Top 29 Health & Fitness Apps Like Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) - Best Alternatives

Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone). Pick one from this list to be your new Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Musician's First Aid - Castellano (para iPhone) 2025.

DanceTime Deluxe

DanceTime Deluxe

DanceTime Deluxe is the complete rhythm practice app with counting for dancers. It works on the iPhone, iPod Touch (iTouch) and iPad. Try the free DanceTime Lite app! Check out DanceTime Deluxe on YouTube ** FEATURES ** ***** 26 Different Dance...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wimbledon Sound
DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Deluxe is the complete rhythm practice app with counting for dancers. It works on the iPhone, iPod Touch (iTouch) and iPad. Try the free DanceTime Lite app! Check out DanceTime Deluxe on YouTube ** FEATURES ** *****...

Price: Free Developer: Wimbledon Sound
Prescription for Serenity

Prescription for Serenity

From the makers of “Prescription for Sleep,” the original hit sleep-aid application (with over 450,000 downloads), comes a next-generation app designed to give you the relaxation and peace you deserve – Prescription for Serenity. The Hibino Sound Therapy Lab, led...

Price: Free Developer: Mission One, LLC
Step Master

Step Master

KORG STEP MASTER DANCE PRACTICE PLATFORM Tighter rhythm, more fun! STEP MASTER, the iPhone app that lets you acquire the sense of rhythm that you need for dance. In order to dance impressively, the crucial point is to keep the rhythm! This...

Price: Free Developer: KORG INC.
FlavorBaby – Veggies First

FlavorBaby – Veggies First

Created with love and backed by years of research, FlavorBaby is a simple, daily guide to raising children that utilizes the natural process of Early Flavor Learning (EFL). The app guides you through your baby’s important EFL life stages, from...

Price: Free Developer: Rockne Production


Redwood designs and builds learning that sticks for organizations that need their people to comply with business practices, perform to achieve goals and engage with passion. We are innovators in our field with a track record of success and more...

Price: Free Developer: Ajay Shokar
St John NZ CPR

St John NZ CPR

St John is the leading provider of first aid training in New Zealand as well providing ambulance services to 90% of the population. Our app teaches the life-saving skills of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (commonly known as CPR) and shows you...

Price: Free Developer: St John New Zealand
St John NZ CPR for TV

St John NZ CPR for TV

St John is the leading provider of first aid training in New Zealand as well as providing ambulance services to 90% of the population. Our tvOS app is optimised for larger screens, allowing individuals and groups to learn the...

Price: Free Developer: St John New Zealand
Sơ Cấp Cứu - First Aid SSVN

Sơ Cấp Cứu - First Aid SSVN

Tại nhiều quốc gia, kỹ năng Sơ cấp cứu và Thoát hiểm được đào tạo rộng rãi tại trường học, công ty và cộng đồng. Tuy nhiên hầu hết người Việt Nam chưa được trang bị kiến thức và...

Price: Free Developer: Binh Ho


Beautiful life is about a perfect balance of healthy body,mind and soul. But in today's rat race of success,balance is disturbed. The concept and inception of GYM TOWN is motivated to bring the balance back through systematic and customised...

Price: Free Developer: Instance IT Solutions
Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter

Virtuagym Food: Helping you to live healthy and feel great. Get a free personalized nutrition plan by answering a few questions about your lifestyle and goals. We support plans for many goals: weight loss, maintaining weight, weight gain and...

Price: Free Developer:
JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JoinTheChallenge helps you live a healthier lifestyle and invites you to try our app, with your first 30 days FREE! We made the easiest app for tracking your food, water, exercise, steps, and weight, while giving you the feedback...

Price: Free Developer: JoinTheChallenge
Tony's 8 Minutes

Tony's 8 Minutes

Tony’s 8 minutes” is the perfect way to maintain a basic level of fitness in only 8 minutes a day. And now Tony has added two complementary programmes to help you achieve balance in your life. The...

Price: Free Developer: Tony David Nicholson
Remedi Health

Remedi Health

Access and experience your Remedi membership wherever you are. We have developed an Remedi Application which will make managing your plan easier in just a few taps. Application features: Through the navigation of this application you will be able to...

Price: Free Developer: Discovery Limited
Health Knowledge

Health Knowledge

A simple and ads free app to learn useful health and healthcare vocabulary in English, including common diseases, medical supplies and equipment, medicine names and useful vocabulary used at the doctor’s. 1) Learn about health - In this part of...

Price: Free Developer: YuMin Wang


Chillax is the ultimate one-button relaxation app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch - simply open the app and press the play button to start relaxing. No more searching for the right music, with Chillax you just...

Price: Free Developer: Wimbledon Sound
Roberto App

Roberto App

Roberto: A tool for rapid measurement and assessment of neuromotor and neurocognitive performance developed by RC21X. Be proactive with your performance. Regularly check recall memory, decision-making, and balance and coordination in about 6 minutes. Each session captures more than...

Price: Free Developer: RC21X


With this new electronic «AllergyPass», sufferers have available in digital form all information concerning their allergies and intolerances on their Smartphone: they can create a personal profile, acquire their data, enter what allergies and intolerances they have, what their...

Price: Free Developer: Stiftung aha! Allergiezentrum Schweiz


Naloxone is a medication that reverses overdoses from opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers. New Yorkers can get this life-saving medication without prescription at certain community-based organizations and participating pharmacies including Duane Reade, Walgreens, Rite Aid and CVS....

Price: Free Developer: NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
¡Bueno para Mi!

¡Bueno para Mi!

¡Bueno para Mí! es una aplicación diseñada para cuidarte. La aplicación analiza los ingredientes de los productos que consumes y te avisa en caso de que alguno de los ingredientes no sea ¡Bueno para Ti!. IMPORTANTE: Esta aplicación esta diseñada para...

Price: Free Developer: Alfredo Huerta Gallego
Guineo para Negocio

Guineo para Negocio

Guineo para negocio le hace muy fácil y rápido comprar frutas y verduras frescas en la plaza de mercado, evitándote madrugadas, filas y trancones. Le ofrece cientos de productos que podrá agregar a su lista, con diferentes medios de pago....

Price: Free Developer: DsignApps
Amigofono para Profissionais

Amigofono para Profissionais

Atribua exercícios para os seus pacientes da fonoterapia e acompanha o seu desempenho em casa, de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento! Você pode criar seus próprios exercícios com personagens, imagens e vídeos, ajudando com que seus pacientes nunca esqueçam...

Price: Free Developer: Diego Couto


TRIVIHAL POSITIVO es una APP compuesta por 11 juegos de preguntas tipo test en relación al VIH con una única respuesta válida. En el momento de responder a la pregunta, el juego te dice si has acertado o no. En caso...

Price: Free Developer: Fundacion de educacion para la salud
TV Sinsaúde

TV Sinsaúde

O Sinsaúde representa e proporciona meios que promovam os trabalhadores e trabalhadoras da saúde nos contextos social, cultural e econômico. Atua politicamente junto às entidades sindicais, governamentais e empresariais propondo ações que visam à organização da classe e a melhoria...

Price: Free Developer: EiTV Entretenimento e Interatividade para TV Digital
Vagas Fitness

Vagas Fitness

O VAGAS FITNESS® consiste em uma plataforma que conecta candidatos que buscam as melhores oportunidades de trabalho e empresas que desejam selecionar profissionais qualificados para vagas regulares e substituições de emergência. DEFINIÇÕES Os termos abaixo descritos, quando empregados no presente Termos...

Price: Free Developer: Felipe Alves
Nooddle: Eat healthy, easily

Nooddle: Eat healthy, easily

"Come sano, con lo que tienes a mano" Cuando llegas a casa, abres tu nevera y no se te ocurre qué cocinar, Nooddle te ayuda a improvisar de forma sana con los ingredientes que tienes a mano. Así, logras comer sano...

Price: Free Developer: BonaVita Ventures SRL


No existe nada en el mercado tan sencillo e intuitivo. Hemos detectado este hueco y hemos intentado cubrirlo de la manera más fácil posible. Sustituimos los obsoletos diarios por una aplicación que además, hace que ahorremos papel y dinero. ¿Qué puedo...

Price: Free Developer: Malvavisco Digital SL


Ponerte en forma nunca antes había sido tan divertido como ahora. Con Aeroski VR podrás hacer ejercicio de una manera totalmente nueva y divertida, ya que podrás estar inmerso dentro de una montaña nevada en la cual estarás esquiando...

Price: Free Developer: Inmersys

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