Top 45 Education Apps Like Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram - Best Alternatives

Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram alternatives for iOS? We have listed 45 Education apps that are similar to Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram. Pick one from this list to be your new Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram on your iOS devices.

Top 45 Apps Like Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram 2025.

Boeing Connected Learner

Boeing Connected Learner

What is Boeing Connected Learner? Boeing Connected Learner is a mobile-based interactive platform that provides Training & Professional Services (T&PS) aviation students with training schedule information, Computer-Based Training (CBT) content and direct access to training center information from virtually anywhere*. Students...

Price: Free Developer: The Boeing Company
Boeing Courseware

Boeing Courseware

Courseware includes the next generation of EXAM, the leading software to prepare for your examination. Innovative theoretical content and examination delivery accompany pilots and maintenance engineers during their. training. The Courseware module ACADEMY provides the integrated solution for the ATO/MTO-oriented...

Price: Free Developer: Boeing Services Deutschland GmbH
Boeing 737-400/800 Limitations & Flash Cards

Boeing 737-400/800 Limitations & Flash Cards

A simple App containing the B737/400 limitations for you to study and have easy access to whenever you want. Its great for a quick review or during your type rating to study some of the limitations on the B737....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: ahmet Baydas
Systems & Limitations Flash Cards for Boeing 777

Systems & Limitations Flash Cards for Boeing 777

Systems & Limitations Flash Cards for Boeing 777 System Flash Cards for Boeing 777 This section contains over 825 Flash Cards covering all of the Boeing 777 systems and limitations. When you have worked through these, you can pass a typical...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: ahmet Baydas
Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Type Rating Exam Quizzes

Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Type Rating Exam Quizzes

Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Systems Quiz This section contains 22 topic and over 800 multiple choice questions covering all of the 737 systems. When you have worked through these, you can successfully pass type rating exam. Categories: - Boeing 737 Aircraft General - Boeing 737...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: ahmet Baydas
Boeing 737 NG Exam Preparation

Boeing 737 NG Exam Preparation

400 actual type rating technical exam questions. Please note that a number of these questions are "incorrect" on purpose because that is how they appear in the actual exam. The app is primarily aimed at Boeing 737 NG 700/800 students...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Appulize
BOEING 737 Exam Prep 2019

BOEING 737 Exam Prep 2019

The app is primarily aimed at Boeing 737 NG 700/800 students but can be used for all Boeing 737 NG variants. Many airlines use these exact questions in their final technical examinations.

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Emilia Montoni
Boeing 737 Fuel System

Boeing 737 Fuel System

The Boeing 737 NG Fuel Diagram is a completely interactive training aid, that can be used to study and review the B737 NG Fuel System. All fuel pump switches and the cross feed valve knob are interactive to allow the...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air System

Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air System

The Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air Diagram is a completely interactive training aid that can be used to study and review the B737 pneumatic system. All switches and knobs associated with this system are interactive, allowing for multiple scenarios and...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic System

Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic System

The Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic Diagram is a completely interactive training aid, that can be used to study and review the B737 NG Hydraulic System. The app allows you to move the switches associated with the system to see how...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
B737 Cockpit Companion

B737 Cockpit Companion

B737 Cockpit Companion for iPad is a conversion of Bill Bulfer's B737 NG Cockpit Companion book series to an iPad app. It now includes the Classics. Since 1998, B737 Cockpit Companion has been a valued resource for airline pilots...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer:
B737 MRG

B737 MRG

The ultimate knowledge base for professional airline pilots flying the Boeing 737. The B737 MRG explains how to handle 300 different non-normals, that is 100 more than you find in the Boeing QRH... This app provides technical system...

Price: Free Developer: MCC bvba


This App has been written by a B737 pilot for a B737 pilot. Whenever you want to refresh your Technical knowledge of your airplane for an upcoming sim-check or just to review some tech stuff, then this App is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Franciscus Petrus Jonathan Bosma
Cockpit4u B737

Cockpit4u B737

The first B737 App worldwide for B737 Classic and New Generation providing training of systemknowledge for current and future B737 pilots. This App was developed by active pilots and contains more than 600 practical questions from all aircraft systems...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Cockpit4u Aviation Service GmbH
B737 Cabin Training

B737 Cabin Training

Learn about all aircraft emergency equipment in a truly immersive and realistic environment. Navigate through the aircraft from cockpit to aft galley. Explore the location and learn about the use of all emergency equipment on board. Hotspots in the...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Aviation eLearning
B737 Electrical System

B737 Electrical System

B737 NG electrical system is a training aid to brush-up your system knowledge. Push on any switches for an explanation or an associated graphic to pop-up. A quiz associated to that system will help you maintain your knowledge.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Didier Delhaisse


MRG 是提供给波音 737 系列职业飞行员和模拟机飞行员使用的手册,该手册内 容包括超过 260 项非正常程序的技术信息和操作建议。这些信息是基于本书作 者超过 25 年的飞行经验,17,000 航线飞行小时和模拟机训练经验,还有世界范 围内众多 737 飞行员的反馈信息。 MRG 手册是非常实用的一本手册,内容主要包括 - 阐述所有警告灯亮时相对应的状况 - 在飞行中一旦发生不正常情况时应如何进行资源管理 - 针对当前状况提供处理意见或解决方法 - 警告可能会发生的后续(双重)失效 - 包括众多经验法则和飞行技巧 - 参考手册包括 FCOM, QRH, FCTM, DDG-MEL, JAR-FAR/FC 等 MRG是又一本类似于其他737参考手册的书么? 绝对不是,现在确实有几本非常优秀的深入探讨 737 系统知识的参考手册。而 MRG 与之不同;系统知识的描述仅仅局限于琥珀色/蓝色/红色/绿色灯亮时背后 的系统逻辑,但是 MRG 却着重于讲述遇到这些非正常情况时应如何进行处理! 并阐述这些非正常状况会如何影响飞行并为继续飞行提供指导意见。包括在地面 (DDG-MEL)和飞行中 37,000 英尺! 在新升级改版的应用中,你可以获得任意两种语言(英文,中文)的所有B737MRG已有版本(CL,NG,MAX);同样,您也可以免费获得关于B737 MRG系列手册的所有即时更新。 订阅与续订 新版本将提供部分内容的免费试用,为期一个月。当您完成缴费订阅后,即可使用新版本的全部功能。订阅费用平均为9元人民币/月。在您最后确认支付时将显示最终收费价格(含税)。您可通过...

Price: Free Developer: MCC bvba
B737 NG Fire protection simulator

B737 NG Fire protection simulator

The B737 NG Fire protection simulator allows you to review the associated caution and warning lights with different scenarios. Audio alarm included for fire warning and master caution. Cancelling the alarm is exactly the same as in the cockpit. The tool bar...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Didier Delhaisse
B737 NG fuel system

B737 NG fuel system

B737 NG fuel system is a training aid to brush-up your system knowledge. Push on any switches for an explanation or an associated graphic to pop-up. A quiz associated to that system will help you maintain your knowledge.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Didier Delhaisse


A simple App containing the B737Ng/800 limitations for you to study and have easy access to whenever you want. Its great for a quick review or during your type rating to study some of the limitations on the B737....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: faraz sheikh
Switch 737 NG - Boeing B737 NG Training

Switch 737 NG - Boeing B737 NG Training

BOEING 737-800/900 NG VERSION OF STUDYING FOR YOUR TRAINING. The Boeing 737-NG Buttons App here allows you to explore the 737's Flight Decks buttons and switches into detail so you can study what each one means and indicates during...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: faraz sheikh
READ 180 NG Stage A

READ 180 NG Stage A

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. *READ 180: Unleash the Power READ 180 NG Stage A is intended for...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
READ 180 NG Stage B

READ 180 NG Stage B

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. READ 180 NG Stage B is intended for Grades 6 - 8...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
READ 180 NG Stage C

READ 180 NG Stage C

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. READ 180 NG Stage C is intended for Grades 9 and up...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


The Limitations B737NG app helps you to memorize various limitations of the Boeing 737-800/NG quickly and in an extremely efficient way. The app includes limitations about chapters such as APU, Autopilot, Weights, Airspeeds, Electrical Systems, Flight Controls, Fuel and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dirk Gooris
Electrical Training Center App

Electrical Training Center App

This app is for anyone in the Electrical or HVAC/R Industry This app is great for connecting with people in the Electrical or HVAC/R Industry This app has tools for the trades man, Learning Videos and articles.

Price: Free Developer: Electrical Training Center
Electrical Dictionary :Offline

Electrical Dictionary :Offline

**** Electrical Dictionary Offline ***** Welcome to Electrical Dictionary Offline - the easiest way to learn Electrical Terms fastly within your iPhones and iPads. Our new Electrical to Electrical Dictionary app is a light weight and elegant tool....

Price: Free Developer: Puju Dekivadiya
Electrical MCQ Quiz

Electrical MCQ Quiz

Basic Electrical Engineering Quiz (offline) is a quiz based application to learn the basic concepts of electrical engineering (basic electrical engineering). The App covers different topics of Electrical and Electronics engineering in detail. Basic Electrical Engineering Quiz (MCQ) is a...

Price: Free Developer: Tom Thomas
GATE Electrical Engineering

GATE Electrical Engineering

GATE Electrical Engineering Entrance test App brings you the information, previous exam papers, latest updates, campus news, recruitment news on GATE score, etc. directly to your phone / tab. Apart from GATE Papers students can also access IIT JAM...

Electrical Layout Sample Drawings

Electrical Layout Sample Drawings

This app is a collection of electrical layout drawings for various types of floor plans for both residential and commercial dwellings. It also comes with electrical layout guidelines and designer tools. This app provides step-by-step instructions for designing residential electrical layouts...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
Electrical Quantities- Circuit

Electrical Quantities- Circuit

Electrical Quantities physics app is designed for K12 students to learn the basics of electric circuit such as voltage, resistance and more. The app illustrates the process of insulators and conductors, electric current and electric flow and electrical resistance.In...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Exploriments: Electricity - Simple Electrical Circuits in Series, Parallel and Combination

Exploriments: Electricity - Simple Electrical Circuits in Series, Parallel and Combination

The ability to make your own circuits is here! This uber-cool feature comes bundled with the latest update to our app on simple electrical circuits. You can now move things around, choose devices and connect circuits using switches and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: IL&FS Education and Technology Services Ltd.
GATE Electrical 2017 Exam Prep

GATE Electrical 2017 Exam Prep

GATE EE 2017 Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (a leading portal for competitive exams preparation. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a computer based standardised test jointly conducted by IIS and IITs for post graduate engineering admissions and...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work
Electrical Engineering Guide

Electrical Engineering Guide

With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Electrical Engineering-PRO

Electrical Engineering-PRO

With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC


無料で いつでも どこでも ヘアデザイン Create Your Hairstyle Anytime, Anywhere for Free. ヘアデザイン、レッスンノート、プレゼンのツールとして、あなたのヘアデザインイメージをテクニカルな視点で 時と場所を選ばず HAIR CUT DIAGRAM Lightに残すことができます。 A capable assistant to your designing works, training note or presentations, HAIR CUT DIAGRAM Light allows to keep your idea of new hairstyles with technical...

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社テン・マネジメントサービス


いつでも どこでも ヘアデザイン Create Your Hairstyle Anytime, Anywhere. ヘアデザイン、レッスンノート、プレゼンのツールとして、 あなたのヘアデザインイメージをテクニカルな視点で 時と場所を選ばず HAIR CUT DIAGRAM に残すことができます。 A capable assistant to your designing works, training note or presentations, HAIR CUT DIAGRAM allows to keep your idea of new hairstyles with technical consideration anytime and anywhere. 【バージョン 1.2 の新機能】 ・ヘアデザイン展開図(DIAGRAM)の書き方の改善 ・シザー、セニングシザー、コーム、レザーの色付け、拡大・縮小 ・矢印の追加 ・テキストの色付け、拡大・縮小 ・グリッドの種類の追加 ・ヒント画面を新設し、下記機能の追加  パネル作成時に便利なポイントガイド機能  パネル選択時に便利なパネルガイド機能  サポートページへのリンク 【操作マニュアルを下記にアップいたしました】事業内容/ 【お問合せ先メールアドレス:[email protected]...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: 株式会社テン・マネジメントサービス
Venn Diagram Shader

Venn Diagram Shader

Venn Diagram Shader allows you to create and shade Venn diagrams and get the equivalent expression in set notation! You may even enter an algebraic expression and Venn Diagram Shader will give you step-by-step instructions on how to shade! Features: -...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ketan Appa
E190 Electrical Diagram

E190 Electrical Diagram

The Embraer 190 Electrical Diagram is a completely interactive training aid. The interactive diagram allows the user to learn the electrical system by manipulating switches and visualize the cause and effect. The user can simulate a up to 12 different...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
Sorting 2D Shapes Venn Diagram

Sorting 2D Shapes Venn Diagram

Sort a variety of 2D shapes on a Venn diagram. Sort by one or two conditions. Sort triangles - scalene, equilateral and isosceles. Sort quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons and octagons, as well as parallelograms, rhombus, kites and trapeziums. Also...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mathsframe Ltda.
Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

This app allows users to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles. Users identify and record concepts that can be placed in one of the circles or in the overlapping areas, allowing them to organize their...

Price: Free Developer: International Reading Association
Sorting 3D Shapes Venn Diagram

Sorting 3D Shapes Venn Diagram

Sort a variety of 3D shapes according to their properties, including: whether they are pyramids or prisms, the number of faces, edges and vertices and whether they have a curved surface.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mathsframe Ltda.
Teaching Graphs

Teaching Graphs

Don't know the difference between a Venn and a Carroll Diagram? Don't know how to use one? Find that using Spreadsheet programs to be a lesson in everything but Graphs and interpretation? Spreadsheet Programs can be complex and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Aleesha Kondys


Audio Visual Application for the professional or beginner in the Audio Visual industry. AV Buddy is a essential information and calculation tool which will assist your Audio Visual needs. Including pinouts, charts, cut lengths, diagrams, clear AV Connector photos,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KOEN DIGITAL LIMITED

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