Top 19 Education Apps Like SAIT ALERT - Best Alternatives

SAIT ALERT Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SAIT ALERT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to SAIT ALERT. Pick one from this list to be your new SAIT ALERT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SAIT ALERT on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like SAIT ALERT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SAIT ALERT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like SAIT ALERT 2025.



本app由北京语言大学语音智能与技术实验室开发,专门用于对外汉语语音教学。 作为汉语发音教学的辅助工具,SAIT汉语可以成为对外汉语教师的好助手,帮助老师布置、收集、分析每位同学的发音问题,提高课堂发音教学的效率; 作为汉语学习者的伙伴,SAIT汉语可以帮助学习者随时随地纠正其发音中声母、韵母、声调的错误,并指导他们如何正确发音练习,满足了汉语学习者在发音学习中进行大量有效语音练习的需求。

Price: Free Developer: Jinsong Zhang
SAIT Students’ Association

SAIT Students’ Association

The SAITSA app brings services to your fingertips and enables you to connect with your classmates and friends. You can access events, calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Stay organized with the timetable function, where you can save events, classes,...

Price: Free Developer: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Student's Association
Sait Çiftçi İlkokulu

Sait Çiftçi İlkokulu

Eğitimin her anlamıyla doruklarda yaşandığı okulumuzun değerli öğrencileri, öğretmenleri ve siz değerli velilerimize daha iyi bir öğrenme ortamı oluşturmak üzere kullanabileceğiniz bir mobil uygulamamızla karşınızdayız. VİZYONUMUZ Tüm öğrencilerine koşulsuz eşit eğitim öğretim olanakları sunan, öğrenmeyi ve yaratıcılığı teşvik eden,...

Price: Free Developer: MobiRoller
Le Dolmen de Cravant 3DVR

Le Dolmen de Cravant 3DVR

Les mégalithes sont porteurs de réputations sulfureuses ! Attribués aux fées, aux géants ou au Diable, ils ont longtemps été considérés comme des autels sacrificiels employés par les Celtes... S’il s'en trouve encore une quantité considérable en Bretagne, nombre...

Price: Free Developer: Fred de Foucaud
Arabic Grammar

Arabic Grammar

A major part of learning arabic grammar is memorizing grammar charts and this app aims to help with that by providing most of the basic arabic grammar charts. Upcoming releases of the application will provide more charts, as well...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Rehan Sait M


DictAPP permet de créer une dictée, de l’enregistrer et de la faire transcrire par l’enfant. Une correction automatique du texte signale les erreurs, montrant ou non les mots mal orthographiés. Cette application permet donc aux professeurs ou aux parents de proposer...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: CROMBEZ Emmanuel
Entrons dans l’écrit

Entrons dans l’écrit

« Entrons dans l’écrit » est une méthode universelle pour préparer l’apprentissage de la lecture de TOUS les enfants. Elle s'adresse d'abord aux élèves de grande section de maternelle en leur proposant l'ensemble des pré-requis de l'apprentissage de la...

Price: USD 22.99 Developer: Tom Pousse Interactive


Cette application, développée par un professeur d'EPS, deviendra rapidement l'outil indispensable de vos cours. Le principe est simple : Après avoir saisi ou importé vos classes et élèves, vous utiliserez cette application pour conserver "un état" de la classe à...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yannick Boisseau
François Ier

François Ier

Que sait-on vraiment de François Ier ? Parce qu'il fut vaincu à Pavie, on fit rétrospectivement de Marignan une victoire mémorable entre toutes ; parce qu'il encouragea la Renaissance, on l'a imaginé recueillant les derniers soupirs de...

Price: Free Developer: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Inspector Alert

Inspector Alert

The Inspector Alert Radiation App from International Medcom pairs with iPhones and iPads. This powerful app: -Logs radiation levels along with time, date and GPS coordinates -Displays current and recent radiation levels -Allows data sharing by email or twitter -Allows automatic sharing...

Price: Free Developer: International Medcom
MAS Smart Alert

MAS Smart Alert

The SmartAlert app is designed to give school personnel, from teachers to gardeners, the ability to notify all others of a present threat or emergency with the push of a button. It is designed to work with Alert...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert Parents works with Mobile Alert Software's Alert Central. It will allow Parents to receive notices produced on Alert Central for your specific school. Schools will be able to announce things like "Snow day today, no school!" ...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert

Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert

Rattu Tota is an application about Latest Govt. Jobs, Upcoming Govt Jobs, Entrance Exam, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Police Jobs, SSC Jobs and more. Users can get free govt jobs alert, sarkari result notification, sarkari naukri app subscription, sarkari...

Price: Free Developer: Anveshan Solution
Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Could you imagine being a teacher in a school and need to call for help if you have an intruder emergency? Think about the time it would take to dial, get an operator, give your name, school name,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ryland Consulting, LLC
Mosquito Alert

Mosquito Alert

The App of the citizen science project Mosquito Alert ( Want to help study and monitor tiger mosquitoes and yellow fever mosquitoes? Mosquito Alert lets you share information about adult mosquito sightings and their breeding sites with researchers and the...

Price: Free Developer: ibeji digital
Natura Alert

Natura Alert

Love Nature? Join the Citizen Science movement! Help us mark locations and classify various threats to biodiversity across Spain. Take photos and send real-time alerts to the response team at Birdlife All across the globe, common bird species, such as those living...

Price: Free Developer: IIASA


NWCCD Alert is the official safety app of the Northern Wyoming Community College District. If you're in a dangerous situation, use the NWCCD Alert application to quickly and easily contact university safety forces. NWCCD Alert also allows you...

Price: Free Developer: 911Cellular
Parent alert

Parent alert

Parent Alert is a cloud-based system offering a centralized interface for sending notifications, absent alerts, Exam notifications, etc. The simple and user friendly interface allows non-technical users to self-administer and manage time-sensitive communications to parents, teachers, staff, students, media...

Price: Free Developer: Datastone Solutions LLP

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