Top 40 Education Apps Like Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) - Best Alternatives

Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Pocket Coach (Target Feedback). Pick one from this list to be your new Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Pocket Coach (Target Feedback) 2025.

Pocket Thai Master: Learn Thai

Pocket Thai Master: Learn Thai

In a market full of vocab memorization apps, Pocket Thai Master tries to do something new: teach the language from the ground up. Pocket Thai Master is a Thai language learning program and culture guide that takes you from zero...

Price: Free Developer: Evan Winget
Pocket Thai Reading

Pocket Thai Reading

Want to learn how to read Thai? Pocket Thai Reading is a step-by-step program to teach you all of the Thai alphabet and tone rules. This program is great for Thai language novices or advanced speakers who...

Price: Free Developer: Evan Winget
Pocket Thai Speaking

Pocket Thai Speaking

Don’t just memorize a few key phrases - learn actual Thai vocab and grammar so that you can truly understand the language and create unique sentences. Pocket Thai Speaking is designed for travelers and others that want to...

Price: Free Developer: Evan Winget
FTCE Pocket Prep

FTCE Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
ASE A-Series Pocket Prep

ASE A-Series Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
ASP® Pocket Prep

ASP® Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
CA Real Estate Pocket Prep

CA Real Estate Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
CAPM Pocket Prep

CAPM Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
CEH Pocket Prep

CEH Pocket Prep

Pass the CEH exam on your first try! Create customized practice tests, view detailed answer rationales, and review your results with just a few taps. Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
CISA Pocket Prep

CISA Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Coach 7

Coach 7

Coach 7 is a Learning and Authoring Environment designed for STEM Education. This version of Coach 7 is only suitable for users with a valid Coach 7 Tablet Site License. You can install the Coach 7 App for free...

Price: Free Developer: CMA Science
Coach 7 Modeler

Coach 7 Modeler

The Coach 7 Modeler app allows you to investigate and model the world around you. It helps you to understand many different phenomena in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and other topics such as economics. With the flexible...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: CMA Science
Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite App is a limited version of Coach 7 App, which supports data collection with the CMA VinciLab data-logger (wireless via Wi-Fi) and offers a limited set of data analysis tools such as Zoom, Scan, Slope, Area,...

Price: Free Developer: CMA Science
Driving Coach UK

Driving Coach UK

The Driving Coach application is a series of driving tutorial animations with voice over instruction showing the RULES, ROUTINES and RIGHT of WAYs for several different driving situations. DRIVING COACH HAS NO LOADING TIME BETWEEN TUTORIALS, NO NEED FOR WIFI...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Driving Coach
Mijn Loopbaan Coach

Mijn Loopbaan Coach

LoopbaanCoach helpt je op mobiel, tablet en pc bij... • opbouw van een individueel profiel op basis van een wetenschappelijk model • ...inzicht in jouw loopbaanervaringen voor interne reflectie of als input voor een gesprek met een loopbaanbegeleider of -coach •...

Price: Free Developer: Loopbaangroep B.V.
Coach Oscar Ramirez

Coach Oscar Ramirez

APP de soporte a los diferentes procesos de coaching ofrecidos por Coach Oscar Ramírez. Información sobre los eventos de Coaching Estratégico.

Price: Free Developer: Andres Pedraza
Coach 7 Modeler and Video

Coach 7 Modeler and Video

Coach 7 Modeler and Video offers tools to make video or image analysis, to create dynamical models, to process and analyse data, and to compare results of real measurements with results generated by models. The Data Video Activities enable...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: CMA Science
Conversation Coach

Conversation Coach

The Conversation Coach is designed to help players learn the the back and forth flow of normal conversation. Typically, most low and high-tech communication tools only enable one-way conversations. For example, a student might point to a picture...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Silver Lining Multimedia, Inc.
Conversation Coach Lite

Conversation Coach Lite

The Conversation Coach is designed to help players learn the back and forth flow of normal conversation. Typically, most low and high-tech communication tools only enable one-way conversations. For example, a student might point to a picture of an...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Silver Lining Multimedia, Inc.
Junior Giants Mobile Coach

Junior Giants Mobile Coach

The Junior Giants Mobile Coach is a tool that aims to simplify practice planning for Junior Giants coaches at all levels. Junior Giants teams up with USA Baseball to offer a library full of drills for every player on...

Price: Free Developer: Junior Giants
Target 10

Target 10

The object of Target 10 is to earn 10 stars by finding sets of numbers in the grid that add up to the target number. Target 10 offers four levels. Tap the Settings icon to choose a level. When you can’t...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
On Target Math Skills

On Target Math Skills

Help Kids Practice Arithmetic Skills and Problem Solving Abilities with On Target Math Skills. The On Target Math Skills app generates an almost infinite number of puzzles where the challeng is to make a specific number given four other numbers....

Price: Free Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Target International Education

Target International Education

With the Target International Education app, students can now browse from these amazing features: - Notices - Chat with consultancy - View Target International Education Gallery - View Target International Education Profile - Maintain your own profile - Send files to Target International Education - Book...

Price: Free Developer: Aditya Shah
Target Sound ID

Target Sound ID

Welcome to the Target Sound ID app. The Target Sound ID app develops phonological awareness, sound order sequencing skills, and auditory attention skills. This app increases the ability to break words down into smaller parts and recognize smaller...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Foundations Developmental House, LLC
Prime Target

Prime Target

-Prime Target is an educational game that quickly teaches the user the Prime and Composite Numbers under 100. -Prime Target is an exceptional game for building math skills. Parents and teachers will be delighted to catch their student playing this...

Price: Free Developer: Jason Claire
Rhyming Words Target Shooting

Rhyming Words Target Shooting

In this game you try to shoot at balloons, flipping plates, model airplanes, and spinning plates, by positioning the sight over the target and pushing the button in the lower left corner of the screen. Each scene has...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: chuck jerian
Math Operations: Target Number

Math Operations: Target Number

Target Number is a simple and crazy challenging math puzzle game for all ages . You'll enjoy this fantastic brain teaser. This App will help children master the basic mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Not...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Faruk Ekiz
Not A Soft Target

Not A Soft Target

NOT A SOFT TARGET Personal Protection Programs teach methods to avoid dangerous situations and prevent criminal confrontations. Experts agree that the most important factor in surviving a criminal attack is to have an overall safety strategy before you need...

Price: Free Developer: Appsme Ltd
Target Grade

Target Grade

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”—Leonardo da Vinci.  Simplicity is our underlining theme.  There is no need for animations or elaborate designs.  Target Grade serves a function, and unlike many of the other Apps out there, it is simple, easy, and...

Price: Free Developer: Sam Serber
Target Multimídia

Target Multimídia

Este Aplicativo é para uso exclusivo dos membros da Target Multimídia, seus clientes e colaboradores. Antes de fazer o download da app, certifique-se de que recebeu o cadastro indispensável para fazê-la funcionar. Caso contrário, solicite o seu cadastro à Target Multimídia. Para...

Price: Free Developer: enneaPlay
Audio Feedback

Audio Feedback

Is it possible to reduce time taken to give feedback to pupils yet improve the quality of it AND increase pupil engagement? Audio feedback APP helps teacher’s to do this! Trials have shown: - 25% (approximately) saving in marking time. -...

Price: Free Developer: V1 Technologies Limited
Feedback Audit

Feedback Audit

Peer observation is a proven strategy for increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Research has shown that focused, specific, data-rich feedback and collegial conversations lead to real improvement in practice. Each App in this suite is designed to give teachers...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Teacher Learning Network
Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Feedback is one of the most powerful influences for learning and achievement. Edkimo is aimed at teachers and learners in schools, colleges, in vocational training and adult education. Edkimo helps teachers and students to implement effective feedback and evaluation in...

Price: Free Developer: Edkimo GmbH
HERO Feedback

HERO Feedback

Hero Feedback gives students a voice to improve their university experience. Students can discuss and rate their courses and university services. In turn, the professors and university staff that deliver these services can make improvements – the ones that matter...

Price: Free Developer: Struensee & Co. Management Consulting AS
Plataforma Feedback

Plataforma Feedback

FeedBack es una plataforma de comunicación bidireccional entre padres, profesores y alumnos. Fácil de usar y segura extremo a extremo. FeedBack permite a los centros educativos contar con una herramienta de comunicación institucional entre familias y profesores permitiéndoles estar conectados...

Price: Free Developer: Alter Brain Solutions
Turnitin Feedback Studio

Turnitin Feedback Studio

Give and get feedback on the go! The next generation of the Turnitin Feedback Studio app is now available for instructors and students. Instructors using Turnitin's grading tools save time marking student papers while offering more meaningful feedback and...

Price: Free Developer: Turnitin
Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG is a companion application to be used when using the serious play game, Feedback RPG. This application helps a facilitator to run the serious play game and makes it easier for participants to actively engage in serious...

Price: Free Developer: John Sextro
Video Feedback Pro

Video Feedback Pro

Deze tool is speciaal ontwikkeld om je communicatieve vaardigheden te verbeteren. Met behulp van realistische werksituaties leer je op een actieve en praktische manier om te gaan met moeilijke communicatievraagstukken. De applicatie is gemakkelijk in gebruik en jij kiest zelf...

Price: Free Developer: SkillsTown
Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop este o platforma care sare in ajutorul profesorilor pentru a genera feedback 100% anonim dupa orele de curs. Poti genera formularele special facute pentru tine de pe orice telefon sau de pe orice laptop cu conexiune la internet....

Price: Free Developer: FOURBOX


Ứng dụng được sử dụng trong nội bộ trường đại học FPT. Sinh viên phản hồi về buổi học của mình. Đối tượng dùng ứng dụng này là giảng viên và sinh viên của trường đại học FPT. Sau khi đăng...

Price: Free Developer: Phong Nguyen

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