Top 35 Education Apps Like Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert - Best Alternatives

Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Education apps that are similar to Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert. Pick one from this list to be your new Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Rattu Tota - Govt Jobs Alert 2025.

L-Sessions Althaia

L-Sessions Althaia

L'Sessions és una eina que permet gestionar el coneixement i la informació entre els professionals i col·laboradors d'Althaia, de forma eficient i àgil. Algunes de les funcionalitats principals: - Crear i gestionar cursos i sessions mèdiques - Controlar l'assistència - Permet als...

Price: Free Developer: Fundació Althaia


Des d'aquesta APP, us mantindrem informats mitjançant notificacions instantànies de totes les activitats , notícies i esdeveniments que realitzem, també us farem arribar tota aquella informació que entenguem us sigui d' interès en l'educació dels vostres fills. Esperem que sigui...

Price: Free Developer: Crea Redes Online


Des d'aquesta APP , us mantindrem informats mitjançant notificacions instantànies de totes les activitats, notícies i esdeveniments que realitzem ,també us farem arribar tota aquella informació que entenguem us sigui d'interès a l'educació dels vostres filles i fills. En l'APP...

Price: Free Developer: Crea Redes Online
Aqua Centre

Aqua Centre

De flors n'hi ha tantes com de tamanys, colors, textures... Totes, fins i tot les més rares, són belles. Algunes són petites i discretes, però amb un aroma magnífic, altres extravagants i esplèndides, però delicades. Totes necessiten atenció per créixer. Totes...

Price: Free Developer: Heltena
CEIP 8 abril

CEIP 8 abril

Des d'aquesta APP , us mantindrem informats mitjançant notificacions instantànies de totes les activitats, notícies i esdeveniments que realitzem , també us farem arribar tota aquella informació que entenguem us siga d'interès en l'educació dels vostres fills. Esperem que siga...

Price: Free Developer: Crea Redes Online
Dale de comer a Mr. Iglú

Dale de comer a Mr. Iglú

Con Mr. Iglú en tu móvil querrás reciclar todavía más y más envases de vidrio, porque esta aplicación está pensada para que toda la familia pueda pasarlo bien mientras aprende la importancia del reciclado. Gracias a la realidad aumentada, Mr....

Price: Free Developer: ECOVIDRIO
EOI Sagunt

EOI Sagunt

Accedeix a tota la informació sobre els processos administratius i pedagògics del centre a través d’aquesta app.

Escola Camí del Mig

Escola Camí del Mig

APP de l'Escola Camí del Mig de Mataró. L'aplicació permet una comunicació directa entre el centre i els pares dels alumnes. Consta d'una primera pantalla de registre on s'identifica l'usuari. A continuació apareix un menú amb sis opcions: secció...

Price: Free Developer: David Ruiz
Escola Divina Providència

Escola Divina Providència

APP de l'Escola Divina Providència de Mataró. L'aplicació permet una comunicació directa entre el centre i els pares i mares dels alumnes. Consta d'una primera pantalla de registre on s'identifica l'usuari. A continuació apareix un menú amb sis opcions: secció...

Price: Free Developer: David Ruiz
JobsCafe - Govt Jobs Alerts

JobsCafe - Govt Jobs Alerts

JobsCafe App gives you all the latest Govt. Job alerts in English & Hindi for free. We provide you Government Jobs alerts of all categories like Banking Jobs, SSC Jobs, IAS Jobs, Railways, Teachers, PSUs, Police, Army, Navy &...

Price: Free Developer: Sandeep Kumar
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Govt. Institute of Engg.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Govt. Institute of Engg.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Govt. Institute of Engg. Mobile App is the exclusive app for students of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Institute of Engineering & Technology. The app provides access to a number of useful campus services from your mobile device. Get...

Price: Free Developer: Kryptos Mobile
Regents US History and Govt

Regents US History and Govt

With papers going back to 2010, you can easily find a question and its answer using the search feature. The search feature takes you directly to the question. You can also search within an exam. This app makes it easy...

Price: Free Developer: Syvum Technologies Inc.
Drive VR

Drive VR

Learning to drive? Get comfortable in the driver’s seat—in virtual reality. With our two new videos, you can perfect your parallel parking and get your roundabouts right. Plus practise spotting hazards, checking your blind spots, mirrors and looking out of...

Price: Free Developer: Springload
Gem Selections

Gem Selections

The Only Trusted Brand for *Govt. Lab Certified* Gemstones, Diamonds & Jewellery launches the Gem Selections App to solemnize 30 Years of Excellence in the Indian Gem & Jewellery Industry! Gem Selections takes its Corporate Social Responsibility seriously. The Gem...

Price: Free Developer: Gem Selection
eCampus Chandigarh

eCampus Chandigarh

HOW TO LOGIN 1. Select your college from the list. 2. Enter you College Roll Number 3. Enter your Date Of Birth. e-Campus Mobile Application is a free app that aims to provide quick access to student profile, marks, subjects, attendence, assignments etc...

Price: Free Developer: Society for Promotion of IT in Chandigarh


This app is only for Student and Staff of Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies New Delhi. Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies (RDIAS) is accredited with ‘A+’ grade by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council). RDIAS is a Category...

Price: Free Developer: nishi kant
RACE - SBI, IBPS Bank Coaching

RACE - SBI, IBPS Bank Coaching

Online exams app for RACE Students - IBPS, SBI, PO, SO, SSC, RRB and Insurance About Chennai RACE Coaching Institute: Chennai RACE Coaching Institute Pvt Ltd is known to be the best Coaching Institute in India for Bank, SSC, Insurance, TNSC,...

Price: Free Developer: Testpress Tech Labs LLP
Free Jobs News

Free Jobs News

FreeJobNews is Exam preparation app with Job Alerts and news update as current affairs. We provide complete study material for competitive exam preparation. With our app we are providing free test series, All India level mock tests and eBooks...

Price: Free Developer: Harish Kumar
AoC Jobs in Education

AoC Jobs in Education

Download the AoC Jobs App today, to search and apply for the latest jobs in the further education sector. Brought to you by the Association of Colleges, the AoC Jobs App will help you to: Quickly and...

Price: Free Developer: AoC Create Ltd
Tier 2 Jobs UK

Tier 2 Jobs UK

Using this app you able to find out most recent and competitive job vacancies for university leavers and international who looking for job opportunity with visa sponsorship. Here you can find 1,000's of up-to date jobs from leading employers...

Price: Free Developer: Najith Wanniarachchi
Purple Pink Jobs Mix

Purple Pink Jobs Mix

Purple Pink Jobs Mix is a matching puzzle game designed for kids between 2-6. Every animal in Papo World has a job. Match the puzzles and find them all! We selected 20 widely known occupations like teacher, doctor, magician,...

Price: Free Developer: Zhao Liang
Jobs in Australia

Jobs in Australia

Jobs in Australia is a Free IOS App for Jobs Seekers in Australia. If you want to start your career or thinking about switching job in Australia for better opportunity then our APP is the right platform ...

Price: Free Developer: Jagwant Singh
Swapsies Jobs

Swapsies Jobs

Make hundreds of clever combinations in the awesome dress-up puzzle game with clothes for 10 different jobs. Mix ‘em up for giggles, or make a correct match to unlock adventures that will have your kids wrangling cattle, flying rockets...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Little 10 Robot
Fps Jobs

Fps Jobs

Who We Are We strive to render reliable and prompt faculty recruitment services for all branded or non-branded coaching institutes, schools, colleges, etc. The company stems from the founders' experiences and understanding of the education sector. They realised they need for...

Price: Free Developer: Sumit Sethi
English Reading Speaking A Z Jobs Vocabulary Words

English Reading Speaking A Z Jobs Vocabulary Words

This Free online application ,"English Reading Speaking A Z Jobs Vocabulary Words" is really a great way for all graders to learn new important words covered basic occupation vocabulary lists, academic words, and all grade level appropriate patterns for...

Price: Free Developer: pimporn rungratikunthorn
Inspector Alert

Inspector Alert

The Inspector Alert Radiation App from International Medcom pairs with iPhones and iPads. This powerful app: -Logs radiation levels along with time, date and GPS coordinates -Displays current and recent radiation levels -Allows data sharing by email or twitter -Allows automatic sharing...

Price: Free Developer: International Medcom
MAS Smart Alert

MAS Smart Alert

The SmartAlert app is designed to give school personnel, from teachers to gardeners, the ability to notify all others of a present threat or emergency with the push of a button. It is designed to work with Alert...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert: Parents

Smart Alert Parents works with Mobile Alert Software's Alert Central. It will allow Parents to receive notices produced on Alert Central for your specific school. Schools will be able to announce things like "Snow day today, no school!" ...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Meinberg
Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Evalyon School Intruder Alert

Could you imagine being a teacher in a school and need to call for help if you have an intruder emergency? Think about the time it would take to dial, get an operator, give your name, school name,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ryland Consulting, LLC
Mosquito Alert

Mosquito Alert

The App of the citizen science project Mosquito Alert ( Want to help study and monitor tiger mosquitoes and yellow fever mosquitoes? Mosquito Alert lets you share information about adult mosquito sightings and their breeding sites with researchers and the...

Price: Free Developer: ibeji digital
Natura Alert

Natura Alert

Love Nature? Join the Citizen Science movement! Help us mark locations and classify various threats to biodiversity across Spain. Take photos and send real-time alerts to the response team at Birdlife All across the globe, common bird species, such as those living...

Price: Free Developer: IIASA


NWCCD Alert is the official safety app of the Northern Wyoming Community College District. If you're in a dangerous situation, use the NWCCD Alert application to quickly and easily contact university safety forces. NWCCD Alert also allows you...

Price: Free Developer: 911Cellular
Parent alert

Parent alert

Parent Alert is a cloud-based system offering a centralized interface for sending notifications, absent alerts, Exam notifications, etc. The simple and user friendly interface allows non-technical users to self-administer and manage time-sensitive communications to parents, teachers, staff, students, media...

Price: Free Developer: Datastone Solutions LLP


SAIT ALERT is the official safety app of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. It is the only app that integrates with SAIT's safety and security systems. Emergency Management has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty...

Price: Free Developer: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

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