Top 16 Education Apps Like Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek - Best Alternatives

Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Education apps that are similar to Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek. Pick one from this list to be your new Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek 2025.



Have you ever felt happy, angry, sad, or anything else? Guess what? You’re living as a normal person! Distressing emotions generally are unwelcome because they cause discomfort in us, whether physically or psychologically. You see, pain can be physical...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd


Do you or your child have problem with managing emotions? Are you afraid of your emotion because it seems to be beyond your control? For example, do you get angry for no apparent reason or over a very mild trigger?...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd
EE ToolKit

EE ToolKit

This is the brand-new Electronics Engineering ToolKit! The HIGHLY RATED and RECOMMENDED productivity app. Users say it is the BEST and MOST PRACTICAL Electronics App in the whole App Store. From an electronics enthusiast with a master's degree in Electronics Engineering....

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gruber
Division Toolkit

Division Toolkit

The Division Toolkit is a simulation that uses a grid covered with blue and red tiles to show the meaning of division. Students using the simulation will intuitively learning the meaning of the terms: dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. Division can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
GMAT ToolKit 2

GMAT ToolKit 2

+ The only app you need to get 700+ score. + The high quality content from top tier test prep companies. + Up to 18'000 questions with GMAT Club members' discussion. Visit for additional screenshots and video. -------------------- An application from GMAT Club,...

Price: Free Developer: NKO Ventures, LLC
American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Multiplication Toolkit

Multiplication Toolkit

The Hands-On Math: Multiplication Toolkit is a collection of interactive models that are commonly used to teach multiplication facts and concepts. Multiplication is a shorthand way of doing repeated addition and can be presented in a variety of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Probability Toolkit

Probability Toolkit

The Probability Toolkit provides teachers and students with a collection of virtual mathematical devices to simulate probability experiments. The experiments use popular math manipulatives to help students better understand probability theory and statistics. It is perfect for elementary and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT)

Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT)

This is the official Shia Toolkit (SIAT) app. This app is currently a compilation of following, with in-app content updates issued regularly: - Holy Quran (in several languages) - Holy Quran Tafsir Al Mizan (more volumes will also be added as...

Price: Free Developer: Apps 14
Energy e-learning module

Energy e-learning module

Deze online basis cursus doorloopt de verschillende Energy instrumenten en technieken waar OK assistenten / specialisten dagelijks mee werken. Het doel is om de basiskennis (jaarlijks) op peil te houden en te zien of gerichte bijscholing noodzakelijk is. • Doelpubliek: OK...

Price: Free Developer: Meplis NV
Marketing Lernkarten & Lexikon

Marketing Lernkarten & Lexikon

Mit der Marketing App kannst du ganz einfach im Lexikon Begriffe nachschlagen und dich so mit der Terminologie im Marketing vertraut machen. Du kannst auch mit zahlreichen Fragen und Lernkarten dein Fachwissen vertiefen und dich testen. Marketing ist weit...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Prof. Dr. H.P. Wehrli
Ben De Bever-spel

Ben De Bever-spel

In dit educatieve spel over mondhygiëne speelt Ben de Bever de hoofdrol. Kinderen vanaf het eerste leerjaar kunnen, samen met Ben de Bever, alles te weten komen over mondhygiëne. Schrob mee het virtuele gebit schoon en klik daarbij alle...

Price: Free Developer: Mutualites Chretiennes - Christelijke Mutualiteiten


DE MASTERMETER APP …… VOOR LERAREN DIE GAAN VOOR KWALITEIT Uit onderzoeken en inspectierapporten blijkt het. De kwaliteit van het onderwijs dat leraren geven, is sterk bepalend voor de kwaliteit van de school en van de resultaten van leerlingen. De...

Price: Free Developer: InterBrug
Onderwijs Spiegel

Onderwijs Spiegel

AOCSpiegel, ROCSpiegel, POSpiegel, VOSpiegel, HBOSpiegel, WOSpiegel zijn sector varianten van de OnderwijsSpiegel. De OnderwijsSpiegel App is een product van Digidoc. De OnderwijsSpiegel App is oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld voor de AOC sector. Inmiddels levert Digidoc aan alle onderwijsvormen zoals ROC, PO, VO,...

Price: Free Developer: DigiDoc


Met deze app kunt u zoeken naar ziekten & plagen, natuurlijke vijanden, knaagdieren en onkruiden. Er zijn 725 ziekten en plagen, 27 natuurlijke vijanden, 7 knaagdieren en 135 onkruiden opgenomen. Per item is er algemene informatie opgenomen maar ook uitleg...

Price: Free Developer: AOC-Raad

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