Top 29 Education Apps Like Le Rosey Summer Camps - Best Alternatives

Le Rosey Summer Camps Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Le Rosey Summer Camps alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Le Rosey Summer Camps. Pick one from this list to be your new Le Rosey Summer Camps app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Le Rosey Summer Camps on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Le Rosey Summer Camps - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Le Rosey Summer Camps alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Le Rosey Summer Camps 2025.

Le Cnam

Le Cnam

Retrouvez le Cnam simplement et à tout moment depuis votre mobile ! Vous souhaitez vous inscrire, trouver un centre proche de chez vous ou encore suivre l'actualité du Conservatoire? Grâce à l’application du Cnam : - Recevez directement dans...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures

Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures


Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Henri Le Worm
Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Mémorable, l’application pour stimuler votre mémoire de façon ludique et intelligente. En 10 minutes par jour approfondissez vos connaissances et votre culture générale grâce à des questions courtes, des extraits d’articles du Monde, des vidéos ou des infographies. Chaque leçon se...

Price: Free Developer: Le
Ben le koala

Ben le koala

Curieux, sympa, malin, Ben le Koala a toujours plein d’envies et d’idées pour découvrir le monde qui l’entoure. Ces aventures sont aujourd’hui réunies dans l’application Ben le koala ! Retrouvez les défis du quotidien en vidéo : mettre son...

Price: Free Developer: Signes de sens
le Cnam eBooks partagés

le Cnam eBooks partagés

Vous êtes auditeur du Cnam Intec ? Le Cnam Intec vous propose l’application de lecture mobile « le Cnam eBooks partagés » pour lire tous vos Cours du Cnam Intec présents dans votre bibliothèque numérique et synchronisés depuis votre compte...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Le Monde - Orthographe

Le Monde - Orthographe

Améliorer votre expression écrite avec Le Monde. Perfectionnez votre écriture avec des leçons personnalisées : conjugaison, orthographe, grammaire, syntaxe et expression écrite. Recevez chaque jour un email avec des exercices humoristiques, pratiques et adaptés à votre niveau pour vous faire...

Price: Free Developer: Le
Le Conjugueur

Le Conjugueur

With Le Conjugueur, you can conjugate all French verbs easily. A lot of grammar rules (in French only) are in the software in order to help you in French. If you just have the conjugate form, you can find...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Brewalan Le Dru
Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Questa applicazione è nata a scopo divulgativo per poter condividere i lavori e i pensieri della Storica dell'Arte "Alessia Codazzi". Oltre ai suoi lavori tra cui articoli, recensioni, eventi e studi sull'arte visibili anche sul sito, si...

Price: Free Developer: Ruben Rocco De Luca
Pierre et le loup

Pierre et le loup

•19/20 - « Pierre et le loup dans une version poétique et ludique exceptionnelle » •Label « Appli Géniale » - « Poésie et musique au diapason » •« Un joli tour de magie à savourer par...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: France Televisions Distribution SA


LE JEU DES CINQ COULEURS a été développé en collaboration avec Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste spécialisée dans la prise en charge des troubles neurologiques. Cette application a pour but de travailler le langage selon le principe de l'appariement classique image/mot dans...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
Summer Family Learning App

Summer Family Learning App

Family learning can happen anytime, anywhere with fun activities in Chicago Public Library’s free app for families. If you have kids between 5 to 8, don’t miss your chance to download this app available for a limited time through...

Price: Free Developer: Chicago Public Library Foundation
Summer Math Star

Summer Math Star

Designed by teachers to promote daily, grade-level specific summer math practice. Help for kids going into grades 1-5 to retain those hard-earned math skills over summer break. Each grade-level module is available as an in-app purchase at just...

Price: Free Developer: Rise2Shine, LLC
Girl Summer Camp Vacation

Girl Summer Camp Vacation

Summer is almost over but do you want to relive or enjoy the summer a little longer? Play this summer holiday game with five mini games! This summer girl went on a vacation at a camping! Have fun with...

Price: Free Developer: huiling huang
Summer math by Mathico

Summer math by Mathico

SUMMER MATH Summer Math is fully designed to prepare your child for a successful school year, giving them knowledge, guidance and mentorship to start the year in the saddle. Research proves that children's academic advancements and mathematical sharpness declines during summertime. UNIQUE...

Price: Free Developer: T. Solutions Inc.
STEM Explorer: Summer Learning

STEM Explorer: Summer Learning

STEM Explorer: Summer Learning™ is a cutting-edge app which teaches science, math and related subjects that is tied to the Common Core State Standards Initiative. It's a free, safe holiday activity shown to minimize summer learning loss. Join our heroes...

Price: Free Developer: APPTEDUDE PTY LIMITED
Kindergarten Learning Games - Summer Review for Math and Reading

Kindergarten Learning Games - Summer Review for Math and Reading

"Wonderful resource. It includes just about all skills that are covered in Kindergarten. Love having this app to share with our kinder kids." Ms. Benjamin - Kindergarten teacher "LOVE the summer theme and cute graphics to make the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Innovative Investments Limited
Rainbow Slushies:Summer Drink

Rainbow Slushies:Summer Drink

It is having many summer drinks flavors. In summer people like to take frozen drinks and nothing is tastier than a frozen ice slush. It's my favorite icy dessert. Initially, you will have to choose the slushy flavor, after...

Price: Free Developer: sohail jelani
ACHIEVE Columbus –Summer Youth

ACHIEVE Columbus –Summer Youth

Background The Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio (WDBCO) serves Workforce Area Eleven (11), City of Columbus and Franklin County, as a leader in working with employers to maintain a skilled workforce and with job seekers to acquire and maintain...

Price: Free Developer: Bruce Mortland
English Summer

English Summer

Aplicación vinculada a las pulseras contactless llevadas por los alumnos de English Summer en sus instalaciones. Los usuarios de la aplicación podrán consultar el saldo disponible en la pulsera de los alumnos, con la que podrán realizar compras controladas...

Price: Free Developer: Exyt Control SL
Satellite Camps

Satellite Camps

Between 1942 and 1944, the SS transported thousands of concentration camp prisoners from Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück to numerous satellite camps in Berlin. The prisoners, among them many women, had to do forced labor for the SS and armaments companies:...

Price: Free Developer: Initiative KZ-Außenlager Lichterfelde e.V.
Les Elfes Camps

Les Elfes Camps

The official Les Elfes Camps App. Staying connected to Les Elfes is now easier and more enjoyable than ever before. With personalised information for campers, parents, staff and prospective families, the Les Elfes App serves you with the latest...

Price: Free Developer: Qapp Development BV
Our Kids: Find Schools & Camps

Our Kids: Find Schools & Camps

Our Kids Media is the trusted source for families finding top private schools, camps and programs. Representing a diverse number of consumer and professional platforms, more than 1 million Canadian families trust Our Kids across a variety of channels: online,...

Price: Free Developer: Our Kids Publications Ltd.
Kali au camp

Kali au camp

Kali au Camp, c'est une expérience de découverte éducative, ludique, unique et innovante prenant la forme d’une aventure numérique diffusée gratuitement sur appareils mobiles intelligents et disponible hors connexion réseau, afin d’enrichir la vie de camp, les vacances familiales...

Price: Free Developer: L'association des Camps du Québec
Concentration Camp Memorial Neuengamme

Concentration Camp Memorial Neuengamme

The official app of the Concentration Camp Memorial Neuengamme. Neuengamme concentration camp was the largest concentration camp in north-west Germany. It was established to the south-east of Hamburg in 1938 and existed until 1945. Over 100,000 prisoners from throughout Europe...

Price: Free Developer: Carsten Manshusen
Music Maker Workshops

Music Maker Workshops

Music Mak​er Workshop is a place of excitement! The buzz is real and students of all ages are getting connected and inspired with fun and informative lessons, camps and performing ensemble groups. Music Maker Workshops was rated #1 music...

Price: Free Developer: Music Maker Workshops - Mobile Inventor


Yaycare connects parents with top-rated childcare centers, educational programs and camps for kids 0-13. Through our app, parents can search, book and pay for open spots in just a few clicks. No wait lists, no fees, no commitments-...

Price: Free Developer: Yaycare Inc.
Camp On

Camp On

Camp On is the innovative mobile platform standard or customized with your image or specific functions for your camp, used for real-time communication and information´s management between Camp´s monitors, principals and parents. Discover and share the education, the learning...

Price: Free Developer: Childcare On SL


Revolutionary mobile/tablet learning apps for iOS, to help you accomplish your dreams! Key Features: Explore our best in class online courses for test prep ‘Learn on the go’ with our excellent & comprehensive exclusively online course, with live online classes,...


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