Top 21 Education Apps Like Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) - Best Alternatives

Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Education apps that are similar to Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT). Pick one from this list to be your new Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT) 2025.

Shia Connect

Shia Connect

"Shia Connect" is a Shia Islamic App. It contains Complete Ziarat, Complete Mafatih, Complete Sahifa Sajjadiya, and Complete Sahifa Mahdiya. Namaz: Taaqeebat e Namaz, Namaz e Shab, Namaz e Ja'fare Tayyaar (a.s.), Namaz e Maghferate Waaledain, Namaz e Ghofaylah, Namaz e Wahshat...

Price: Free Developer: Qamar iqbal
Shia Duas 2 by Duas.Org

Shia Duas 2 by Duas.Org

“He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.” -Imam Ali Duas.Org presents the second addition to iphone duas. These...

Price: Free Developer: Marz
Nimaz Ka Trika - Prayer Method

Nimaz Ka Trika - Prayer Method

Namaz ke liye urdu me ek aasan aap hai. Isme arbi ayat ki sound bhi hai. App ka matter Mr. Mohd Nadeem, and Qari Muhammad Tahir Bashir ne check kiya hai. نمازکی ادائیگی کے لیے ایک بہترین ایپ۔ اس ایپ کے...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Zarkhaiz Ashar


Haider TV 'Serving Humanity' In association with DARGAH SHAH MARDAN New Delhi- India Haider TV is a Delhi based team enabling live religious broadcasts and streaming features across the world. Our aim is to connect the Shia Muslim community like...

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Raza
Jafaria Tv

Jafaria Tv

Jafaria Tv is founded to provide a source of education to facilitate the understanding of Shia Islamic thoughts and we belive Walayat e Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Ali (a.s ) is "واجب" Obligatory. We aim to provide video speeches,...

Price: Free Developer: Sajjad Raja
Divine Pearls

Divine Pearls

"Divine Pearls" is a Shia Islamic App. It contains Complete Holy Quran, Complete Mafatih, Complete Sahifa Sajjadiya, and Complete Sahifa Mahdiya Features : • English & Urdu Languages • Big and Clear Indian Style Arabic script • Adjust font size • Installs in SD Card •...

Price: Free Developer: Ejaz Ajani
Dua Kumayl

Dua Kumayl

This application contains the supplication of Dua’a-E-Kumayl. (Shia Supplication) A line by line Arabic text, with English translation and Translieration of the Arabic text. This also includes Audio listening of the Dua'á. Feel free to contact us at: [email protected] ------------- Dua’a-E-Kumayl is...

Price: Free Developer: Mujtaba Alam
Dua e Kumail with Translations

Dua e Kumail with Translations

This app contains Dua e Kumail . It is said that recitation of this dua helps to seek protection against the evils of the enemies and the plots contrived by impostors. Dua Kumayl is a famous supplication among Muslims,...

Price: Free Developer: Qamar iqbal
Imam Hussein TV Network

Imam Hussein TV Network

Imam Hussein Media Group was founded in 2009 with the objective of providing an outlet for Shia families to learn and educate themselves on the religious sciences. Since then Imam Hussein Media Group has benefited hundreds of thousands of households...

Step By Step Salat

Step By Step Salat

Step by Step Salah is an Islamic iOS application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. It is a comprehensive guide for believers to get...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Qaim Foundation

Qaim Foundation

The Qaim Foundation Australia (QFA) is a non-profit registered organization of the Shia Ithna Asheri Muslim community of Melbourne, Australia. It is serving the religious and educational needs of over 600 members of the Pashto, Urdu, Persian speaking communities...

Price: Free Developer: Mirza Mustafa Baig


Have you ever felt happy, angry, sad, or anything else? Guess what? You’re living as a normal person! Distressing emotions generally are unwelcome because they cause discomfort in us, whether physically or psychologically. You see, pain can be physical...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd


Do you or your child have problem with managing emotions? Are you afraid of your emotion because it seems to be beyond your control? For example, do you get angry for no apparent reason or over a very mild trigger?...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd
EE ToolKit

EE ToolKit

This is the brand-new Electronics Engineering ToolKit! The HIGHLY RATED and RECOMMENDED productivity app. Users say it is the BEST and MOST PRACTICAL Electronics App in the whole App Store. From an electronics enthusiast with a master's degree in Electronics Engineering....

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gruber
Division Toolkit

Division Toolkit

The Division Toolkit is a simulation that uses a grid covered with blue and red tiles to show the meaning of division. Students using the simulation will intuitively learning the meaning of the terms: dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. Division can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
GMAT ToolKit 2

GMAT ToolKit 2

+ The only app you need to get 700+ score. + The high quality content from top tier test prep companies. + Up to 18'000 questions with GMAT Club members' discussion. Visit for additional screenshots and video. -------------------- An application from GMAT Club,...

Price: Free Developer: NKO Ventures, LLC
Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek

Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek

De Toolkit instrumenten praktijkonderzoek (TiP) helpt bij het kiezen, ontwerpen en gebruiken van onderzoeksinstrumenten voor praktijkonderzoek. Deze instrumenten zijn: een observatie, vragenlijst, (groeps)interview, focusgroep en gegevensanalyse. Handige checklists helpen bij de voorbereidingen en inzet van deze instrumenten en op...

Price: Free Developer: Sprigs
American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Multiplication Toolkit

Multiplication Toolkit

The Hands-On Math: Multiplication Toolkit is a collection of interactive models that are commonly used to teach multiplication facts and concepts. Multiplication is a shorthand way of doing repeated addition and can be presented in a variety of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Probability Toolkit

Probability Toolkit

The Probability Toolkit provides teachers and students with a collection of virtual mathematical devices to simulate probability experiments. The experiments use popular math manipulatives to help students better understand probability theory and statistics. It is perfect for elementary and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems

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