Top 40 Medical Apps Like CTisus Contrast: HD Edition - Best Alternatives

CTisus Contrast: HD Edition Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CTisus Contrast: HD Edition alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Medical apps that are similar to CTisus Contrast: HD Edition. Pick one from this list to be your new CTisus Contrast: HD Edition app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CTisus Contrast: HD Edition on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like CTisus Contrast: HD Edition - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CTisus Contrast: HD Edition alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like CTisus Contrast: HD Edition 2025.

CTisus iLecture Series

CTisus iLecture Series

The lecture is one of the classic modes of education in radiology. The evolution of podcasting and then vodcasting has had a major impact on and how we interact with our users. Based on our experience and that...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus iLectures: HD Edition

CTisus iLectures: HD Edition

The lecture is one of the classic modes of education in radiology. The evolution of podcasting and then vodcasting has had a major impact on and how we interact with our users. Based on our experience and that...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus iPearls

CTisus iPearls

For most of the world a pearl is a thing of beauty especially when expertly strung into a necklace. For the Radiologist a "Pearl" is a fact or bit of knowledge that can help them make the correct diagnosis...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus Pancreatic Mass Checklist

CTisus Pancreatic Mass Checklist

Checklists are a valuable tool when analyzing information and can be extremely valuable in the work flow of a medical professional. There are many factors that Radiologists must consider when evaluating and diagnosing the presence of a pancreatic tumor....

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus: CT of the Hand & Wrist

CTisus: CT of the Hand & Wrist

The anatomy of the wrist is complex and in the past CT evaluation of the wrist was often limited to axial slices and simple multiplanar reconstructions. However improvements in CT scanning technology now allow true volume acquisition with isotropic...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus 10 Minute ER Challenge

CTisus 10 Minute ER Challenge

Test your emergency imaging interpretation efficiency! This App includes radiology images for 60 emergency cases that users must diagnose in 10 minutes. Each case is presented as an unknown. You have 10 seconds to make the diagnosis, before the...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus Adrenal Mass Checklist

CTisus Adrenal Mass Checklist

This App is designed to help the radiologists improve their capabilities for the analysis of known or suspected Adrenal masses. After reviewing this program, the user will: 1-understand the importance of a structured approach to the evaluation of an adrenal mass. 2-better...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus Body CT: Basics and Beyond

CTisus Body CT: Basics and Beyond

Body CT: Back to Basics and Beyond is a CME program consisting of 30 state of the art lectures covering many of the most important topics in Body CT today. The program is certified by the Office of CME...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus Challenge: The Pancreas

CTisus Challenge: The Pancreas

Test your pancreas imaging interpretation skills! This App includes CT images for 50 pancreatic tumor cases. You can review the cases at your own pace or play against the clock by taking the timed quiz to diagnose each case...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
CTisus Critical Diagnostic Measurements in CT

CTisus Critical Diagnostic Measurements in CT

CT interpretation requires knowledge of both normal anatomy and alterations in size and attenuation indicative of pathology. The purpose of this educational iPad Application is to provide normal measurements of a range of anatomic structures and critical Hounsfield unit...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPad

Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPad

iCECT is a free iPhone/iPad application designed for supporting all physicians and CT technologists who use Contrast Enhanced CT. ■eGFR Computing Based on serum creatinine level, serum cystitis C Level, age and sex, eGFR will be computed. The level of GFR...

Price: Free Developer: Eisai Co., Ltd.
Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPhone

Contrast Enhanced CT Support iCECT for iPhone

iCECT is a free iPhone/iPad application designed for supporting all physicians and CT technologists who use Contrast Enhanced CT. ■eGFR Computing Based on serum creatinine level, serum cystitis C Level, age and sex, eGFR will be computed. The level of GFR...

Price: Free Developer: Eisai Co., Ltd.
CTisus Contrast Protocols

CTisus Contrast Protocols

This program addresses one of the most important topics in CT scanning; the role of oral and IV contrast material. In this carefully constructed program all relevant topics are discussed ranging from contrast use to contrast reactions to the...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
Contrast Nephropathy Risk Calculator

Contrast Nephropathy Risk Calculator

Designed and programmed by: Dr. Kaveh Vejdani, MD Interactive, user-friendly App for contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) risk estimation after percutaneous coronary intervention. Intuitive, single-view user interface with quick calculation of eGFR and estimated risk of CIN and dialysis. Medical reference: "A Simple Risk...

Price: Free Developer: Reason Mania, LLC


The University of Wisconsin Gadolinium Calculator (GadCalc) app is an easy and convenient way to help you: • Calculate MRI contrast agent dose • View package inserts for contrast agents, either online or...

Price: Free Developer: University of Wisconsin-Madison Shared Apps
Claro MagX

Claro MagX

Claro MagX turns your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad into a powerful high definition visual magnifier. Claro MagX has NO in-app purchases and NO in-app advertising. MagX makes small items look bigger. Make small text in books and newspapers readable,...

Price: Free Developer: Claro Software Limited
ATI TEAS Science Smart Prep

ATI TEAS Science Smart Prep

TEAS Science Smart Prep combines great content with a proven, methodical study system We are here to help ace the TEAS V Science subtest. The TEAS Science subtest consists of 48 scored and has a 66 minute time limit....

Price: Free Developer: Friendly App Studio
ATI TEAS Science Smart Prep +

ATI TEAS Science Smart Prep +

TEAS Science Smart Prep combines great content with a proven, methodical study system We are here to help ace the TEAS V Science subtest. The TEAS Science subtest consists of 48 scored and has a 66 minute time limit....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Friendly App Studio
Gadolinium Calculator

Gadolinium Calculator

This application provides a quick and easy reference to calculate the required volume of Gadolinium based contrast agents for MRI scan. User selects the contrast agent type and provides the body weight to calculate the administration volume. This application...

Price: Free Developer: Murthy Chamarthy
AudCal HD

AudCal HD

WARNING: AudCal HD IS NOT a medical device. AudCal HD can NOT be used with diagnostic, treatment or preventive purposes if it is not allowed by law. What is AudCal HD? AudCal HD is a complete application for graphical represent of...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Alberto Rey Martinez
Human Anatomy Atlas (HD image)

Human Anatomy Atlas (HD image)

Prepare to experience the world's most advanced human anatomy learning platform. With groundbreaking innovations such as high resolution gray's anatomy image and full description of figures , you can free yourself from other static atlases and elevate your learning...

Price: Free Developer: Le Duy
Atlas of Ophthalmology HD by Onjoph

Atlas of Ophthalmology HD by Onjoph

The app "Atlas of Ophthalmology HD" by Onjoph presents clinical images of virtually all eye diseases. The App is linked to the data base of the "Atlas of Ophthalmology" Website. In this database more than 6000 ophthalmic diagnoses and...

Price: Free Developer: Voigtmann GmbH
Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision

Eye Chart HD - Screen Vision

The most accurate, advanced visual acuity screening app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Over 1,000,000 people have downloaded our mobile electronic eye charts for iOS. This version is our best for iPhone, and it's now completely free. Useful for: - Triaging -...

Price: Free Developer: Dok LLC
Fracture Classification HD

Fracture Classification HD

Fracture Classification HD (FC+) is the Ad-Free version of the popular free orthopedics pocket reference tool Fracture Classification (FC). This app offers the same amazing content along with bonus material, but without the hassle and intrusion of Ads. Features: - No...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Anirudh Sharma


「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、株式会社メディセオが調剤薬局向けに提供している「MEDICEO-epi」のEOS発注機能を補完するiOS用アプリケーションです。 場所、シチュエーションを選ばず、どこでも、簡単に、医療用医薬品の発注をすることが可能になります。 主な機能は以下の通りです。 ●マイ商品マスタの自動ダウンロード 購入履歴のある商品マスタ(マイ商品マスタ)を自動ダウンロードし、いつでも最新のマスタから発注することができます。 ●操作簡単、シンプルなユーザーインターフェース 操作性を追及したインターフェースで、指一本で簡単に発注することができます。 ●過去30日分の発注履歴を保持 発注した商品は、MEDICEO-epiで発注した「発注履歴」と同期し、過去30日分の「発注履歴」が参照可能です。 いつでも、どこでも発注した商品の確認可能になります。 ●医薬品基本情報の表示 「一般名」「薬効分類」「薬価」「各種コード」といった医薬品基本情報の参照が可能です。 ●先発品・後発品の表示 発注する商品の、先発・後発品区分を色で表示します。 ■制限事項 ①ご利用には、事前にMEDICEO-epiの契約と、別途、EOS発注機能追加の手続きが必要です。 ②「MEDICEO-epi HD」は、EOS発注機能に特化したアプリケーションのため、「MEDICEO-epi」のその他機能の操作には対応していません。

Price: Free Developer: MEDICEO CORPORATION
Baby Don't Cry! (HD)

Baby Don't Cry! (HD)

**** LIMITED TIME OFFER - FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY! **** Are you having trouble soothing your crying baby? White Noise is scientifically proven to effectively mask external noises and sounds, creating the perfect ambience to help your baby stop crying and...

Price: Free Developer: Share Media Ltd.
Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD

Now start reading Holy Bible Old Testament, following the journey of God. This app can record every chapter you have read. This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are...

Price: Free Developer: Yanfeng Wang
OptiMYze Health HD

OptiMYze Health HD

OptiMYze Health enables you to stay updated and connected with Dr. Tim Martin from the comfort of home! Stay informed with notifications, connect with the Dr and staff, and receive loyalty points for programs and purchases - all from...

Price: Free Developer: Holly Blackwell
Out Of The Dark HD

Out Of The Dark HD

Out of the Dark is a community volunteer movement that started in the fall of 2008 after several people in Jonesboro, Arkansas, felt the need to stand up and do something about the horrible impact that the illness of...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Schneider
Anesthesiology, Third Edition

Anesthesiology, Third Edition

The gold-standard text in anesthesiology – from the field’s brightest, most respected minds Written by an internationally known team of experts, Anesthesiology, Third Edition provides a 360-degree view of the field, covering all the anesthetic considerations from preoperative preparation through...

Price: USD 124.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Roberts and Hedges 6th Edition

Roberts and Hedges 6th Edition

Roberts and Hedges’ Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine continues its long tradition of being the most well-known and trusted procedures manual in emergency medicine. The newly revised 6th edition of this classic medical reference has been thoroughly updated with...

Price: USD 174.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Minor Emergencies, 3rd Edition

Minor Emergencies, 3rd Edition

Minor Emergencies gives you the practical guidance you need to handle a wide range of non-life-threatening medical crises with speed and expertise. Once you have purchased the app, the full content is downloaded onto your device so that everything...

Price: USD 64.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Botulinum Toxin, 3rd Edition

Botulinum Toxin, 3rd Edition

Botulinum Toxin helps you keep up with the growing demand for non-invasive procedures and provide the optimum results your patients expect. Evidence-based, procedural how-to's and step-by-step advice on proper techniques, pitfalls, and tricks of the trade equip you to...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Obstetrics, 6th Edition

Obstetrics, 6th Edition

Highly readable, well illustrated, and easy to understand, Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies remains your go-to choice for authoritative guidance on managing today’s obstetric patient. Reflecting the expertise of internationally recognized authorities, this bestselling obstetrics reference has been thoroughly...

Price: USD 139.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
GRS Flashcards 10th Edition

GRS Flashcards 10th Edition

GRS Flashcard App 10th Edition This app offers over 1,200 flashcards across GRS Sections and ABIM Categories - perfect for studying on-the-go. The flashcards are available free to those who have purchased the GRS10 Complete Edition from the American Geriatrics...

Price: Free Developer: American Geriatrics Society
GRS - 10th Edition

GRS - 10th Edition

This app supplements the online GRS10 version and is included with GRS10 Digital and GRS10 Complete subscriptions. GRS10 subscribers log into the App using their GeriatricsCareOnline username and password. Subscribers can use the GRS - 10th Edition App to...

Price: Free Developer: American Geriatrics Society
FNP 2017 Edition

FNP 2017 Edition

This app contains over 1500 practice questions with IMAGES, vocabularies, study cards, terms & concepts for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of Family Nurse Practitioner. With our Advanced Smart Learning Technology, you can master the learning...

Price: Free Developer: Thu Nguyen
HESI A2 2017 Edition

HESI A2 2017 Edition

HESI, HESI A2, TEAS, Nursing Entrance Test This app contains over 5000+ HESI A2 real exam questions and flashcards with IMAGES for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of HESI A2. With the Advanced Smart Learning Technology (TM),...

Price: Free Developer: Thu Nguyen
Angiosuite Neuro Edition

Angiosuite Neuro Edition

AngioSuite allows physicians and other medical personnel to capture images of neurovascular disorders, and perform analysis for the assistance in treatment of these disorders. Images can be captured from the camera or from a file. Intracranial aneurysms...

Price: Free Developer: Cascade Endovascular

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