Top 43 Entertainment Apps Like Hey Duggee: The Exploring App - Best Alternatives

Hey Duggee: The Exploring App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hey Duggee: The Exploring App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Entertainment apps that are similar to Hey Duggee: The Exploring App. Pick one from this list to be your new Hey Duggee: The Exploring App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hey Duggee: The Exploring App on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like Hey Duggee: The Exploring App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hey Duggee: The Exploring App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Hey Duggee: The Exploring App 2025.

J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ

J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ

Hey!Say!JUMPファン必携! いつでもどこでも『Hey!Say!JUMP』の最新情報にアクセスできるアプリが登場! ニュース、ライブ情報、ファンブログなどネットの情報チェックはもちろん、楽曲のPVにも簡単アクセス! 掲示板ではファン同士の情報交換も出来るなど、いろいろな使い方が可能です! 『J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP』を毎日アクセスして最新情報を見逃さずチェック!! 【コンテンツ紹介】 ◆トップページ 知りたい情報にスグアクセスできる6つのナビと最新情報がチェックできます! ニュースではHey!Say!JUMPに関する最新のニュースをGET! さらに、ファンのブログもチェックできるので細かい情報も見逃さない! ◆プロフィール 各メンバーのプロフィールをチェック! ◆BBS 誰でもスレッドが作れる掲示板で情報交換しましょう! ◆ライブ・チケット 最新のライブやチケットの販売状況をチェック! ◆Images メンバーの写真を検索してお気に入りの一枚を見つけよう! ◆動画 新曲やお気に入りの曲、ライブ動画にいつでもアクセス! ◆メディア出演 Hey!Say!JUMPが出演するメディア情報も逃さずチェック! 【About Hey!Say!JUMP(へいせいジャンプ)】 Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイ! セイ! ジャンプ)は、日本の男性アイドルグループ。 所属芸能事務所はジャニーズ事務所。 所属レコード会社はジェイ・ストームで2007年9月24日結成された。 このグループ名は「Hey! Say! Johnny's Ultra Music Power」の略で、 「平成の時代を高くジャンプしていく」という意味がある。 また、ジャニーズ事務所ではメンバー数最多のグループであり、 これまでにデビューしたグループで最もメンバーの多かったNEWSの結成当時の人数(9人)を上回った。

Price: Free Developer: DAISUKE KIDO
Hey Duggee Jigsaws

Hey Duggee Jigsaws

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Introducing Hey Duggee’s first puzzling app: Hey Duggee Jigsaw. Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones! Featuring 22 fantastic puzzles, each with four difficulty levels, the app will suit Duggee fans of all ages...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
JUMPまとめったー for Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)

JUMPまとめったー for Hey! Say! JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)

ファン必見!ユーザー満足度・支持率第一位のまとめアプリです。 情報量No1保証!シリーズ累計300万ダウンロード達成! 『JUMPまとめったー for Hey!Say!JUMP(ヘイセイジャンプ)』はHey!Say!JUMP情報アプリの決定版! 完全無料!毎時間スピード更新!情報量と使いやすさに徹底的にこだわりました! シンプル操作でサクサク動く! スワイプ1つでニュースも動画も爆速まとめ読み! 随時更新されていく関連写真、最新ニュース、人気ツイート、ブログ記事、人気動画、テレビ番組出演情報をお楽しみ下さい。 【アプリの使い方】 ●収録コンテンツ まとめ情報をタブごとに閲覧できます。 最新記事と人気記事ランキングは中タブで切り替えることができます。タブの並びは設定画面から変更可能です。 ・写真まとめ ・ニュースまとめ ・ツイートまとめ ・ブログまとめ ・NAVERまとめ ・Yahoo!知恵袋まとめ ・動画まとめ ・テレビ番組まとめ ●担当設定(オススメ機能!) 全コンテンツをお好きなメンバー(担当)別に表示できます。 ●画像保存機能 表示中のサイトの画像を長押しで保存できます。 ●検索機能 人気キーワードタブをクリック、またはキーワード入力で全記事を検索表示できます。文字と文字の間にスペースを空けることでAND検索も可能です。 ●ブックマーク お気に入りの記事を複数登録できます。 ●テレビ番組出演情報 47都道府県に対応したテレビ番組出演情報を表示できます。 ●SNS投稿機能 表示された記事をFacebook、Twitter、LINEにシェアできます。 ●記事読み上げ機能 iOS独自機能を使い、表示された記事を読み上げることができます。 音声のピッチも0.5~2.0倍に変更可能です。 ※当アプリはユーザーの声を反映して他アプリにはない機能やアップデートを重ねていきます。 ご意見ご要望ドシドシお待ちしてます(・ω・)v 【担当設定】 ・Hey!Say!JUMP ・山田涼介 ・知念侑李 ・中島裕翔 ・岡本圭人 ・有岡大貴 ・高木雄也 ・伊野尾慧 ・八乙女光 ・薮宏太 ・森本龍太郎

Price: Free Developer: QoQuu
Quiz for Hey Say Jump 2017

Quiz for Hey Say Jump 2017

Hey say Jump の好きな人、最近好きになった人のための非公式のクイズアプリです 2017年は結成10周年のおめでたい年。 メンバーは Hey! Say! 7 山田涼介(やまだ りょうすけ) 知念侑李(ちねん ゆうり) 中島裕翔(なかじま ゆうと) 岡本圭人(おかもと けいと) の年下組 4人と Hey! Say! BEST 有岡大貴(ありおか だいき) 高木雄也(たかき ゆうや) 伊野尾慧(いのお けい) 八乙女光(やおとめ ひかる) 薮宏太(やぶ こうた) 年上組の5人の 9名で構成されています。

Price: Free Developer: Yoshiko Sakamoto
Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Duggee wants you to join his Squirrel Club! The Squirrel Club app enables fans to create their own squirrels and become part of Duggee’s club! There’s lots of fun to be had customising your own squirrel. Will you be a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey AJ! It's Bedtime

Hey AJ! It's Bedtime

Martellus Bennett’s Imagination Agency presents a new kind of interactive book app just for kids! In “Hey A.J. it’s Bedtime!”, A.J. is having a slumber party, and you’re the guest of honor. RSVP your imagination to an unforgettable, interactive party...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Imagination Agency
Hey Duggee The Big Outdoor App

Hey Duggee The Big Outdoor App

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Welcome to the Big Outdoors, Squirrels! Introducing the latest app featuring Hey Duggee! Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones. Join Duggee and the Squirrels as they work hard to earn seven brand new...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: Sandcastle Badge

Hey Duggee: Sandcastle Badge

Hey Duggee: The Sandcastle Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! It’s the summer holidays and Duggee’s organised a day trip to the beach! Help the Squirrels earn their Sandcastle Badge by...

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Big Badge App

Hey Duggee: The Big Badge App

**** As seen on Nick Jr. ***** The very first official Hey Duggee app for the new Nick Jr. pre-school favourite. It’s Duggee Time! Safe, trusted, ad-free fun for your little ones. Join Duggee and the Squirrels at the Clubhouse as...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge

Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge

*** As seen on Nick Jr. *** Hey Duggee: The Spooky Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! The Squirrels are helping Duggee hang up the laundry when they hear a spoooooky noise....

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge

Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge

As seen on Nick Jr! Hey Duggee: The Tinsel Badge is the brand new official app for fans of the show and it’s FREE! Christmas is coming but the Clubhouse isn’t looking very Christmassy! Help the Squirrels earn their...

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee Colouring

Hey Duggee Colouring

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** Duggee's back with his new colouring app! Pick a picture and use one of our awesome colouring tools to make the drawing your own - there are 40 designs to choose from! Safe, ad-free...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Hey Duggee: We Love Animals

Hey Duggee: We Love Animals

**** As seen on Nick Jr. **** ***Winner of the 2017 Children's BAFTA for best Interactive*** Duggee's back and this time he's awarding the We Love Animals Badge. Safe ad-free fun for your little ones! The Squirrels have been learning how to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
SEG In The City

SEG In The City

Student Entertainment Guide dispenses practical advice and opening its readers' eyes to the wealth of great attractions, restaurants, hotels and bars, cafes, and student services that would otherwise have passed them by. From its base in Central Scotland, The...

COTA - Circuit of The Americas

COTA - Circuit of The Americas

Make your visits to Circuit of The Americas more enjoyable with event info no matter where you are on-site. Easily navigate COTA with a GPS map, find entertainment areas and points of interest, get answers to frequently asked questions,...

Price: Free Developer: Circuit of The Americas
In the Night Garden Activities

In the Night Garden Activities

Join Igglepiggle and friends on their Magical Journey through the enchanting world of In the Night Garden™. Featuring the Brand New Pinky Ponk Activity, this official app is designed for younger preschool children with a range of carefully designed games...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: P2 Entertainment Ltd
Anagram - The Planets

Anagram - The Planets

Enjoy anagram word game in very newest way. Solving word game to improve knowledge with a lot of special words that you have never seen before. Include 5 levels and something crazy more. How to play: - Drag and drop a letter...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trung Pham
Discovering the Jewish Jesus

Discovering the Jewish Jesus

Watch Episodes of Discovering the Jewish Jesus and Seeds of Revelation by International Evangelist Rabbi Kirt Schneider, receiving revelation today for a brighter tomorrow. *Search by Video Title *Save a list of your Favorite Episodes *Trending Playlist updated Weekly *Featuring a New and...

Price: Free Developer: Discovering The Jewish Jesus
Folk on the Rocks 2019

Folk on the Rocks 2019

Your program, map, and more for the annual Folk On The Rocks Music Festival 2019!

Price: Free Developer: Folk On The Rocks
Lake of the Torches Casino

Lake of the Torches Casino

Take Lake of the Torches Resort Casino with you! This application is FREE, fun, and allows you instant access to the Lake of the Torches Resort Casino Play4Fun games, plus access to the latest promotions, events, and concierge content...

Price: Free Developer: Lake of the Torches Casino
The Tree Radio

The Tree Radio

The Tree Radio plays a unique blend of southern, country and bluegrass gospel that we call “Roots Gospel Music” with personality elements artist interviews and information added in. Broadcast originates from the Southern Gospel Music Association Research Center, in...

Price: Free Developer: The Daywind Foundation
104.3 The Party

104.3 The Party

Today's Hit Music Station, 104.3 The Party! Listen live to hear the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show, Lane's World, Party Nation with Carman, Hot 8 at 8 and more. Keep up-to-date with our Concert Calendar, 411 page with local news,...

Price: Free Developer: The Cromwell Group Inc
Be The City

Be The City

Be the City App features content from Pastor Tony Boyd, who leads The City Church based in Geneva, Ohio. This free recourse allows you to experience the message, read the Bible, watch aII of our services online, and view our locations! The...

Price: Free Developer: The City Incorporated
Love Exploring

Love Exploring

Find out all that a place has to offer with the Love Exploring App. Play family quiz trails and discover new walking routes using the latest technology. Using Augmented Reality and GEO-Location the Love Exploring App provides fun games and...

Price: Free Developer: Sprytar Limited
Arena Media

Arena Media

Arena is an augmented reality application that brings your digital world to life in spectacular ways. By overlaying hidden exclusive content, games and special offers over every day inanimate objects, exhibits, events and content we have...

Price: Free Developer: StaplesVR
Astronaut Coloring Book

Astronaut Coloring Book

Throughout the history, the vast space has tickled the imagination of human beings. With certain advancements in technology, we become able of exploring at least some parts of it. Nowadays young boys and girls dream of travelling through wonderful...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Vaskovic
Window to the Past

Window to the Past

There are 2 mode in this application."Window to the Past" and "Old Photo Exploring." ・「Window to the Past」 Have you ever wished to travel into the past? Your wish comes true by “Window to the Past”. 1.Select an old photo on the...

Price: Free Developer: Tomohiro Tanikawa
iQuotes - Travel Quotes

iQuotes - Travel Quotes

Traveling the world is one of the most rewarding things that can be done. Seeing and exploring new cultures is an unbeliveable experience. iQuotes travelling quotes gives you an insight into other peoples views about exploring the world. With...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Peter Gaffney
Fractal 3D

Fractal 3D

Fractal 3D is a powerful tool for generating and exploring fractals 0such as the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. The 2D view allows for easy surveying and customization, while the 3D view captures spectacular images that can be exported at...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nuclear Nova Software
Bhagwad Gita

Bhagwad Gita

Winjit: Apps are serious fun! That’s not an oxymoron. That’s our motto. And it comes with some serious responsibility when you are India’s largest, non-gaming and   non-social Mobile Apps company.   We are Winjit, and are engaged in developing...

Price: Free Developer: Winjit Technologies Pvt Ltd
Bruha Exclusive

Bruha Exclusive

Brüha Exclusive is your event promoter's app. With Brüha Exclusive, you can: -View your events created on -Get quick updates on ticket purchases. -Manually admit ticket buyers to your event. -Scan tickets for admission. ***Create and advertise your events, parties...

Price: Free Developer: Showdom
Animal Toonz

Animal Toonz

A magical world of animals, living in the digital domain, yet born on the old sketching board. Taking the child on a simple, colorful and open-ended journey, A learning experience of the animal kingdom. Animal Toonz is made for toddlers to...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Machness
Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Kids Music Phone is a delightful little app to entertain toddlers to make pretend phone call and sing-along nursery rhymes in call. Play tested and it works! Let your little one learn classic nursery rhymes the fun way! - Bright...

Price: Free Developer: Tiny Tots App Club
Pole Position - the app

Pole Position - the app

The Pole Position app is a platform for adult entertainment dancers to safely and securely find clubs, schedule bookings, and build their skillsets using top-quality content from industry experts. Using Pole Position, dancers can search by city for clubs and...

Price: Free Developer: IndyWork, Inc.
Art Uncorked Studio & Gallery App

Art Uncorked Studio & Gallery App

Art Uncorked App to book classes, get loyalty stars, gift cards and see projects available.

Price: Free Developer: App Builder
App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

Клиент для социальной сети VK. Вы сможете: *** ПРОСМАТРИВАТЬ ГОСТЕЙ (прим. Гостями могут быть только пользователи App For VK) *** Просматривать ленту новостей *** Общаться с друзьями *** Слушать радио *** Просматривать профили друзей *** Многое другое и все это в режиме Невидимки Сделано с душой...

Price: Free Developer: Batyr Kanzitdinov
Big Kart App

Big Kart App

The BigKart Track App records your fastest times and enables you to share it with your mates. Share your fastest time to win free track time! Please note: continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease...

Price: Free Developer: Big Kart Track
Door Prize App

Door Prize App

The Door Prize app is a new augmented reality (AR) prize-drawing platform for event organizers to manage free prize giveaways and drive user engagement.

Price: Free Developer: Cohesive Creative and Code, Inc
Dress and Color Me

Dress and Color Me

Choose from 6 different categories and find many unique coloring pages from the different worlds of elves & unicorns, pirates & winger, model, horse & rider, adventurers and mermaids. highlight: - different coloring pages -6 different theme worlds - Many coloring pages also...

Price: Free Developer: book n app - pApplishing house GmbH
Evntz App

Evntz App

Event Customer Booking, Navigation, Information & Reporting App for upcoming concerts in Ireland. Your concert solution to navigate your way to and from your car/bus park and where you will get all the latest event information to ensure you...

Price: Free Developer: Dexels BV
Full HD Pink Wallpapers

Full HD Pink Wallpapers

Tired of searching for Pink wallpapers? Then stop right there! This is a cute edition. Get all your cute backgrounds with over Thousands of wallpapers to choose from. If you are a romantic kind of person you will be glad...

Price: Free Developer: App Lords
Memoji App

Memoji App

What is a tailor-made sticker or GIF? Have you ever reflected on how soon do stickers get old-fashioned nowadays? Have you seen that how cheap and poor some stickers are made? Don’t you really want your high-quality exclusive stickers with...

Price: Free Developer: Appractor LTD

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