Top 40 Education Apps Like HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT - Best Alternatives


Do you want to find the best HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT. Pick one from this list to be your new HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like HEALTH/AGED CARE TOOLKIT 2025.

Bliss: Harvard Mental Health

Bliss: Harvard Mental Health

Bliss: Harvard Mental Health is an app designed to help students reach out. This application improves accessibility by offering a personal approach to navigate through mental health resources on Harvard's campus. Features include: - Explore your own mental health:...

Price: Free Developer: Harvard University
Praxis Health and PE Exam Prep

Praxis Health and PE Exam Prep

With 322 targeted multiple-choice questions and detailed explanations, Upward Mobility's Praxis Health and PE app is the perfect tool for on-the-go teaching professionals preparing for the Praxis II: Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge (0856) exam. This app contains professionally-written...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
iTooch 6th Grade | Health

iTooch 6th Grade | Health

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Health is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Health for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
Club TIA Urban Health

Club TIA Urban Health

The Club Teens in Action (TIA) application is focused around youth development. The application promotes positive attitudes, behaviors, promotes self-sufficiency, and education. The Club TIA program is funded by the New York State Department of Health and aims to...

Price: Free Developer: DrupalConnect
Health Heroes AE

Health Heroes AE

"ابطال الصحة" هو تطبيق الكتروني تفاعلي ذكي يهدف إلى تزويد الأطفال بالمعلومات والمهارات الصحية والتي تساعدهم على تبني انماط حياة صحية. يركز التطبيق على استخدام الأساليب المشوقة في التعليم مثل السعي للفوز في المراحل وتخطيها، المنافسة مع الذات والآخرين،...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Health UAE
Mystic Valley Public Health

Mystic Valley Public Health

The Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition is a coalition of municipal health departments of Malden, Medford, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Winchester and Wakefield. This app was created as a part of this collaboration with the help of the local substance...

Price: Free Developer: City of Medford, Board of Health
NCMHCE Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam Prep

NCMHCE Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam Prep

Upward Mobility presents our National Clinical Mental Health Exam Prep app, with over 300 review questions designed to help you study for the NCMHCE exam administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors. This is the ideal study tool for...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
TechSafe - Mental Health

TechSafe - Mental Health

TechSafe Mental Health is an internet safety app for adults who work with or care for children, young people and their families. It's packed with advice and resources to help kids and teens deal with the issues of mental...

Price: Free Developer: Excite-ed Community Interest
UC Health Hack

UC Health Hack

UC Health Hack (UC HH) is an annual interdisciplinary hackathon hosted by UC San Diego Health and members of the University of California’s six health systems. Students, physicians, and industry professionals will have the opportunity to address and solve...

Price: Free Developer: UC San Diego Health
Childrens Health Project

Childrens Health Project

The Health and Wellbeing Scheme of Work, written by Ilse Fullarton, the founder of The Children’s Health Project CIC, offers an holistic, comprehensive curriculum for Healthy Movement, Healthy Eating, Healthy Habits and Healthy Thoughts. With 160 lessons for EYFS, KS1...

Price: Free Developer: PE Passport
Aged Care Education

Aged Care Education

Aged Care Education (ACE) is a learning program designed to support family doctors in the management of elderly patients in an aged care facility. The ACE program uses a best approach model to address the different problems and pathologies...

Price: Free Developer: iTeachU Ltd
Maths, Aged 7-11

Maths, Aged 7-11

Maths, Aged 7-11 is a Maths Quiz program for children aged between 7 and 11. All quizzes cover some of the most common mathematical problems for children of such age group. They are system generated and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: King Wong
Oxford Path Smart Learning Apps for children aged 0-6 (Letter Time)

Oxford Path Smart Learning Apps for children aged 0-6 (Letter Time)

Oxford Path Smart Learning Apps are innovative and advanced e-learning resources especially designed for children aged 0-6 learning English at home. The interactive learning games and animated songs in these apps can help nurture the love of English in...

Price: Free Developer: Oxford University Press (China)
English for Kids – Mingoville School Edition includes fun language learning games and activities for children aged 6 -12

English for Kids – Mingoville School Edition includes fun language learning games and activities for children aged 6 -12

Mingoville School Edition - the world's most famous English program for kids is finally available on the App Store. • Join the 2 million kids who already learn English with Mingoville. • Developed by English teachers and educators for kids...

Price: Free Developer: QuizPedia
Farm Animals — See, hear & click the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Farm Animals — See, hear & click the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Colorful illustrations, interesting sounds and eye-catching images that your kid will love! Click the animals to see a large picture and hear their sound. Click again to explore another. No ads, No In App-Purchases and no worries. — Beautiful illustrations, images and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Simen Gjermundsen
Farm Animals — See, hear, touch & tap the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Farm Animals — See, hear, touch & tap the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Colorful illustrations, interesting sounds and eye-catching images that your kid will love! Tap the animals to see a large picture and hear their sound. Tap again to explore another. No ads, No In App-Purchases and no worries. — Beautiful illustrations, images and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Simen Gjermundsen
Quality Standards

Quality Standards

Australian Aged Care Quality Standards

Price: Free Developer: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Seniors Guide to Qld Help

Seniors Guide to Qld Help

Seniors Guide to Qld Help - Finding help, information and resources for over 60’s. This guide allows you to independently navigate help and complaint pathways, and find referrals to resolve common issues impacting seniors and their families. Better understand how Qld...

Price: Free Developer: Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia
Wild Animals — See, hear & click the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Wild Animals — See, hear & click the animals. For babies & kids aged 0-3 years.

Colorful illustrations, interesting sounds and eye-catching images that your kid will love! Click the animals to see a large picture and hear their sound. Click again to explore another. No ads, No In App-Purchases and no worries. — Beautiful illustrations, images and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Simen Gjermundsen
Congress Care - Meeting App

Congress Care - Meeting App

The Congress Care – Meeting App is brought to you by Congress Care and allows you to easily navigate through a conference programme and create your personal schedule. You can browse the program by day or by topic, and even...

Price: Free Developer: Congress Care B.V.
Managed Care Nursing Exam Prep

Managed Care Nursing Exam Prep

Study smart with Dynamic Path’s new Managed Care Nursing exam prep app! This module features 400 review questions designed to help you prepare for managed care exams like the CMCN. Our targeted multiple choice questions were written exclusively for...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Taking Care of My Device Social Story

Taking Care of My Device Social Story

This app includes a nine page social story about proper care and handling of a device. The story focuses on why it’s important to take care of your device and specific rules for properly caring for and handling a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Social care manager / Y rheolwr gofal cymdeithasol

Social care manager / Y rheolwr gofal cymdeithasol

English The Social Care Manager is an important document. It describes what is expected of Social Care Managers and is a practical tool, aiding managers in their practice. It builds on the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care and may...

Price: Free Developer: Care Council for Wales
Social Care Workers Code

Social Care Workers Code

The Code of Professional Practice for Social Care app has been developed for practising social workers, social care staff and those studying to join the profession. The Code of Professional Practice is an essential part of making sure all...

Price: Free Developer: Care Council for Wales
CARE Training App

CARE Training App

CARE Training App if for Trainees to access online course material. CARE Training offers Online Certificate Courses for the BFSI segment. These Courses include Certificate Course in Credit Management, Risk Management, Stressed Asset Management, etc. Once a Trainee has been...

Price: Free Developer: Horizzon Information Technologies Private Limited


Mit der Care App findest Du alle wichtigen Infos aus Kita und Kindergarten an einem Ort – ob Schließzeiten, Bastelgeld oder Gummistiefel für den Ausflug. Die Sicherheit Deiner Daten steht dabei natürlich an erster Stelle: alle persönlichen Daten liegen auf deutschen...

Price: Free Developer: Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH
Visible care

Visible care

Visible Care är en app som innehåller språkanpassad färdighetsträning och utbildning inom svensk vård och omsorg. Detta sker med hjälp av nanopedagogik, dvs korta instruktionsfilmer av arbetsmoment inom vård och omsorg, vilka kan konsumeras på olika språk. Visible Care...

Price: Free Developer: Visible care Sweden AB Explore Explore

Get outta the house and feel like a better parent...with Galore, discover and book classes, camps and other activities for your kids with the best, local providers! • Browse hand-picked activities near you for kids of all ages. It's kinder...

Price: Free Developer: Galore, Inc.
Nursing In Critical Care

Nursing In Critical Care

Nursing in Critical Care is now available on your iPhone and iPad. The journal brings you a range of stimulating articles on all aspects of critical care nursing practice, research, education and management. The NICC app will offer you an...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing


Have you ever felt happy, angry, sad, or anything else? Guess what? You’re living as a normal person! Distressing emotions generally are unwelcome because they cause discomfort in us, whether physically or psychologically. You see, pain can be physical...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd


Do you or your child have problem with managing emotions? Are you afraid of your emotion because it seems to be beyond your control? For example, do you get angry for no apparent reason or over a very mild trigger?...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Healthy Mind Concepts Pty Ltd
EE ToolKit

EE ToolKit

This is the brand-new Electronics Engineering ToolKit! The HIGHLY RATED and RECOMMENDED productivity app. Users say it is the BEST and MOST PRACTICAL Electronics App in the whole App Store. From an electronics enthusiast with a master's degree in Electronics Engineering....

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gruber
Division Toolkit

Division Toolkit

The Division Toolkit is a simulation that uses a grid covered with blue and red tiles to show the meaning of division. Students using the simulation will intuitively learning the meaning of the terms: dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. Division can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
GMAT ToolKit 2

GMAT ToolKit 2

+ The only app you need to get 700+ score. + The high quality content from top tier test prep companies. + Up to 18'000 questions with GMAT Club members' discussion. Visit for additional screenshots and video. -------------------- An application from GMAT Club,...

Price: Free Developer: NKO Ventures, LLC
Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek

Toolkit instrumenten Praktijkonderzoek

De Toolkit instrumenten praktijkonderzoek (TiP) helpt bij het kiezen, ontwerpen en gebruiken van onderzoeksinstrumenten voor praktijkonderzoek. Deze instrumenten zijn: een observatie, vragenlijst, (groeps)interview, focusgroep en gegevensanalyse. Handige checklists helpen bij de voorbereidingen en inzet van deze instrumenten en op...

Price: Free Developer: Sprigs
American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Multiplication Toolkit

Multiplication Toolkit

The Hands-On Math: Multiplication Toolkit is a collection of interactive models that are commonly used to teach multiplication facts and concepts. Multiplication is a shorthand way of doing repeated addition and can be presented in a variety of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Probability Toolkit

Probability Toolkit

The Probability Toolkit provides teachers and students with a collection of virtual mathematical devices to simulate probability experiments. The experiments use popular math manipulatives to help students better understand probability theory and statistics. It is perfect for elementary and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT)

Shia Isna Asheri Toolkit (SIAT)

This is the official Shia Toolkit (SIAT) app. This app is currently a compilation of following, with in-app content updates issued regularly: - Holy Quran (in several languages) - Holy Quran Tafsir Al Mizan (more volumes will also be added as...

Price: Free Developer: Apps 14

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