Top 44 Entertainment Apps Like Hey Duggee: We Love Animals - Best Alternatives

Hey Duggee: We Love Animals Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hey Duggee: We Love Animals alternatives for iOS? We have listed 44 Entertainment apps that are similar to Hey Duggee: We Love Animals. Pick one from this list to be your new Hey Duggee: We Love Animals app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hey Duggee: We Love Animals on your iOS devices.

Top 44 Apps Like Hey Duggee: We Love Animals - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hey Duggee: We Love Animals alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like Hey Duggee: We Love Animals 2025.

J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ

J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ

Hey!Say!JUMPファン必携! いつでもどこでも『Hey!Say!JUMP』の最新情報にアクセスできるアプリが登場! ニュース、ライブ情報、ファンブログなどネットの情報チェックはもちろん、楽曲のPVにも簡単アクセス! 掲示板ではファン同士の情報交換も出来るなど、いろいろな使い方が可能です! 『J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP』を毎日アクセスして最新情報を見逃さずチェック!! 【コンテンツ紹介】 ◆トップページ 知りたい情報にスグアクセスできる6つのナビと最新情報がチェックできます! ニュースではHey!Say!JUMPに関する最新のニュースをGET! さらに、ファンのブログもチェックできるので細かい情報も見逃さない! ◆プロフィール 各メンバーのプロフィールをチェック! ◆BBS 誰でもスレッドが作れる掲示板で情報交換しましょう! ◆ライブ・チケット 最新のライブやチケットの販売状況をチェック! ◆Images メンバーの写真を検索してお気に入りの一枚を見つけよう! ◆動画 新曲やお気に入りの曲、ライブ動画にいつでもアクセス! ◆メディア出演 Hey!Say!JUMPが出演するメディア情報も逃さずチェック! 【About Hey!Say!JUMP(へいせいジャンプ)】 Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイ! セイ! ジャンプ)は、日本の男性アイドルグループ。 所属芸能事務所はジャニーズ事務所。 所属レコード会社はジェイ・ストームで2007年9月24日結成された。 このグループ名は「Hey! Say! Johnny's Ultra Music Power」の略で、 「平成の時代を高くジャンプしていく」という意味がある。 また、ジャニーズ事務所ではメンバー数最多のグループであり、 これまでにデビューしたグループで最もメンバーの多かったNEWSの結成当時の人数(9人)を上回った。

Price: Free Developer: DAISUKE KIDO
Hey Duggee Jigsaws

Hey Duggee Jigsaws

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Introducing Hey Duggee’s first puzzling app: Hey Duggee Jigsaw. Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones! Featuring 22 fantastic puzzles, each with four difficulty levels, the app will suit Duggee fans of all ages...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
JUMPまとめったー for Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)

JUMPまとめったー for Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)

ファン必見!ユーザー満足度・支持率第一位のまとめアプリです。 情報量No1保証!シリーズ累計300万ダウンロード達成! 『JUMPまとめったー for Hey!Say!JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)』はHey!Say!JUMP情報アプリの決定版! 完全無料!毎時間スピード更新!情報量と使いやすさに徹底的にこだわりました! シンプル操作でサクサク動く! スワイプ1つでニュースも動画も爆速まとめ読み! 随時更新されていく関連写真、最新ニュース、人気ツイート、ブログ記事、人気動画、テレビ番組出演情報をお楽しみ下さい。 【アプリの使い方】 ●収録コンテンツ まとめ情報をタブごとに閲覧できます。 最新記事と人気記事ランキングは中タブで切り替えることができます。タブの並びは設定画面から変更可能です。 ・写真まとめ ・ニュースまとめ ・ツイートまとめ ・ブログまとめ ・NAVERまとめ ・Yahoo!知恵袋まとめ ・動画まとめ ・テレビ番組まとめ ●担当設定(オススメ機能!) 全コンテンツをお好きなメンバー(担当)別に表示できます。 ●画像保存機能 表示中のサイトの画像を長押しで保存できます。 ●検索機能 人気キーワードタブをクリック、またはキーワード入力で全記事を検索表示できます。文字と文字の間にスペースを空けることでAND検索も可能です。 ●ブックマーク お気に入りの記事を複数登録できます。 ●テレビ番組出演情報 47都道府県に対応したテレビ番組出演情報を表示できます。 ●SNS投稿機能 表示された記事をFacebook、Twitter、LINEにシェアできます。 ●記事読み上げ機能 iOS独自機能を使い、表示された記事を読み上げることができます。 音声のピッチも0.5~2.0倍に変更可能です。 ※当アプリはユーザーの声を反映して他アプリにはない機能やアップデートを重ねていきます。 ご意見ご要望ドシドシお待ちしてます(・ω・)v 【担当設定】 ・Hey!Say!JUMP ・山田涼介 ・知念侑李 ・中島裕翔 ・岡本圭人 ・有岡大貴 ・高木雄也 ・伊野尾慧 ・八乙女光 ・薮宏太 ・森本龍太郎

Price: Free Developer: QoQuu
Quiz for Hey Say Jump 2017

Quiz for Hey Say Jump 2017

Hey say Jump の好きな人、最近好きになった人のための非公式のクイズアプリです 2017年は結成10周年のおめでたい年。 メンバーは Hey! Say! 7 山田涼介(やまだ りょうすけ) 知念侑李(ちねん ゆうり) 中島裕翔(なかじま ゆうと) 岡本圭人(おかもと けいと) の年下組 4人と Hey! Say! BEST 有岡大貴(ありおか だいき) 高木雄也(たかき ゆうや) 伊野尾慧(いのお けい) 八乙女光(やおとめ ひかる) 薮宏太(やぶ こうた) 年上組の5人の 9名で構成されています。

Price: Free Developer: Yoshiko Sakamoto
Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Duggee wants you to join his Squirrel Club! The Squirrel Club app enables fans to create their own squirrels and become part of Duggee’s club! There’s lots of fun to be had customising your own squirrel. Will you be a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey AJ! It's Bedtime

Hey AJ! It's Bedtime

Martellus Bennett’s Imagination Agency presents a new kind of interactive book app just for kids! In “Hey A.J. it’s Bedtime!”, A.J. is having a slumber party, and you’re the guest of honor. RSVP your imagination to an unforgettable, interactive party...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Imagination Agency
Hey Duggee The Big Outdoor App

Hey Duggee The Big Outdoor App

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Welcome to the Big Outdoors, Squirrels! Introducing the latest app featuring Hey Duggee! Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones. Join Duggee and the Squirrels as they work hard to earn seven brand new...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: Sandcastle Badge

Hey Duggee: Sandcastle Badge

Hey Duggee: The Sandcastle Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! It’s the summer holidays and Duggee’s organised a day trip to the beach! Help the Squirrels earn their Sandcastle Badge by...

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Big Badge App

Hey Duggee: The Big Badge App

**** As seen on Nick Jr. ***** The very first official Hey Duggee app for the new Nick Jr. pre-school favourite. It’s Duggee Time! Safe, trusted, ad-free fun for your little ones. Join Duggee and the Squirrels at the Clubhouse as...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Exploring App

Hey Duggee: The Exploring App

*** As seen on Nick Jr. *** Time to go exploring, Squirrels! Introducing the latest app featuring Hey Duggee! Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones. Go on an adventure with Duggee and the Squirrels as they set out to earn...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge

Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge

*** As seen on Nick Jr. *** Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! The Squirrels are helping Duggee hang up the laundry when they hear a spoooooky noise....

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge

Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge

As seen on Nick Jr! Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! Christmas is coming but the Clubhouse isn’t looking very Christmassy! Help the Squirrels earn their...

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee Colouring

Hey Duggee Colouring

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Duggee's back with his new colouring app! Pick a picture and use one of our awesome colouring tools to make the drawing your own - there are 40 designs to choose from! Safe, ad-free...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Are We Related? - Touch and Scan DNA {FREE}

Are We Related? - Touch and Scan DNA {FREE}

Here's what people are saying about Are We Related? "This is fun, funny & a bit perverse... This Apps ONLY goal is to be funny & it reached it's goal & IT IS FREE" - QsBubba "Great bar gag for the...

Price: Free Developer: Poulet Maison Ptd Ltd
Experience We-Ha

Experience We-Ha

Experience We-Ha brings the town of West Hartford to life on your mobile device by connecting you with local experiences and now the news, quickly and easily. Looking for a good happy hour, brunch, or something to do...

Price: Free Developer: Jeff Lovanio


PLAY LIVE WITH THE STARS AND TEST YOUR WE Q! WE Pop Q is the place to talk directly with the stars and test your knowledge of WE tv shows along with other fans! How well do you know the...

Price: Free Developer: WE tv LLC


We Are Beer was founded in a pub. A new-found love of this thing called ‘craft beer’ led us to collaborate on something that was, back in 2013, greatly missing – a modern festival, celebrating modern beer culture. That...

Price: Free Developer: WE ARE BEER
WE tv

WE tv

Sign in with your cable provider and get your WE tv fix whenever and wherever you want it! Find new favorites, stream Live TV, and stay current with the latest full episodes and video extras from WE tv Original...

Price: Free Developer: WE tv LLC
WE tv Hip Hop Stickers

WE tv Hip Hop Stickers

WE tv runs the rap game! Express yourself and animate your text messages using WE tv’s hip hop sticker pack! * Tell your friends how LIT Saturday night is gonna be by sending stickers in your text conversation *...

Price: Free Developer: WE tv LLC
Seasons of Love / Shall we date?

Seasons of Love / Shall we date?

A new title from NTT Solmare’s “Shall we date?” series, “Shall we date?: Seasons of love -Scarlet Fate II-” is now out! Seasons of love -Scarlet Fate II- (original title Shirahana no Ori -Hiiro no Kakera 4- Shiki no Uta)...

Price: Free Developer: NTT Solmare
Should We Date Calculator: Love Compatibility Test

Should We Date Calculator: Love Compatibility Test

Prove to your crush that you two should definitely go out on a date! Should We Date Calculator estimates whether it’s worth it to give your romance a shot or not. Let the sparks fly between you and your...

Price: Free Developer: Marko Kitanovic


Tauche ein in die Augmented Reality Welt von Volkswagen We und erfahre Hintergrundinformationen zu allen mobilen Services. Scanne die verschiedenen Icons der Volkswagen We Services von Papier oder von Wänden an verschiedenen Orten und erhalte zusätzliche exklusive Inhalte, z.B....

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
We Rockstar – Make Share Video

We Rockstar – Make Share Video

Showcase hidden talent and Make videos based on your interest with this app called “We Rockstar”. Expressing and sharing is very necessary for everyone. To help people get relieved of their mental stress and do something out of the...

Price: Free Developer: Sohan Gidda
Love Destination TV

Love Destination TV

Love Destination is your one-stop destination for everything love, dating and relationships, with content that empowers, educates and entertains. Stream expert-guided courses, how-tos, lifestyle shows, documentaries, films and expert resources that will help you to improve your relationships and...

Price: Free Developer: The Love Destination
Love Detector (Ape Apps)

Love Detector (Ape Apps)

*Note: This app is meant for entertainment purposes only. The thumb print scan is only a simulation, and it does not actually have the ability to tell if you are in love. You should already know that! Love...

Price: Free Developer: Brandon Stecklein
LOVE MEN / イケメンの素顔で元気になるアプリ

LOVE MEN / イケメンの素顔で元気になるアプリ

ヘコんだ日だって大丈夫! イケメン芸能人が、このアプリにだけ見せてくれる素顔でキュンキュン元気になれる無料アプリ。 Darling!の素顔写メで元気になれたたら、お礼に「LOVE」を押してあげよう! ※LOVE MENでは出演男性を「Darling!(ダーリン)」と呼んでいます。 ■LOVE MENの機能 ①眺めるだけで目の保養 Darling!たちの写真が次々とアップされていきます。 通勤時間、お昼休み、夜寝る前、ちょっとの時間でも目の保養になっちゃう! ②LOVEぽち お気に入りの投稿をみつけたら、LOVEボタンを押して「応援」しよう! キミの”LOVEぽち”が多ければ多いほど、Darling!はTVや雑誌に出演できるかも!? ③応援ぽい 応援アイテムを買って、Darling!に「ぽいっ!」しよう。 普通にLOVEぽちするよりも、お得にまとめてたくさんのLOVEぽちができるよ! ■どんなDarling!がいるの? 現在、芸能人を中心にアイドル・俳優・モデル・声優・アーティスト・子役・スポーツ選手・格闘家・美容師・ショップ店員・YouTuber・ニコ生主‥etc. あらゆるジャンルのイケメンたちが、総勢350人以上! ※Darling!は随時追加されます。 ■LOVE MEN公式Twitterでは”中の人”が大人気!? LOVE MENの公式Twitterでは、”中の人”が最新情報をお届けしながら、”らぶこ”のみんなと遊んでますよ! 公式アカウントのフォローも忘れずに! ・公式サイト: ・公式Twitter: ・公式LINE@: ・公式Facebook: ■価格について LOVE MENは全ての機能が無料です。 有料アイテムを使うことでよりお楽しみいただくことができます。 ■注意事項 ・退会した後は購入したアイテムはすべて抹消されます

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社デジタルクエスト
Love Detector Face Test Prank

Love Detector Face Test Prank

The AMAZING free TALKING photo test that detects LOVE! This is the best Love Detector Photo Scanner app on the app store because you control the result! (secretly) and it has a Cupid voice talking too! *This app is for entertainment...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Love After Lockup Stickers

Love After Lockup Stickers

Animate your text conversations with WE tv’s official Love After Lockup sticker pack. The stickers reflect the intense feelings that go along with these shocking stories of love behind bars…and what comes after release! · ...

Price: Free Developer: WE tv LLC
Photo Love Story - you're in it!

Photo Love Story - you're in it!

You always wanted the lead role in a photo love story? Then this app is perfect for you! Be one of the three main characters in a funny photo love story! Take a few pictures of you and of two friends,...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Lochmann
Tom's Love Letters

Tom's Love Letters

Show your special someone how you feel. Download now and start your love story! Want to tell that special someone how you feel, but don't know how? Don't worry! Your friends Talking Tom and Talking Angela are here to help!...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Kids Love Science - Bedtime Adventure Stories

Kids Love Science - Bedtime Adventure Stories

Kids Love Science series of stories are written for children of ages 3-10, with the aim entertaining these youngsters while introducing them to significant achievements in the history of science, exploration and adventure. These books offer a friendly and...

Price: Free Developer: The Voice Of Reason LTD
Is It Love? 36 Questions &Wine

Is It Love? 36 Questions &Wine

The definitive game to play with your friends, best friends or even your future partner! Ask them and discover if you will fall in love or just continue with your own lifes! THE STUDY PUT TO THE TEST There are some...

Price: Free Developer: Lucas Yamashita
Kissing Test Game Love Meter: Analyzer Prank

Kissing Test Game Love Meter: Analyzer Prank

Practice your kissing on this amazing app for girls and boys! Try Kissing Test Game Love Meter, one of the top trending apps for couples that shows how good of a kisser you are. It is very simple: just...

Price: Free Developer: Marko Kitanovic


This is an Augmented Reality application. Download the app on your smartphone or tablet. Download the free marker here: Open the application and point the camera of your device on the picture that you downloaded (marker) Wait 1-2 seconds and there...

Price: Free Developer: Christos Tsimpris
Memo ABC Animals

Memo ABC Animals

The cute animals from the alphabet app ABC Animals are back, this time in a fun memory game! - No ads - Parental control The game is not only entertaining and challenging, it also exercises your child’s brain! Turn the cards and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Julia Andreasson
Animals 100 LITE - Real Animals

Animals 100 LITE - Real Animals

Animals 100 LITE is the best application for iPad on animals, in high definition, existent in the App Store. Useful either for parents who wish to make their children discover the wildlife or for teachers who want to insert it...

Price: Free Developer: YED28
Jigsaw Puzzle Baby Animals

Jigsaw Puzzle Baby Animals

One of the most popular classic games of all time puzzle (riddle, conundrum, charade, riddle, rebus, pastime), available at digital and totally free for iOS. The classic games like jigsaw (puzzle, riddle, charade, riddle, rebus, hobby) help develop small while...

Price: Free Developer: Jaime Restrepo
Animal Coloring Pages - Coloring book with animals

Animal Coloring Pages - Coloring book with animals

Animal Coloring Pages is a game where you will find the best animal’s pictures drawings so you can color them from your smartphone or tablet. The app is about one of the most entertaining games for animals, like horse coloring...

Price: Free Developer: Reticode
Animals magic coloring pages for kids – Pro

Animals magic coloring pages for kids – Pro

Version without ads. Coloring game for kids to paint or color zoo, farm and jungle animals If your kids like animals, drawing and coloring, this app is perfect for them. Kids! you will love these drawings and coloring pages of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
Animals magic coloring pages – kids coloring book

Animals magic coloring pages – kids coloring book

Coloring game for kids to paint or color zoo, farm and jungle animals If your kids like animals, drawing and coloring, this app is perfect for them. Kids! you will love these drawings and coloring pages of animals –...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
Zoo Animals Coloring Book

Zoo Animals Coloring Book

Provide your children with something that will become their favorite entertainment and teach them about the wildlife. Download free the best Zoo Animals Coloring Book app and it will charm you when you start playing the latest stress-relieving game....

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Vaskovic
Animals to paint - coloring book to draw

Animals to paint - coloring book to draw

App free for a limited time! Take advantage and download it now! With this application you can paint the most beautiful animals in the world, we have over 80 animals for coloring and drawing. You can print these animals to your...

Price: Free Developer: Mireia Lluch Ortola
Coloring pages of aquatic animals - paint sea animals for kids

Coloring pages of aquatic animals - paint sea animals for kids

Download the application of the best drawings of aquatic animals with a variety of sea animals such as fishes and octopus and whales or dolphins, also starfish and seahorses, or clownfish like Nemo and Dory. This app is an...

Price: Free Developer: Landay Apps

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