Top 50 Education Apps Like Scales - convert g and kg - Best Alternatives

Scales - convert g and kg Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Scales - convert g and kg alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to Scales - convert g and kg. Pick one from this list to be your new Scales - convert g and kg app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Scales - convert g and kg on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Scales - convert g and kg - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Scales - convert g and kg alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Scales - convert g and kg 2025.

ABRSM Scales Trainer

ABRSM Scales Trainer

The OFFICIAL ABRSM Scales Trainer is a fun and rewarding way to learn scales and arpeggios for Piano and Violin. It is particularly valuable for students preparing for ABRSM exams at grades 1-5, and anyone wishing to focus on...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (Publishing) Limited
ABRSM Scales Trainer Lite

ABRSM Scales Trainer Lite

The OFFICIAL ABRSM Scales Trainer is a fun and rewarding way to learn scales and arpeggios for Piano and Violin. It is particularly valuable for students preparing for ABRSM exams at grades 1-5, and anyone wishing to focus on...

Price: Free Developer: The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (Publishing) Limited
CLPE Reading & Writing Scales

CLPE Reading & Writing Scales

The scales help teachers to understand progression in reading and writing. They show how schools can use assessment for learning and develop subject knowledge to support children’s development in language and literacy. - The Reading and Writing Scales describe the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The English and Media Centre
Piano Chords and Scales Pro

Piano Chords and Scales Pro

Chords and Scales lets you explore chords, scales, chord progressions and compose songs in intuitive and interactive way. It helpful for musicians from beginners to experts and allows you to understand musical structures and find inspiration. All chords and scales...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Sincere Apps
Piano Companion: Chords,Scales

Piano Companion: Chords,Scales

Piano Companion is a music theory app which helps songwriters, producers, teachers and their students. It’s a flexible piano chords and scales dictionary with user libraries, reverse mode, the circle of 5ths, chord progression builder with common patterns. If...

Price: Free Developer: Songtive
Music Scales for Piano

Music Scales for Piano

This is the free version of the app. - It presents 158 music scales for Piano or Keyboards. Actually all the scales contained in this app are useful for all music instruments and for anyone interested in singing. - It shows...

Price: Free Developer: Pablo Prieto
Music Scales for Piano PRO

Music Scales for Piano PRO

This is the ad-free version. - It presents 158 music scales for Piano or Keyboards. Actually all the scales contained in this app are useful for all music instruments and for anyone interested in singing. - It shows the musical notation...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pablo Prieto
Piano Scales & Chords

Piano Scales & Chords

• Piano app to Learn Scales, Chords and How to Improvise in any key. • Learn Scales and Chords by viewing as a reference or playing back. • Follow Chord progression suggestions when improvising. • Improvise to backing tracks or metronome, record...

Price: Free Developer: Learn To Master Ltd
Piano Scales & Chords Pro

Piano Scales & Chords Pro

• Piano app to Learn Scales, Chords and How to Improvise in any key. • Learn Scales and Chords by viewing as a reference or playing back. • Follow Chord progression suggestions when improvising. • Improvise to backing tracks or metronome, record...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Learn To Master Ltd
Guitar Scales & Chords

Guitar Scales & Chords

* Learn Scales, Chords and Modes in any position with this fully functional guitar simulator. * Listen and play back the scales or chords or view the patterns. * Play to a click/backing tracks and solo / improvise in any key *...

Price: Free Developer: Learn To Master Ltd
Convert between place values

Convert between place values

Convert between place values calculator converts place values (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands) into other place values. How to Play: Application will display one problem on screen and ask user to solved the problem ,user's task is to first identify the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Hemal Gandhi
RPNConverter: Convert from infix notation to reverse polish notation with the calculator

RPNConverter: Convert from infix notation to reverse polish notation with the calculator

This is the converter to reverse polish notation (RPN) and it can calculate the expression with "()". It is an ideal tool to answer alignment of question of converting to RPN. It is also recommended for people who want to do...

Price: Free Developer: Masaki Horimoto
Bleep Test Calculator : Unit

Bleep Test Calculator : Unit

Bleep Test Calculator: Beep Test is used to predict VO2Max based on your level and shuttle score from 20 meters shuttle run test. Fitness rating can be predicted based on the VO2Max Score. VO2Max calculations can be done using Ramsbottom...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Bavda
Binary to Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter

Binary to Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter

Binary to Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter - The fast and easy to use converter that can convert between the three number bases: Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal. *****What It Does***** 1) Convert Decimal into Binary 2) Convert Binary into Decimal 3) Convert Decimal into...

Price: Free Developer: Aldiyar Ablyazov
Amateur Radio Toolkit

Amateur Radio Toolkit

Amateur Radio Toolkit is the best app for ham radio hobbyists. It contains many calculators to help you design radios and antennas for all your projects. Tools: Coordinate calculator - Find your latitude and longitude by entering your maindenhead square. Grid square...

Price: Free Developer: Davey Hollenberg
Math Games For Kids - Grade 3

Math Games For Kids - Grade 3

Helping kids learn math through fun & engaging games. With almost 100 Million players worldwide, Pazu is on its way to be a leader in the kids mobile games industry. Play & Learn is an EdTech Gaming company that develops educational...

Price: Free Developer: Pazu Games Ltd
Kw to HP : Hp to Kw Converter

Kw to HP : Hp to Kw Converter

Welcome to our hp to kW and Kw to hp converter. Prefix or symbol for horsepower is: hp Prefix or symbol for kilowatt is: kW kW to Hp Conversion : Convert kilowatts to horsepower (kW to hp), please type the kilowatts value,...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Bavda


The Algemator solves mathematical problems that you enter and gives you both the solution and the steps that lead to the solution. The Algemator also plots functions. It includes the following areas: Basics - Cross-multiplication - Capital, interest rate, interest amount - Compound...

Price: Free Developer: Algemator UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Chinese Without Tears

Chinese Without Tears

This is the multimedia version of the bestseller textbook "Chinese Without Tears for Beginners". This version, available on iPad, has all lessons, interactive exercises, and voices necessary to master the basics of the Chinese language. INTRODUCTION Today, most beginner foreign...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Discovery Publisher Limited
G Cube LMS V7

G Cube LMS V7

G Cube LMS V7 gives you the power to take your learning with you. Now access all your courses and take tests and quizzes on your smartphone or tablet. G Cube LMS V7 is the mobile solution for all...

Price: Free Developer: G-Cube Webwide Software Private Limited
G-Energy VR 360º

G-Energy VR 360º

The G-Energy 360° App will make it possible for you to go on a virtual tour and observe with your own eyes the process of making of the unique products from the G-Energy lineup. You will visit the production...

Price: Free Developer: Inna Mitina
G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

Dies ist die offizielle Veranstaltungs-App des G+J e|MS Innovation Campus - dem praxisorientierten Trainings- und Veranstaltungsprogramm für Media- und Marketingentscheider von G+J e|MS. Nutzen Sie die App vor, während und nach dem jeweiligen Event und profitieren Sie von folgenden Features: -...

Price: Free Developer: G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH


Welcome to G-pprentice. We specialize in virtual video game tutoring. Our passion is to spread our love of gaming through teaching. Our goal is to have you playing your favorite video game at the level you desire. We realize...

Price: Free Developer: John Maier
Stanley G. Falk School

Stanley G. Falk School

The official app for the Stanley G. Falk School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Stanley G. Falk School
Articulate C,K,G

Articulate C,K,G

This application is a great clinical tool for a speech therapist, but it can also be used by parents to help their children practice the /k/ and /g/ or “velar phonemes. English language learners may also find this...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: BeeMoo, LLC
Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gabaマンツーマン英会話の人気番組「Gaba G Style English」のスピンオフ企画アプリ!「番組のスクリプトや日本語訳がまとめて欲しい!」「会話部分を集中的に学べるものも欲しい!」といった視聴者の声に応えて作られた番組のスキットが凝縮された学習アプリです。 ◆「Gaba G Style English」とは: ・月間ダウンロード平均600万、通算4億4千万!(2017年2月時点) ・2005年にiTunesポッドキャスト番組として開始。3年連続iTunes 「オールタイムベストビデオ」受賞暦のある人気ポッドキャスト番組 ・日常生活・ビジネス・旅行、シチュエーションに合わせて覚えておくと便利なフレーズを紹介し、教科書や英語番組では学べないネイティブスピーカーのナチュラルな表現が人気! ・1回15分程度で、忙しい方でも通勤中やランチタイムに気軽に学習! ◆コンテンツ提供: URL: ◆特長 ・復習と反復学習 番組中の重要表現やポイントを、繰り返し学習することで理解を深めることができます ・自然で実用的な英語表現 ---教科書では学べない、ネイティブスピーカーが実際に使う表現が満載 ---シチュエーションごとに楽しみながら学習 ---実用的なシーンをピックアップ ・Podcast番組「Gaba G Style English」からスキットを完全収録 ---スキット動画の再生・停止が自由にできます ---動画とスクリプト、日本語訳を連動表示 ---英語・日本語・字幕表示無し、が選べるので学習効果がアップ ---セリフごとに音声が再生可能なので繰り返しの学習に最適 ・復習クイズ ---「キーフレーズ」「気になる表現」をクイズ形式でしっかり習得 ---クイズは、番組にプラスαの詳細解説でしっかり理解 ---言い換え表現や更なる関連表現もマスター ・お気に入り機能 ---覚えたいスクリプトや日本語字幕をお気に入りに登録することができます ・番組との併用で相乗効果 ---番組の司会とGabaインストラクターのお喋り部分も楽しみたい方は、iTunesで無料ダウンロードできる「Gaba G Style English」も併せてお楽しみください ---番組と併せて利用すれば相乗効果で楽しさアップ ◆掲載フレーズ例 ・Is he the uh... heavyset guy with glasses? (眼鏡かけてる、がっちりした人?) ・I could really do with your input.(あなたのアドバイスをもらえると本当に助かるのよ) ・I just wanted to run it by you first.(まず初めに君の意見を聞きたいなと思って) ・If you ask me, she’d...

Price: Free Developer: GABA corporation
PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

The PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 316...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.


Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf den Lehrmitteln "W&G 1", "W&G 2" und "W&G 3" von Alex Bieli (Hrsg.). Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen der wichtigsten Begriffe - alphabetisch oder nach den Kapiteln geordnet. Mit digitalen Lernkarten können...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
G.B.M School Kishanganj

G.B.M School Kishanganj

About G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents and students gets on a single platform to bring...

Price: Free Developer: Techvein IT Solutions Private
Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Information Technology And Resource Development LLC
Peace and Education Coalition

Peace and Education Coalition

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...

Price: Free Developer: Peace and Education Coalition H.S.
Go Forth and Explore

Go Forth and Explore

Iconic, historic and dynamic, Scotland’s Forth Bridges are a wonder of the modern world. Towering side by side over the Firth of Forth, these structures represent the pinnacle of engineering from three centuries. Go Forth and Explore is a location-based...

Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Math and Magic

Math and Magic

Learn math and have fun! Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. No ads. Play for free: ◉ Number Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Addition Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Subtraction Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Multiplication Levels 1, 2, 3,...

Price: Free Developer: SOFTIVAL
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Sts Peter and Paul School

Sts Peter and Paul School

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...

Price: Free Developer: Sts Peter and Paul School
Music and Dance 1

Music and Dance 1

Operation mode: Little hands enjoy touching - "Hands on" is the natural behavioral characteristic of young children. Anywhere the children touch there will be something to find. This encourages the children to look through the pictures and discover as much...

Price: Free Developer: Hongen Education and Technology Co., Ltd.
Take me and drive

Take me and drive

The app includes questions to help you to get prepared for DMV examination in state Illinois, USA. It includes questions on a driver’s license, driver’s license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. How...

Price: Free Developer: Nataliia Koldaeva
Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler mobile application allows for parents of the attending children to be better informed about about everything we do at our centers. Learn more about the faculty and staff as well as allowing you to get...

Price: Free Developer: Allison’s Infant and Toddler Inc - первый в Кыргызстане проект ориентированный на безопасность учащихся и комплексная система для управления образованием. Это инновационная онлайн система контроля и управления доступом для образовательных учреждений, который включает в себя электронный журнал, электронный дневник, электронное расписание, электронные системы...

Price: Free Developer: Baktybek Imanbaev
Home KG

Home KG

Get your kids off to the perfect start in their educational lives. Teach your toddlers in the smartest way and enhance their learning, even before they start going to school. Home KG is an amazing free learning app that...

Price: Free Developer: Cactac Studios LLC
Balancing Scales - g and kg

Balancing Scales - g and kg

The scale is loaded with between 1 and 4 weights. The user then has to balance the scales, converting between g and kg in the process. There is a great deal of control over the level. A great starter to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mathsframe Ltda.
English Letters  Pre-Kg

English Letters Pre-Kg

This app belong to Teach me Child academy series, it support Augmented reality technology for A B C Pre-KG book you can buy from Egypt add the arabis World book stores and then you can download this app...

Price: Free Developer: AMR AWAD
KG패스원 평생교육원

KG패스원 평생교육원

* 통합 평생교육원 학점은행 APP 오픈 * 많은 분들께서 기다리시던 통합 평생교육원 학점은행 APP이 오픈했습니다.^^ 불편 사항들을 남겨주시면 더욱 편리한 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. -강의수강 컴퓨터가 없는 곳에서도, 이동하시면서도 모바일에서도 편리하게 강의를 수강해보세요. 출석체크, 진도율을 모두 확인하실 수 있습니다. -패스원만의 강력한 학사일정 알림 원활한 학점이수를 위해...

Price: Free Developer: KG EDUONE Co., Ltd


B-TOP - это уникальная образовательная платформа, которая предоставляет информацию об университетах, грантах, курсах, репетиторах, а также интересные статьи о саморазвитии, подборки книг и многое другое для школьников и студентов. В нашем мобильном приложении вы сможете получить достоверную информацию...

Price: Free Developer: Sanira Madzhikova


Kids KG Come Quiz/result and details analysis. There is 4 main part of the quiz. each has 20 questions, Each section questions are unique and categorized, All question has 4 option. For submitting answer just tap on the option and...

Price: Free Developer: Ujesh Patel
Adam KG

Adam KG

يهدف النظام إلى أتمتة عمل مراكز رياض الأطفال وتأمين التواصل بين الروضة وأولياء الأمور حيث يكون لكل طرف اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور خاصة به. يتمكن المستخدم من الاطلاع والعمل على كافة المعلومات التي تهمه وفق صلاحيات محددة تعطى لكل...

Price: Free Developer: Adam IcT
IQ Бала KG

IQ Бала KG

Детское развивающее мобильное приложение на Кыргызском языке для Вашего малыша! Пусть Ваш малыш узнает окружающий мир в интересной и игровой форме! Приложение создано для совместного пользования родителя и ребенка! Обучение правильному произношению слов. 14 тематических классификаторов. Художественные картинки. 3D анимация. Развивающие игрушки...

Price: Free Developer: QazNat Product
Kelvingrove Museum – An archaeology companion (KG Companion)

Kelvingrove Museum – An archaeology companion (KG Companion)

Start exploring Glasgow Museums’ archaeology collection and discover the history of the museum that originally housed these extraordinary objects – the first Glasgow Museum. Find out how the museum started and how the collection grew. Our new...

Price: Free Developer: Papertank Limited

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