Top 28 Education Apps Like Chùa Giác Ngộ - Best Alternatives

Chùa Giác Ngộ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Chùa Giác Ngộ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Chùa Giác Ngộ. Pick one from this list to be your new Chùa Giác Ngộ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Chùa Giác Ngộ on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Chùa Giác Ngộ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Chùa Giác Ngộ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Chùa Giác Ngộ 2025.

Cha-Ching Pocket Money Manager

Cha-Ching Pocket Money Manager

The Cha-Ching Pocket Money Manager is an application designed for children to track all of their pocket money (be it in their wallet, money box, with their parents, and/or in a bank account) and save up for their goal...

Price: Free Developer: Prudential Corporation Asia
Cha-Ching Challenge

Cha-Ching Challenge

Cha-Ching Money-Smart Kids is a highly rated, award-winning financial literacy programme that seeks to help nurture money-smart skills in children aged 7 to 12 years old. Everyday we make choices with our money. We can: EARN, SAVE, SPEND and DONATE....

Price: Free Developer: Prudential Corporation Asia


차수학 전용 어플리케이션 차톡(CHA Talk)입니다. 원장님께서 학원에 공지를 알리거나 차수학에서 알리는 공지 및 새로운 소식이 오면 차톡(CHA Talk)를 통해 바로바로 확인할 수 있습니다. 또한, 휴회 신청에 대한 처리결과를 빠르고 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다.

Price: Free Developer: Seven Edu Co., Ltd
Pocket Money Manager HD

Pocket Money Manager HD

The Cha-Ching Pocket Money Manager HD is an application designed for children to track all of their pocket money (be it in their wallet, money box, with their parents, and/or in a bank account) and save up for their...

Price: Free Developer: Prudential Corporation Asia
Cha Giàu Cha Nghèo

Cha Giàu Cha Nghèo

Chúng ta phải làm gì để thay đổi số phận tiền bạc lận đận của mình? Nhà giàu đã làm giàu như thế nào từ hai bàn tay trắng? Có lẽ bạn sẽ tìm thấy cho mình những lời giải...

Price: Free Developer: techplus jsc
Kun'Cha Allemand

Kun'Cha Allemand

Testez et révisez votre vocabulaire allemand avec Kun’Cha ! Au beau milieu d’une forêt de bambous et aux côtés d'un panda amusant et attachant, vous devez trouver la traduction des mots proposés. Faites glisser les colonnes afin d'aligner les...

Price: Free Developer: HAPPYneuron
Kun'Cha Anglais

Kun'Cha Anglais

Testez et révisez votre vocabulaire anglais avec Kun’Cha ! Au beau milieu d’une forêt de bambous et aux côtés d'un panda amusant et attachant, vous devez trouver la traduction des mots proposés. Faites glisser les colonnes afin d'aligner les mots...

Price: Free Developer: HAPPYneuron
Kun'Cha Chinois

Kun'Cha Chinois

Testez et révisez votre vocabulaire chinois mandarin avec Kun’Cha ! Au beau milieu d’une forêt de bambous et aux côtés d'un panda amusant et attachant, vous devez trouver la traduction des mots proposés. Faites glisser les colonnes afin d'aligner...

Price: Free Developer: HAPPYneuron
Kun'Cha Espagnol

Kun'Cha Espagnol

Testez et révisez votre vocabulaire espagnol avec Kun’Cha ! Au beau milieu d’une forêt de bambous et aux côtés d'un panda amusant et attachant, vous devez trouver la traduction des mots proposés. Faites glisser les colonnes afin d'aligner les...

Price: Free Developer: HAPPYneuron
Ballroom Dancing Academy

Ballroom Dancing Academy

Discover the world of Ballroom Dancing with this fabulous collection of 490 tutorial video lessons. Learn the different dances and the steps and discover many techniques along the way to improving your understanding and style. Tutorials include: Salsa Jazzy - spin classes Slavik...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
GIC History Singapore

GIC History Singapore

An interactive E-Book App on Singapore’s economic history & the GIC story. Safeguarding the Future – The Story of How Singapore Has Managed Its Reserves and The Founding of GIC tells the untold story of Singapore’s reserve management history, and...

Price: Free Developer: GIC Pte Ltd


The MCM GIC offers a learning experience unlike any other. We don't do virtual or ritual. We don't simulate. We're all about the real-time & the real-world entrepreneurship. Period. Come join us to find out more!

Price: Free Developer: Max Shangkar
RACE - SBI, IBPS Bank Coaching

RACE - SBI, IBPS Bank Coaching

Online exams app for RACE Students - IBPS, SBI, PO, SO, SSC, RRB and Insurance About Chennai RACE Coaching Institute: Chennai RACE Coaching Institute Pvt Ltd is known to be the best Coaching Institute in India for Bank, SSC, Insurance, TNSC,...

Price: Free Developer: Testpress Tech Labs LLP


S-Kids là phần mềm học tập bao gồm các bài học, chia thành 3 phần chính dành có 3 lứa tuổi: 2 đến 4, 3 đến 5, và 4 đến 6. Được nghiên cứu và thiết kế một cách...

Price: Free Developer: Le Van Thang
vipJr 青少儿英语-青少儿在线教育

vipJr 青少儿英语-青少儿在线教育

数十年深耕于在线教育,更适合中国孩子的在线教育 【vipJr服务】 vipJr隶属于iTutorGroup 集团,致力于打造 K12 全学科在线教育平台, iTutorGroup成立于1998年,是全球在线教育"独角兽"企业,曾获阿里巴巴、淡马锡、GIC、中俄基金、高盛、银翎资本、启明创投等知名企业和顶尖机构投资。vipJr为 5-18 岁青少儿提供英语、数学、编程、语文等多元化在线教学服务,全方位提升孩子们的语言应用能力、逻辑思维能力、创造性思维能力等综合素养,帮助孩子实现全面发展,做到与世界对话、与自然对话、与未来对话、与心灵对话,让更多孩子在人生舞台上出彩。同时, vipJr采用独家研发的 DCGS 动态课程系统,针对不同年龄、水平、性格爱好的青少儿因材施教,实现个性化教学安排,让学习更有效。 【产品介绍】 1.真人在线 随时随地学课程,只要有网络、在任何地方,都可以和专业的老师,随时随地学习。 2.海量资源 根据孩子的年龄、程度、兴趣匹配优质绘本资源,与牛津大学岀版社达成战略合作,推出适合中国孩子的金奖教材。 3.免费公开课 每晩精选名师免费公开课,学英语、教数学,口语考分双提升。 4.学习效果全程掌握 自主硏发 LMS 学习管理系统,全面管理孩子的学习进度和参与情况,学习效果家长随时见证。 5.亲子教育 整合业界权威观点,精选亲子英语学习妙招,为您的家庭教育出谋划策。 【课程优势】 1.一站式学霸养成 依托集团多年K12教育深耕经验,建立科学立体的教学体系。独立开设英语、数学、语文、编程等课程,一站式培养能说会考的全科学霸。 2.国际资质认证,教学经验丰富 外教持有相关资质证书、多年教龄经验,让孩子学习纯正口语,建立英语思维;擅于激发孩子潜能,击破学习难点! 3.专为中国孩子而设 从青少儿需求出发,联合牛津大学出版社改编三套英语教材,精准补位国内中小学教育短板。同时,引进新颖有趣的编程课,全方位开发孩子思维创造力。 4.量身定制学习方案 专属私人教师团+班主任+助教联合陪伴式教育。大数据智能定制,个性化的学习方案,便捷灵活的订课方式。

Price: Free Developer: TutorABC


数十年深耕于在线教育,更适合中国孩子的在线教育 【vipJr服务】 vipJr隶属于iTutorGroup 集团,致力于打造 K12 全学科在线教育平台, iTutorGroup成立于1998年,是全球在线教育"独角兽"企业,曾获阿里巴巴、淡马锡、GIC、中俄基金、高盛、银翎资本、启明创投等知名企业和顶尖机构投资。vipJr为 5-18 岁青少儿提供英语、数学、编程、语文等多元化在线教学服务,全方位提升孩子们的语言应用能力、逻辑思维能力、创造性思维能力等综合素养,帮助孩子实现全面发展,做到与世界对话、与自然对话、与未来对话、与心灵对话,让更多孩子在人生舞台上出彩。同时, vipJr采用独家研发的 DCGS 动态课程系统,针对不同年龄、水平、性格爱好的青少儿因材施教,实现个性化教学安排,让学习更有效。 【产品介绍】 1.真人在线 随时随地学课程,只要有网络、在任何地方,都可以和专业的老师,随时随地学习。 2.海量资源 根据孩子的年龄、程度、兴趣匹配优质绘本资源,与牛津大学岀版社达成战略合作,推出适合中国孩子的金奖教材。 3.免费公开课 每晩精选名师免费公开课,学英语、教数学,口语考分双提升。 4.学习效果全程掌握 自主硏发 LMS 学习管理系统,全面管理孩子的学习进度和参与情况,学习效果家长随时见证。 5.亲子教育 整合业界权威观点,精选亲子英语学习妙招,为您的家庭教育出谋划策。 【课程优势】 1.一站式学霸养成 依托集团多年K12教育深耕经验,建立科学立体的教学体系。独立开设英语、数学、语文、编程等课程,一站式培养能说会考的全科学霸。 2.国际资质认证,教学经验丰富 外教持有相关资质证书、多年教龄经验,让孩子学习纯正口语,建立英语思维;擅于激发孩子潜能,击破学习难点! 3.专为中国孩子而设 从青少儿需求出发,联合牛津大学出版社改编三套英语教材,精准补位国内中小学教育短板。同时,引进新颖有趣的编程课,全方位开发孩子思维创造力。 4.量身定制学习方案 专属私人教师团+班主任+助教联合陪伴式教育。大数据智能定制,个性化的学习方案,便捷灵活的订课方式。

Price: Free Developer: TutorABC
Amarujala Safalta

Amarujala Safalta

Amar Ujala Safalta is a Hindi magazine that helps its readers prepare for a wide range of competitive examinations in India. The magazine offers preparatory materials for Engineering, Medical, Management CA/ CS entrance exams. Safalta also offers materials for...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Hindi GK 2017

Hindi GK 2017

The app offer a rainbow of information on various subjects & topics General Knowledge app in hindi has been developed keeping in mind the requirements of students of schools, colleges and the aspirants of various competitive exams organised by SSC,...

Price: Free Developer: Abhishek gaba
Switch 737 NG - Boeing B737 NG Training

Switch 737 NG - Boeing B737 NG Training

BOEING 737-800/900 NG VERSION OF STUDYING FOR YOUR TRAINING. The Boeing 737-NG Buttons App here allows you to explore the 737's Flight Decks buttons and switches into detail so you can study what each one means and indicates during...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: faraz sheikh
Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic System

Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic System

The Boeing 737 NG Hydraulic Diagram is a completely interactive training aid, that can be used to study and review the B737 NG Hydraulic System. The app allows you to move the switches associated with the system to see how...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Type Rating Exam Quizzes

Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Type Rating Exam Quizzes

Boeing 737-300/400/500/NG Systems Quiz This section contains 22 topic and over 800 multiple choice questions covering all of the 737 systems. When you have worked through these, you can successfully pass type rating exam. Categories: - Boeing 737 Aircraft General - Boeing 737...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: ahmet Baydas
READ 180 NG Stage A

READ 180 NG Stage A

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. *READ 180: Unleash the Power READ 180 NG Stage A is intended for...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
READ 180 NG Stage B

READ 180 NG Stage B

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. READ 180 NG Stage B is intended for Grades 6 - 8...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
READ 180 NG Stage C

READ 180 NG Stage C

*Available only to READ 180 NEXT GENERATION customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection. READ 180 NG Stage C is intended for Grades 9 and up...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air System

Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air System

The Boeing 737 NG Bleed Air Diagram is a completely interactive training aid that can be used to study and review the B737 pneumatic system. All switches and knobs associated with this system are interactive, allowing for multiple scenarios and...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon
Boeing 737 NG Exam Preparation

Boeing 737 NG Exam Preparation

400 actual type rating technical exam questions. Please note that a number of these questions are "incorrect" on purpose because that is how they appear in the actual exam. The app is primarily aimed at Boeing 737 NG 700/800 students...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Appulize
Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram

Boeing B737 NG Electrical Diagram

The Boeing 737 NG Interactive Electrical Diagram is a completely interactive training aid. The interactive diagram allows the user to learn the electrical system by manipulating switches and visualize the cause and effect. The user can simulate a failure which...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Eric Cannon


The Limitations B737NG app helps you to memorize various limitations of the Boeing 737-800/NG quickly and in an extremely efficient way. The app includes limitations about chapters such as APU, Autopilot, Weights, Airspeeds, Electrical Systems, Flight Controls, Fuel and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dirk Gooris

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