloud - at school, in a test exam, at work or at home? Use Claro ScanPen to photo your printed text document, letter, test paper - then select the text...

Price: Free Developer: Claro Software Limited
Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium is a full-featured augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) app for the iPad that brings speech to those without. Verbally Premium has the same intuitive design as Verbally, but also includes a host of expanded features to make...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Intuary
MamaLingua Premium

MamaLingua Premium

Learn Spanish or English with the MamaLingua language app for kids and parents! With MamaLingua Premium for iOS, you’ll learn Spanish or English words and phrases you can use every day with your baby, preschooler, or young kids. The...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MamaLingua LLC
McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App

McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App

The GRE Premium app provides the interactive practice component of the McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium book, combining extensive practice with the convenience and mobility of your tablet or smartphone. It offers a number of great features that will help...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
Spelling Notebook Premium

Spelling Notebook Premium

Create a personalized list of words to practice. Test your spelling - hear each word spoken. Get a star for each correct word. Practice just the words you have yet to master. Retest your words at anytime. Students can...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ako Software Ltd.
Autoescuela - Premium

Autoescuela - Premium

Con "Autoescuela Premium" prepararás los exámenes teóricos y prácticos para la obtención de la licencia de conducción tipo B de España. Además tendrás acceso al contenido premium desde el primer momento, sin necesitad de pagos adicionales. ¡Todo totalmente desbloqueado! Modos,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Salva Nadal
Códigos de Direito - Premium

Códigos de Direito - Premium

O Códigos de Direito coloca numa única aplicação vários códigos de Direito e ferramentas de apoio que são úteis no quotidiano de qualquer Jurista, Estudante ou cidadão com interesse na lei. Não pretende dispensar a consulta actualizada de todos...

Price: Free Developer: Getting Tech
Hieroglyph Premium

Hieroglyph Premium

It is an application that can easily convert the entered characters to the sacred letter "Hieroglyph" used in ancient Egypt. There is no need to use rosetta stones. You can use English, Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji as input characters. Numbers, first person,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yoshitaka Watanabe is a flexible mobile learning system based on small teaching units. Different learning strategies are complemented by the possibility to compete with other learners in the acquired knowledge. Complete statistics and feedback on learning outcomes provided by the...

Price: Free Developer: KnowledgeFox GmbH
SK아카데미 - 모임

SK아카데미 - 모임

SK 아카데미 집합교육 Community MOIM SK academy Share Your Knowledge & Vision SK 아카데미 MOIM에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 로그인 관련 사항은 아카데미 담당자에게 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

Price: Free Developer: SK M&Service Co., Ltd.
Dev Ataşehir SK

Dev Ataşehir SK

Dev Ataşehir Spor Kulübü için geliştirilen DEV ATAŞEHİR SK Mobil Uygulaması ile velilerimiz; çocuklarının her türlü bilgilerine anında ulaşabilir, okul servisini takip edebilir, okul duyurularından mobil cihazları üzerinden haberdar olabilir, yoklamaları takip edebilir, eğitmenler tarafından yüklenen...

Price: Free Developer: Ozan OZDEMIR
SK eBook

SK eBook

SK eBook, It also provides features that help users storing and selecting varieties of books. With its systematic categorization management, the items in the library will be categorized into types: newspapers; books; magazines; photo albums; and catalogs. They can...

Price: Free Developer: Openserve Co.,Ltd.
mZnacky SK

mZnacky SK

S aplikáciou mZnačky máte neustále so sebou zoznam značiek používaných v Slovenskej republike, vrátane vysvetlenia ich významu. Aplikácia mZnačky ponúka: - zaujímavú a zábavnú formu učenia na skúšky v autoškole, - všetky študijné materiály priamo v mobile, - preverenie Vašich vedomostí o...

Price: Free Developer: QBSW, a.s.
Autoškola 2019 SK – Vodičák

Autoškola 2019 SK – Vodičák

Vodičský preukaz je tvojím pomocníkom v autoškole pri príprave na vybrané skupiny vodičského oprávnenia. • Obsahuje všetkých 60 oficiálnych testov pre všetky bežné vodičské preukazy (pozri nižšie) • Denne kontroluje, či nie je k dispozícii aktualizácia testových otázok a prípadne ponúkne...

Price: Free Developer: Filip Melik
Klasická angličtina SK

Klasická angličtina SK

Výučba angličtiny unikátnou metódou iSmartLanguage, vedecky podloženou a už overenou mnohými našimi zákazníkmi. iSmartLanguage je najefektívnejšia metóda pre výučbu cudzích jazykov pre samoukov! Naučíte sa IBA správnu výslovnosť – počujete iba naozajstných rodených hovorcov. Jednotlivé kurzy Klasickej angličtiny sú starostlivo...

Price: Free Developer: Euvit, s.r.o.
SK Schools

SK Schools

With the SK Schools mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve...

Price: Free Developer: Custom School Apps


SK少儿英语采用先进的教育理念来进行青少年的英语教育。品牌升级带来全新使用体验,让孩子听故事、磨耳朵读绘本练发音,培养英语学习兴趣,提供学习能力。 【磨耳朵】:良好的用户体验来提高学员的语感,让学员随时随地沉浸在英语环境中。 【班级】:强大的班级体系,将课后作业布置、复习、提交、批改以及成长体系记录其中,全方位提高孩子的英文水平。 【作品秀】:让学员分享自己学习的喜悦,促进孩子们的交流和学习。

Price: Free Developer: guo mingjun

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