Top 34 Medical Apps Like Busca Evidencias for iPhone - Best Alternatives

Busca Evidencias for iPhone Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Busca Evidencias for iPhone alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Medical apps that are similar to Busca Evidencias for iPhone. Pick one from this list to be your new Busca Evidencias for iPhone app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Busca Evidencias for iPhone on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like Busca Evidencias for iPhone - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Busca Evidencias for iPhone alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Busca Evidencias for iPhone 2025.

Busca Evidencias for iPad

Busca Evidencias for iPad

Aplicación móvil destinada a los profesionales sanitarios que ofrece la sistemática para realizar un proceso de búsqueda eficiente de las mejores evidencias disponibles en salud. La enorme y creciente cantidad de información biomédica limita la posibilidad de los clínicos...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Evidence Health APP S.L
Bucal app

Bucal app

O estudo do diagnóstico das lesões de boca e os procedimentos terapêuticos destas condições devem seguir princípios sequenciais da prática da Estomatologia. A correta e minuciosa anamnese do paciente dentro dos padrões usualmente preconizados; o perfeito e cuidadoso exame físico...

Price: Free Developer: Adriano Rocha Campos


OnDuty é um aplicativo dedicado, de uso exclusivo de profissionais de Medicina, que tem a finalidade de facilitar a busca e a troca de plantões, remoções, PSF e outros. Basta efetuar o cadastro, ativar o GPS e começar a...

Price: Free Developer: Joao Carlos Souza Santos
Ferreira Passini

Ferreira Passini

► Histórico Fundado em janeiro de 1988 pelo Dr. José Abano Loureiro Ferreira com o nome de Laboratório Policlínica Resende, tendo sido mais tarde renomeado para Laboratório J.A. e, após fusão em 2015 com o Laboratório Montese, assumiu a denominação...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandre Passini


Através do nosso aplicativo você terá todas as informações sobre a Medscan, além de várias funcionalidades: - A Clínica - Estrutura - Galeria de Fotos - Localização - Contato - Agendamento de Exames - Resultados de Exames - Fidelidade - Envio de Arquivos e muito mais... Conheça a Medscan: Em...

Price: Free Developer: Informatiza Soluções Empresariais


MeuDoc é um serviço de agendamento de consultas online para pacientes no Brasil, fornecendo uma ferramenta de busca gratuita aos usuários, integrada as agendas individuais dos doutores em uma única plataforma. Disponível em aplicativos para celular destinados aos doutores...

Price: Free Developer: MEUDOC LLC


La enfermedad diarreica es una de las causas principales de mortalidad y morbilidad en la niñez en el mundo, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, correspondiendo a la segunda causa de muerte de niños y niñas menores de cinco...

Price: Free Developer: Dingo Interactive SAS


POSTMIR es un servicio gratuito de PROMIR tanto para los alumnos PROMIR como para otros opositores que permite, a través de un único lugar, acceder a toda la información que necesitas desde el MIR hasta que comiences la residencia....

Price: Free Developer: BinPar Team S.L.


- Número atual da revista - Números anteriores - Suplementos - Favoritos - Busca avançada no acervo da revista - Continue lendo de onde parou

Salus Game

Salus Game

Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros alumnos aprendan de una forma accesible, lúdica y duradera en el tiempo, utilizando para ello las herramientas tecnológicas disponibles en cada momento, incluyendo los Serious Games como este. Nuestros alumnos adquieren de conocimientos teóricos a...

Price: Free Developer: Salus Play
ECG Basico

ECG Basico

O ECG continua sendo um método diagnóstico de grande importância na Cardiologia. Dessa forma, o aprendizado em ECG é um tópico de destaque na formação médica. Este aplicativo visa ser uma ferramenta para o ensino de ECG e auxiliar no...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: CardioApp
HC Protocolos

HC Protocolos

Os Protocolos Clínicos Institucionais (PCI) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP) são orientações para a condução de atendimentos à saúde, com objetivo de guiar e padronizar as múltiplas decisões que envolvem a assistência...

Price: Free Developer: Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP


GuíaUPP es la primera guía a nivel mundial especializada en la clasificación, diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de las úlceras por presión. Esta guía pretende acercar a profesionales de la sanidad, cuidadores y pacientes, las...

Price: Free Developer: ERTAKY
FOR Videos and Safety Checklists

FOR Videos and Safety Checklists

Designed by leading clinicians across the globe, the FOR Safety Checklists help you minimize or reduce – if not eliminate – unintended consequences of avoidable errors caused by human factors. While dental practitioners understand which steps are necessary to...

Price: Free Developer: Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)
Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses

Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses

SAFETY FIRST! Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®, delivers all of the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE ... AT A GLANCE * Red tab for high...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
DrDrugs: Guide for Physicians

DrDrugs: Guide for Physicians

DrDrugs®: Drug Guide for Physicians sets new standards for drug references by increasing its focus on safe practice and effective patient care. Now, in addition to providing the most comprehensive, up-to-date and practical drug information, DrDrugs includes over 800...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
ER Rotation Review Game for the USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 2 CE, & PANCE LITE (SCRUB WARS)

ER Rotation Review Game for the USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 2 CE, & PANCE LITE (SCRUB WARS)

•Retain more & forget less by playing our rapid review video game to supercharge your memory during your ER rotation. Try 50 questions for free! Complete app has 1,000 questions. •Relevant for a rapid review of content...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Enterprises, LLC
MedShr: The App for Doctors

MedShr: The App for Doctors

Developed by doctors, MedShr is the easiest and safest way for medical professionals to discover, discuss and share clinical cases and medical images. Join our community and connect with hundreds of thousands of verified doctors, healthcare professionals and medical...

Price: Free Developer: MedShr Ltd
Medical Physiology Review Game for USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 (SCRUB WARS) LITE

Medical Physiology Review Game for USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 (SCRUB WARS) LITE

Retain more & forget less by playing a video game to supercharge your memory while reviewing physiology. Try 50 questions for free! Rapidly review high-yield physiology topics by playing this exciting space shooter app that gamifies learning so your...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Enterprises, LLC
Basics Of Medical Terminology For Self Learning

Basics Of Medical Terminology For Self Learning

Basics Of Medical Terminology For Self Learning. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this app. This app is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tourkia CHIHI
kernel for Medical Affairs

kernel for Medical Affairs

kernel helps you analyze insights and trends across your customers in healthcare, payer and patient advocacy organizations, in real-time. Since we launched kernel, a recurring request from our customers is the ability for MSLs to enter thought leader feedback without...

Price: Free Developer: Kernel Networks
Medical Bag for Physicians

Medical Bag for Physicians

Skyscape’s Medical Bag for Physicians is a useful collection of medical information and tools for practitioners including drug and disease information, lab tests with values, medical calculators and much more - an essential pocket companion for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
General Surgery CCS for USMLE

General Surgery CCS for USMLE

Your Secret Weapon for Mastering the USMLE Step 3 How prepared are you for the new USMLE Step 3? Are you worried about answering questions on basic science concepts? Uncertain about managing the clock in CCS cases? Unprepared to answer...

Price: USD 28.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers for iPhone

Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers for iPhone

Experience Teneo – Sinius – Intego – Intego Ambidextrous your practice. With help of augmented reality (AR), you can see the Dentsply Sirona treatment centers three-dimensionally from all sides. The camera of your iPhone takes the environment and the...

Price: Free Developer: Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPhone

Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPhone

iCECT is a free iPhone/iPad application designed for supporting all physicians and CT technologists who use Contrast Enhanced CT. ■eGFR Computing Based on serum creatinine level, serum cystitis C Level, age and sex, eGFR will be computed. The level of GFR...

Price: Free Developer: Eisai Co., Ltd.
merody for iPhone

merody for iPhone

merody for iPhone は、電子カルテDynamics専用の医師向けカルテ情報ViewerのiPhone版です。 Dynamicsから取込まれたデータは全てローカルに保存されるため、大災害・停電・通信不可能なエリアでも高速に表示が可能です。 データの受渡し及び保持には強固な暗号化技術が採用されています。 〔主な機能〕 1)登録患者の50音別一覧表示 2)患者登録情報の表示 3)患者毎の診療内容(病歴、所見、保険情報、要約等)を時系列に表示 4)名前、読み、電話番号、キーワードによる患者検索 5)認証番号によるセキュリティ管理 6)患者毎に作成可能な手書きメモ機能 〔主な用途〕 1)災害時など、データ消失への備え 2)外出時の緊急連絡への対応 3)往診、在宅医療での診療内容参照 〔電子カルテDynamicsとは〕 Dynamicsは内科医の吉原正彦が診療の傍ら、経費削減・業務効率化・診療の質の向上を目的として開発し、「医師が医師へ良いシステムを」という趣旨で配布を始めました。 「現場のニーズに則して大変使い勝手が良い」とご好評をいただき、全国の診療所でお使いいただくまでになりました。 メーリングリスト、例会などを通じて医療現場のニーズを出し合い、相互の情報交換、問題解決を図り、開発を進めております。 また正規ユーザー様には、プログラムのソースを公開しておりますので、先生方ご自身でカスタマイズも自由にできます。 Dynamicsの機能の中には、ユーザー様からのご提案、あるいは作成されたものも多くあります。 既存ソフトと比較して格段に低コストで高機能なソフトをご提供する訳がここにあります。 Dynamicsのユーザーは開発に参加する仲間とお考えください。

Price: Free Developer: Dynamics Co. Ltd.
PSR - for iPhone

PSR - for iPhone

************ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE ************ PSR (Perceptual Skills Registry) is an iPhone/iPad app designed to support the storage, calculation and interpretation of the results of visual and motor perceptual skills tests. The examiner must apply the tests in their original...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Guillermo Licea
NEJM Image Challenge

NEJM Image Challenge

The NEJM Image Challenge App brings a popular online feature for medical professionals to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Optimized for viewing on the iPhone and iPod Touch, the NEJM Image Challenge App helps you to test and hone...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The New England Journal of Medicine
OHB of Obstetrics &Gynaecology

OHB of Obstetrics &Gynaecology

By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Third Edition. This Oxford University Press...

Price: USD 25.99 Developer: Indextra AB
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, Third Edition. This Oxford University Press source of information is...

Price: Free Developer: Indextra AB
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy

By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy, Second Edition. This Oxford Handbook source of information...

Price: Free Developer: Indextra AB
OA Handbook of Anesthesiology

OA Handbook of Anesthesiology

Written by leading American practitioners, the Oxford American Handbooks offers an overview of the entire specialty, featuring instant access to guidance on the conditions that are most likely to be encountered. Precise and prescriptive, the handbooks offer up-to-date advice...

Price: USD 42.99 Developer: Indextra AB
Surgical Anatomy of the Liver (iPhone)

Surgical Anatomy of the Liver (iPhone)

This app is for trainees, medical students, instructors, and anyone that needs a quick way to learn or teach liver anatomy. Take it with you into the OR or home to your easy chair. This hands-on tool allows you to...

Price: Free Developer: Emory University

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