Top 19 Education Apps Like Natura Alert - Best Alternatives

Natura Alert Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Natura Alert alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Natura Alert. Pick one from this list to be your new Natura Alert app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Natura Alert on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Natura Alert - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Natura Alert alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Natura Alert 2025.

Natura Avventura - Realtà aumentata

Natura Avventura - Realtà aumentata

Per utilizzare quest’app è necessario avere il volume Natura Avventura, Pearson. Hai mai tenuto il Sole in una mano? Hai mai visto com’è fatto un virus senza microscopio? Hai mai contato da vicino gli anelli di Saturno? Grazie all’app Natura...

Price: Free Developer: Pearson Italia Spa
Natura 2000 Game Klub HNPI

Natura 2000 Game Klub HNPI

A Natura 2000 Game Klub HNPI alkalmazás célja, hogy az alkalmazásban található 5 játék segítségével közelebb hozza a játékosokat a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság működési területén található Natura 2000 területek élővilágához. Az alkalmazásban a játékosok Szókirakó, Kvíz, Memóriajáték, Hangfelismerés...

Price: Free Developer: Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
Viva Natura Field Guide

Viva Natura Field Guide

price: 2.69 USD Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals 240 West Mexican animal species 450 color photographs maps, audio, natural history Viva Natura field guide to the Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals of Western Mexico includes 240 species of local fauna and over 450...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: SITI Systems
Natura 2000 VR

Natura 2000 VR

In Natura2000, beschermde en soms afgesloten natuurgebieden, treffen we vaak unieke vogels en planten aan. Bekijk deze natuurgebieden nu in 360 graden! Zet de VR-bril op en beleef de wereld van Rijkswaterstaat in 3D.

Price: Free Developer: Rijksoverheid


This app provides information about the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. It allows users to send pictures collected in each site as well as an overall feedback about the protected area. Natura 2000 is the largest...

Price: Free Developer: European Union Apps
Stone pietre egizie

Stone pietre egizie

STONE Pietre Egizie è un’applicazione che, attraverso la selezione di 50 reperti, conservati presso il Museo Egizio di Torino, permette al visitatore di osservare graniti, porfidi, calcari, arenarie, scoprendone la natura, la composizione, la provenienza e i motivi per...

Price: Free Developer: Libre
MEC - MediaEducationCinema

MEC - MediaEducationCinema

Il MEC - Progetto Scuola Dal 1997 ci dedichiamo con passione al delicato rapporto tra gli studenti e il cinema, inteso come arte, mezzo di comunicazione e informazione ma anche come spazio da vivere e condividere. La speranza è...

Price: Free Developer: francesco fimiani
Externsteine Nature Trails

Externsteine Nature Trails

The Externsteine rock formations are a unique natural and cultural heritage of European significance. For thousands of years this rock formation is attractive to people. Numerous traces bear witness to the turbulent history of the monument, such as the...

Price: Free Developer: World Habitat Society GmbH
Biologia Dicionario

Biologia Dicionario

Molto cordiale e disponibile in natura .contain tutti i termini biologici con breve descrizione per capire l'opzione di ricerca term.contain per scoprire la parola.

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Putranto
Inspector Alert

Inspector Alert

The Inspector Alert Radiation App from International Medcom pairs with iPhones and iPads. This powerful app: -Logs radiation levels along with time, date and GPS coordinates -Displays current and recent radiation levels -Allows data sharing by email or twitter -Allows automatic sharing...

Price: Free Developer: International Medcom
MAS Smart Alert

MAS Smart Alert

The SmartAlert app is designed to give school personnel, from teachers to gardeners, the ability to notify all others of a present threat or emergency with the push of a button. It is designed to work with Alert...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert Parents works with Mobile Alert Software's Alert Central. It will allow Parents to receive notices produced on Alert Central for your specific school. Schools will be able to announce things like "Snow day today, no school!" ...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert

Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert

Rattu Tota is an application about Latest Govt. Jobs, Upcoming Govt Jobs, Entrance Exam, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Police Jobs, SSC Jobs and more. Users can get free govt jobs alert, sarkari result notification, sarkari naukri app subscription, sarkari...

Price: Free Developer: Anveshan Solution
Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Could you imagine being a teacher in a school and need to call for help if you have an intruder emergency? Think about the time it would take to dial, get an operator, give your name, school name,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ryland Consulting, LLC
Mosquito Alert

Mosquito Alert

The App of the citizen science project Mosquito Alert ( Want to help study and monitor tiger mosquitoes and yellow fever mosquitoes? Mosquito Alert lets you share information about adult mosquito sightings and their breeding sites with researchers and the...

Price: Free Developer: ibeji digital


NWCCD Alert is the official safety app of the Northern Wyoming Community College District. If you're in a dangerous situation, use the NWCCD Alert application to quickly and easily contact university safety forces. NWCCD Alert also allows you...

Price: Free Developer: 911Cellular
Parent alert

Parent alert

Parent Alert is a cloud-based system offering a centralized interface for sending notifications, absent alerts, Exam notifications, etc. The simple and user friendly interface allows non-technical users to self-administer and manage time-sensitive communications to parents, teachers, staff, students, media...

Price: Free Developer: Datastone Solutions LLP


SAIT ALERT is the official safety app of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. It is the only app that integrates with SAIT's safety and security systems. Emergency Management has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty...

Price: Free Developer: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

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