Do you want to find the best How to pray salah with sound alternatives for Android? We have listed 45 Education that are similar to How to pray salah with sound. Pick one from this list to be your new How to pray salah with sound app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to How to pray salah with sound on your Android devices.
The best free and paid How to pray salah with sound alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like How to pray salah with sound 2025.
Do you need to learn how to draw tattoo easily with the step by step drawing tutorials?How to draw tattoos is a tattoo booth that helps you develop the art & skills to make stylish tattoo as a very...
How To Be Mentally Strong: Everything you need to know. The application has multiple articles of didactic purpose, which can be read offline or heard through the option of text to speech. In the application you will find articles...
How To Study For Exams Tricks: Everything you need to know. The application has multiple articles of didactic purpose, which can be read offline or heard through the option of text to speech. In the application you will find...
How to write poet, Gajal, Muktak, novel. This app will help you to write Nepalese Literature. So it is a writing School.नेपाली साहित्य लेख्ने तरिका. How to write Nepalese Literature>method and skills. Free App.
How To Draw food is a simple application that helps you learn to draw food step by step and various types of foods & drinks easily through an excellent step by step guide and detailed tutorial.Grab paper and pencil,...
What is a CV? In its full form, CV stands for curriculum vitae (latin for: course of life). In the US, Canada, and Australia, a CV is a document you use for academic purposes. The US academic CV outlines...
This application is wonderful because it teaches Muslim prayer step by step salah namaz ,If you are looking for a salah guide on learning salah ,then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 40 basic topics about one of the famous novels of E.M. Forster, A Passage to India.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can...
• Turkish to English text translationBest app for translate Turkish to EnglishThank you...
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustrations. It has been reviewed and edited by many professors...
Start learning these English lessons and improve your English knowledge with this application which is for beginners. This application provide skills in Basic English. This app can be used to improve English for any jobs Interview. You will also...
Start learning these English lessons and improve your English knowledge with this application which is for beginners. This application provide skills in Basic English. This app can be used to improve English for any jobs Interview. You will also...
You may think you speak English well as a second language, but when you come to an English-speaking country, you are likely to be surprised by how hard it is to understand spoken numbers (especially longer ones, like phone...
Bangla anubad is an educational apps in bangla. This is very good bangla apps for learning english in banglai. This bangla to english spoken translation app is adequate translation for daily needs. This bangla translator english to bangla app...
Learn and Know How To Pray With PowerTHERE is nothing more important in the Christian life than beginning correctly. But what is the right beginning in the Christian life? The right way to begin the Christian life is by...
Learn how to pray Salat step by Step with your favorite Muslims - Ali and Sumaya!
Salah (the formal prayer) is the backbone of the religion and its strong pillar. It is the first thing one will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection; if it is in order, his affair will be in...
Are you a new muslim, a kid or beginner and you want to know how to pray in islam step by step ? Rituals, prayer positions islam, islamic prayer schedule, rules and instructions? Also to avoid islam prayer mistake?Start...
This application teaches you how to pray Namaz and other important surah in English. In this app you will get: - Namaz Times (Prayer Times)- Namaz Rakat (Prayer Rakat)- Intention (Nawayt) of Prayer- How to Pray Namaz (Fajr)- How...
Since everything is possible for God, you can experience miracles in your life when you invite God to intervene – even in situations that seem impossible. But too often, people neglect to ask God for miracles in their lives,...
Taraweeh namaz is an app designed to help Muslim to reap the maximum benefit of nekis in the month of Ramadan by offering Salah.This app can help faith believers in offering Taraweeh Salah in the absence of Imam.The benefits...
Learn how to pray Namaz / Salah! Designed for both Kids and Adults! Our app has been designed to teach your kids in the best way possible while having fun.Praying our Salah(salat) is part of being a muslim and...
Muslim kids guide : Salah & Wudu is an Islamic application for children to learn how to perform Salah and Wudu . The app has very nice graphics.Application teaches the Rakats for each Prayer and also...
A simple and easy app on the technique behind the Salah. Essentially, this application created for the individuals who can read English. It has sound for Arabic text used in salah procedure.This application legitimately portrays the manners and right...
And to establish the prayer and fear Him. " Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the...
ሶላት ታለቁ ኢባዳ በአማርኛ ከተዘጋጁ የሶላት መመሪያ አፕልኬሽኖች የመጀመሪያና በአይነቱ ልዩ የሆነ በጽሑፍና በስዕል የተደገፈ የሶላት መማሪያ ሲሆን የሚከተሉትን ያካተትል፡-የሶላት ትርጓሜሶላት በኢስልመ ያለዉ ቦታየሶላት ምሶሶየሶላት ቅድመ መሥፈርቶችዉዱዕ አደረራግ ስዕላዊ ማበራሪያን ጨምሮጠሃራ ስለ ጀናባና አስተታጠቡየጁምዕ ሶላት የመርሳት ሱጁድ መስፈረርቶቹና እንዴት...
Learn Salah - Namaz app is made by Atom Production. If you are a Muslim and like to use Islamic Application so you are in a right place. This Learn Salah - Namaz app will provide you rules of...
تطبيق تعلم الحروف الهجائية العربية من افضل التطبيقات لتعليم الحروف والكلمات العربيه بالحركات فى المراحل السنيه المبكره يحتوى التطبيق على الحروف العربيه مكتوبه ومنطوقه باجمل الاغانى التعليميه لتسهيل تعليم الحروف والكلماتمدرسة الحروفبرامج تعليمية العربيه و تعليم...
تعليم الصلاة و الوضوءبالصوت والرسوم التوضيحية المتحركةلايحتاج لانترنيتمناسب للأطفال وللكباررابط لبرنامج جزء عمرابط لبرنامج سورة لفاتحةرابط لبرنامج التفسير الميسررابط لبرنامج اذكار النوم
Learn Korean from Master Ling in 10 minutes a day!DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERSOur free Korean language learning app is designed to make learning Korean as easy and as fun as possible! Using...
Learn English with Phrases - Frasingo is an application that allows you to learn English with the most common phrases used in the language (1000 in Pro Version). You will be able to improve two specific skills of the...
DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERS Our free Lao language learning app is designed to make learning Lao as easy and as fun as possible! Using a variety of mini games and interactive learning...
DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERSOur free Albanian language learning app is designed to make learning Albanian as easy and as fun as possible! Using a variety of mini games and interactive learning techniques,...
DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERSOur free Georgian language learning app is designed to make learning Georgian as easy and as fun as possible! Using a variety of mini games and interactive learning techniques,...
Learn Ukrainian from Master Ling in 10 minutes a day!DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERSOur free Ukrainian language learning app is designed to make learning Ukrainian as easy and as fun as possible! Using...
Learn Bulgarian from Master Ling in 10 minutes a day!DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERSOur free Bulgarian language learning app is designed to make learning Bulgarian as easy and as fun as possible! Using...
Bible Memory: Remember Me is a highly effective Bible study and Scripture memorization app that will help you and your children to memorize Bible memory verses with ease. It is ideal for memorizing Bible memory passages, favourite poems, literary...
Learn Swahili from Master Ling in 10 minutes a day!DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERS Our free Swahili language learning app is designed to make learning Swahili as easy and as fun as possible!...
إنطلق مع الإنجليزية حضانةيتعلم الطفل الاحرف الانجليزية الكبيرة يتعلم الطفل الاحرف الانجليزية الصغيرةنطق سليم للكلمات والاحرف الانجليزيةيتعلم الطفل كتابة الحروف الانجليزيةتدريبات متنوعةتمارين عامةرسم وتلوينالعديد من الكلمات مع النطق السليم بطريقة ممتعة
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