Top 29 Education Apps Like Dobi & Milo Extra - Best Alternatives

Dobi & Milo Extra Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dobi & Milo Extra alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Dobi & Milo Extra. Pick one from this list to be your new Dobi & Milo Extra app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dobi & Milo Extra on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Dobi & Milo Extra - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dobi & Milo Extra alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Dobi & Milo Extra 2025.

Little Legends and Me

Little Legends and Me

The wonderful world of Little Legends and Me is early childhood learning through reading, games, activities fun and song. Come into their wonderful world and immerse yourself into a place of love and find the Little Legend in you. Discover...

Price: Free Developer: Kathy Young
ICT AAC Pisalica

ICT AAC Pisalica

Aplikacija ICT-AAC Pisalica olakšava učenje pravilnog pisanja velikih tiskanih slova (grafema) koje nije dovoljno zastupljeno u dostupnim aplikacijama. Poznato je da je poznavanje i imenovanje slova, uz fonološku svjesnost, jedan je od najznačajnijih pretkazatelja spremnosti za poduku čitanja. Osim...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

ICT AAC Jezična gradilica

„Jezična gradilica“ je jedina od ICT-AAC aplikacija koja je namijenjena poticanju morfološkog razvoja djece predškolske dobi. Primjerena je za djecu s urednim jezičnim sposobnostima, te svakako za djecu s teškoćama u jezičnom razvoju. Aplikacija omogućava korisnicima da im se...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Koliko je sati

ICT AAC Koliko je sati

Još od predškolske dobi djeca se susreću s vremenskim pojmovima prije i poslije, jučer, danas i sutra, nabrajaju pojmove kao što su dani u tjednu i godišnja doba te mogu pravilnim kronološkim redoslijedom ispričati niz doživljaja ili prepričati priču...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT AAC Prskalice

ICT AAC Prskalice

Cilj aplikacije je razumijevanje uzročno-posljedične veze putem prezentacije jednostavnih podražaja različitih modaliteta koji su razvojno primjereni za djecu s višestrukim teškoćama i djecu rane dobi. Pojedine osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama otežano razumiju odnos sredstvo-cilj, a ova aplikacija nudi...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT-AAC eGalerija Senior

ICT-AAC eGalerija Senior

Ovo je prva aplikacija namijenjena osobama odrasle dobi razvijena u okviru projekta ICT-AAC. Individualne potrebe korisnika te razina komunikacijskog i jezično-govornog razvoja pojedinca odredit će način i svrhu korištenja aplikacije. Prvenstveno je osmišljena za ostvarivanje komunikacijskih potreba koje nastaju...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT-AAC Pamtilica

ICT-AAC Pamtilica

Pamtilica pripada nizu aplikacija koje su namijenjene poticanju predvještina čitanja na zabavan i atraktivan način. Vrlo često se pogrešno smatra da je za uspješno ovladavanje čitanjem jedino važno svladati imenovanje slova. Koncept fonološke svjesnosti je jedna od ključnih predvještina...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER
ICT-AAC Učimo boje

ICT-AAC Učimo boje

Učimo boje interaktivna je aplikacija osmišljena kao motivacija i svojevrsni alat za upoznavanje s bojama. Namijenjena je djeci s višestrukim teškoćama iako aplikaciju mogu koristiti i djeca tipičnog razvoja. Aplikacija se temelji na korištenju audiovizualnih elemenata bliskih...

Price: Free Developer: University of Zagreb, FER


Ucionica je aplikacija koja ce vasoj djeci, u predskolskoj dobi, jako puno pomoci da svlada osnovne pojmove koje treba znati. U ovoj aplikaciji se zapravo nalazi pet različitih aplikacija. Među njima su Abeceda, Zivotinje, Brojevi, Oblici i boje i...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wargog
Speech with Milo: Prepositions

Speech with Milo: Prepositions

“Speech with Milo” apps were created by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, and have been downloaded over 100,000 times. "Speech with Milo: Prepositions" was created as a versatile and entertaining speech therapy tool for children. Milo is for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Doonan Speech Therapy
Speech with Milo: Sequencing

Speech with Milo: Sequencing

Selected as the #2 Best Education App for Kids by “Speech with Milo” apps were created by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, and have been downloaded over 50,000 times. Milo is back to bring you Sequencing exercises like...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Doonan Speech Therapy
Milo Letters

Milo Letters

MILO LETTERS is a great way to teach your kids the different letters, and the sounds they make. It’s fun and engaging, and will also keep your child very entertained on the road. MILO LETTERS is a great way...

Price: Free Developer: Garrett Milovich
Milo Numbers

Milo Numbers

MILO NUMBERS is a great way to teach your kids the different numbers, from ZERO to ONE HUNDRED. It’s fun and engaging, and will also keep your child quite occupied on the road. After playing MILO NUMBERS for a...

Price: Free Developer: Garrett Milovich
Milo Shapes

Milo Shapes

MILO SHAPES is a great way to teach your kids the different shapes, from circles and squares to trapezoids and octagons. It’s fun and engaging, and will also keep your child very entertained on the road. MILO SHAPES is...

Price: Free Developer: Garrett Milovich
Milo Colors

Milo Colors

MILO COLORS is a great way to teach your kids the different colors. It's fun and engaging, and will also keep your child occupied on the road. Enjoy the first app of the MILO LEARNING collection.

Price: Free Developer: Garrett Milovich
Speech with Milo Articulation Board Game

Speech with Milo Articulation Board Game

Entertain your kids with this fantastic Board Game by Speech with Milo. The common sounds offered in this app are /F/, /V/, /K/, /G/, /S/, /Z/, /CH/, /SH/. We offer initial, medial and final options for each...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Doonan Speech Therapy
Speech with Milo Articulation Board Game PRO

Speech with Milo Articulation Board Game PRO

Entertain your kids with this fantastic Board Game by Speech with Milo. This PRO version has all sounds and tracks data!! We have about 1,400 stimulus picture cards. We offer initial, medial and final options for each sound....

Price: USD 23.99 Developer: Doonan Speech Therapy
Milo's Birthday Surprise

Milo's Birthday Surprise

Milo's Birthday Surprise is a delightful story taking children on a journey through the letters of the alphabet, highlighting the sound of each letter. Becoming aware of the link between sounds and letters is the first step in learning...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Learning Logic
HUB eXtra

HUB eXtra

MEbook eXtra diventa HUB eXtra! HUB eXtra è l’app di Mondadori Education che permette di consultare i libri in versione digitale da qualsiasi dispositivo. HUB eXtra implementa la fruizione dei volumi in formato liquido: il testo si adatta continuamente alle...

Price: Free Developer: Mondadori Education
Ham Extra

Ham Extra

Ham Radio Exam Preparation for the Extra Class license. QUESTION POOL Study the complete pool of questions and answers that can appear n the amateur radio Extra class license exam. The questions and answers are the exact...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: James Thomas
Ham Boss - EXTRA

Ham Boss - EXTRA

Ham Boss helps you study, prepare, and test your knowledge in preparation for taking your FCC Amateur Radio "extra" exam... like a boss! With Ham Boss you can study and test yourself by: A) Studying all possible questions within the question...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer:, Inc.
Ham Radio Extra Test Prep

Ham Radio Extra Test Prep

Practice for your upcoming ARRL Ham Radio Amateur Extra Examination with our database of 700 questions! Download the free version to see all of our excellent features and content, then upgrade to the PRO version for 700 multiple-choice questions! Study anywhere...

Price: Free Developer: Med Preps LLC
HAM Test Prep Lite:  Extra

HAM Test Prep Lite: Extra

This release fixes crashes under iOS 13. Includes the Extra Question Pool effective July 1, 2016! NOTE: This "Lite" version contains only 2 of the 10 subelements in the question pool. Click the 'Buy Now' link in the app...

Price: Free Developer: Patrick J Maloney LLC
HAM Test Prep:  Extra

HAM Test Prep: Extra

This release fixes crashes under iOS 13. Includes the Extra Question Pool effective July 1, 2016! Not sure if you want to buy? Try out the "Lite" version of this app! Upgrade your HAM license from General to Amateur Extra! ...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Patrick J Maloney LLC
Ham Radio Exam Extra

Ham Radio Exam Extra

"Ham Radio Exam - Extra" will help the user pass his/her examination for a Extra Class FCC Amateur Radio License. Ham Radio Exam allows the user to review the correct answers to the official pool of questions that will...

Price: Free Developer: Roy Watson
HAM Radio Extra Exam prep

HAM Radio Extra Exam prep

Best preparation for your Extra license Exam Made for you by an Amateur (HAM) radio operator NEW: Auto Mode: You can now listen to spoken questions and answers while you are on the road or waiting for the train. No...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marcus Roskosch
Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

L’application Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires c’est l’histoire d’une rencontre. La rencontre entre un petit garçon exemplaire, un modèle de courage et d’intelligence, et des enfants différents, extra-ordinaires, qu’il va aider à apprendre un grand nombre de choses. Sans aucun...

Price: Free Developer: LEARNENJOY
Numbercus Extra

Numbercus Extra

Numbercus Extra is for people who have become familiar with the Numbercus App and feel that they still need more practice with fundamental aspect of integer numbers. Numbercus Extra provides the following exercises: -see a random decimal number then try...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ayodeji Yakubu

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